Shadow Guardians - Genesis (8 page)

BOOK: Shadow Guardians - Genesis
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“What’s go you two out here huddled together, ignoring the rest of us,” Jericho asked. Mimi motioned to Miguel and Matt to fill them in on their conversations and said, “spill it”. “Glad you joined us,” Matt said. “Let’s take a mini trip,” Miguel suggested. “Sure,” said Mimi. “I’ll get Fozzley and Selda”. “No,” said Miguel. “Just the team”.


“They hate you. They drove your family away. They are everywhere, like a virus. You have the cure,” Krizel whispered into the air. His words feel onto the ears of their target, and elderly man with long white hair—bald in the middle—wearing an earring, a tee shirt and jeans. He was at a local grocery store, noticeably outnumbered there by Asian people. “The bastards are taking over,” he yelled. He stormed outside to his truck and found his gun. Afterwards, he walked hastily into the grocery store and sprayed gunfire until his ammunition was gone. “Let us go,” Krizel said to Caroth and the others. “The Soulcatchers will be on their way. “One-by-one, we will reign over them”, Caroth said. “When our leader joins us…,” Krizel began. “I know,” Caroth said. “It will be glorious”! They laughed, and the Tarrons faded into the shadows.

When The Six entered Mercy Medical Center, no one noticed, aside from the breeze that accompanied their movements. “We will find him in the isolation ward,” Krizel said. “His contagion is the first of its kind seen in North America, and scientists are studying him.” They passed several rooms. Caroth shot sparks of fire into two rooms, engulfing the sick in flames. Medical personnel rushed from every angle and struggled to contain the blazes. Caroth shot flames into six more rooms—the entire unit now blazing. “That should keep them busy,” Caroth said. A doctor ran towards them with a fire extinguisher. Loth touch the doctor’s forehead, killing him instantly. “There. The boy is there,” Beegal said. “Draw his blood,” Caroth commanded. Loth used his forefinger nail to slit the boy’s throat. Beegal collected some blood in his palm. He squeezed it until it smoked, then blew the steam into the ventilation shaft above. In an instant, people in adjourning rooms ran into the hallway, fell to their knees, and tried to crawl away. Blisters covered their faces and hands, and they coughed blood. Beegal smiled a hug grin. Krizel nodded his approval. Beegal led the Tarrons down-stairs, and the same scene played-out on ever floor on which they were present. As they left the building, men dressed in suits that read, “HAZMAT” flooded inside. Soon, Caroth yelled in glee. “There is the Earth Angel, “Lixus”, here to protect these vile creatures. Krizel shot a blast of energy into the Angel’s back, and the Angel fell. Caroth emitted flames from his eyes, consuming the Angel.




“I don’t know about you,” Miguel said, “but I don’t care for city-death. I miss the farms, rivers, and serenity of home”. “I think we all do,” Mimi replied. “Do you think it’s safe to go back home,” she added. “Let’s see what Fozzley thinks,” Matt suggested.

“I don’t think safety should any longer be a concern,” Caroth announced. “Your souls shall rest this day,” Jordin added. Jordin was clothed fully in black with armor plates on his chest, back, arms, and legs. He wore a golden helmet. The other Soulcatchers—Orin, Clause, Fidex, Wasu, and Melay—also wore all black, but had silver helmets. All six of them wielded double-bladed, flaming swords. Miguel yelled for the others to get behind him. They did so hurriedly. Miguel’s eyes and fists turned blue. The rest of his form emitted blue electricity. He formed a protective bubble around his teammates. “All together now,” Orin screamed. The Soulcatchers charged towards the children. Miguel shot energy towards the ground before the Soulcatchers. It melted into blue lava. The Soulcatchers took to the sky. “Hit them with a storm,” Jericho yelled. Miguel formed a “V” with his arms and gestured towards the sky. Blue drops of fire fell from the sky, sizzling everything they touched. The Soulcatchers were dismayed. Their helmets began to melt and stream down their faces. Orin flew away, and Miguel gave chase. The other Soulcatchers struck at the protective bubble the shielded Matt, Jericho, and Mimi. They wailed away. The further Orin flew away from the children and the further Miguel was away, chasing Orin, the weaker the protective bubble’s force-field became. Finally, one of them broke through the bubble, grabbed Matt, and flew off with him.

