Shameless Exposure (13 page)

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Authors: Robert Fanshaw

BOOK: Shameless Exposure
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A wave of relief swept over her. She was alive. In fact, she was more alive than she had ever felt before. She savoured the feeling of his prick inside her. She must never forget how good this was.

Andreas was immobilised by the jeans twisted around his knees and let her do the work. She saw a half-smile on his face and wondered what it meant. He didn’t look concerned any more about making an urgent getaway.

She didn’t let the smile bother her. She took her pleasure, using him like she would use a sex toy. He played the perfect gentleman, and let her come first. She worked herself up to a glorious, ecstatic orgasm, collapsing down on top of him as the climax exhausted the last drop of her nervous energy.

He rolled her over, climbed off her, and hopped on the floor removing the tight legs of the jeans. Once he was free, he grabbed her forcibly, like Junior had done earlier, and pulled her to the edge of the bed where she was exposed and he could enter her standing up. He may have acted the gentleman before, but now it was his turn to take his pleasure, and he took it without consideration, thrusting repeatedly like he hadn’t had a woman for years. She supposed he was desperate, an explosion of adrenaline and nervous energy like her own. It wasn’t making love. It wasn’t the start of a relationship. It was an animal fuck.

When he was finally spent, he lay on top of her, his head resting on her breasts. She stroked his short dark hair, thankful that he had come to the rescue. Later, Andreas brought her bag and clothes down from above where they had been left in a neat pile on the kitchen table. They dressed wordlessly and climbed into the Range Rover. She fell asleep on his shoulder on the drive down to the hotel and she remembered nothing more until she woke in her hotel bed the next morning.

When she opened her eyes Andreas was sitting on the couch in a hotel dressing gown, watching over her like a guard. The room was full of vases of blue and white flowers, filling the air with perfume. She wondered how they got there without her noticing.

“How are you feeling?” he said.

She stretched her limbs and lifted the quilt to inspect the scratches and bruises she had collected.

“No permanent damage. Some bruises on my thighs. That was you, you know.”

“Do you want me to apologise?”

“No, just order some breakfast.”

They feasted on fruit, salmon, eggs, and pastries, and drunk a lot of coffee. He rang room service again for champagne.

She poured another coffee, enjoying the buzz.

“How did you find me? Did you pay a ransom?”

Andreas put down his cup and put his head on one side.

“The less I say about this the better. It’s a murky business. There was a ransom demand but I don’t think that was the real reason you were kidnapped.”

“How much did they want for me?”

“It was a big number. I thought at first it was a starting point and they wanted to negotiate, but they wouldn’t budge.”

“But how did they know about me? How did they know to contact you? I’ve got so many questions.”

“I think it was connected to my meeting in Sao Paulo with
Instrumentos Medicos
. It’s a subsidiary of a big American medical company. Those guys are ruthless. I know, because I was one of them until I joined Monsaint. There’s a possibility this was the work of a competitor trying to scare us out of the market. So it’s best if you don’t ask too many questions. I suggest we pretend this never happened. Except for the sex in the villa; that was fantastic. We can’t give them the satisfaction of thinking they’ve succeeded in frightening us.”

“What about the ransom demand? You must have told the insurers.”

“I’ve told no one.”

“You mean you risked my life?”

“I mean I saved your life. I chased those guys off.”

“But I’m sure I heard their van drive away before you came…”

There was a knock on the door and the vintage champagne arrived. The moustachioed waiter opened the bottle, poured them each a glass, and smiled his way out of the room.

“Well somebody ran away when I shot the gun. Just put it down to experience and forget it. Except the sex, that was unbelievable.” They clinked glasses. “To us,” said Andreas.

“What?” said Caroline.

“You know, to us, to whatever we become.”

“I’d better explain,” said Caroline. “My life is complicated at the moment. When we did what we did I wasn’t thinking about a relationship.”

“You’re still stressed, post-traumatic. You’ve had a terrible fright.”

“Well, yes, I had a fright. I thought I was going to die. And I realised I couldn’t because of my mother, my mothers actually. And my husband, and my possible lover.”

“You’re displaying classic symptoms of shock. You’re talking nonsense. I don’t think you should say anymore.” He tried to kiss her. She moved her head away.

“No Andreas, I’m not talking rubbish. I really do have a lot going on in my life. There’s just not room for any more.”

