Shane and Trey[ Enemies to Lovers 01 ] (14 page)

BOOK: Shane and Trey[ Enemies to Lovers 01 ]
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I was speechless. Hurt at what he’d done, but maybe… thankful he’d apologized? It was a weird mix of feelings really—a heap of ingredients to a recipe I didn’t know: a sprinkle of anger, a large dose of embarrassment, and a bigger dollop of relief. Was it the making of closure? Or was it that understanding his reasons was a beginning to get rid of that little block of fear I’d had of him? “I—I—”

He shifted his legs either side of my chair and pinched my lips shut. “You have every right to yell, shout and curse me for that, bu V roaed the chat please, let me finish first.”

His gaze remained on mine and I shook my head. He dropped his fingers. “Go on then.”

“You can’t expect me not to say something now. What you did to me…that was—well, fuck, I’ve been angry at that a long time. For years I used to pray my sister would drop you. You frightened me for so long thanks to what you did—I saw you as a big bully. The reason I avoided you was because I didn’t want anything like that to happen again.” I hit my palms against the arms of the chair, trying to hold back tears.

Trey breathed out slowly. “I don’t know how it is you even like me. It was a—I’m so ashamed of what I did. I wish I could take it back. But all I can do is tell you I’m sorry. I know you haven’t heard it, but I’ve been saying that to you for years. Whenever I saw you I remembered, and was— am sorry.”

Hearing his words, the earnestness in them, I softened. “At first I wondered the same thing,” I said, quietly. “I couldn’t understand how I could find you attractive considering what you’d done. Considering I was partly afraid of you. But— there were things you did that contradicted my impressions. Since we’ve been rooming, I’ve seen another side of you altogether. And after a while, I—I just couldn’t believe that you’d hurt me anymore. I guess, even before this apology, I’d begun to forgive you for it. The fact you’ve just apologized right now is, uh—well, I guess it’s another thing to contradict those first impressions.”

I saw his relief, in the way his shoulders relaxed. “Now, continue with what you wanted to tell me,” I gripped the chair, and flashed him a small smile, “I won’t interrupt again. Promise.”

He took a moment to collect his thoughts, or to get comfortable, but he sounded every bit as nervous as I felt when he spoke. “Well…ah—about my being gay… I’ve suppressed my thoughts—my—ah—feelingsabout guys for ages. And I loved June, so it wasn’t too hard to do, but then” he glanced toward his window, “then that day in the pool. When you stood up to Ryan, proudly accepting— actually yelling—that you were gay… something just clicked in me. Like a huge rush of feelings hitting all at once. And suddenly all those things I’d been holding back were shoved to the surface. It confused me, Shane.”

Tentatively, I laid a hand on his mid thigh and sort of patted him—I still had the urge to communicate. By touching him, I wanted to say I understood the confusion—that it was okay.

“Remember that day we found out we’d be rooming together? And you came over? I knew you were there the entire time. I’d seen your car pull up. I took my shirt off just because I knew you were there watching. Fuck—even then I hardly knew you, and I couldn’t help but want to be nearer. Those library books weren’t due back. I’d only read half of them. I just—had to come up with an excuse…” He flickered his gaze over me. I wasn’t sure because of the dark, but I thought he was blushing. “Ahh, I sort of, may have, um— touched you in the parking lot. I didn’t think about it really, it was like my hand had a mind of its own.”
So the bird landing on my sweet tushiewasTrey. I was semi-hard already just being so close to him, but that little truth turned me to rock. His openness, the fact he liked me —hurry up and finish so I can say—scrap that do something!But at the same timekeep going. What else has been going through your mind?

“But I have to apologize to you again, man. I—I’ve been flirting with you in any which way I could for weeks, both wanting and absolutely not wanting something to happen. And I’ve known you were—um—at least interested in me for a while. I was so cruel to you. I teased you. I got thrills from the fact I could get you worked up.” He shut his eyes, almost as if he were cringing. “Like with the chips. Fuck, it was all planned! I purp Vt, bom the faosely dropped one in your lap. I knew before you’d jizzed in your pants. And I loved that.” After a quick intake of air, he continued, his eyes still shut, “You have no idea just how turned on I am by you.”

Listening to him tell me all this had an enormous physical effect on me—and not just down there!—It was as if all my blood had been carbonated; the fizz rushing through my body. I was hyper-sensitive; the hairs on my arms static, and I was sure goosebumps trailed every inch of me.

I lifted Trey’s chin, my fingers on him startling his eyes open. He reached his hand to my face and swept my hair to the side. I shivered under his touch and moved forward on the chair.

