Shark Out of Water (14 page)

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Authors: Delsheree Gladden

BOOK: Shark Out of Water
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She did not seem convinced, but she said, “Then what? Something I said upset you.”

“It was nothing you said. It was my


Guy nodded.

“When did you speak to your mom?”

“This morning. I had to call her and ask how to make French toast.”

The smile that slipped onto Charlotte’s lips was nearly enough to steal his focus. “What did your mom say to upset you then?” Charlotte asked.

Explaining to Charlotte was not easy. She knew of Guy’s many past relationships—if they could even be called that—and she teased him about it frequently, but Guy suspected she did not truly understand just how cavalier and sometimes cruel he had been to the women he dated, casting them aside for insignificant reasons even when he knew they cared about him. He feared telling her of his mother’s reaction to what he was doing would give him away and make Charlotte see him in a different light. She had shared everything with him, though, trusting him. He owed her the same courtesy.

He could not manage to ask her directly, however, so he began with, “Charlotte, do you have a valid passport?”

Charlotte blinked in response to the seemingly random question, but she nodded all the same. “Yes. Why?”

“Does Warren?”

Now she seemed not only confused, but curious as well. “Yes. A close friend of mine teaches at a university in Peru and she invited us down for a few weeks last summer. Warren loved it.”

Struggling to control his shaking hands, Guy did not look at Charlotte as he asked, “How would Warren feel about visiting France?”

“What?” Charlotte asked. The shock in her voice forced him to look up at her. He was heartened that she looked more surprised than angry at his forwardness, but it was hardly an enthusiastic response.

, she has invited you. I would not have asked such a thing of you so soon, or at such a difficult time, if not for her request. I know this may not be something you are able to do, and that is all right. I will not bother you about it again. I only promised her I would pose the question, not that you and Warren would come.”

Guy stopped babbling, waiting with baited breath for her to respond. When she did not, he could not help filling the silence. “Would Myles even clear you to travel? You have not yet said when you are meant to begin chemo. Perhaps Warren could not miss a whole week of school.”

He cursed himself for sounding as if he were trying to talk her out of going. Despite his reluctance to ask, nothing would have pleased him more than to have Charlotte and Warren accompany him.

“Okay,” Charlotte said softly.

Guy frowned, not sure he had heard or understood correctly. “Excuse me?”

Charlotte shook herself, then looked up at Guy. “Okay, we’ll come with you, although, I’m not sure we’ll be able to get plane tickets so late.” She cringed. “They’re going to be expensive.”

Non, non
. I will take care of all the arrangements.” He stared at her, trying to find some hint that she was joking. “You are serious? You will really come with me, yes?”

Covering her face with both her hands, Charlotte took them away a moment later. “This is crazy, right?”

Oui, très fou
,” Guy said with a laugh.

“But why not?” Charlotte argued with herself. “I won’t have this chance again for a while. Warren will be so excited. I’ve always wanted to go, and…”

“And what?”

“And…” Charlotte bit at her bottom lip nervously. “And I would like to spend the time with you before…before you look at me and see nothing but my illness, before I’m not pretty anymore, not someone you would try so hard to please with burnt French toast.”

Guy could not resist taking her face in his hands and pressing his lips to her forehead. He did not pull away as he whispered, “I will always want to please you,
ma chérie









Chapter 16





Feeling bad that he had been at work most of the week leading up to the trip to France, Guy hurried through his paperwork and practically ran out of his office at the end of his shift. Judging by the multiple calls he had gotten that day from Charlotte, she was feeling quite stressed about leaving the country on such short notice. Likely, she was wondering why on earth she agreed to let Guy take her on such a trip when they knew so little about each other. He only hoped she was not regretting her decision as he stopped off at the nurses’ station.

“Are you heading out?” Kit asked.

, I am. You will hold down the fort for me until I return?” Guy asked as he handed her a stack of charts.

Kit laughed. “Hey, you got that one right!” She took the charts and set them aside. “Everything will be fine. We’ll all miss you, though. I hope you have fun. You certainly deserve it.”

“I think it will be a good trip.”

He started to turn around, but Kit spoke again. “I heard a rumor that you’re taking a guest with you on this trip.” She paused, waiting for Guy to say something, or maybe to tell her it was none of her business. When he did neither, she continued. “I also heard that you’ve never done that before.”

She waited, but strangely, Guy did not feel the usual discomfort that typically accompanied being asked about his relationships. A smile crept onto Guy’s lips. “
, I am taking a friend and her son with me.”

?” Kit questioned. The knowing smile on her face made Guy chuckle.

“We are still figuring things out. For now, I am just trying to make sure she does not wise up and decide not to come with me.”

Kit laughed. “I’m sure she knows you’ll take good care of her.” Her humor was refreshing, but it quickly mellowed. Her expression became serious as she said, “Seriously, though, we’re all really happy for you. We all see how much you give to others. It’s nice to see you happy, finally.”

