Shattered Pieces (Undercover Elite Book 1) (19 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Steele,Stormy Dawn Weathers

BOOK: Shattered Pieces (Undercover Elite Book 1)
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“Everybody be quiet, be quiet. We have a very important announcement to make,” Cash yells out over the chatter at the huge dining table where we’re all sitting.

“Talia, got the first place ribbon for her artwork today.”

Hunter stands up and claps, celebrating the achievement of his new little buddy. “I knew we had an artist in the family. Great job, kiddo!” He high-fives her and she smiles as she smacks his hand.

It is evident
Undercover Elite
is one big family and we celebrate each and every victory as one. It is the first time I can ever remember feeling like I truly had a family.

“I knew there had to be someone who loved the arts as much as I do,” I pipe out.

“No, you’re a writer,” Cash says. He leans in to whisper, “and I’m so glad you are because when I got a hold of those journals, I got in your head, girl.”

“Still the arts, big guy,” I answer.

Thorn sits quietly, intently watching everything that’s going on and even though his mouth is set in a straight, serious line, I can see the smile in his eyes. I wink at him, letting him know that I know he’s happy about Talia’s achievement. That draws a one second smile out of him that no one else manages to see but me.

Axle shyly eats with his head down but a huge smile is on his face as he manages to mutter, “Good job, kid.” He has grease on his hands even though he washed them before dinner. I chuckle inwardly, wondering what kind of girl it will take to win his heart. I’m sure it’ll be one that likes fast cars.

“Now we just need to get you out for some target practice with the BB-gun I got for ya, kiddo,” Sniper laughs.

“She’s too busy riding horses with me and Rhonda,” Hunter ribs him.

“Too bad, buddy, you have to share her. By the time each
Undercover Elite
team member teaches her what they specialize in, she’s going to be a badass.”

“Ass, is a bad word, mommy,” Talia laughs in Rhonda’s direction.

“Well, you’ll have to be a badass to ride my Harley,” Harley winks at her. He leans over and whispers to her, “We won’t tell mommy.”

“Okay,” she whispers back, “‘cause I love riding on that Harley as much as I love Hunter’s horses.”

“Hey, I heard that,” Hunter shouts.

The conversation stops when Cash’s phone rings and he says four simple words… “
We got a job

Look for more
Undercover Elite
… Coming Soon…


 She walked into my world when I least expected it and like a sucker punch to my gut, she knocked the wind from me. The last thing I need is some do-gooder feeling sorry for me and taking my case. I made the mistake of thinking she was here because she had a good heart. What I didn't know is that the woman has heart... period.
She's going to need it because now the president of Dauntless MC is insisting that she not only take over my case, but every legal case any one of the brothers has, now and in the future. He's not the kind of guy you say no to.
 I walked into that jail to offer my help to a man I believed was in need of it. Whether I made a mistake that day or not, is yet to be seen. One thing is for sure... I have been immersed into a world I know nothing about and I’m here against my will.
Whether I like it or not, I need this arrogant man who goes against everything I believe in as a strong, professional woman. I'm nobody's old lady, I'm nobody's fool, and I'm damn sure nobody's property. What I am is legal representation for the Dauntless MC chapter. My name is Grace. Welcome to my world.


Antonio Wayne:
I pull on my brother's arm, screaming, as he forces me to board the plane to America.
"I'll be good, I swear I will."
"It isn't about you being good; it's about you staying alive, hermano. You are all I have. I can't afford to lose you to the drug cartel. I'll send for you."
My heart broke the day my brother put me on that plane, but it was the day that I became a man. I vowed that day to never love again and it has served me well. I am now one of the most deadly and highest ranking mobsters in New York City.
I traveled the world as a cage fighter. Hey, no girl wants her face messed up, so my friend and I came up with an idea. We would only fight each other and then throw the fights so that the
would cause us to make more money. We were doing fine until we stole from the Ramirez brothers. My best friend is now the property of Ricardo Ramirez who resides in Guatemala City (Their story is in the book,
) and I am now the property of Antonio Wayne Ramirez, one of the most deadly and feared men in New York City. My husband is obsessed with me and will stop at nothing to keep me in his possession.
Growing up in the back streets and jungles of Colombia has desensitized me. I clawed my way up through the gutters to become the man that I am today.
The day she stole from my brother is the day that she became my property.
My captive very quickly becomes my obsession and I will stop at nothing to keep her.
I am brutal, I am ruthless, I am vicious, I am cruel, I am savage, and I am a man who will stop at nothing to not only gain, but also maintain, control.
If pleasure works, then so be it. If stronger measures of pain need to be taken, then so be it.
This is NOT a love story. It is a dark, erotic tale of a man who is severely damaged. It is about a man who becomes very dangerous when it comes to matters concerning his captive...
There will bloodshed and lives lost before I ever let her go!
I'm a cage fighter… so believe me when I tell you that I was never expecting daffodils and daisies for my life.
I'm not the kind of girl who looks for the happily ever after. I knew there would be no knight in shining armor for me.
Still, nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to encounter when I stole from the Ramirez brothers. I screwed up!
No, I mean I really screwed up!
The only way to say it is just to say it. Because I stole from the wrong person, I am now the property of a Colombian gangster—a Colombian gangster who owns the most elite gentlemen's club in New York City.
He has access to the most beautiful women in the world and, yet, the only thing Antonio Wayne Ramirez will take for payment, is me… This is my story. It is not for the faint of heart. Believe me when I tell you I'm no Cinderella. It remains to be seen if I get my
happily ever after


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