“Well gee, thanks. Is that all the reward I get for saving a girl’s life?”

“I am really grateful, honestly. But I don’t want to give you the wrong idea.”

“I don’t mind what idea you give me. Let’s make love again. That was the best sex I’ve had in a hundred years.”

“But it was exceptional circumstances. I wouldn’t normally… What about your wife? You’re not going to tell me she’s in a mental hospital, are you?”

“Not exactly. Trish does take pills, she has issues. The pills have side effects.”

“What issues?”

“I don’t want to talk about Trish, I want to talk about us.”

“Andreas, I’ll be forever in your debt for rescuing me yesterday, but there is no
to talk about. Except as work colleagues, of course.”

“Well, as your boss, I order you to take off your robe and get into bed.”

“You’re not seriously ordering me about are you?”

“You’re obviously still tired and need more rest.”

“I’m not tired. I feel bloody fine. I’m going to the bathroom to get dressed.”

She collected a T-shirt and pair of light chinos from her case, a clean bra and knickers from a drawer in the dresser, and retreated to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet seat. How could the hero turn so quickly back into a pest? Why had he filled her room with flowers? What did she need to say to get through to him?

She showered and dressed. Armed with clean clothes, she felt ready to face him. But when she went out into the room, he had gone, leaving a message on the coffee table written on Copacabana Palace Hotel notepaper. She read it once, twice, then folded it and tucked it into a pocket in the lid of her suitcase for safe keeping.



Caroline had never minded working in an open plan office, but since South America she wished she could hide away in her own space. In between business calls she found herself looking at websites on the after-effects of kidnap and reading blogs by people who had been abducted.

She nearly responded to one post because the woman described having complex sexual feelings about her captor. She wanted to say that she had complex sexual feelings about her rescuer. The spontaneous sex with Andreas kept replaying in her mind. It had been intense, thrilling. It came into her fantasies every time she had had sex with Robert, and it had made their sex incredible. Robert seemed different, too. But she found she was blaming herself for her physical reaction on that horrible day in Rio. Something about it wasn’t right.

Even odder than the desire to hide away from people was the euphoria that swept over her for the smallest reason. A cup of hot chocolate from the machine in the staff kitchen, usually experienced as a cup of oversweet sludge, tasted like the elixir of the gods. So when Antonia called up to say that she was back from Frankfurt for a couple of days and could they meet up after work to catch up on the goss, Caroline was ecstatic. She really missed Antonia, her one true ally in Monsaint. She was happy that it was Antonia who had taken over from her in Frankfurt. They’d had such fun together in Spain. She could tell Antonia anything; Antonia would listen, laugh probably, but not judge.

“I’ve got a better idea than meeting up after work,” said Caroline. “Let’s schedule a lunch meeting and block out the afternoon. You can update me on how things are going in the European hub. It can be a model for what we do next in South America.”

“Brilliant idea, Carrie, as long as the work thing is a pretext. I want to know all about South America and every detail of what Andreas was like on the trip.”

“I’m not sure you’ll want every detail. Do you fancy him? Sorry, that’s a silly question, of course you do. Well don’t let me get in your way, you’re welcome to him. In fact, you’d be doing me a favour.”

They agreed to meet at one for lunch at the Argentinean steak house on the corner of Trafalgar Square, Caroline thinking the surroundings and food would be a suitable backdrop for the tales she had to tell.

Caroline was putting the desktop to sleep and powering up her super-slim notebook when Andreas emerged from his office and waved her in. Julia Sinbad was leaving as Caroline walked through the door and gave her a frightful look. Caroline panicked, wondering if she had inadvertently done something wrong.

“You’re looking smart today,” said Andreas, waving her towards the low seats around the coffee table. “Meeting someone?”

“I’ve got a lunch meeting with Antonia so she can update me on the European hub. I’m thinking it could be a template for SA. Is anything the matter with Julia? She gave me a funny look.” Caroline pulled down the hem of her dress as she sat in the leather chair, but he didn’t take his eyes off her legs.

“I had to tell Julia about what happened in Rio. Not every detail, but the basic facts. I didn’t want to tell the insurers but she says we have to otherwise it will invalidate a future claim. Do you want me to try and get some dough out of them for your emotional damage?”

“What emotional damage? I’m absolutely fine, thank you, hungry for the next challenge.”

“I’m not suggesting… Hey, how about I take you to another game, go to a club afterwards? Take your mind off things.”

