Read Shannon's Fairy-Tale Foursome Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Tags: #Romance, #General Fiction

Shannon's Fairy-Tale Foursome (13 page)

BOOK: Shannon's Fairy-Tale Foursome
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Drew looked back up at her pretty face and saw the tightness around her eyes. The flashes of fury sparked in their hazel depths, bringing the golden flecks to life. She reminded him of a pissed-off lioness, and damned if it didn’t make him hotter.

Her eyes narrowed, and she glared at Drew before turning her fuming eyes on each of his brothers. “You two left my door unlocked. You were priming me for your dumbass brother, weren’t you?”

Drew felt compelled to warn her, “Don’t push us, not right now and certainly not tonight.” For the first time in his life, he didn’t think his control could handle it. He needed her too much. He’d waited too long and craved this too badly.

In his thirty-six years, he had fucked his share of women, but nothing had ever produced this kind of reaction from him. Predictably, his cock was as hard as a Louisville Slugger, but that was no surprise. With her, it was a constant state. However, the knee shaking and hand trembling was not. Drew thrived on his control and composure. No one shook or ruffled him. Nothing moved him or distracted him from his path—until this moment and this woman.

Shannon shook her head sensually, her vivid red hair swinging left and right. Turning back to him, she thrust her pink-tipped breasts out and lifted her eyebrows defiantly. “Why the hell not?”

“I think someone wants to top us.” Drew stalked over to the dining room table on slightly unsteady legs then grabbed a chair and spun it around. He sat down, straddling the seat. “We can’t have that.”

Jared eyed Shannon. “No.”

“Nope,” Randy quipped, tapping Shannon’s ass playfully. “No topping for you.”

“Harder, Randy,” Drew ordered, coming off cold and harsh despite the inferno blazing inside him. She didn’t need to know how tenuous his restraint truly was, how tightly wound and how out of control. She would lord it over his head and that would be a very bad thing tonight.

Randy followed his command, slapping Shannon’s ass. The crack of a hand against flesh reverberated throughout the room, as did her lusty scream. Both sounds fed the fire in his dick, and he groaned silently before growling, “Again.”

Randy smacked her perfectly rounded cheek a second time, moving to the other side for this blow. She jumped with a squeal but made no other outward indication of being spanked—no complaints, no denials, and absolutely no bitching. She was obviously enjoying the hell out of her spanking.

Drew observed her closely, gauging her reaction to his next words. “Flat hand. Same spot. Make it sting.” Surprisingly, her face flamed, but she continued to remain silent. She squeezed her eyes shut and broke their eye contact, clearly preparing for the strike. He utilized her missing sense, holding up his index finger and silently telling Randy to wait for a minute before looking at Jared and nodding.

Jared grabbed a handful of her ass, putting noticeable pressure on her pinkened cheeks. He pulled her hips forward and rocked her pussy against the bulge in his jeans. With a grimace, he dipped his head to her breast, taking the spiked nipple into his mouth and sucking.

Shannon’s eyes shot open and her back arched, a husky moan escaping her sensual lips.

Drew nodded a second time, and Jared pulled his hands out of the way. Randy’s flat palm came down on her ass hard enough to leave a rosy-red handprint that left Drew panting. She jerked, yelling obscenities but still no denials.

“Okay. That’s enough for now,” Drew declared.

Randy swatted her ass with a boyish grin. “And one to grow on, baby doll.”

Shannon turned and snarled, “Tease,” at Randy with a flirty smile playing on her lips.

“You have no idea,” Drew muttered, his hunger reflected in his tone, “but you will.”

She trembled visibly, and her alluring eyes widened. “I–I–I will?”

“Yes,” Drew barked at her then flicked his gaze to Randy. “Rip that fucking thong off her.” Drew’s demanding voice came off much sharper than intended, but he made no apologies. He didn’t apologize for anything, and he didn’t plan to start now.

Randy gave no warning. He tore her barely-there panties into two pieces before pulling them from her body and tossing them to Drew. He sniffed them with a murmured, “Mmm. Smells good,” then stuffed them in his pocket. “To the victor goes the spoils.”

