Shadowing the Teacher (Perfect Pairs Book 3) (16 page)

BOOK: Shadowing the Teacher (Perfect Pairs Book 3)
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“Oh shit, Kane, can you feel that? It was never like that … before.”

Kane moaned and gasped. “I know. I told you. Sam is … the one.”

Reid thrust deeper and she cried out as another small orgasm crashed into her, tightening every part of her body and making Kane groan beneath her again.

Kane took his hand off her clit, grabbed both of her hips and began thrusting madly, his growls and gasps making her wetter. Reid moved slower, but deep, and Sam couldn’t believe the way her body craved it. She was so full she could burst.

“I’m coming, oh damn … oh fuck!” Kane cried out as he slammed up into her, his seed pulsing into her body and calling on her own orgasm.

Sam screamed as fireworks exploded in her brain and fire sizzled along her legs. Kane bit her shoulder, and heat oozed through her, bonding her to him.

Reid pushed all the way in and growled above her, his seed flooding her as he, too, bit her other shoulder, their connection cementing inside her body. She could feel them both, their love for her, the perfection of their connection.

Reid collapsed onto her back and eased out of her, rolling to the side and pulling her with him. They all settled into a tangle of arms and legs, their heavy breathing the only sounds in the room.

Oh my God, that was incredible.

“I had no idea it would feel like that.”

Kane kissed her deeply, then pulled back, panting for breath. “Neither did I. When Reid moved into you, I could feel twice as much as ever before. Like, I could feel all of my own pleasure, and Reid’s. It was amazing.”

She looked over at Reid, who was nodding madly, his huge, sweat slicked chest moving rapidly up and down as he struggled to catch his breath.

She was reluctant to ask, but she swore to herself that once she had the answer, she’d never ask again. “So, it was different from being with Amanda?”

They both froze for a second and then laughed, deeply and with a strength she found comforting. They both rolled towards her and wrapped her up in their strong arms.

Kane spoke to her first. “It was nothing like being with Amanda, our beautiful mate. We had no idea how perfect this could be, until an hour ago.”

A huge smile spread across her face, and she settled her head against Reid’s shoulder.

“I love you.”

“And we love you,” Kane said, his voice trembling a little.

“So much,” said Reid, kissing the top of her head.

Sam closed her eyes and drifted into sleep. She’d found her perfect life, her perfect men, and thanks to her cousin’s matchmaking, she’d found her Perfect Pair.




Five years later

Sam stroked her fingers over her huge belly, the movement inside her just as fierce as her sons had been three years ago. A huge kick hit her ribs, and she shifted with discomfort, rubbing the spot firmly. Only a week to go.

“Hey, Sam, are our kids first cousins, second cousins, or more like brothers and sisters?” Ashleigh asked her as they sat around Sam’s huge backyard porch. They’d moved into this house her men had built for her last year when she’d first found out she was expecting her second set of twins.

“They’re second cousins, I think.” That was how she’d been taught anyway. Children of first cousins were second cousins.

Ash sat down on the grass, stroking the soft belly of her newest baby, her fourth son, who lay on the blanket between them.

“What are you guys talking about?” Laura asked, settling herself on the picnic rug even though there was heaps of room on the chairs set out in a circle.

“Ash was just asking how our kids are related. I think they’re second cousins.”

Laura nodded, her eyes straying to her two-year-old daughter playing in the sand pit nearby. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

Ash picked up her baby and put it to her breast, the hungry baby suckling hard. “But we’re all first cousins, and all our husbands are first cousins, so wouldn’t that make them all closer related?”

Sam nodded at her cousin, relaxing back into the comfortable chair her husbands had bought for her. “You’re probably right, Ash. They’re as close as brother and sister, and as long as none of us move away, they’ll stay that way.”

“We’re not going anywhere,” Ash and Laura said in perfect unison, and they laughed, relaxing into the peaceful environment around them.

