Shadow Seed 1: The Misbegotten (56 page)

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Authors: Richard M. Heredia

BOOK: Shadow Seed 1: The Misbegotten
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“Hiya,” she said with a shake of her jet-black hair, placing a lock behind one of her ears.  “Can I come in?” she asked in a small voice.

Estefan frowned at once.  Leda was never one to tip-toe around him. 
Something’s up.
  “Sure you can, my dear.  You know you don’t have to ask, since when have I kept my wives from seeing me?” he asked with slight disbelieving undertone.

She sighed heavily and walked
forward with urgency.  It made him sit up straight in his chair.  It creaked for a moment as his Grav-belt lost its ability to regulate his weight, for a few seconds, it felt the brunt of four and a half hundred pounds.

Halfway to him
, she held out her arms to him.  He was stunned to see tears beginning to form in her eyes.  He couldn’t recall the last time he had seen her cry. 
What in hell is going on?
  It was all he had time to think before she scrambled up on his lap and hugged as fiercely as ever.  Her small arms were wrapped about him so tightly, he was certain if he hadn’t been a Heavy, she would’ve choke the life out of him, right there, right then.  She began to weep in earnest.

“Leda, what’s wrong, sweetheart?  Why are you crying?”

She didn’t answer, and scooted closer to him, her butt more on his waist, then in his lap.

He had known Leda since he was tenth grade and, up to
that very moment, not once had he seen her as vulnerable in his arms.  She had always been tough, sarcastic and head-strong, even borderline moody at times.  Though she looked like a model, your regular girlie-girl.  In reality, she was very far from anything prissy and delicate, jumping at spiders and helpless unless there was a male around to help her.  She was the exact opposite, capable of putting anyone in their place without a moments’ hesitation. She had a viper-like tongue and razor-sharp wit.  She wasn’t afraid to go in for the kill, twist the knife between the ribs.  Call it what you want, Leda was, and always would be, one tough bitch.

And yet… here she was, crying in Estefan’s arms like a bride who’d been left at the altar.  In fact, now that he thought about it, she hadn’t even wept like this on their wedding day. 
Ok, what the fuck was going on?!?

“Leda, please tell me what is wrong,” he demanded, a little harsh
er than he intended, but, the fact she’d never acted like this before, had unnerved him.

She pulled away from him suddenly.  He stared at her as she was about to break into a million pieces, right there in his lap, but then he realized her expression.  His mouth gaped with astonishment, his mind was so bewildered, it fired everywhere at once.  He found, he couldn’t keep a coherent thought for more than a second.

Sitting upon him, her arms still loosely about his neck, was Leda with the biggest, goofiest grin on her face.  It nearly split her face from ear to ear, her face flushed with exertion, her cheeks soaked in tears, but she was…

It hit him like a ton of asteroid fragments – these weren’t tears of grief or anger or heartbreak.  They were tears of joy.

But then -, what did that mean?
He thought, the befuddlement overwhelming him.

“Sweetie, I don’t under -.”

She cut him off, the words spewing forth like blood from a neck wound, so loud it was nearly a yell.  “I’m pregnant!”

His eyes bulged in their sockets, his hands holding her
from beneath her arms, lifting her completely from his body.  She squealed with delight and shook like a trapped puppy in his grasp.

“Are you serious?!?” said a scraggily old lady, then Estefan realized he’d been the one to speak.

She nodded hugely as he held her in the air above him like an infant.  Then, he crushed her to him, tears of his own overflowing from his eyelids, cascading down his face and onto his tunic.

“But I thought you didn’t want to have children,” he recalled, restoring her to her earlier position on his lap.

“I didn’t,” she admitted staring him right in the eyes, “but despite all of my efforts – contraception, staying away from you when I ovulate, etc. – this time, it hadn’t worked and you knocked me up just the same.”  She giggled deep in her throat, squirming on his grasp with utter excitement.

He gazed at her, feeling his love for her pressure his eyes, fill his chest. 
My Leda, my Leda, my Leda,
was all he could think as he peered into her eyes and saw nothing but exultation and it was amazing.  He had never seen Leda rejoice.  He had never seen elation and rapture joined as one within his petite wife, making her shine like the sun.  He could see her newfound corona and it burned with the luminosity of one million degrees.  She was so beautiful in that moment.  She was perfect.  His heart felt as though it would burst at any second.  He reached out for her, holding her lightly, at either side of her face.  Her expression focused on him.