Unsure of what to say to that, Guy only shrugged and looked away. He was startled when Kit threw her arms around him. It took him a moment to hug her back. There was nothing more than friendship in the embrace, and after the hectic week and the stress of everything he had been through in the past few weeks, he appreciated her support.

When they pulled apart, Kit grinned up at him. She pushed him away with a laugh. “Now, go whisk your girlfriend off to France and don’t even think about work while you’re gone.”

“That is my plan,” Guy said. He gave her a final wave before heading for the elevator. He was still anxious as he drove toward Charlotte’s apartment, but his conversation with Kit had actually helped him calm some of his nerves. By the time he parked in front of the apartment building where he had spent most of his evenings the past week, he was more excited than worried.

Guy stepped out of his car and moved to the trunk to get his luggage. Staring at the three bags, he hesitated. Two bags would go with them to France, but the other would not. He had been surprised when Charlotte suggested he stay over, since they had to be at the airport very early the next morning. She did not mention sleeping arrangements, however, which left Guy feeling somewhat hesitant. Shaking his head, he could only trust that Charlotte would tell him her thoughts on the matter as she usually did.

Grabbing the bags, Guy made his way up to the apartment. As he approached the door, he heard a raised voice. It struck him as odd. Charlotte was very patient with Warren, even when his behavior truly merited discipline. He knocked on the door, and was surprised a moment later when Warren inched it open with a timid expression. Charlotte’s voice, clearly upset, carried down the hall from her bedroom.

“What is going on?” Guy asked Warren.

“Gramma’s mad.”

Frowning, Guy dropped his luggage by the door. “Your
is upset? Why?”

Warren shrugged. He pretended it did not matter, but his little shoulders were tensed up nearly to his ears. When his hand slipped into Guy’s and squeezed tightly, Guy’s worry increased as well. He did not want to leave the little boy when he was upset. He needed to figure out what was going on before things fell apart. Guy would be foolish not to realize the tension had to do with his presence and their impending trip.

“Warren, why don’t you watch some cartoons for a few minutes while I talk to your

“I’m not supposed to watch any more TV today,” Warren said. His hopeful expression that the normal rule was about to be lifted was almost laughable.

Guy ruffled his hair and said, “I will take all the blame if your
gets upset.”

“Promise?” Warren stared at him, already eager to rush over to the couch. As soon as Guy nodded, he sprinted for the television remote. Guy headed in the opposite direction.

The thought crossed his mind that Charlotte’s conversation might be private and she would not want him overhearing, but he was convinced the angry words had everything to do with him. The shouting became louder as he walked down the hall, but the words were still muffled. He did not bother to knock when he reached Charlotte’s bedroom door. He doubted she would hear him even if he did. Slowly, he pushed the door open.

“No, I’m not going to change my mind!” Charlotte shouted. She shook her head as she stared out the window, unaware of Guy’s presence. “Why not? Because I’m an adult, Mom. If I want to do something crazy, I can! It’s my decision, not yours!”

Charlotte huffed in irritation to whatever her mother said. One hand ran through her hair, tangling in it angrily. Suddenly, her hand flew away from her body and reached out as if she could shake her mother if she tried hard enough. “I know I’ve only known him a few weeks! No, I…Mom, stop interrupting me. Just listen!”

She shook her head, no doubt interrupted again. Losing her temper, she broke in and shouted, “I trust him, Mom, okay? I know that might sound crazy to you, but I know him. You don’t. You’ve never seen the honesty in his eyes, the promise that he would never let anything hurt me or Warren. You’re not here…”

Charlotte paused for a moment, but stumbled back into the conversation soon after. “I know that’s not your fault. I’m well aware of the fact that traveling is difficult for both of you. I’m not blaming you. I’m just saying that you don’t know him like I do…”

Charlotte spun around with a growl when she was apparently interrupted again. For a moment, she did not seem to notice Guy. “Nothing you say…” Her eyes widened as she looked up and her eyes met his. He half expected her to become angry with him, but the tension slowly drained from her shoulders as she continued her thought. “Nothing you say is going to change my mind, Mom. We’re going to France in the morning. I’ll call you when we get there.”

One tap ended the call and Charlotte tossed the phone on the bed. When she turned back to Guy, both hands were tangled in her long hair. She looked embarrassed and at a loss for words. Guy stepped forward and filled the silence.

“I am sorry. I was worried.”

Charlotte’s hands fell from her hair. For a few seconds, she simply stood there. Slowly, she shook off her surprise and stepped forward. “I’m sorry, Guy. My parents, they’re… being difficult. It’s not about you.”

“It sounded very much like it was about me and this trip.”

“They just don’t understand,” Charlotte said.