Another powerful kick and a cramp grabbed Sam’s lower belly, and she sucked in a breath. Her babies may not be waiting until next week to arrive.

“Do you know what time the men will be home?” The six of their husbands were out running in their shifter form, as they did most Sundays. It was getting tougher as the baby count got higher, but they had a secure yard, lots of play equipment, and half the time, one or two of the mother-in-laws would pop in to help, too.

“Argh…” Sam sat up in her chair and rubbed her belly harder.

“About six, why?” Ash asked, her eyes narrowed with the knowledge of a woman who’d had her own four babies.

Sam glanced at her watch. That was only three hours away. She’d be fine. Their babies would come through the night, when it was safe and dark.

“Because I think I’m in labor.”

Laura rushed over, kneeling before her with a worried expression. “You sure? Do you want me to send Renee out for them?”

Renee, Brandon and Tyler’s sister, had married a human and was happily settled near Laura. She helped out often and would come over at a moment’s notice.

“No, I’m fine. It’ll be hours yet, just wondering.”

Sam’s eyes lifted up to her three-year-old twin sons by the slide, pushing each other and rolling in the grass. Jarvis and Taj. They were happy, good boys whom she adored with her whole heart. But they were also young boys who took all her energy and were a lot more accident prone than she’d like. “I can’t believe I’m going to have another Perfect Pair to contend with.”

Ash laughed. “We better call up some of our cousins who have girls and invite them over for their twenty-first birthdays. What’s the bet their mates are related to us, too?”

Sam laughed, and Laura stood up to settle some of the older kids who were calling for food. “There’s sandwiches on the bench, Laura.”

Laura picked up one of her daughters and took the hand of one of Sam’s sons. “Come on, kids.”

She towed them inside, and Sam closed her eyes for a moment, completely at peace in the perfect moment in time.

Everything had worked out even better than Reid and Kane had promised her. They’d followed her “home” so that she could sell her house and quit her job. Instead, she’d put her house up for lease and kept it, and her boss had recommended a transfer for a school only half an hour from where Ash and Laura lived.

They’d bought a beautiful old home and renovated it, gotten married on their property, and welcomed their first set of Perfect Pair twins three years ago. That’s when they’d bought an even bigger block of land and built their dream home at the foot of the Rocky Mountains.

She stared up at the clouds circling that very mountain, her beautiful lions racing around in the sunshine. Another cramp flickered through her abdomen, and she breathed through the pain. Tonight, or tomorrow at the latest, she’d deliver their second set of twins, and their family would be complete.

A groan ripped through her throat that she couldn’t contain, and Ashleigh jogged over to her. “You’re really in labor, aren’t you?”

Sam nodded and rubbed her belly in hard, slow circles, breathing through the pain still tugging at her abdominal muscles. She wasn’t in early labor. That had fled as fast as it had arrived.

“Yeah. I don’t think I’m going to wait for the men to come home. Can you send Renee for them?”


Ashleigh rushed off to call Tyler and Brandon’s sister. She’d know where to find them, and she was one of the only shifting family members that weren’t already off running already.

Another belly cramp rippled through her uterus, and Sam’s breath caught. She’d forgotten how painful this could be.

Her heart began to pound faster. What would happen if her men didn’t get back in time? She couldn’t do this alone.

She forced herself to her feet and stretched out her back. Jarvis and Taj were inside with Laura eating, so she began walking around her backyard, letting her eyes wander to the hills. Cool air brushed her heated cheeks, and the tugging at her belly wasn’t as unbearable as it had been only moment before.

She could do this. She’d done it before, and she would do it again.

“Sam! Renee’s heading out now. They won’t be long.”

Relief washed over her even as the babies shifted and kicked her in the ribs.

“Argh. Don’t take too long, Renee…”

The hairs on her neck rose, and she turned to the woods. Two mountain lions emerged through the trees, and her heart jumped in her chest.