“I love you, Leda,” he said, his voice a husky mess.

“I love you too.”

They held each other for a long, long time and somewhere in the midst of the kissing and the caressing, Estefan had a wondrous thought.  This child would be his one hundred and sixty-third, the thirty-seventh born to him by the Synod itself, but it would be his first with Leda and that was what made it unique.  He had never thought she would want to bear him a child.  Whether by accident or fate,
they’d made a baby, and she was thrilled!

A moment later, he leaned toward her and touched her forehead to his.  “It’ll be nice to hear to patter of tiny feet, my love.  It’s been eight years, you know.”

“Yes, I know,” concurred his wife.  “I only hope little Patricia doesn’t take it too hard, now that she’ll be dethroned.”

They both laughed aloud at the thought, because she was a notorious Daddy’s girl.

“Well, if it’s a little brother, she might not make too much of a fuss.”

“But if it’s a baby girl…,” added Leda, her eyebrows rising.

“Oh man, we might all be in trouble.”  Estefan chuckled.

They held each other for a long time.  Then, as if by some unsaid signal, they got up, made their way to the bed and undressed one another slowly.  Their lovemaking was slow and languorous.  Their words soft and subdued and when they climaxed together, they made little sound, but their tears flowed once more and they held one another for hours and hours.

Baby Alejandro’s conception had been a mere three and a half weeks in the past, but his birth would change everything – forever.





~ Chapter
44 ~

(Summer – 2018)


Mutations Awaken


he clock on the wall in the living room had half-chimed at the middle of the hour less than a minute prior when the doorbell rang.   I gazed across to the sofa opposite the one that me and Ramona were lying upon.  We’d been making out heavily for some time now.  My eyes fell upon Katie, who had been watching us with a rapt, if not ravenous gaze.  Every once and a while, when I was able, I had seen her hand creep down to the waistband of her homemade booty shorts, before she remember where she was and yanked it back in obvious frustration. 
My hot ass, little cousin wanted to masturbate!

Despite being a weekend, my parents had left early with little Lucia for breakfast and a visit with my grandmother.  As they left, my mother mentioned they were going to run some errands and then stop briefly at a friend’s party before making it back home.  She told us not to expect them until the evening, said there was plenty of food and then did the usual – she told me to
.  After many hugs and kisses doled out to my baby sister by both me and Katie (Ramona and Tirza had stayed up in the Loft), they left.

Being magnanimous, we offered to take care of Martín when he balked about being gone for most of the day.  He wanted to stay home and play.  After that had been settl
ed, he had bolted for the Game room and we hadn’t seen him since.

The rest of us had scampered over to Flavia’s, then Johan’s bedrooms and asked them to meet us up in the Loft as soon as they were finished with the last of their morning rituals.  They had come within ten minutes, both of them suspicious.  Flavia had been a little put off by the fact I had two additional girls up on the third floor without our parents knowledge.

Johan had looked at me with newfound admiration, understanding, at once, the significance of having my current girlfriend and my ex-girlfriend sleeping in my private quarters.  His leer vanished, though, when Flavia’s stern gaze had fallen upon him, her eyes all bugged out like a camillian lizard.  He had managed to raise his eyebrows, in rapid succession, at me as soon as he was able, nonetheless.  He made sure our volatile step-sister couldn’t see.  I winked, but forged on, we had much more important and pressing issues to attend to then age-old notions of propriety.

Per the plan, Katie left in search of Martín, but found him so engrossed in one of his video games, she came back, shrugging.  He wouldn’t be bothering us any time soon.

So, I filled them in on what had
been transpiring around them, not leaving out a single detail.  (Well, I did leave out the whole incest thing between me and Katie, and the subsequent threesome that had arisen from it, but for the most part, I told everything).

They had listened – politely at first, then with concern as the true scope of my tale
was revealed.  As the meaning and implications began to take root, their comprehension grew more thorough with each passing sentence.  Lastly, I let Tirza tell her story and that’s when their concern had turned to astonishment, then outright fury.  Finally, it was fear that settled over them when they began to realize the totality of our situation, of how unjustly we were going to be branded as a threat to meta-national security.  They were shocked with the realization that they’d somehow we’d become pariahs of the human race.

