SHANK (A Wilde Crime Series) (21 page)

BOOK: SHANK (A Wilde Crime Series)
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She licked her lips. “What am I good at?”

I grinned, not saying a word.

Annoyance crossed her face.

“I’m still thinking about it.”

“Jerk.” She punched me in the arm.

I gave an fake wince,
rubbing my muscle. “Be nice, or no Thai food for you.”

Fifteen minutes later, I paid the delivery guy, and we sat down to eat. A silence
encircled us, not uncomfortable, but still there. After dinner, I cleared the table while Frankie washed and dried what little dishes we had. The domestic scene should have scared the shit out of me. Not only did it go against the grain, but I stood side by side with a woman I’d thought of as a sister for most of my life.

“Are you still mad
at me?” Frankie leaned against the counter looking so beautiful it took me a minute respond.

I wasn’t mad. Not at you.” Time to bite the bullet. “I’m sorry about what I said. It was unfair.”

“It’s all right. I
couldn’t blame you if you were pissed. Mickey must be livid.”

I shrugged. “
He’ll get over it.”

“It’s funny,” she said.
“But I don’t care about the photos. I told Nick that. He could show them to whomever he wanted to. It didn’t matter to me. Doesn’t matter.”


“There are only two people in the world that I care about. Mickey’s one.”

My smile faltered.
“Don’t say it.”

“Why? You don’t think you’re worthy?”

“Fuck no.” I stepped toward her. “You’re standing there all serious and all I can think is: I wonder if she’s wearing a bra.”

She laughed,
tugging at her tank top. “The answer is no.”

“You’re killing me here.”

“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” Suddenly her face grew serious.

“Probably not.”

“I want us to stay friends.”

“I do too.”

Thunder roared in the distance. “So we can’t be more.” Her tone was half question, half demand.

shook my head. “No, we can’t be more.”

Goodnight.” She threw me a smirk and sashayed from the kitchen. My eyes, glued to the curve of her jeans, blinked rapidly when she disappeared around the corner. I’m a fucking idiot.


A storm came later that night. Lightening crashed and the wind battered the windows, howling like a mad dog. I sat on the couch sipping a cup of coffee. The lights flickered and went dark. I shifted the .38 in my hands, and thought about my next move. Picking up the phone, I dialed.

“DeMarco,” Sal answered. His voice, raspy fr
om cigars and expensive whiskey sounded almost friendly, like a salesman, but I knew better. Sal owed the streets south of 45th Street, and invested heavily in cement shoes. 

“I think we should meet,” I said in way of greeting.

“Wilde? Is that you? Where are you?”

“Tomorrow. S
even o’clock at Grand Central.”

e you crazy, boy?” Sal laughed, a hollow sound. “I get it. You’re protecting the girlie.”

“She stays out of this. You want Nick’s killer
or not?”

“You killed my boy
. You and that bitch you’re protecting.”

Wasn’t me or Frankie. If you want to know who did kill him, you’ll meet me.”

You’re bluffing, boy.” He chuckled. “I can hear it in your voice. What’s this, some sort of game?”

“I’m not fucking around. You want me, come get me.” I hung up. Tomorrow, one way or another
, it would be over. I leaned against the couch, closing my eyes.

“Are you crazy?” Frankie
stood in the doorway, a candle in her hand. The light bathed her face in a warm glow, shadowing the tiny lines of concern around her mouth.

“Not that I’m aware of, but who knows. I’ve always wondered if people who are insane know it
…” Leaning against the cushions I looked her over. In the darkened room, I could just about make out the outline of her long, lean legs. Bare, naked, and trim and toned legs. I wanted them wrapped around me, wanted to feel her muscles quiver with lust.

“Sal will kill you.”
She moved closer, dropping next to me on the couch. “He’s not going to listen to you. As soon as you step foot in Grand Central you’ll be a dead man.”

I touched the side of her face. “Have some faith. I’m a hard guy to kill, remember?”

“Don’t do this. Please.”

I hated the plea in her voice
and the fact it was there because of me. Wrapping my arms around her, I held tight. “I have to. I can’t walk away this time. Too much is at stake.”

“You don’t have to be the hero.” She held my face in her trembling hands.

I kissed her forehead, fingers stroking the worry lines from her brow. “I’m far from a hero. I have to do this. Billy’s right. It’s time to clean up my mess. Way past time.”

“At least let me back you up.”

“No way in hell.” I pulled away from her. “I’m trying to save your life, not get you killed.”

“You did save me. N
ow let me help you.”

waggled my eyebrows and gave her a leer. “There is something you can do.”

She shook her head. “I’m serious, Ian. I can help.”


“Sometimes you can be a real asshole.”

“But you love me anyway.”

eyes snapped to mine. Shit. I hadn’t meant it like that. This wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have with her. I could have with her.

“I do, you know,
” she whispered.

“I know.”

“Good.” She stood, pulling me from the couch. Her lips brushed mine, soft and sweet, but they didn’t stay that way. Soon my wish came true. Frankie, naked, wrapped her endless legs around me, and I lost myself to the pleasure of her flesh.

could go back to being just friends tomorrow.



Early the next morning the front door of the safe house creaked open. My eyes popped wide open. Frankie lay draped across me, our bodies molded together during sleep. I dug under the pillow for my .38. Fuck, I’d left it on the table. Caught with his pants down and no weapon, my tombstone would read. “Frankie, wake up!” I shook her while at the same time I reached for my jeans. I started to pull them on when the bedroom door opened. Shielding Frankie, I turned to face the threat.