“Matt,” yelled Miguel. Miguel’s entire body now transformed to pure blue electricity. Matt caught up with Orin and threw him to the ground with a loud crush of the concrete below. Jericho and Mimi were being chased by the remaining Soulcatchers. Miguel stood over Orin. He grabbed him by the throat and raised him into the air with is left hand. Orin struggled against him, trying to get Miguel to loosen his grip. Miguel increased the intensity of his electric charge. He glowed dark blue now. His right hand had an electric charge shaped like a knife. Miguel held his fist back, fully intent on destroying Orin with a blow to the skull.

“Drop him or you’ll never see Matt again,” Fozzley urged Miguel, firing blasts of green plasma at the Soulcatchers who were chasing Mimi and Jericho. The Soulcatchers were hit and crashed to the ground, engulfed in green flames. “Fidex, Wasu,” screamed Orin. “Curse you, Tarron,” Orin said to Fozzley. Mimi, Jericho, and Miguel could not believe their eyes. “You’ve been lying to us,” Miguel yelled at Fozzley. He squeezed Orin’s throat tighter, then dropped him to the ground. “We can talk about that later, “Miguel”, Fozzley said. Fozzley hovered over Orin, then pressed his foot onto Orin’s chest. Orin coughed and gasped. “I can bring back Magda, restore your earthly life, never cross your path again,” Orin said. “Just give us the boy Tarron, so we can be sure he never assumes the mantle of The Seventh One, meant to lead the Tarrons to victory.” Only you, Forzozolone, can save the future of humans, ghosts, Soulcatchers, Angels, beasts and all who call this planet home,” he added. Mimi and Jericho were standing next to Michael, save that he might snap and blow electricity everywhere. “Make him lead us to Matt,” Miguel said. “Magda was your beloved wife,” Mimi said. You once told me that when you died, you fled the Soulcatchers. They hunted you and Magda and took Magda, not before you destroyed eight of them. That was the day you learned of your gift,” Mimi finished. “It was also the day that the Tarrons sought to make me, the “Seventh One”, their ordained leader by blood lineage,” Fozzley said, his voice cracking. “A Tarron,” Jericho mumbled. “Tarrons are a race of beings with supernatural powers. The can time-travel. They can raise the dead. They are deadly. Their goal is to rule over the planet and enslave all non-Tarrons. They are as far beyond your kind, in terms of power, as you are above a demi-ghost, and as far as ghosts are above humans Fozzley said. “Only the caretakers, the Angels,that God bound to earth to intervene for the betterment of humanitycan defeat a Tarron. After I died, it was discovered that my abilities were on the level of Tarrons, and I was recruited by them. I helped the Tarrons to wage war against the Angels for control over this world. In the end, I betrayed the Tarrons and helped the Angels avoid acertain demise. I still remember that day. I was walking a rural road in Montana. I was ragged, tired, thirsty, and hungry. A truck passed by, and the little boy sitting in the trailer bed saw me. “God loves you,” he said to me. “Don’t be afraid to do what’s right instead of what feels right,” he said. The boy looked very sickly, and I’m sure he didn’t see too many days after that. However, his words were strong. I thought about what I was doing as a Tarron—destroying creations of the Supreme One, entrusted to watch over HIS earth. I lost the heart of a Tarron that day, all icy and uncaring and robotic. I became a new man.

There are six Tarrons. They are powerful; yet they cannot accomplish their goals without a leader—a prophesized Seventh Tarron,” Fozzley said. “Give us the boy,” Orin said. Fozzley ignored Orin. He put his hand on Miguel’s shoulder. “You are the one chosen to fulfill the prophecy, Miguel. You are the Seventh Tarron,” Fozzley said sternly.