From there, it was just a matter of explaining our plans and they were both on the same exact page as the rest of us, which was a big relief.

After breakfast (Martín included), Flavia had taken Tirza to her room and we had seen neither of them since.  Johan had decided to call Jolene and see what was up with her, and he disappeared as well.  Martín scurried back upstairs without as much as a word.  Ramona, Katie and I had meandered to the Living Room bored, waiting for Sandy and Leda to arrive, so we could fill them in as well.  That was when my girlfriend had announced she wanted to play with me for a while, if Katie didn’t mind.  My cousin hadn’t objected.

That had been more than an hour ago…  Leda and Sandy were running late.

Now, Katie’s look centered on mine, the aftermath of the doorbell still ringing in our ears.  “I’ll get it,” she offered, then bound up from the other couch, making her way through the TV room, and onto the foyer before the front doors of my house.  Her shoulders were jutting back and stiff.  I could tell she was irritated at being horny, because she could nothing about it for the time being.

Ramona got up from lying atop me, and began fixing her hair and rubbing at her lips where our vigorous make-out session had made them raw and chapped pink.

I got up as well, spying my cousin push herself up to the tips of her sexy, bare feet and peep through the spy hole in the left hand door.  She looked outside to the front yard and the street beyond.  I was absently fingering the tip of my still swollen cock, watching the arches of her feet flex as they bore the weight of her body.  As I approached her, I could see her tendons tightened, the balls of her feet become taut and her toes began to grip onto the tile beneath them.  Even from a distance, I could see every detail, every nuance, every fold and ripple of that hearty flesh of hers.  I grew harder.

She turned to look at me,
about to say something, and saw my posture.  She saw I was holding a much engorged dick through the thick fabric of my shorts.  “You better put that away, tiger.  We got company,” she simpered naughtily, from the back of her throat as if to dare me to continue exactly what I was doing.

“Who is it?” asked Ramona.  She came up to my side, glanced downward, one of her hands joining mine, squeezing my member, testing the firmness of it. 
A big, hard phallus was something Ramona always had a hard time ignoring, especially mine.

“It’s Leda and Sandy,” replied Katie nonchalantly,
though her eyes never left my crotch and the busy goings-on about it.

Ramona gave me one more, harder gripping, then, “Later, my love, Katie and I will take good care of you.  We promise, right, Katie?”

My cousin’s grin was pure yearning.  “You know it…”   She unlocked all four of the door locks – we weren’t taking any chances now – and pulled open the door with some effort.  The doors at the front of our house were massive.  But, they were well balanced and opened readily.  It was their sheer weight that sometimes made them hard to open.  Once you got them moving, though, they were easy to actuate, but it was that initial burst of energy that required a modicum of strength to accomplish the task.

Ramona released my junk.  I turned around to adjust my manhood into a more vertical position, so my hard-on stuck into the waist of my shorts, which would keep it snug against my body and much less conspicuous.   From behind me, I heard my cousin greet the two newcomers.

“Hey, ladies, how’s things with ya’all?”  Katie was always cheerful when it came to initial greetings.

Leda rolled her eyes and jabbed a sideways thumb at Sandy.  “
Big baby Sandra here got sick, that’s why we’re late.  Sorry.”

“That’s ok,” mollified my cousin.  “We’re not a schedule or anything.  It’s no biggie.”

She might’ve said more, but my girlfriend edged her way up to her friends, a sort of urgency about her.  “Do you mean sick like the rest of us or just regular sick?” she asked in a rush.

“Sick like the rest of you,” mumbled Sandy before Leda could reply.

To my surprise, Ramona reached out suddenly.  She grabbed Sandy by the chin, turning her face slightly to the right and without a shred of delicacy, as if she were searching for something harmful – a disease or an infestation.

Sandy flinched at first.  Her eyes bulged outward
slightly as she attempted to gaze down at Ramona.   The angle of her face made it difficult for her to see over her own cheekbones.  “What the hell, Mona!” she spoke awkwardly, out of the corner of her mouth.

My girlfriend grasped the lower portion of her face, making it hard for her to speak correctly.
  “Stop moving!” was all Ramona said.  She even went so far as to shake the other girl’s, head emphasizing her command.

It was
startling to watch.

