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Authors: Dani René

Shattered by Love (22 page)

BOOK: Shattered by Love
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Emotion sweeps over me, and it comforts me like I never experienced before. My mother loves me. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close.

“Thank you, mom.”

“I love you, Jayce. Always.”

And then, she’s gone.

As I head out of the room, I find Ivy sitting on the sofa in the hallway. She rises and approaches me, circling her arms around my waist. “What did she say to you?” I question her quietly.

Big blue eyes peek up at me, and she smiles. “She told me to look after you and the kids.”

“Kids?” I murmur, and she nods.

“She knew I was pregnant.”

hree months

talking back into the bedroom
, I tug the drawers open, but I can’t find anything this morning. We moved into our new home a week ago and the movers delivered everything in one fell swoop which is why the place looks like a bomb hit it.

There are boxes, bags, toys, and it feels as if I am about to pass out from the anxiety of today.

“Jayce, I realize the house is a mess since we’ve moved in, but where the hell have you put my hair straightener?” My voice is shrill from stress. We decided to go to the courthouse for his mom’s testimony and I will see my father, which has me on tenterhooks.

This will be a test of the family either falling apart, or him confessing his transgressions. Somehow, I doubt it will be the latter. Since my sister got married, she’s moved on with her life and we have been happy to let our past dwindle to nothing.

This is our future and we need to focus on what we have rather than what we lost. Today will take its toll on us both and I just want to get it over with.

Jayce and I haven’t had the best role models for parents, but I think we’re doing a better job than mine ever did. Somehow, I can’t find it inside myself to blame Mrs. Alexander. I keep thinking if it weren’t for my dad doing what he did, things would have turned out differently.

“Baby,” I turn to find my handsome man staring at me. His heated gaze rakes over me and even though I am almost five months pregnant he still looks at me like I am his last meal. His hunger has definitely not diminished over the years. “Calm down.”

When he reaches for me I fall into his arms and inhale the sexy, spicy scent of him. “I am nervous. He will be so angry and you know how it feels to be on the receiving end of his spiteful tongue.”

“I know, baby, but I am beside you and nothing he says to you is true. You are an incredible woman, a wonderful mother, and the most beautiful fiancée I could have asked for. His anger is unwarranted, he brought this on himself. Please, don’t let him get to you.”

Jayce’s eyes are shining with so much love it calms my nerves, cocooning me in its warmth.

Since we were teenagers, he’s always done that for me, given me a calm in the midst of the surrounding chaos.

My body always ached for him, not only sexually, but emotionally, which I realize nobody else can ever fulfill. Seeing him as a man is so different to the boy I fell in love with, but the love I have for him is stronger than ever.

Being a father has come naturally to him, a transition he’s taken to, and it’s incredible to see how beautiful the relationship between him and Ben is growing.

“Flash, I love you.” My words are a whisper, but the emotion is clear in my tone. He leans in, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

“Mom!” Ben’s shout comes from down the hall. He’s bedroom has been a superhero haven and he spends most of his time in there. “Dad!”

As we step into his room, the scene we find is our little man on the floor dressed in his swim shorts and flippers with a bucket and spade.

Lucien and Cassie agreed to watch Ben for the day, and he’s excited to go swimming.

“What are you wearing, monster?” I stifle the giggle, taking in his serious expression. He’s just turned five, and he’s become more and more outgoing. He’s loving school and made so many new friends. Cassandra is due soon, and I can’t wait for him to have a cousin to play with. Even though we’re not blood relatives, they are more of a family than anyone else I have known.

Although, my sister still calls from time to time, I haven’t seen her since the wedding. I think she’s still angry I left.

“Mom, Uncle Luke said he would take me to the beach.”

“Okay, but you need to put clothes on, what are you going to wear when you’ve finished swimming?” His face crinkles in concentration, and a small shrug lifts his shoulders.

“I guess.”

“Come on squirt, let me help you. Your mom needs to pack your lunch.” I stand for a moment, watching the two most important men in my life. They’re more alike every day and my heart finally feels full. I am complete.

Instinctively, my hand circles my belly. We are booked for an ultrasound scan tomorrow and I can’t wait to find out the sex of the baby. Jayce is adamant it’s a girl.

Turning, I make my way into the kitchen to pack snacks and a sandwich for Ben. He loves his Batman lunchbox and juice bottle, which goes everywhere with him.

We’re all packed and in the car and I feel the anxious knot in my stomach. I know my father will not be happy, and it doesn’t bother me, but deep down I wish he was more loving or supportive. “It will be fine.” Jayce’s voice is my calm. Nodding, I turn to see him glance quickly at me.

“I feel like a teenage girl again around him. Sometimes, I wish when my mom went on trips, she would’ve taken us and left him.”

“Do you think she’ll be there today?”

“No.” My mother was constantly on holiday, spending Devereaux money. I think they’re both so cold inside that nothing would ever change. She was absent for most of my early teens, I remember her becoming more distant the older we got, and then, she was never home.