“Andreas, listen. I can’t undo what happened. I wish it hadn’t, but that’s the end of it, okay?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You need to lighten up a bit. But let me give you a friendly word of advice: nobody’s career advances without the nurturing light and heat of the chief executive’s office.”

Caroline checked her watch. “Is that all?”

She hailed a taxi to Trafalgar Square and hurried into the steak house. Antonia was already at the bar perusing a menu.

“Sorry I’m late. Andreas called me in just as I was about to leave.”

“Who’s the boss’s favourite executive? Shall we have white as it’s lunch, or red because it’s steak? We have to wait for a table, they’re busy.” The menu she had been studying was the wine list. She gave Caroline her trademark perfect smile and threw her arms around her.

“I’m glad to see you too,” said Caroline, when she had extricated herself from Antonia’s embrace.

“You look fabulous as usual. You won’t believe what your friend Von Wolfswinkle has been up to.”

“I’m not sure he’s my friend, but I will believe it. Those bankers live in another world. Hand me the wine list. I had a really nice white in Santiago…”

Caroline ordered an expensive Riesling and they had drunk two glasses at the bar before a table was ready for them upstairs. Lunch was a few tiny pieces of rare beef and a lot of rocket salad. Antonia had not even finished her Wolfswinkle story when the Riesling was finished. Caroline ordered a second bottle, along with some sparkling water. The service was slow, giving them plenty of time for gossip.

“Does Francine know?” said Caroline. “His wife, Francine.”

“Apparently yes,” said Antonia. “Somebody said she was actually there.”

“I don’t know how they find the time,” said Caroline. “They claim to be fantastically busy, working seven days a week.”

“They have a broad definition of
. Any kind of socialising with the wives or husbands of politicians is considered tax deductible.”

“I suppose both at the same time is good value for money. Well, I’ve got a story which is every bit as good as yours. Robert’s been to see Melody Bigger, though she’s called something else.”

“You’re joking. How did that happen?”

“She’s making a claim against Monsaint for unfair dismissal and Robert got the case. He had to go up to Scotland to take instructions from her. He said it was pure chance he got the case but I’m worried something’s going on.”

“Melody’s getting her claws into Robert? That’s a horrible thought.”

“Yes, and wait till you hear this. She’s found religion. Not exactly
religion, more
a religion. It’s really weird, based on pagan sexual rites.” Caroline leant across the table. “It’s about releasing the cosmic power of the female orgasm.”

“Did you say
?” said Antonia. People on the surrounding tables turned their heads.

“Yes I did. Robert says they work themselves up into a frenzy at the full moon. He only just got away unscathed.”

“Fantastic, what’s it called?” Antonia pulled out her smartphone ready for some instant research.

“I can’t remember what the religion’s called, but she’s called Regina Heart now and her centre is on the Isle of Mura.”

Antonia tapped in a few letters and seconds later was waving her hand across the Castle Dunlaggin Experience website. She loaded the promo video and the tinny tones of Regina joined them at the table. Caroline tried to speak but Antonia wouldn’t let her. She watched the video all the way through.

“Well that’s different,” said Antonia. “What’s your animal guide, Caroline? I know what mine is.”

“I’ve no idea. Robert wanted to show me but I refused to watch the video. It’s obviously phoney. Melody’s up to something again, not to mention trying to screw millions out of Monsaint.”

“I think you should give it a chance. As soon as I watched I knew I had an animal guide. I’ve known all along, I just haven’t been able to put my finger on it.”

“You’re always putting your finger on it. Tell me you haven’t got a vibrator in your bag?”

“I haven’t got a vibrator in my bag,” said Antonia, looking serious. Caroline reached across the table, snatched her shiny black bag, and emptied the contents on the tablecloth. Caroline rummaged through a pile of keys, cards, tickets, and a packet of fruit flavoured condoms. She pulled out a pair of green lace shorties with a bow at the front. She held them up.

“Very nice. Hoping to get lucky?” said Caroline.

“I was a girl guide. Be prepared. I never go out without a Swiss army knife, a spare pair of knickers and my travel toothbrush.”

“I can’t see a Swiss army knife.” Caroline rummaged through the pile and picked out the folding toothbrush, and in doing so nudged a silver bullet-shaped thing which rolled across the tablecloth and landed on the floor. It continued over to the next table where four young Japanese tourists, three women and a man, all with multi-coloured hair, were practicing their English. One of the women leant down and picked it up.