The eyes stared hard at her, and she let her breath out. Even after all these years she was still struck with the magnificence of her men in shifter form. A small trickle of adrenaline pumped through her veins even now.

They slowed their pace and began to transform, fur shedding and falling away. Masculine arms and legs of her men appeared, and she staggered towards them.

“Thank goodness you got the message.”

Reid grabbed her about the waist, pulling her close and sliding his hand over her huge belly. “What message?”

Their twins kicked hard into Reid’s hand as her belly became a solid ball of muscle.

“I—ah…” Her words stopped working as her brain shifted gear, breathing the only thing she cared about as Kane’s hands came to her, pulling her towards the house once again.

When the wave of pain descended and swept away, her mind cleared once again. Kane directed her into the chair, but she waved him off. She didn’t want to sit again. “Didn’t Renee find you?”

Kane shook his head. “No. Reid and I just turned tail halfway and headed back. We both had a feeling you needed us and came straight home.”

A rush of love stuck her, her chest tightening as it often did when her Perfect Pair did something that reminded her that they were designed for her. That fate had made her just for them. It was beautiful.

Another cramp hit her, and she grabbed onto Kane and Reid’s hands, squeezing tightly until the wave disappeared again. “Ah, um. Thank you. The babies are coming, and they won’t wait much longer I don’t think.”

Reid swept her up into his arms, his growl sounded in her ear as he carried her inside. The hospital was too far away, and she wasn’t waiting for that. Or her sons wouldn’t wait for the hospital. She was sure of it.

“Reid, can you take me to our bedroom? And, Kane, ask my cousins to take care of the boys, ok?”

Reid stopped short in the hallway, his eyes going wide. “You don’t want to go to the hospital?”

She shook her head. “No. I won’t make it. I think I’ll be having these babies here.”

Kane groaned. “No, no, no. I’ll call an ambulance. This isn’t safe, Sam.”

She panted, arching and wriggling in Reid’s arms until the spasms of pain moved away. “Ah … ok. They can come help. But I’m not getting in the car.”

Reid twisted and began walking her into their room. Her feet hit the floor, and she began pulling at her clothes. Her skin was tight, hot.

“Ah, Sam…”

“I need to get in the shower… My back is killing me.”

She staggered to their huge bathroom, stripping off all her clothes and turning on the steaming water as her back screamed in pain.

The cramps hit her one after another after another, until she was on her knees on the tiles, the urge to push gripping her insides.

“Kane … get a … towel.”

She began to push, bearing down against the pain inside her belly, the slide and slither of her baby inside her shifting as she groaned.

Then relief as he slid away and Kane grabbed for their baby.

“The ambulance is here.” Reid’s voice sounded somewhere in the distance, and she slumped down onto all fours, taking rest when she could.

Kane knelt beside her, holding her new son in his arms. He was mewling and gasping, his pink face screwed up and angry after his ordeal.

The ambulance men moved in, and Sam closed her eyes as they dealt with the umbilical cord and her husband held her son close.

The cramps began to build again, and she pushed up on her tired arms, finding solace inside her own mind.

Her breathing became her focus until the pain and power in her belly tightened to the point she could use it for one last push. She bore down, the intense pressure opening her body and her son being born into the world only minutes after his brother.

She collapsed onto the hot tiles, and someone turned the water off. Her second son’s umbilical cord was cut, and a man’s voice urged her to push a few more times. She delivered the placentas quickly, and Reid’s voice spoke into her ear.

“Come on, beautiful.” He lifted her from the floor, and Kane wrapped towels around her.

They placed her in bed and stepped close, a twin in either arm.

“Can I have my babies?”

She reached out for her sons, and her husbands brought them to her. Kane and Reid lay on either side of her and positioned their boys so that each could take a nipple in their mouth.

“They’re finally here.” Her heart filled with love as her boys snuffled and licked at her breasts, their perfect faces, once part of her dreams, now her reality.


The End




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