As we pull into the driveway, Ben is already bouncing in his seat. He always enjoys spending time here; I think it has more to do with the swimming pool since ours is still being repaired.

“Hey, Ivy.”

“Luke, you have an energetic boy today.” I smile, giving him a hug.


“Uncle Luke, I have my flippers for the sea.” We all laugh at the enthusiasm of our little guy.

“That’s awesome, why don’t you head into the kitchen, Cassie has something for you.” Before he runs off, Jayce grabs him, lifting him into a tight hug and I give him a kiss.

“Bye Mom, bye Dad.” With a small wave, he runs off inside.

“Will you both be okay today?”

“Yeah, we’ll be home by about three, I doubt it will take that long, it’s only my mom’s testimony. I don’t know what the outcome will be.”

“Good luck, darling.” Luke leans in and gives me a hug.

“Thank you.”

Once we’re on the road again, I can’t stop my hands from trembling. Jayce reaches for my thigh and gives it a squeeze. “I am right here.”

“I should tell you that as well. Your mom is doing this and I feel as if it’s all my family’s fault, I suppose it is because my father did so many unforgivable things.”

“Babe, don’t let that get to you. I love you, there isn’t anything that will come between us again. Yes, your father did things that are unforgivable, but my mother is not innocent in this. She could have stepped forward a long time ago.”

I am silent for the rest of the journey to the courthouse. My thoughts running rampant and my heart is kicking behind my ribcage. Once Jayce parks the car, we head into the vast building and search for the room where they’re holding the arraignment. It’s smaller than I thought, and empty except for the lawyers and guards.

We slip into the bench seats and wait. There’s a strange calmness in the room, Jayce’s hand slips into mine, warming me, giving me a sense of relief. I need to stay calm and not upset myself too much, it’s not healthy for the baby.

It’s time I look after myself, and not only for me, but for my future husband and children. My family. A smile tugs on my face, just then the baby kicks and a gasp escapes my lips.

“You okay, Firefly?” I nod quickly, my hand immediately flies to my belly. Stroking small circles trying to ease the sensation of a million butterflies all coming alive at once and trying to fight their way out.

“Jayce…” Darkness consumes me before I can say more.

hree months

ince moving
in we’ve settled into the house, and once all the boxes were discarded, it’s been a dream. We’re ten minutes from Luke and Cassie and the girls have grown close, spending time working on the nursery and planning the wedding. Ivy has taken to LA like she’s always lived here.

Kenna moved back to New York to be with Cole, but there’s still something she’s keeping from him, I can tell when I talk to her, but she assured me she’ll sort it out. I spoke to her two days ago, and she mentioned they’d be here for Christmas. She’s definitely a different person to the one I met a year ago.

Ivy’s father was convicted for fraud by trying to takeover Verán Industries with his accomplice Claudia Verán. Her daughter, who had attacked Cassandra and played a major part in the events of last year has also been convicted. It seems like we may have drama free days ahead which I am looking forward to.

My mother is in a rehab down the road, and we’re trying to rebuild our relationship. It’s strange to spend time with a mother that doesn’t know you at all. It has been difficult, but the least I can do is give her a second chance; more like a third or fourth, but who’s counting.

“Dad, did you put a baby in mommy’s tummy?” The question comes out of nowhere and knocks me on my ass. The coffee I was gulping sputters all over my white shirt. Glancing at the innocent blue eyes staring up at me with curiosity, I can’t help chuckling at his question.

“Go and ask your mom, but don’t tell her I said you should.” I wink and watch him run up the stairs. Ivy is now almost at full term and she’s sporting the sexiest baby bump. I didn’t realize that she could get any sexier, more perfect than she already is, but she’s glowing with the pregnancy and she looks good enough to eat.

Shaking my head of the dirty thoughts, I recall the day my life felt like it was about to end and I almost lost Ivy again, the day of the trial.

I have known fear, but that event in the courthouse when she collapsed, my world stopped turning. There wasn’t anything I could do to wake her up. Scooping her in my arms, I rushed out to the car, and drove like a madman to the hospital.

Panic, fear, and adrenalin got me there safely, and when the doctor gave me her test results, I wanted to kiss him. She was so stressed that she didn’t have her normal breakfast and by the time we were seated in the courthouse, the heat and her low blood pressure caused her to faint.

He put her on a drip and thankfully she could come home later that same day. Our baby is healthy and she will be meeting us soon.

lizabeth Ivy Alexander

ayce Alexander
!” That screech tells me Ben ratted me out and as I make my way up to the bedroom, I find her sitting on the bed in black lingerie. The bra cups her ample breasts, the small bikini panties hug her hips and I can only imagine how hot her ass must look in those.

“You hollered?” I flop into the armchair in our bedroom and watch her.

“I sent our son to his room, I need to talk to you.” She pushes up and stalks to the door. As soon as it clicks, the tension in the air is thick with desire.

“What’s up, Firefly?” Her blue stare rakes over me. I have a meeting with the lawyer this afternoon to finalize the paperwork to open our own company. She wants to write, and I want to venture on my own, doing photography.

