Shattered Rose (33 page)

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Authors: T L Gray

BOOK: Shattered Rose
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“If there was any way I could get out of this, you know I would,” he said anxiously. He looked troubled as he looked at me.

“Parker, it’s just a couple of days,” I said laughing, trying to understand why he was so worried.

“I know. I just don’t feel like I should leave you alone right now.”

It finally registered to me why he would say that. He was worried I was going to have another episode. It all made more sense now. I shook my head realizing it was going to be exactly like it was with Cara.

“I’m not going to do anything,” I said defensively, pulling away from him. “You could just ask me about it instead of insinuating what a horrible failure you expect me to be.”

Parker looked stunned and then confused. “What are you talking about?”

“What are you talking about?” I answered, now wondering if I had jumped to conclusions. 

“I am just worried because
Issy is still gone and you’ve been so cold this week. Eventually those emotions are going to hit you, Avery, and I don’t want you to be alone when they do.”

I sighed as I realized what he was saying and immediately felt retched because I knew I had already felt all those emotions…with Jake, not him. I could barely look him in the eye when I hugged him one more time and assured him I would be fine.

He kissed me softly and then turned to leave.

“Be careful!” I yelled out before he hit the exit doors and turned to give me a heart-stopping smile.

I slumped in my chair and put my face in my hands. I was such a jerk.

“Is that your boyfriend?” A girl next to me asked.

I looked at her and answered, “Yes.”

“Wow, he’s really cute.”

“Yeah, he is, and about the greatest guy you’ll ever meet,” I admitted, no longer really talking to her anymore.

She smiled at me and then sat back in her chair because the professor had gotten there. I had no idea how I was going to concentrate in class.



“Get dressed! We are going out tonight,” Jake ordered as he walked in the door. “We’ve done enough homebody stuff for one weekend.”

Jake had come over on Friday and wouldn’t leave when he found out Parker was gone for the weekend. He talked me into watching a movie he had rented, and stayed until after I had fallen asleep. Parker was able to call this morning and talk for about fifteen minutes. He asked me what I did last night and while I was honest about watching a movie and turning in early, I didn’t mention the company that had come over. I knew Parker would never understand that Jake and I had become really good friends.

“Jake, are you trying to be a male version of Issy, because I swear you sounded just like her right then.”

He bounced on the couch next to me and then shoved me off. “Get dressed!”

I rolled my eyes, but did as he said and got ready to go. I picked jeans and a silk top, trying to keep from looking too much like I was on a date. Knowing it was going to hot at the bar, I opted to braid two chucks of hair on each side of my face and pull them together in the back.

Jake stood up when I walk out of the room and shot me an appreciative smile. “You look great!” he exclaimed, kissing my cheek as I approached him. I noticed he was becoming more and more affectionate as time went on, and since he had yet to cross the line again like he had the champagne night, I didn’t bother to stop it. He grabbed my hand and led me out the door, letting it go for only a moment to lock the door behind us.

Since Caesars was so close, we just walked there, not wanting to bother with a car or designated drivers. I felt weird at first holding his hand, but he squeezed tighter when I tried to let go, so I didn’t say anything. 

The bar was packed when we got there, a testament to it being the first weekend school was back. I ran into at least twenty people I knew and would have easily gotten separated from Jake if his arm hadn’t been firmly around my waist the whole time.

“Want a drink?” Jake asked when we finally made it to the bar.

“No, I’m good.”

“Come on, Avery, it’s just one drink,” he coaxed giving me a sad face.

“That’s what you said last time,” I reminded him, and he didn’t press the issue, instead just ordered a beer for

We were surrounded by people everywhere, and fielded a million questions about where
Issy was. Jake and I had decided before we came to stay cryptic on the details and just told everyone she was going to school in her hometown for the semester. Issy had told me about her father’s ultimatum earlier in the week and was pretty devastated she was going to be held captive in her dad’s house, taking classes at Western Carolina. I reminded her it was a small price to pay to get to return to Winsor in the fall.

My thoughts were interrupted by one of the guys from my apartment complex asking me if I wanted to dance. Jake glared at him and put his arm around me. He left before I had a chance to decline.

“What was that about?” I asked after the guy had run off.

“What? I’m watching Parker’s back. I wouldn’t want some random guy dancing with my girl,” he answered playfully and then pulled me out to the dance floor himself.

I looked at him in disbelief as he pulled me close to him. “I’m not some random guy,” he whispered in my ear and winked at me. I felt my stomach fill with a million butterflies from both the feeling of Jake’s breath on my ear and the reminder that I was still Parker’s girl.

We danced for hours, only stopping to get drinks when we got too hot. I was really having a good time, and it felt invigorating to just escape from reality for a little while.  We hit the bar again, my face was flushed and hair damp from all the dancing. Jake moved to get the bartender’s attention while I waited on a stool for my water.

“Avery!” I looked up when I heard my name and saw my friend from Dynamics waving as she walked over to me. “Wow, I never see you out anymore.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “It’s been a while.”

“You look so pretty tonight. Have you lost weight?” she asked sweetly.

I knew she meant to ask that as a compliment. Most women liked that kind of thing, but I detested it. I hated any indication that people were noticing my weight whether positive or negative. It made me self conscious and insecure. But, there was no need to dump all my baggage on her, so I just gave her the same response I did everyone when asked that question. “Nope. I pretty much stay the same size.”

“Well, you look great. In fact, is that another boyfriend?” she asked with a snicker as she looked over to Jake at the bar.

