Shadowcry (17 page)

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Authors: Jenna Burtenshaw

BOOK: Shadowcry
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The writing there was small and cramped, and extra pages had been pushed in to accommodate the extensive research that had been done into the subject, but the central concept was simple enough. According to that section, the Walkers saw the worlds of the living and the dead as exactly that: two separate worlds overlapping one another, between which a person's consciousness could eventually move at will. To help Silas pass into death, all someone had to do was open a tear in the veil and let his spirit wander through. That was the theory, but Kate read that section twice and was still none the wiser about how she should go about it. The book might as well have asked her to jump from a tower and trust that she could fly.

Silas was guiding the boat steadily through a junction of seven mazelike passages when Kate reached a section of the book where the ink was mostly green instead of black. She tried to concentrate on the words, but she had been reading for hours and the events of the day were starting to catch up with her. Her eyes became heavy, the oars broke the water like a heartbeat, and she fell asleep clutching
tightly in her hand.

Kate woke suddenly, not realizing she had been asleep, and found herself huddled on the floor of the boat, leaning against the stern. Shadows hung around her, thick stifling blackness, and her heart sank. They were still underground.

She pulled herself up into her seat. Silas was working the oars at a steady speed, but the candle in the lantern had burned most of the way down. He must have been rowing for hours, though he did not look tired. He did, however, have a rag wrapped over his nose and mouth that hadn't been there before. Kate's nose twitched, instantly becoming aware of a foul smell in the air. “What
that?” she asked, trying not to breathe.

She glanced over the side of the boat. Somewhere along their journey the underground river had fed into the city's system of sewer tunnels. The water was filthy and thick. Kate choked on the stench and dragged her blanket up to her face, struggling to block it out. She couldn't be sure, but she thought Silas's eyes were smiling. Beneath his mask he was laughing at her.

Silas steered the boat down the central tunnel, where the river split into three. Ladders led upward at regular points along the walls, but he was in no hurry to use just any of them. Instead, he counted them carefully and turned the boat in toward the wall at the fourteenth. “This shaft leads into a quiet part of the city,” he said, tying the boat to the lowest rung. “Climb up and do not draw attention to yourself.”

Kate scrambled onto the bank, dropped her blanket, and pushed the book into her coat pocket, needing both hands to climb the ladder. By the time she reached the top her eyes were watering with the smell. She forced a circular door open through sheer strength of will, then heaved herself out between a cluster of short black towers, and slithered on to the cobbles. Silas stepped up smoothly behind her, threw off his rag mask and looked around. It was early morning, and his eyes reflected the light of the winter sun as he pulled Kate to her feet.

“It is the day before the Night of Souls,” he said quietly. “This way.”

The snow had melted, and most of the streets were empty except for the most dedicated of carriagemen trundling around looking for an early fare. Silas ignored them, preferring to stay on foot, and he kept to the lesser streets where the towers were built closest together and the paths were too narrow for the carriages to pass through. Kate followed and was just starting to think that the collections of towers looked somehow familiar when they stepped out onto a wide street, right opposite the abandoned museum.

Kate and Silas climbed the steps to the main door, and there Silas hesitated. The door hung limp on its lowest hinge, its lock smashed, the way beyond exposed and black. He drew his sword, wrenched the door the rest of the way off in one pull and stepped inside.

Intruders had been in there, and whoever they were, they had not entered quietly. The huge main hall was completely ruined. Display cases had been smashed, upturned, and gutted on the floor; an old wooden counter had been crushed in two; and the skeletons of creatures hanging from the ceiling had their wires cut, leaving their bones scattered and unrecognizable on the floor.

Silas stepped farther in, watching for movement and picking a path through the debris. He did not care about being quiet. Anyone inside that building would be dead soon enough. He descended the stairs to the lower levels like a shadow. The pillar room was a mess: specimen jars smashed, work tables demolished, and the floor covered in slick shards of wet glass.

Kate followed him down to the rooms he used as his home, but those rooms were even worse than the first. Someone had torn his way through them, leaving Silas's possessions strewn everywhere. He kept going, toward the room where he had taken Kate before. The door's hinges hung loose, the fire was out, but someone had lit a small lantern upon the wide stone hearth, and the remains of a meal were left on the table.