“I don’t want to deny it, or yo-yo as I have with you anymore,” he whispered, leaning closer. “Ever since I saw you with those kids—Paul especially, I—I knew I didn’t just find you hot.” I felt his breath tickle my cheek. “I was—am attracted toyou.”

I thought we’d kiss. I wanted us to, but Trey snapped back. “So, I’m sorry, man.”

“Am I allowed to say something now?” I asked, and yeah, I was somewhat frustrated he’d moved away so quickly— rrrrrrr.

“Of course.” He looked nervously at me, like he was preparing for me to be mad at him. But I wasn’t. In fact, in the last twenty minutes, my feelings for him had only skyrocketed. Everything, from his honesty to the fact he still cared for June, made me like him more.

I tossed up what I should say—how I should respond to everything he’d said, but really, what were words when—

Awkwardly, I placed a hand on Trey’s t-shirt, pulling him closer again. My heart thumped so hard against my rib cage, I was sure he could hear it. He swallowed and I was suddenly so shy; I couldn’t hold his gaze, and concentrated on his dark lips instead. My mouth felt dry and stale, and my other arm shook as I reached it behind the back of his head to draw him to me. Butterfly wings scraped my insides, painful but more-ish—good.

My nose bumped into his. How did I manage that? I was moving so slow.His lips are right there, kiss him! Gently and somewhat unsure, my lips brushed his. They were much softer than I’d expected, and warm. Parting his mouth ever so slightly, Trey welcomed me. I encased his bottom lip between both of mine. He tasted sweet like plum juice. I inhaled his scent, his aftershave and behind it,him. It still reminded me of roasted chestnut. So delicious.

I licked his bottom lip, eliciting a groan from Trey that dissolved my shyness. I looked into his eyes. “Show me how much you like me. Kiss me back, Trey.”

With a firm arm around my waist, he yanked me off the chair onto him—perhaps a bit too hard, but I didn’t care. His kiss came strong and I could feel the myriad of emotions we shared. Surprise and fear at what we were doing, mixed with vulnerability and—best of all—happiness. Our tongues slipped between each other’s lips, twisted, and fought together. This felt so right—so fucking amazing! He pushed me harder against him. He had to feel how hard I was for him, and—more butterflies, both wicked and lovely —I could feel him too.

He leaned back on the bed, taking me with him as we continued to kiss. I rubbed my cheek over his ever-so-slight stubble and sent open mouth kisses down his neck. I became bolder, nipping at his ear, licking it and sucking on his soft skin. “Oh, that’s good,” Trey said, fishing under my t-shirt and exploring the contours of my stomach with his fingertips.

“MmmmMmm.” Was the only way I could respond at the tingle flowing through me from his touch.


He began pull at my t-shirt to get it off, and I really wanted him to, but—“Trey. Let’s not, yeah?”

His hand stopped moving, and he kissed my cheek. No questions, no hassles, just—“Okay, babe. We’ll do this at your pace.”Respect.

I melted into his arms, resting o Vf meave and bn his hard chest. His use of the word ‘babe’ was like, like, I don’t know, like I’d been given a shot of pure joy. I almost wanted to forget my reasons for not wanting to take this any further. Almost, but not quite. See, while this was without a doubt the best kiss I’d ever had, and the, well maybe just the happiest I’ve ever been, guilt lingered around me. Before this could go anywhere else, I had to talk to June, like Mom had suggested.
A piercing scream ripped through the house, and both Trey and I jumped up. I looked at him in fright and confusion to see him hang his head and sigh. He moved to the door, and glanced at me. “Promise you’ll stay? I’m gonna help Ma with Aunt Patricia.”

I heard cursing, screaming and heavy steps down the hall as Trey left. For almost a half hour, Patricia yelled and I heard things smashing. Soon Trey’s voice rose. Loud and firm he told his Aunt to stop what she was doing, to talk to instead.

I felt bad and weird about being here while this was going on, but at the same time I was curious—and worried. Was this Trey’s home life? Was it always so hard and stressed? The thought made me want to hold and comfort him.

Standing right next to his open door, I listened as Patricia shouted again. “…your fault…no good piece of shite, boy. You come in here to hurt me more, have you?”

It went quiet. What the hell? What was going on—what had happened? There was no way I believed Trey had hurt his Aunt. She was probably delusional from all the alcohol.