“Hey, Mona, cut it out,” I protested.  This was way out of line.  She was making Sandy feel very uncomfortable, and in my house.  I walked through the throng of females and put my hand upon my girlfriend’s wrist.  “Let her go...,” I trailed off, my tone deeper now, nearly as
forceful as hers had been moments before.

And yet, Ramona ignored me entirely, giving absolutely no sign she’d even knew I was there.

Instead, she murmured, “How is it that I cannot
you anymore…?”

I felt my brow furl. 
What the fuck?
  “Ramona, let her go.”  I tightened my grip on her wrist.

That seemed to break through her train of thought, only, not in the manner I had expected.  She shifted her gaze to mine, though her eyes appeared distant.  She was looking right at me, but didn’t see me.  Or maybe, she was peering into me
; yeah, I guess that is a better way to explain it, because a moment later she said: “I can see it in you – desire, lust, hardness, strength, youth, and yet…”  Her voice died upon her tongue as Sandy pulled Ramona’s fingers from her face.

My girlfriend gaze drifted back toward her friend.  “…And then there is nothing when I see her… why?”

I felt my scowl deepen. 
What in the hell was this girl talking about!?!
  It was like she was speaking to herself, as if we weren’t real and were some kind of specimens she was examining under a microscope.

I tried a different tactic.  “Babe… babydoll, what are you
talking about?  You’re sorta freakin’ us out.”  I pulled her to me with the hand still clasped about her wrist and saw a startled expression slowly creep across her face.  Something miraculous had just registered in her mind.  I encircled her waist with my other arm and pressed her against the middle of me, staring into her bewildered eyes.

“Estefan…?” she queried, her voice lost.

I nodded.

“W-what - ,” she began.  She stopped suddenly, her eyes bulging with recognition.

I thought she had come to realize who I was finally, but boy, was I ever wrong on that morning.

“It’s stronger,” she mumbled, looking at me now, her eyes dancing back and forth between my own.

She was too tempting.  I bent down slightly and kissed her – a chaste brotherly peck upon the lips, but enough to taste her.  She always looked like a little girl when she discovered something new.  “What’s stronger, babe?” I asked, though our lips were still close enough that mine brushed against hers.

She smiled cutely; the automatic batting of her grey-blue orbs was something she did whenever she wanted me to pay attention to her.  “This thing… this thing inside me that allows me to see into people, it is stronger,” she replied.

My face wrinkled as I considered what she said. 
What thing?
  “Since when,” I asked.

“Since now,” She uttered under her breath.  She broke away from me, looking over at Leda, who hadn’t moved since Katie had opened the door.  “I can see you now, Leda,” she went on speaking in some sort of code I couldn’t decipher.  “Before it was like trying to look through a thick fog… there were impressions, inklings of thought or intent, but nothing like this.  I see yo
u clearly now, plainly, as if an extraordinary sun has burnt away all the mist.”  She was smiling like a child, seeing Main Street at Disneyland for the first time.

Leda tilted her head a little to one side, seemingly
nonplussed in the powder blue halter top, short denim skirt, white stockings and two-inch heels she was wearing.

My first inclination was to ask if she were planning on going to a club later on, but I didn’t.   The thought  she looked fucking hot in that outfit, crossing my mind next and I could think of little else.  Her pale skin, dark hair and eyes were an attractive contrast when set against the varying shades of blue she had clothed her body.  She might be a petite, five foot teenager, but she was filled out nicely and the garments she wore clung to her, accentuating every curve, every mound…

“What do you see?” asked Leda, staring back at Ramona, her face betraying nothing other than curiosity.  Her rich voice scattered my thoughts.

My girlfriend squinted for a second, peering deeper into the girl opposite her.  “Youth, but just about everyone else here has that within them…, but there is more… something electric.”  Ramona paused then, her eyes searching the ground as she formulated the correct response.  Then, “It’s inside your head, it lights up your hair, though it doesn’t touch it physically.”

For some unfathomable reason, Leda smirked, nodded conspiratorially and walked into the house, and began to pass between my girlfriend and me.  We were nearly side by side, she glanced at me.  Her stare was frank and appraising through her eyelashes.  It was an expression I had yet to see her direct at me.  I was, once again, puzzled by all the strange behavior occurring all around me. 
What have you girls been smoking?

“And you see nothing in me?” asked Sandy in her typically perky, upbeat sort of manner, apparently having forgot Ramona’s mistreatment of her minutes prior.

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