“You bastard,” she spat, struggling to get away from his two brothers, probably to launch herself at him. “Give me those! They’re mine!”

Jared grabbed a thigh with each hand, stopping her from getting off his lap while Randy manacled her wrists and yanked them behind her back, refusing to let go. She cursed and threatened and fought both of them.

“No.” Drew thrust the chair away from him and marched to the window. “They belong to me just like you do, munchkin.” He removed the fabric curtain tie then threw it to Randy who bound her hands quickly. And still she struggled on, battling his brothers at every turn.

“And how many trophies do you have, Drew? Do you have a fucking treasure chest for all your booty?” She gasped, her eyes glazing over as her anger dissipated, scattering into the electrically charged air. Sorrow appeared on her expressive face, and her body deflated. “Don’t tell me.” She closed her eyes, concealing them from him, but she couldn’t hide the wetness on her eyelashes. “I don’t want to know.”

Drew stalked across the small room, dropping to his knees next to Randy. “It’s
been you, Shannon, and it will
be you.”

Her eyelashes fluttered open, revealing the emotional turmoil in her damp eyes. His breath stalled, and he couldn’t move a muscle. So he did the only thing he could do, the one thing that felt right. He told her the truth of his heart, laying everything on the line. “I love you.”


* * * *


I love you,
Shannon’s head whispered, but she didn’t speak aloud. Paralyzed, her lips didn’t want to work and, even if they did, the words choked her.

“Say it, damn it,” a voice in the back of her mind demanded. “You want to. He wants you to. It’s the truth. Come on.”

I can’t. Not yet.

“Then show him,” the voice whispered.

She leaned forward as far as she could, seeking his full, sensual lips. Unable to reach him, she paused and waited for him with bated breath. She caught a fleeting glimpse of pain and then disappointment before he smoothed his face out. Her heart clenched, grasping the magnitude of her mistake. He had opened his heart to her, and she’d rejected it. She didn’t mean for it to come off that way, but he wouldn’t see it like that. “Please, Drew,” she pleaded as the tears spilled from her eyes. “Kiss me. Show me. Just love me.”

Drew groaned, lunging forward and meeting her halfway before capturing her lips with his. She poured everything into this kiss, hoping to show him what she couldn’t say. Drew encircled her waist with his massive hands, picking her up fluidly from Jared’s lap and rising to his feet. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he positioned one hand underneath her ass in dangerous proximity of her pussy and the other between her shoulder blades. She held back a plea for him to move his hand a little closer to her pulsating core as he hastily progressed to her room.

“Hell yeah,” Randy shouted, jogging behind them.

Jared followed Randy, pushing him several times along the way. “Move it or lose it.”

Drew stepped into her room and launched her at the bed barbarically. Landing with a bounce, she used her legs to move up the bed with the intention of lying on her fluffy pillows. She didn’t make it halfway before Drew snatched her feet, yanking her back down to the bottom of the bed where he stood. “Did I tell you to move?”

Drew’s guttural, authoritative question amplified her arousal, making her pussy grow hotter. Desperate to ease the throbbing in her pussy, she snapped her legs closed, clenching her thighs together tightly.

“Uh-oh,” Randy murmured so quietly she barely heard him. “Someone’s in for it now.”

Jared cleared his throat, not disguising his high spirits, as Drew pulled her legs apart mercilessly, making room for him to stand between them. Drew moved in on her, but still left enough room that her cunt was in full view of his brothers. “Never close your legs without our permission, Shannon.”

As if!

Jared, Drew, and Randy stared at her pussy intently for more time than was necessary, but she didn’t give a damn. They made her feel like a sexpot when they looked at her as though they could swallow her whole.

That is the hottest pussy I’ve ever seen,” Randy said in an awe-filled voice.

“Yeah,” Jared agreed, sounding as if he were worshipping a goddess, not a mere woman. “Her pussy is as pretty as a picture.”

Drew licked his lips and said, “I can’t wait to find out if she tastes as good as she looks.”

