Shadow Play (20 page)

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Authors: Iris Johansen

BOOK: Shadow Play
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He didn't answer for a moment. “Why would you think that? And don't give me that obsession bullshit.”

“You're answering a question with a question. You first, Nalchek.”

He gave a half shrug. “No, I did not know that child before I pulled her out of her grave. Did it occur to you that I went to a hell of a lot of trouble to find out her identity if I already knew who she was?”

“Yes, but it would seem the innocent thing to do, wouldn't it? I had to ask.”

His brows rose. “And you believe me?”

She nodded. “But I had to hear you say it.”

“Because you're such a great judge of character?” he said sarcastically. “And I passed the test?”

“You passed the test.”

“If you had any suspicions about my having something to do with Jenny's death, you should know that I was still in Special Forces at that time and based in Afghanistan.”

“I know,” she said. “But that doesn't mean you might not have been in a position to— I understand your missions weren't entirely confined to Afghanistan. You're very clever, and you could have finagled something.”

“Finagled? That's a fancy word for a good ole country boy like me.”

She snorted. “A country boy who majored in mathematics at MIT and turned down two prestigious European scholarships to enlist in the army.”

“Now how did you know that?”

“I dug. The same way that you probably went about trying to find out everything about me.”

“But I have a number of investigative sources at my disposal.”

“And I only have one. My friend, Kendra Michaels. But she has all kinds of friends in police and FBI circles. Though she did say that prying any information out of the military about you was like pulling teeth. Some of the things you did are still considered classified.”

“And why did you put her to that trouble?”

“I had to be sure.”

“But you're still not entirely sure, are you? Why? Why not accept me as I am? Why dig?”

“Tit for tat?” She made a face. “You're not going to like it.”

“I can't say I liked much of what's transpired tonight,” he said dryly. “Well, maybe a few things.”

His hands on her throat that should have been a threat and became …

She veered quickly away from that memory. “I couldn't be sure of anything, so I had to check. There were questions about you…”

“What kind of questions? Who was asking them?”

She hesitated, then went for it. “Sajan.”

His jaw dropped. “Oh, my God.”

“I told you that you wouldn't like it.”

“A coyote has questions about me?”

“Not exactly. You were just jumbled in with Walsh when I was melding with him.” She stared him in the eye. “But it confused me. Because Walsh wasn't the only one searching in this forest. Sajan saw you, Nalchek. Not once, but many times.”

“When? Anyone can tell you I've been practically living in this forest since we found Jenny.”

“I didn't get the impression that's what Sajan meant. I believe it was before that.”

“But you're not certain.”

She shook her head. “But I believe in my instincts. I believe that I'm good at what I do. Sometimes that's all that I've had to hold on to.”

He stared at her. “I could almost believe you, too.” He grimaced. “What am I saying? Sorry, I refuse to be placed under suspicion by the blurred meanderings of your guardian coyote.”

She suddenly grinned. “There wouldn't be any suspicion at all if you'd tell me the truth. Of course, I don't expect you to do that. You must have had an important reason to be in the woods—important to you, at least. And you would have told Eve if it wasn't confidential. I only wanted to know that you weren't involved in Jenny's death. That's all I care about.”

“Is it?” He reached out and touched her cheek. “You're fairly incredible.”

“That probably means you think I'm weird.”

“A little.” His hand dropped away from her face. “But a lot of people think I'm weird, too. It's usually a question of choices. I've made some pretty bad ones.” He got up in one lithe movement. “But you're not old enough to have made many mistakes.” He reached down and pulled her to her feet. “And I'm not about to let you start on my watch. No hitchhiking. I'll drive you back to your hotel.”

“What if I'm not ready to go?”

“You're ready.”

“How do you know?”

“I don't believe you were here communing with your coyote. I think you came out here because you knew I'd follow, and you wanted to talk to me.” He shook his head. “Do you always take chances like that?”

