Shamelessly Spellbound (Spells That Bind Book 2) (29 page)

BOOK: Shamelessly Spellbound (Spells That Bind Book 2)
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It was officially Melina’s last day as head writer for
. They’d tried to talk her into staying on for another season, but
she’d turned them down, something I still didn’t understand. I was grateful
that we could spend more time together, but I was worried she’d regret it.
Filming should have ended two months ago, but there had been a substantial
amount of rewrites, none of which Melina had been capable of working on until
recovering from the injuries she’s sustained the day she’d rescued me from

“Oh. My. Goddess. Are you really brooding over this?”
Melina’s exasperated tone made me smile. Being officially bonded to me hadn’t
mellowed her or made her any less inclined to tell me when I was acting like an
idiot, something I was very thankful for.

“No,” I insisted. “I was thinking about how sad I am that I
won’t be able to fuck you in your office at work again.”

She laughed. “Always the romantic, aren’t you?”

Unable to resist touching her any longer, I slid my arms
around Melina’s waist and kissed her nose.

“So, are you sure this is what you really want?” I asked.

“Absolutely,” she assured me. “I’m done with this commute,
and I’m looking forward to spending time with my husband when he gets home from
work every night. I guess this means we’ll turn into one of those boring
married couples.”

I laughed. “Something tells me life could never be boring
with you around.”

“Good answer,” she praised. “I was going to use an impotence
spell on you if you said the wrong thing.”

“I don’t think you’d really do that,” I insisted, nuzzling
her neck. “You like that part of my body far too much.”

She pulled back and pretended to give the matter some
thought before nodding. “You’re right. I do enjoy using that part of your body.
In fact, I need it for my next project.”

I quirked an eyebrow. “You need my dick to write a book?
What kind of book are you planning to write?”

“Not that project,” she replied. “I was holding my new
nephew recently and thinking we should make one of those.”

“A baby?” I asked, shocked that she’d even think of that.
I’d brought up the idea a couple of times in the last month, but she’d refused
to even discuss it.

She gave me a shy smile. “Don’t laugh at me, but I keep picturing
a little Trevor running around, and the idea has really grown on me. What do
you say?”

“I say we should try to conceive this baby in your office
since it’s the last night we can use it,” I replied, lifting her onto the desk
and kissing her.

“Perv,” she accused. “You’re just using this as an excuse to
fuck me in my office again.”

I chuckled. “Honey, I will forever be looking for excuses to
get inside of you.”

“You really are a pervert,” she told me. “Lucky for you, I
love you just the way you are.”

I couldn’t argue with that; I was lucky to have my witch.


I hated him!

Gryphon was by far the most infuriating man I’d ever known,
and he’d been getting on my last nerve since the day we’d met. At first, I’d
been irritated with him and his bossy, arrogant ways. At some point, my
feelings had morphed to something other than irritation, something that left me
feeling achy and empty, needing Gryphon. Just when I’d thought he was going to
fill that need, he’d acted like a barbarian, talking about me like I was his
property. Now, all I had were dreams of Gryph touching me, taking me in ways I
knew would make me scream his name. It had been my vibrator and dreams of Gryph
for far too long. I needed to get that werewolf out of my system. The problem
was, he wouldn’t give me what I needed.

The soft knock on my office door reminded me I was at work
and had clients coming in today.

“Come in,” I called out, and my business partner, Allie,
walked into my office. Our company, Bliss, arranged sexy getaways for couples.
I loved my job and loved working with Allie. We were a great team, and we had a
four month waiting list after being in business less than a year.

“Hi, Julia,” Allie greeted, looking stressed and worried.
“We have a problem.”

“What is it?” I asked. “I’m assuming we aren’t being sued
since Dylan and Trevor aren’t here.” My older brother and Allie’s husband were
both lawyers.

“This is worse,” she began. “I suppose it might not be. It
could be nothing, and the police don’t seem worried, but I can’t help thinking
it might be a problem.”

The fact that Allie was babbling, and the police were
involved, made me nervous. “Tell me what’s going on.”

“There were some threats in the main email box. They were
directed at you, but the police say they were vague and might not even be
threats,” she explained.

I was pretty sure Allie was panicking over nothing if the
police didn’t think there was a reason to be concerned, but this gave me an
idea that could ease Allie’s worries and get me what I wanted.

“Maybe we should hire security,” I suggested. “Someone to
make sure I’m safe, just in case there really is a threat to me.”

Allie nodded, looking thoughtful, “I suppose we could call
the local pack and hire security.”

“Or, we could call Gryphon,” I said with a sweet smile.
“Maybe he should even stay with me until we know it’s safe.”

Allie eyed me suspiciously. “Are you trying to seduce

“That’s my plan,” I replied. I figured it wouldn’t take long
to convince Gryphon to help me with all those fantasies I’d been having. I knew
he wanted me as much as I wanted him. All he needed was a not-so-subtle

Dirty at 30

Coming October 2016

Following their disastrous marriages, Brook, Chelsea, and
Delaney swore off men. After years of being on their own, these ladies have
decided they want more. At the age of thirty, the three friends make a pact to
re-enter the dating world. Little do they know they are all destined to find
love in the arms of younger men.


I hadn’t realized I was stuck in a rut until the day I lost
Raphael. There I was, just about to reach my big O when he died. I tried
replacing his batteries, but nothing worked. It was that frustrating moment
when I decided I wanted a real man in my life.

Ty seems like the perfect guy. He’s sexy, sweet, and he can
satisfy me in ways Raphael never could. Unfortunately, he’s also my stepson’s
best friend. While only five years younger, Ty seems like forbidden fruit, but
I still find myself unable to resist him. Now, I just need to figure out if
this is the beginning of a forbidden romance that will end in tragedy, or if Ty
could be my happily ever after.

Author’s Note

Dear Reader,


Melina and Mr. Whiskers’ characters were created several
years ago, but I had trouble finding the right story for them. While writing
, I suddenly realized the direction my moody half-demon’s life
was meant to take. I hope you enjoyed reading Trevor and Melina’s story as much
as I enjoyed writing it. The next book in this series,
, will be out in 2017. I have a lot planned for Julia and Gryph.

If you enjoyed this book, please take a moment to write a
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To keep posted on the details of my next book, or just to
see what I’m up to, you can follow me on

About The Author

Cassandra Lawson lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with
her husband and her two youngest children. As a child, she enjoyed making up
stories and loved sharing them with others. Her first book,
Vampires and Vixens
was published in 2013. Since that time, she has published books in three
paranormal romance series, and plans to release her first romantic comedy in
October of 2016. When she is not writing, Cassandra enjoys spending time with
her family, listening to music, or curling up with a good book.

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