As much as he hated to say it, Guy said, “Can you blame them? This is very unusual, yes?”

Sighing, Charlotte reached a hand out to him. He took it immediately and pulled her into his embrace. Clearly exhausted, Charlotte rested her head on his chest. “It’s just so stupid,” she said, her voice muffled.

“Going with me?” Guy questioned.

Charlotte shook her head. “No, them thinking this is some kind of ploy. I have nothing worth taking. I’m sick. Killing me would leave you with a child. It’s just all nonsense.”

“Is that what they think?” Guy asked. He could not keep the laughter from his voice. “They suspect I am a murderer who is taking you to meet my parents, or a swindler? You have spoken to my mother. She is ecstatic you are coming. And no offense to you, but I do not need yours or anyone else’s money.”

know that,” Charlotte said with a laugh, “but trying to explain that only made things worse.” By the end of the sentence, all levity had vanished from her voice. She turned further into his embrace. The hitch in her breath told Guy she was more upset than she wanted to show. He did not push her, and eventually Charlotte continued. “When I told my mom exactly what you just said, all she heard was that you’re wealthy. She accused me of making stupid choices based on that, thinking that finding someone to take care of me will fix everything. She was already upset at me for deciding to stay here, and now she’s even angrier because she knows I stayed because of you.”

“But you did not stay because of me,” Guy argued. “You stayed because you did not want to disrupt Warren’s life or give up your job.”

Pulling back from his chest, Charlotte met his gaze with tearful eyes. “Guy, I was going to leave. I had already decided I couldn’t stay here. Before I left my parents, I told them I would be moving home, because as much as I didn’t want to leave everything here, I knew I couldn’t do it alone.”

Guy was caught off guard by her words. “You were going to leave? But, you said…”

“I know,” she interrupted. “I know what I said, but it wasn’t true. I was ready to move home before we had dinner together. You convinced me to stay.”

“How?” He was honestly bewildered. Guy had thought that when they talked, she had only wanted to hear someone tell her it would not be impossible for her to stay in Chicago and be able to get through her treatment. A little reassurance. He had no indication that he had such an effect on her.

Charlotte, however, seemed amused by his confusion. “Guy, why do you always underestimate the impact you have on me?”

He could only shrug. Charlotte was such a strong person, he doubted anyone could sway her once she made up her mind, but she claimed he had somehow. “Why?” Guy asked. “Why did you stay? Why are you coming with me to France?”

Pulling back, Charlotte looked up at him. “I’m not sure I can even explain it, Guy. I know it sounds crazy, but I trust you when you say you’re going to be there for us. I trust you enough to go on this trip. Maybe I am being an idiot. Maybe I just want to believe you so badly that I’m willing to take stupid risks.” Charlotte shook her head. “Or maybe it’s because I really do see what you hide from everyone else and I know I’m not wrong to believe in you.”

Guy was gentle as he took Charlotte back into his arms. “You see everything that is real, more than what others see.”

Wrapping her arms around Guy, Charlotte hugged him tightly. He wanted to stay there with her for the rest of the night, but he knew it was not possible. He brushed her hair away from her face and peered down at her. “I think the shouting frightened Warren. I will go check on him while you call your mother back.”

“What?” Charlotte asked, her face scrunched in confusion. “Why would I call her back after the things she said?”

“Because she is your mother, and she is scared for you.”

Charlotte pouted, but did not argue. She picked her phone up off the bed, but held it tightly in her hands without dialing. She peered back up at Guy. “Have you eaten yet?”

“No, but I will be fine. Call your mother, please.”

“There’s a plate for you in the oven…if you’re hungry.” She twisted her hands around the phone again.

Guy covered her hands with his. “That was very thoughtful of you.” He smiled at her, helping to melt some of the tension from her body. “I will check on Warren and eat, but you really should call your mother. I am grateful that you have such trust in me, but you know it is difficult for her to understand. Do not leave with such harsh words between you. She may not agree with your decisions, but she loves you. I am sure of that.”

Still anxious about making the call, Charlotte managed to smile despite her fears. “This is why I trust you so much, Guy Saint Laurent.”

“I do not understand,” he said.

“When I tell you that my parents are furious with me for running off with a Frenchman I barely know, instead of being offended, you’re more concerned about me damaging my relationship with my mom.” There were tears in her eyes as she pressed her hand into his.

Guy smiled and squeezed her hand. A feeling he had felt only a few times in his life, when he knew he had been accepted wholeheartedly, wrapped itself around him in that moment. Any remaining doubts he had about staying in Charlotte and Warren’s lives fled in the face of her faith in him. Kissing her cheek, Guy said nothing as he stepped away to let her make her call.

Before he slipped away, Charlotte said, “Guy,
.” He smiled at the singular French word rolling off her tongue. He had never heard a thank you sound so beautiful.

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