“I have to trust myself,” she said simply. “I don't have anyone else.”

“Oh, shit. Now what am I supposed to say to that?”

“Nothing.” She started toward the trees. “Now I know that you may have your own agenda, but you won't hurt Eve.” She glanced back over her shoulder. “And if I hear from Eve, I'll call you and tell you.” She smiled. “I won't leave you out in the cold, Nalchek. I know how painful that can be.”

“Not painful, just annoying.”

She turned and moved ahead of him. “Whatever…”


“Three miles ahead,” Joe said as he turned the curve. “If he's going to contact us, it should be soon.”

“Yes.” Eve glanced out the window at the glittering waters below. Beautiful, she thought. Incredibly beautiful and remote from the ugliness of Walsh. She had thought all during the drive up here to the mountains that this entire countryside was filled with glamour and breathless beauty. Yet she knew that Walsh saw only the trap he was setting for them. “Do you suppose he's watching us?”

“Probably. He'd have a good view from anywhere along those cliffs.” He didn't look at her. “Opt out. Let me go it alone.”

She didn't answer.


“I'm the one who should be saying that. I knew that was what you had in mind when you insisted on stopping at that army surplus store on the way.”

“Walsh is a professional, and he's bringing us to fairly wild country. I need to be prepared.”

“See, it's all about you. Look, I'm the one Walsh wants. I'm willing to take a chance to get that reconstruction, but that chance doesn't include you, Joe.”

“Then we won't take a chance.” He smiled recklessly. “I'll make certain that it's a sure thing.” He suddenly pulled around a curve and far over to the inside of the mountain. “And we'd better start now.” He cut the engine. “Get out. This car is too much of a target.”

Eve was already out of the car. “You're right.” She moved over to the brush and pine trees bordering the road. “But I'm interested to know how you intend to—”

Her phone rang. “Walsh.”

“Why did you stop?” Walsh asked mockingly when she picked up. “And I thought you were so eager to see me.”

“You can't have it all your own way, Walsh,” she said. “We're not going to blindly follow your orders as if you're some kind of Pied Piper.”

He chuckled. “Funny that you made that comparison. You do know that the Pied Piper was paid to lead those creatures from the village to drown in the river. Don't you think that this magnificent lake is so much more impressive?”

“Joe and I have no intention of being your victims, Walsh.”

“But you may have no choice, Eve. You've proved to be far too persistent, and you've attracted the attention of my employer. I was intending to dispose of you anyway, but now I have a direct order.”

“From whom? If you're so certain that you'll be able to get rid of us, you shouldn't mind satisfying my curiosity.”

“I'm not that arrogant. Nor that stupid. There's a possibility that you might slip away this time. Not a great possibility, but it does exist.”

“Then tell me where I can find the reconstruction.”

“You're almost there. Go another mile or two and look down the cliff. I've even been considerate enough to put a few Coleman lanterns to light your way.”

“And make certain that we can be seen if we make the attempt.”

“There is no if. You want it too much. You'll think that you can find a way. Tell me, is it really the idea of bringing that poor child home, or is it that you're more arrogant than even I've ever dreamed of being.”

“Or is it that Jenny wants you dead and in hell and has picked me to send you there.”

There was silence, and when he finally spoke, his voice was harsh. “The dead don't have power. I have the power just as I did when I killed the bitch. Now go find her skull before I blow it into a thousand pieces.” He hung up.

“I believe you struck a nerve,” Joe murmured.

“Or Jenny did.” She slipped her phone back in her pocket. “What next?”

“We move.” He went to the trunk and started pulling out the equipment he'd picked up on the way out of Sacramento. He put on the backpack. “On foot. And I lead.”

“No argument.” She fell in behind him. “Your qualifications as a SEAL far outweigh mine in this area. Just don't try to leave me behind.”

He didn't answer as he moved up into the trees at the side of the road.