She expected to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable, but that certainly wasn’t the case. Instead, their praises went straight to her cunt, the walls shaking rapidly.

“Fuck,” Randy exclaimed, openly gawking at her nether region. “Did her pussy just quiver?”

“What do you think, Romeo?” She let her legs fall further open, shamelessly giving them an eyeful. “Why don’t you come a little closer and find out?”

“Don’t you dare,” Drew barked and bent at the waist, disappearing between her thighs. He licked her from perineum to clitoral hood with one swipe of his succulent tongue.

She closed her legs, playfully trapping Drew between them. “Again,” she demanded, but he only kissed her mound then slowly, oh-so-slowly, crawled up her body until his face was even with hers.

“You don’t run this show,” Drew told her quietly but in a deadly serious tone. “We do.”

She giggled with a snort. “In your dreams, Studley Do-Right.”

“No, in yours.”

Oh, hell yes, Drew. I dream about the three of you dominating me while I lie in my bedroom every night. If you want to get technical, I fantasize about you while sleeping on the very bed we are rolling around on.

That was what Shannon should’ve said, but she didn’t. Instead, she stared straight into Drew’s azure eyes, momentarily losing herself in the rich, brilliant color, before sniffing. “I’m not even going to dignify that with a comment.”

Drew moved suddenly, rolling over and pulling her with him until she sprawled on top of his lean, luscious body. On each side of them, Jared and Randy converged, crawling across the bed and meeting them in the middle.
Now this is what I’m talking about, baby.

Randy leaned forward and whispered, “’Cause you know it’s the truth,” in her ear. He took her lobe between his lips, sucking it into the humidity of his mouth, his teeth scraping across the erogenous zone. Warmth spread through her ears until they burned from the erotic sensation of sharp teeth to pliable tissue.

“Mmmm,” she hummed, closing her eyes with a smile. “No, it would be a waste of perfectly good breath.”

Jared sidled up to her, nestling his lips against her ear, like his brother on the other side, and blew in her ear, murmuring sensually, “Never stopped you before.” He penetrated her ear canal with his tongue and pushed it inside. “Princess, I’m going to fuck your pussy like my tongue is fucking your ear, only harder and faster and much, much longer.” He pulled out then tunneled back inside, mimicking the erotic act.

She opened her eyes and whimpered. “Bite me.” Her voice lacked any real spark or spunk. It sounded good in her head, but it was useless coming out of her mouth.

Drew smiled at her sinfully, promising things she knew he could, and would, deliver. “Sounds appealing,” he said as his masculine hands glided over the fabric of her sheath dress, from her waist to her ass, heading straight for the torn seam. He slid his hands underneath the split pieces and pinched her ass.

She sighed, listening to the
of fabric tearing as he shredded the last of her dress and pushed it out of the way, revealing her entire backside to the men’s gazes. She could feel the heat of their stares, and it turned her into a puddle of raging lust. More moisture leaked from her pussy, the droplets rolling off her and dripping onto Drew. She tilted her head forward, her lips a breath from his.

Staring deep into Drew’s blue eyes, she licked his lips with a sensuality she didn’t know she possessed and whispered, “I can’t wait to suck your cock.” She bit down on his bottom lip and pulled it inside her mouth as she purred like a cat in heat. Letting it go, she licked her own lips. “I’m going to suck you dry and love every fucking minute of it. Then I’m going to suck Jared and Randy.”

Three simultaneous groans came from them, but she didn’t let that deter her from continuing to seduce them with her words. “Mmmm. I bet you three taste so fucking good.”

She kissed Drew’s lips, pulling back quickly so he couldn’t distract her. If she was going to be involved with these three, she had to keep them off balance or she would be fucked—literally and figuratively. “Do you know how long I’ve fantasized about tasting your cum, how it would feel in my mouth, the way it would slide down my throat, how full I would be after you three fill me up. Fuck,” she cursed with a dramatic shudder.

Jared kissed her temple softly. “I think Drew has met his match in this one.”

She snorted, arching her eyebrow, and asked, “You

BOOK: Shannon's Fairy-Tale Foursome
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