After that I didn’t hear anything more. I curled up on my side on Trey’s bed and waited for him. It took another twenty or so minutes before he lumbered back in.
“I’m sorry about that,” he said once he’d sat on the bed. I moved over to him and held him from behind. “Are you all okay?”

“It’s fine now.” “Do you want to talk about it?”

Trey shook his head. “Nah. I’m too tired. I just want to sleep.”


“Okay,” I said, and slipped off the bed. “What time would you like me to get you tomorrow?”

Trey’s brows furrowed together, and he grabbed my wrist. “Where do you think you’re going?” He stood up, stepping into me, and kissed me softly. “Stay.”

“Okay,” I croaked—I really wasn’t that hard to convince. I hadn’t wanted to go anyway, had just thought perhaps he needed some space.

Trey began stripping down to his boxers and I turned around to do the same. “What side of the bed should I…?”

“The middle,” he answered with a ring of nervousness, “with me, babe. I want you to hold me, yeah?”
I yawned—I couldn’t help it, it was so late. “Sure thing.” I smiled as I nestled under the blankets next to him. I really could get used to him calling me babe.

“What’s with all the pillows?” I asked, rearranging the two under my head and watching as this time Trey yawned. He stretched his arms over his head, and giggled—yeah, giggled. “I like cuddling into things when I sleep.”

“Oh you do, do you?” I grinned, and wondered if he could see it. Well, if not, he certainly read my mind. He linked his arms around my waist and crushed me against him.

I sighed onto his warm chest, and listened to his breathing until he’d fallen asleep, and my lids were drooping too. It felt so right and comfortable here, but that didn’t stop the worry lacing these good feelings.

I jammed my eyes shut and breathed in Trey’s scent. Please, please, please just let this work out.


Let her understand. Chapter Twelve

I WOKE UP surrounded by warmth and satisfied. That had to have been the best sleep ever! Well, okay, my neck was a bit stiff from the pillows, but still! Trey slept with his mouth partially open, his eyes under the l Veah?tially opids flickering, and his arms wrapped around me, albeit loosely. I nudged closer and—ohhh.My morning wood brushed up against his. I hissed in a breath. Damn we were close—and damn that felt all right, actually way more than al—

Trey, in pleasant dreamy land, pressed against me, rocking gently, just doing what came naturally.Ahhh,that was too good, but it couldn’t happen now. I really should move away; resist the urge to rub back!Trey’s hands began wandering down my back, making my skin prickle. At my ass he stopped, pushing me into him.

With I don’t know what discipline, I shoved him away.

“He-huh?” Trey’s voice was bleary. I watched him as he stretched—his skin was so taut. I dropped my gaze to the pillow next to him. He’d drooled a little.Ewww,and sort of cute. He yawned. “What’s going on? Was having…nice dream.”
Yeah, it was no dream.Although, the fact all of this, this ‘us’ stuff had happened within the course of a night, did make me wonder.Hmmm.“Pinch me.”

“What—?” “I just—just want to make sure this is really happening. Pinch me real hard.”


He rubbed his eyes with the backs of his knuckles. “Can’t you pinch yourself?”


“If this is all a dream, you won’t be able to hurt me.”

“Babe,” he twisted on his side, facing me, “you’re not making any sense. I don’t get the logic at all. And trust me, this is no dream. It’s too good to be.” Trey shuffled closer. “Of course, if you need peace of mind…” He reached around me and pinched my ass. Hard. So hard I jerked forward into him again. And this time he held me there.

The male minx! “Hmmm, this was like that dream I was having.”

His smirk said it all, and I rolled my eyes. “My pace, remember?”
He relaxed his arms, but didn’t move them. “What about a kiss, then?”

I grinned, leaned toward him, and then clapped a hand over my mouth. “But I have stinky morning breath.”

Trey laughed, and the bed rumbled with it. “So do I. I don’t care. Show me how much you like me, Shane.” His smile grew. “Kiss me anyway.”

I do really like you Trey. So much. I touched his lips softly. A kiss that said,I like you in a sweet way.I slipped my tongue inside his mouth, gently exploring—re-discovering. A kiss that said,I wanna get to know you. Every part of you.Then I ran my fingers through his hair, kissing him deeper, firmer. Before I realized it, I was on top of him. A kiss that said,and I can’t wait to be sexy together.

Trey groaned in response, a ‘hell yeah,’ to everything my kisses had suggested. I climbed off him and out of bed. His gaze followed me—ha-ha—rather my tented boxers to where I’d left my clothes. “Where’s the bathroom?”

“Across the hall second door. And—oh yeah, am I gonna need to do that too.”

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