Silas crept in, sword at the ready, and a deep scratching noise scraped behind the fireplace, making Kate stop in the doorway. Silas heard it, too. Loose soot trickled down the chimney and he advanced upon it, pressing his ear to the wall. Lightning-fast, he ducked into the chimney, reached up and grabbed a foot that kicked out in the darkness, sending soot spilling into the room. He dragged the foot and twisted it, making the chimney climber lose his grip and fall down hard, flailing and fighting as Silas pulled him out.

“Let me go! Let me go!”

Silas pinned him down with a foot upon his chest and raised his sword with two hands, its point down ready to strike. The squirming prisoner fought for his life, trying to push him away. His face was filthy, and half covered by the black hood of a warden's robe, leaving just one frightened eye visible in the lantern light.

shouted Kate, but too late.

The blade flashed as Silas drove it down.

Chapter 17
The Secret Circle

he sword stabbed hard into the ground beside the intruder's left ear, pinning his hood back and revealing Edgar's frightened face.

“So, the boy with nine lives returns,” said Silas. “Where are the wardens? How many of them are here? What did Da'ru promise you in return for invading my home? Answer now . . . or I take the ear.”

Edgar threw his hands up to protect himself. “Wait! Wait! I didn't do anything! I can explain!”


Edgar looked over at Kate and slowly let his hands fall. “I was just hiding down here,” he said. “When the wardens came . . . I thought they'd followed me, but th-they wanted something else.”

“You've made yourself very comfortable for someone who is only hiding,” said Silas. “Why did you come here?”

“Da'ru knows I'm back in the city. I didn't want to lead her to Kate or the Skilled, so I came here. I figured you'd had plenty of chances to kill me so far but you haven't. When you took me out of the station you could have handed me right over to Da'ru, but you didn't. If you really wanted me dead, I wouldn't be here right now. So when the wardens saw me . . . this was the safest place I could think of to hide.” Edgar looked up the long blade beside his head. “I guess I was wrong.”

“Yes, you were,” said Silas, twisting the blade to graze Edgar's ear. “If the wardens did not come here looking for you, what
they looking for?”

“They say you're a traitor. They think you helped Kate escape. They've sent the dogs out to look for your trail.”

Silas twisted the blade again.

“I'm not with them!” Edgar said.

“You were once,” growled Silas.

“So were you.” Edgar held up his sooty hands in peace. “I promise you, I have nothing to do with this. Why would I lie?”

Silas pulled his sword back, letting Edgar sit up. “What did the wardens want here?”

“I don't know. A book, I think, but I don't reckon they found it. When I heard them heading down here I hid up the chimney, but . . .” Edgar stopped himself, looking as if he wished he had kept quiet.


“That bird of yours. The crow. I think it was in here, following me. There were wardens in the corridor and I heard noises as if it was attacking someone. Two of the wardens were laughing about it. I think they took it with them.”

Silas did not need to hear any more. Da'ru knew of his treachery and the wardens had captured his crow. It was only a matter of time before she used the veil to find him. He had to enter death. He had to break the bond binding him to the half-life and he had to do it now.

“Bring him with us,” he said to Kate, sheathing his sword and heading for the door. “It is time.”

“Time for what?” asked Edgar, as Silas swept out of the room. “Kate, what's going on? What are you doing with
?” His sooty nose wrinkled as she helped him up. “And what is that

“You're not too fresh yourself, you know,” said Kate.

“I think I can guess why the dogs haven't sniffed you out yet,” said Edgar. “I've been squashed up a chimney for who knows how long. I've got an excuse. What did you do? Go swimming in a sewer?”

“Close enough.”

Kate glanced at the door and, deciding she had some time, pulled Edgar's letter out of her pocket. The paper had dried out since being soaked in the underground river but the ink had run, making what he had written barely readable.

“Ah . . . right,” said Edgar, shifting uncomfortably as Kate handed it to him. “I can explain this. What did, er, Mina say about it?”

“She didn't have much of a chance to say about anything,” said Kate. “Silas soon saw to that.”

“What? He didn't . . . ?”