*   *   *

One mile …

Bright moonlight on the lake below but only darkness here in the trees.

Joe was moving fast, smoothly, every step springy and catlike. He was making no allowances for her, but then he never did when he was on the hunt. He trusted her to keep up with him and not hold him back.

“I see a light,” he whispered as he stopped on the ridge ahead. He fell to his knees and took out his infrared binoculars. “But it could be only a decoy. Let's take a look…”

“Walsh said another couple miles.” Eve knelt beside him. “Why would he lie about—” She stopped. Why was she questioning why Walsh would do anything? You couldn't have any expectations about that murderer. You couldn't believe anything he said. “Maybe he wanted to catch us off guard?”

Joe didn't answer as his gaze raked the surrounding terrain, then he trained the binoculars on the steep, jutting cliff ahead. “The light's being cast up from that cliff. But I don't have a view of where it's coming from. I have to get closer.” He was rising to a half crouch. “Stay here.”

“The hell I will.” She drew her gun and crawled after him. “Look, we see where he's setting up his trap, but if it appears too dangerous we don't go for it. Okay?”

Joe didn't answer.


“You want that reconstruction.”

“I want you alive. I'll find another way to get the skull.”

“Not if he blows it up.” He pulled himself onto a boulder. “And, besides, the bastard annoyed me. He's too sure of himself.”

She felt a chill as she recognized that tone. There was no one more competitive or deadly than Joe when he was zeroing in on the prey. “Maybe because he's holding the best hand right now.”

“Possibly.” He'd lifted the binoculars to his eyes again. “But there's almost always a way to get around that— There it is!”

Her gaze flew down the sheer face of the cliff to where he was staring.

A shallow ledge only twenty feet above the lake.

Two large Coleman lanterns illuminating an object sitting between them.

“What is it?” Her fingers dug into Joe's arm. “Was he lying?”

He handed her the binoculars. “See for yourself.”

She raised the binoculars and focused.

At first she couldn't make out the shadowy object because of the brilliance of the light blurring everything around the lanterns. Then, as her eyes became accustomed to the light, she began to see details.

Familiar details. Winged brows, high cheekbones, pointed chin.


“It's her, isn't it?” Joe asked. “I only saw the completed reconstruction for a few minutes, but she has a face to remember.”

She nodded. “It's Jenny. He didn't destroy the skull.”

“Yet,” Joe qualified. “But he has her set up as a target.” He paused. “I think we'd better go get her.”

“No!” She drew a deep breath. “How could we get down that cliff? There's only that single winding road, and once we reach the ledge, we'd be the targets Walsh planned. I told you that if it was too dangerous, I didn't want to make the attempt.”

Joe was staring thoughtfully down at the road leading to the ledge. “He'd expect me to go down that road. I'd bet he's positioned himself to take the shot.” His eyes lifted and slowly traveled over the terrain. “Probably in those boulders near the road. Or maybe in those pine trees about ten feet down the slope of the cliff.” He tilted his head. “I'd bet on the pine trees and go down and take him out. But I can't do that because if I guess wrong, he might have time to destroy Jenny's reconstruction. Pity.”

“Don't even think about it.”

He smiled. “I won't. Because there's probably another way.” He took out his phone and quickly punched in a topographical site. “He's expecting us to knock on the front door. But that would be boring, wouldn't it?” He smiled as he found what he was looking for. “That cliff juts out and then back in a few miles away from here. That side of the cliff doesn't appear to have another road and no ledges, but if I can make it around or under that ledge from the other side, I might be able to snatch and grab.”

“It's not worth it.” She moistened her lips. “Do you think that I could stand the thought of your dangling over that lake and risking getting shot just to get that skull for me? No way.”

“Not just for the skull,” he said quietly. “Not just for you, Eve. Maybe if I hadn't spent most of the day looking at the photos of Walsh's victims, you might have been able to convince me. But I don't think we can let Walsh win even one battle from now on.”

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