I was horrified by her implication and knew my face said as much. “No! We’re just friends. He’s my roommate’s cousin.”

She laughed and shook her head. “That’s not what it looked like on the dance floor. But hey, I’m not one to judge. I say more power to ya. He’s hot too.” She gave a little wave goodbye and a wink when Jake returned with our drinks.

“Who’s that?” he asked as she retreated.

“No one,” I said scowling, still shocked at what she had said. “I think I’m ready to go home.”

“Did something happen?” He continued to look in her direction.

“No,” I lied. “I’m just getting tired.”

He quickly downed his beer, and then led us out the door. I wouldn’t hold his hand on the way home, and he looked at me questionably, but didn’t say anything.

He opened the door to the apartment and immediately fell on the couch. “Man, that was fun. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun at Caesars.”

I didn’t want to admit it, but I felt the same way.

“You know what it reminded me of?” he continued with a wink. “That night we all went to the Varsity, and I kissed you for the first time.”

I threw my purse down on the love seat and sat down in a huff.

“Jake, why do you keep saying stuff like that? Just when I think we’ve finally got this friend thing down, you go and blur all the lines again.” I felt torn and guilty and frustrated all at the same time.

“Maybe my lines have never stopped being blurry,” he replied looking at me in a way that definitely did not scream friendship.

“I have a boyfriend!” I yelled, jumping to my feet, not sure who I was madder at him or me. “An honest, good, and
boyfriend, which is more than I could say when I was dating you!”

Jake stood up angrily and got within an inch of me. “Don’t do that! Don’t put this back on me. I told you why I did the things I did and we got past it. But since you brought it up, have you ever stopped to wonder why you are still with him when you spend every night with me?”

My fury and the tension that always existed when Jake was around were too much to bear, and I lost all resolve. “Yes, I wonder!” I yelled back, the tears now running down my cheeks. “And I hate myself for it every day.” I turned around, unable to face him.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly and nuzzled his face in my hair. “Then stop fighting it…and come back to me,” he whispered. “God, I miss you so much.”

I stood there and cried, feeling the pit gripping at my feet, the darkness trying to make its way back up my body. Jake was holding me tighter and tighter as he ran his hands seductively up and down my arms. He began kissing my neck, and I suddenly felt an overwhelming need to flee. I rushed to my bedroom, locking the door behind me.

I heard Jake as he put his head to the door. “Avery, I’m sorry. Don’t run away from me. It’s just the alcohol talking, I promise.”

I laid on my bed, still sobbing as I felt my heart breaking. Once again, it was my fault. I let it get to this point, and once again I had become a person I had no respect for. I shuddered as I thought of the quad that fateful day, and how familiar that feeling was becoming again. However this time, I feared, there would be no Parker to pull me out of it.



With the morning sun, came some clarity and the feeling that I may have over reacted the night before. I had let a comment from someone I didn’t even know that well make me feel cheap and guilty, and now I was starting to wonder why.

Jake was gone when I went for my morning run, but I wasn’t surprised as I had heard him calling around for a ride last night. I ran by his car in the parking lot and shook my head. I was going to have to decide what I wanted and soon before I lost both of them, or worse, lost myself once again.

I felt my phone start to vibrate to signify an incoming text. It was from Jake.

“Please don’t be mad at me,” he wrote and added and sad face at the end.

I chuckled to myself and slowed to a walk so I could text him back. “I’m not. May have overreacted a bit.”

“Good! Want to do dinner tonight?”

“Can’t. Have plans with Parker.”

He sent another sad face and then “Ok, I’ll call you Monday…I’m sorry.”

“Me too,” I texted back and put up my phone, returning back to my run pace. While I felt better about Jake, my stomach turned a little as I thought of Parker’s homecoming tonight. Something in my gut told me things were never going to be the same.



I paced the living room as I waited for Parker’s call. It was getting close to eight, and I still hadn’t heard from him. Finally, the phone rang and I grabbed it after one ring.

“Hey! Are you home?” I asked a little too enthusiastically.

“No babe, I so wish that was true. We just finished training and still have to go clean all our weapons before leaving. I don’t think I’m going to be back for at least three more hours.”

I felt my heart sink, but didn’t want him to feel worse than he already did. “That’s ok,” I assured him. “You sound tired.”

“Completely wiped out,” he admitted. “We’ve been up since four in the morning with this exercise, and I can barely keep my eyes open. It’s going to take a lot of coffee to get me home tonight.”



“What’s an exercise?”

He laughed on the other end, but it felt empty as his exhaustion was apparent through the phone. “It’s when we play like we’re at war.”

“Oh…Hey are you sure it’s safe for you to drive tonight? You sound like you might fall over right now,” I asked feeling concerned for the first time that it really might be dan
gerous for him to drive home.

“I admit, I’ve thought about staying. Most of the guys here are,” he acknowledged, sighing. “But I want to see you so bad, it seems worth it.”

“Don’t come back just for me! That’s crazy, and I’ll die of worry. Go get some sleep, and I’ll see you after class on Monday. We can spend the whole night together.”

“I feel like such a bad boyfriend.”

“Don’t say another word. I’ll be fine. I’m going to find a good chic flick and do my nails. You just take care of yourself for once.”

“Ok Avery, I think I may just do that. You’re the best, you know that?”

I shook my head and felt my eyes tear up. I was absolutely not the best, not even close. “Go get some sleep.”

We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. I looked down at the outfit I had agonized over all day and started to pull it off. If I was going to watch a movie, it was going to be in my pajamas.

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