“What this called in English, please?” she asked.

“It’s called a
Magic Bullet
,” said Antonia.

“For use in restaurant?” Her female companions giggled and the young man fired an imaginary gun.

“Depends on the company,” said Antonia.

“Don’t confuse them,” said Caroline. She turned to the tourists. “It’s a small vibrator. A girl’s best friend.”


“Press the button at the top,” said Antonia. The young woman did not understand.

Antonia stood up and gestured to the young woman to pass the machine back to her. She sat back down, turned towards their table, pressed the button, hitched up her skirt, and gave a brief demonstration.

“Ah, girl’s best flend,” said the Japanese woman, nodding and smiling comprehension. Her companions laughed uncontrollably and attracted the attention of a fresh faced, waist-coated waiter. He rushed over to their table.

“Is there a problem? Do you need any help?”

The Japanese women giggled helplessly. The waiter caught Antonia red handed, or at least red faced. She tried to look cool and sophisticated. Caroline reached across the table and snatched the shiny vibrator.

“I’m confiscating that,” said Caroline. “Honestly Antonia, you can’t be trusted in public.” Caroline put the bullet in her own bag.

“It was you who started it by emptying my bag,” said Antonia. “Everything’s fine,” she said to the waiter. “For now, anyway. Perhaps you could come back later? When do you finish work?”

“Antonia!” said Caroline. “Please don’t mind her. We’re all right thank you.” The waiter smiled and retreated, but became very attentive, topping up their glasses and passing by their table every few minutes to see if he could be of any assistance. They chose a lemon sorbet for dessert and only had to wait five minutes.

“It’s different for you,” said Antonia. “You’ve got a husband, sex on tap. I have to go out looking for it. It’s been so long I’ve forgotten what it’s like.”

“It’s not much better being married. Robert went away, then I went away. But we’re getting on well again at the moment. We’ve had sex every night for the past week. He seems interested in me again. He’s insatiable, and I keep having weird fantasies.”

“Tell me about the fantasies, I could use a new one.”

“It’s not really very nice.”

“The nasty ones are often the best. Tell me.”

“If I tell you, Antonia, you must promise never to tell anyone.”

Antonia made a zip movement across her wide mouth. She sat in awed silence while Caroline told her about her kidnap from Copacabana beach, and her jaw dropped when she got to the bit about being rescued by Andreas.

“He fired a gun and burst into the basement?” said Antonia.

“Yes, he says he frightened the kidnappers away. But I had made a trap at the top of the stairs and he fell down. I thought he was unconscious. I didn’t know it was Andreas because he was wearing a balaclava. It’s all got mixed up in my mind. I don’t know if he was really unconscious. Can a man have an erection when they’re unconscious?”

“I don’t know,” said Antonia. “Probably. How do you know he had an erection?”

“I could feel it when I was searching his pocket for the keys to the house. I was trying to escape. But then the man in black awoke like Prince Charming and we fell into each other’s arms. Like in a novel, but the sex was wilder. Now every time Robert and I start making love I imagine he’s a stranger in a balaclava holding me captive.”

“Have you told Robert about this?”

“God no, I haven’t told anybody. The whole kidnap thing is meant to be hush-hush. Andreas reckons it was probably a competitor trying to scare us away from the South American market.”

“Well you shouldn’t feel bad about it,” said Antonia. “It’s completely understandable. You must have been terrified. Great fantasy, too.” She smiled supportively. “Maybe it would spoil things if you told Robert what happened. I’m glad you and him have been getting on great. One mistake in a whole year isn’t bad.”

“I wish it was just Andreas. I’m going to sound like a complete slut, but I’ve got to tell someone. Let’s go somewhere else. I need a dark corner.” Caroline paid with the company credit card and Antonia tipped the waiter with cash and a smile, slipping him her card with a twenty pound note.

They walked across Trafalgar Square and stopped to look at the tall Norwegian tree covered with lights. Antonia read the children’s poems on banners around the bottom of the tree. It brought a tear to Caroline’s eye. They headed up along Charing Cross Road. The world had a rosy glow. Although it was only mid-afternoon, the lights and decorations were beginning to stand out brightly. The streets seemed full of cheerful, animated people. They cut across into Soho and found the kind of bar frequented by actors between parts, journalists between stories, and musicians between gigs.

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