Mickey stood in the doorway.
“What the hell is going on?”

his voice, Frankie gave a squeak, and pulled a thin cotton sheet over her naked body. “It isn’t what it looks like…,” I started. At his look of disbelief, I added, “Okay, it’s exactly what it looks like, but let me explain.”

“You asshole.”
He glared at me, fists clenched. “I trusted you.”

“Mickey, that’s not fair.
This isn’t about Ian.” Frankie poked her head out from beneath the sheet. Her bed hair, kiss-swollen lips, and the trail of beard burn along the side of her neck and down her chest didn’t help my case one bit.

Mickey’s lips curled in disgust as he
walked from the bedroom.

I buttoned my jeans and ran after him.
“Mickey, wait.”

“Fuck you, Ian. I trusted you, man. You took advantage.”

“No…” I paused. Time to face the truth. “Okay, you’re right, I did. But you gotta understand…” Understand what? I was scum, and Mickey and I both knew it.

His face lost some of its rage, replaced with something far worse, sadness.
“She loves you. She’s always loved you.”

I care about her too, “I said. “You know that.”

“But do you love he
r?” He waved a hand toward the bedroom. “Are you going to settle down and marry her?”

I said nothing.

Mickey gave a bitter laugh. “I didn’t think so. What is she, huh? Another convenient fuck.”

“I don’t know.” As much as it hurt to admit it, I couldn’t lie to him anymore.

ripped across his face. “I could almost hate you.”

“Hit me.
” I motioned to my face. “I deserve it. I fucked up.”

“Hitting you won’t make me feel better.”
Even as he said the words, his fist flew at my jaw. I saw it coming and did nothing to stop it. I staggered back, but stayed on my feet. Mickey added, “Guess I was wrong.” He threw another punch, this one aimed at my gut. I doubled over, considered puking, but after a few shallow breaths decided against it. Yet I still made no move to stop him. I deserved every punch. Sleeping with Frankie was a betrayal above and beyond. Hell, I wanted to slug myself for good measure. 

“Mickey, stop
,” Frankie said, her body covered in my t-shirt, which barely reached just below her thighs and probably didn’t help the situation.

Mickey spun to face her. “
Jesus, Frankie. You know better. Ian’s not right for you. He’s not in it for the long haul. Can’t you see that?” I winced, angered by Mickey’s opinion even though every word he said was true.

I expect
ed Frankie to breakdown, but she glared at Mickey instead. “What makes you think I want that?”

“You love him. Don’t deny it.”

“I’m not going to discuss how I feel about Ian with you, Mickey. This is between us.” She gestured to me. “If I want to fuck everyone from C thru S in the Manhattan phonebook I will, and you’ll keep out of it. This is my life. Right or wrong, I make my own decisions.” Frankie shoved him, and he fell back a step.

Mickey’s face grew a shade of red rarely seen outside a vegetable garden.
“Like the decision to sleep with Nick? That one worked out well for you. Who else have you slept with? Drew? Andy? How many of my friends are you going to fuck to prove you’re not a kid anymore?”

” I straightened. “That’s out of line.”

“Stay out of this,” they
yelled in unison.

Fine. I
dropped down on the couch and watched as brother and sister go head-to-head. I wasn’t sure who I was rooting for. Mickey had righteous anger on his side while Frankie used an arsenal of brotherly guilt.

“I’m not out to prove anything.
” She stomped her foot. “What Ian and I have might be a mistake, but it’s mine to make. I’m not who you think I am. I don’t want the same things as you. I don’t want to get married…at least I don’t want to marry Ian.”

What the hell did that mean?

“Don’t want to marry him? Come on, Frankie. For years, you’ve carried a torch, and now you don’t want anything but a cheap fuck?” Mickey ran a hand through his hair. “That’s bullshit.”

“Believe whatever you want.” She shrugged as if bored by the whole argument. “
Ian’s your best friend and we’re sleeping together. Get over it.” She slammed back to the bedroom.

Mickey stood there for a full minute
, just staring at the closed bedroom door. Finally he shook his head and sat on the couch next to me. “How’s the jaw?”

I rubbed it, grinning
. “You hit like a girl.”



“Are you insane?” Mickey asked with a shake of his head.

I was getting tired of that qu
estion. “For the record, no, I’m not crazy. This is a solid plan.” We sat at the kitchen table discussing my meet with Sal. Frankie, still locked inside the bedroom, muttered curses through the door. I smiled at a rather vicious bout.

Mickey glanced at the bedroom door.
“He’s going to kill you.”

“He’ll try.” I took a si
p of coffee. “More importantly whoever is behind Nick’s death will try to take me out first.”

“For the record, this is one of stupidest plans I’ve ever heard.
You’re a fucking idiot.”

I laughed.
It would take time for him to accept Frankie and my…relationship…or whatever we it was between us. But eventually, after a decade or so, he’d forgive me. “But it will work.” I grabbed a pencil off the table and began laying out my strategy. Pencil scratched against the paper, mixing with Frankie’s muffled rants.

When I finished the diagram,
Mickey shook his head. “You can’t go alone.”

“It’s the only way
it will work.”

He picked up the paper
and threw it in the trash. “No. There has to be a better way.” He picked up the pencil and started a diagram of his own. We argued over the pros and cons of each, deciding on a mixture of both.

“Give me your phone,” Mickey ordered. I handed it over without question. He dialed a number from memory. “
Drew, we need your help. Grab Andy and meet us at Grand Central in an hour.”

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