“Mina is dead,” said Kate, her voice colder than she meant it to be. “The Skilled found me outside the council chambers, right where
apparently told them I would be. Silas followed me, and now Mina is dead. What's going on, Edgar?”

“I don't—”

“Mina told me about your time with the High Council. I know you have connections with the Skilled. I've just found out that Artemis has been getting letters from them for years, and for some reason three years ago you just happened to move to Morvane and start working in our bookshop. It doesn't make sense. You're linked to everything somehow and I want to know how.”

“I don't know anything about any letters to your uncle,” said Edgar.

“Were you spying on him?”

“No! I wasn't spying!”

“They sent you to Morvane, though, didn't they? They told you to come to our town, so you could watch us for some reason. Was that all part of some plan? Did they know I was one of them? Did they know then that Silas was going to come after me?”

Edgar held up his hands. “Now look,” he said. “No one knew exactly what was going to happen. Mina saw things inside the veil and, as usual, everything went wrong.”

“What kind of things?” demanded Kate. “What did she see?”

“You might not know it, but your family was well known in this city,” said Edgar. “Your father was one of the best healers the Skilled knew and your mother was one of the Pinnetts. The Pinnett family came from a long line of true seers. Did Artemis ever tell you that?”

“No,” said Kate. “He told me her family were bakers.”

“Well, they weren't,” said Edgar. “Your mother told Mina that she was going to marry your father right after the first time the two of them met. She said the veil had shown her that he had a responsibility to carry on his family's legacy and that she was supposed to help him do it. She knew she was going to die young and that her child was going to be in danger and would need Mina's help. This was after only one meeting, remember, long before you were even born, but she was certain it was true and Mina believed her.”

“Why does any of this matter?” asked Kate.

“Your mother moved to Morvane to live in the bookshop with Artemis and your father. Mina didn't like that. She said they would be safer in the City Below. She tried to get them to move to Fume for years, but they always said no. Your father never wanted to leave the bookshop and after what happened to them in the end . . . I suppose Mina felt responsible. After they died, she tried to talk Artemis into bringing you to the city, but we both know he didn't want anything to do with the Skilled; mixing with them was just too dangerous. When the wardens starting hunting the Skilled, Mina got worried and—it's true—she sent me up north to keep an eye on you.”

“Why?” asked Kate. “Because of something my mother said years ago?”

“It was more than that,” said Edgar. “The veil warned Mina that a powerful new member of the Skilled was about to be discovered and would need her help. The words in the warning were almost exactly the same as those your mother had once said to her, and she couldn't ignore it. Artemis was about as Skilled as my left boot. Mina knew it wasn't him the veil was pointing at. It was you. She wrote letters to him, asking him to send you to her for your own safety. He wouldn't listen. She warned Artemis that you were in danger, but he was sure Mina was just making it all up. He didn't believe that trouble was coming, but Mina was sure it was only a matter of time. When Artemis found out that the wardens were coming, it was already too late.”

“So that's why you came after me on the Night Train?” said Kate. “You were just doing what you were told. Doing whatever Mina asked?”

“No! I came after you because you were in trouble. I've seen what Da'ru does to people and I didn't want that to happen to you. Do you think I was just going to let Silas take you off somewhere and not do anything to stop him?”

“I don't know!” said Kate. “Everyone else seems so sure they know what's best for me. Why didn't anyone just tell me what was going on? Why didn't
tell me?”

“Would you have believed me?” said Edgar. “Would you even have listened to me?”

“I probably would have said you were crazy,” admitted Kate.

“That's exactly why I
say anything. I wanted to help you. I
you. I hoped the ‘being in danger' stuff was just Mina getting things wrong, but when you brought the bird back to life in that cellar . . .” Edgar's shoulders slumped and his eyes met Kate's. “I never wanted to hurt you, Kate. We're friends. I wouldn't want anything to change that.”

Kate wanted to believe him. She wanted to believe that Edgar hadn't just become her friend because someone had told him to, but she still felt betrayed. No matter what Edgar's reasons were for traveling to Morvane, she couldn't believe that for three years he had kept them from her. Kate always thought Artemis worried too much, but he had trusted Edgar, never guessing that he was anything more than a young boy looking for work in a new town. If someone like Edgar could lie and get away with it for so long, she was starting to think Artemis had not worried enough.