My shirt needs changing, but the way she’s staring at me is evidence enough that there’s something my girl is hungry for and I would be more than happy to oblige her.

“Did you tell Ben to ask me about sex?” A deep chuckle vibrates through my chest, and when I lift my gaze to the beautiful woman standing in front of me, I notice she’s definitely not smiling.

“No. I told him that you’d be better at explaining if I put a baby in your belly.”

“You’re insufferable, you know that?”

“Come here.” She spins on her heel, glaring, but if there’s one thing I know, it’s that she can’t stay angry with me for too long. There is no way she can deny me.

I grip her wrist and pull her onto my lap. “Straddle me.” She reaches out, holding my shoulders, and she places a knee on either side of my thighs.


“Shh...” My fingers skim the smooth, delicate skin on her hips and I watch a shudder travel over her body, and can’t help smirking. Lowering my left hand, I tease my way up her inner thighs. “You’re so warm. Will you be quiet for me?”

Peering down at me with hooded eyes, my girl looks beautiful, flushed, turned on, and ready for me to be inside her. She nods, biting her lip and I know she won’t be quiet.

Slipping my index finger under the soft lace of her panties, stroking her slick, scorching pussy. “Fuck baby, you’re dripping on my finger, I need you on my dick.”

Her hands drop to my belt and zipper, making quick work of both and when her soft warm hand grips my thick cock, a low growl vibrates through my chest. I grab the material of her lace panties and rip them off in one quick motion.

“I liked those.” Her pout is sexy as fuck and all I need is to feel her.

“I’ll buy you more.” Grabbing her hips in a vice like hold, I lower her on my rigid erection. The heat of her tight little cunt squeezes my dick as I sink into her. Our eyes meet and the love shining in her blue pools draw me in. Like they have done time and again. “Making love to you is like coming home. I have finally got all I ever wanted and needed.”

I reach up and pull the cups of her bra down, her pink nipples are tight peaks, ready for me to taste them. Darting my tongue out, I lave at her breasts and revel in her taste—vanilla and strawberries. I suck a nipple into my mouth, grazing my teeth over the hard bud.

“Jayce, please.” I glance up, her normally sky blue pools are dark and filled with yearning. I know what she needs. Gripping both her wrists, I hold them behind her.

“That what you want? For me to restrain you while you ride my cock?” I smirk at her, those sexy hips rock back and forth as she takes her pleasure from me. Her soft moans echo in our bedroom. Her body is beautiful with our baby growing inside her.

“God.” She hisses.

“That’s it, Firefly. Ride me. I am all yours.” My tone is tight with emotion because this is what she does to me. Her body tightens and I know she’s close, although I would prefer to play, I know we don’t have time.

“Flash…” Her whimpers are getting louder. I reach up and place my hand over her mouth to muffle the sounds tumbling from her lips.

“That’s my girl, fuck my cock. Give me your orgasm, baby. Milk my fucking dick and take my cum.” My filthy words spur her on and she bucks on me. My own release is close as I watch her move above me. My balls tighten, and a growl rumbles in my chest. “Now, Firefly.”

She tenses and spams above me, as she soaks my cock, balls, and slacks with her sweet honey. When she collapses on me, I hold her as if she’s my anchor, and I’m drowning in the depths of the ocean. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you? The baby?” She leans back and my cock twitches inside her.

Blue eyes are shiny with unshed tears and my heart kicks into high gear.

“No, you didn’t. I just love you.”

“I love you too, Ivy. You know that.” I cup her face in my hands, pulling her closer. Our lips meet in a fiery kiss and I lick into her mouth, tasting the sweetness that is my soon to be wife. We’ve decided to wait until our little girl is born to get married. “You look incredible with my baby inside you.” With a light stroke over her belly, I press a kiss on her lips.

“I’m happy Jayce, for the first time in years. We’re finally here and it’s just hit me all at once and of course, pregnancy hormones make me extra emotional.”

“I’m just going to have to give you extra love.” The wince on her face as I slip out of her doesn’t go unnoticed and I feather kisses on her cheeks. I lift her and walk towards the bed, setting her down gently.

“Where are you going?”

“You forgot? I have to head to the lawyer, but first you need a cloth, stay there.” I grab a washcloth from the bathroom wetting it with warm water and make my way back to my beautiful love. Once we’re both cleaned up and I change my shirt and give her a peck. “See you in a couple of hours, Firefly.”

“Okay, then you can come home and give your son the ‘birds and bees’ talk.” Her gaze follows me as I walk out the door. There is no way I am answering her. She’s baiting me, and I am not getting into this right now.

All I have to look forward to is marrying the woman that completes me. Her love has given me a life I am proud of; she’s also given me a family.

All our shattered pieces make us who we are, and when you have that one person who takes your pieces, and glues them back together with their love, take my advice, don’t let go. That’s what I do for her, and what she does for me.

My Love.

My Life.

My Firefly.

BOOK: Shattered by Love
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