“What I don't understand is why the Skilled trusted you,” she said, softening a little. “It's obvious Silas has known you for a long time. You were only with the Skilled a few months, but Mina told me you'd worked for Da'ru for years.”

“I never
for Da'ru. She
me and my brother. We were just expected to work hard and do as we were told. If Mina hadn't . . . If Mina had had a chance to tell you everything, then you would know that I already
the Skilled. My parents were in contact with them all their lives, just like Artemis. When the wardens came to my town, they were among the ones taken away to be used in Da'ru's experiments. Two days later I heard that both of them had died.”

“I'm sorry,” said Kate.

Edgar looked down at his feet. “They knew it might happen. Mina and the others tried to get me and my brother out of the council chambers a few times, but they never really had a chance. After that, I started passing them information: who the High Council had captured, which towns they were going to harvest next, and whenever I could help one of the Skilled, I did. Me and Tom managed to help some of them escape. Most were captured again, but a few got away. When Da'ru finally got suspicious about my part in it, I knew it was time for me and Tom to get out, but as you can see that didn't really go to plan. The Skilled sent me up north so I wouldn't be found. They told me about a bookseller they thought had potential and so I went to Morvane, where I met you. After that . . . I just did my best. I was trying to help. I never wanted to lie to you, Kate.”

Kate took the letter back, rolled it up neatly, and tucked it away. “I don't think anything ever goes to plan,” she said, picking up the lantern and pushing the handle into Edgar's hands. “What happened wasn't your fault, I suppose. And none of it really makes a difference now, does it?”

“So . . . we're okay?” Edgar asked hopefully.

“Being in this city gives people a strange view of things. All the hiding and the secrecy . . . and I've only been here a few days,” said Kate. “I suppose I can understand why you did what you did. I'm just sorry you didn't trust me enough to tell me about it sooner.”

“Then we're still friends?”

Kate held out her hand. “Friends,” she said.

They shook hands awkwardly and Edgar grinned. “Silas was right, though,” he said. “I do have more of a knack of getting people into trouble than getting them out of it. Just look at where we're standing!”

Kate realized they were still holding hands and gently pulled hers away. “Silas hasn't done anything to either of us yet,” she said. “Right now, we just have to do what he says.”

“Wait!” Edgar stopped her on her way to the door. “You're not really going after him, are you?”

“I have to.”


“Because there's nowhere else to go. Do you really think he would just let us leave?”

“I think if we run fast enough he might not have any choice.”

“And we'd be on the wrong end of that sword of his before we took ten steps. Look, I don't like this either, but I have to go and find him. You can stay here if you like.”

“I'm not leaving you alone with him again,” said Edgar. “From now on, where you go, I go. Even if you are insane.”

The two of them headed out into the corridor together, took the stairs up to the ground floor, and found Silas in the main hall, kicking away piles of bones, wood, and fallen wire. He had already cleared a wide space and was beginning to tear up floorboards in the very center of the hall.

“You're no use to me standing there,” he said without looking up. “Get working.”

Kate and Edgar tugged at the floorboards, using broken boards to lever others up and push them aside. It was easier than it looked. The museum hall was ancient, but the floor was false and had been recently laid. Beneath those boards was the real museum floor and on it—being uncovered piece by piece—was a circle of symbols carved deeply into the stone. Kate stopped work, not daring to go any further, and Edgar did the same soon after.

“Whoa! Is this what I think it is?” he said.

Kate touched one of the symbols. There were dozens of them, each one intricately carved and as wide as her palm. The floor reminded her a little of the spirit wheel, only these symbols were very different. They looked more like letters than pictures, and if that was true, she was looking at a language she had never seen before.

Even though she had only read about places like this, there was no mistaking what it was. “It's a listening circle,” she said.

For generations people had told stories about the listening circles, about the Skilled who had first created them, and of the madness said to claim people who dared to use them more than once. Most people did not know if they really existed or not, but as with any good story, the more gruesome the details, the more quickly it spread, and when it came to the listening circles there were plenty of gruesome stories to go around.

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