Orin rose to his knees. “Remember her,” he asked Fozzley. With a wave of his hand Orin conjured an image of Magda, Fozzley’s beloved wife who he longed to be with. Fozzley gasped. He fazed lovingly at her perfectly round face, her thick eyebrows, her thin mouth, her amber skin, and her thick black hair. “It’s not her,” Mimi said. “But she…she…looks so…real,” Fozzley sobbed. “Perhaps,” Mimi said. Orin can’t bring the real Magda back.” “But the Supreme One can,” Fozzley said, looking at the ground. “You’ll be in for the battle of all time, if you dare try to capture me in trade for your wife,” Miguel said, turning his form to pure electricity. “You don’t understand,” Fozzley said. “I wasn’t sent to destroy you, Miguel. I was sent to stop the prophecy—your uniting with the Six. “Look at her,” Orin said. Fozzley thought about hid dear Magda. “Her last words to me were ‘there is no end to us’,” Fozzley whispered. “Matt,” yelled Miguel. “Make him take us to Matt, and I will go with the Soulcatchers,” Miguel said. “You can’t,” yelled Mimi. “Matt is a good soul. He really cares about being a guardian. I’m just a selfish rebel in the middle of a battle for all that matters. Maybe it’s best that I be removed as a potential asset for the Tarrons,” Miguel said. “I know where the one called Matt has been taken, Orin said, now fully sanding. Surrender, and I will lead Fozolorne to the boy,” he said to Miguel. “No” shouted Mimi and Jericho in unison. “I will stay here in the hands of the Soulcatchers while you, Fozzley, and Mimi rescue Mattt,” Miguel said. “Do as I say,” he commanded. No harm will come to me. If I am this “chosen one”, they fear me far more than I them. Besides, I’m sure that they do not want me to summon The Six for a battle,” Orin huffed to himself. Mimi, Jericho, and Fozzley took to the skies, awaiting Orin to join them. “After you,” Fozzley said to Orin. “Jordin, you and the remaining Soulcatchers keep the boy here. I will return shortly.

Fozzley, Mimi, and Jericho Orin ascended straight upward for several minutes, and then they headed west. I can sense his death trail—the Soulcatcher who took Matt, not Matt,” Mimi said. “Yes we’re on the right tracks,” Fozzley said. Back at the site where Miguel was being held by Clause and Melay, the skies grew dark. Just moments ago, not a cloud was in the sky. The ocean swelled. Six flaming balls of fire approached from the sky at supersonic speeds. “Supreme One, please no,” shouted Jordin. “The Six,” he screamed. Caroth, Krizel, and the others reigned down on the Soulcatchers. Jordin fell, and his boy disappeared. Melay fell, and her body disappeared. Clause was nowhere to be found, apparently abandoning his team to save his life. Miguel turned his form to pure energy and waited. The Tarrons landed, kneeled before Miguel, and sang. “At last our leader is among us,” Krizel cheered. “What is it that you want from me,” Miguel asked. “Your loyal subjects await your instructions, Caroth said. “You will need the proper training to master your powers”. “What of the earth-bound Angels and your desire to end their days or your plans to enslave all others on the earth,” Miguel asked. “There is much suffering in this world, Miguel,” Krizel said. The Sev…Six want to end that. Earth Angels have done nothing to make this world better. Children suffer every day. They have failed humanity. When we begin making the world better, we do not need their opposition or interference. Their destruction is the only solution,” Krizel said. “You eliminated all of the Soulcatchers,” Miguel asked. “Orin, Claus, and Fidex remain,” Krizel said. “If we are to save your friend, Matt, then we must go now,” Krizel said.

Miguel, knew he couldn’t defeat all of them alone. He had to save Matt. Becoming one of the Six did not appeal to Miguel. For now, however, he needed their help to free Matt. Miguel flew in formation with the Tarrons, following Krizel. He didn’t know what was to come next.


“Where is he taking us,” Mimi asked. “There can be no other place,” Fozzley said. “We’re going to Climlos—the transitional place where souls are taken before they are judged and leave this world”. “I know you feel angry at me and betrayed. My mission was to be known only between me and the Supreme One,” Fozzley said. “I love all of you, and I have no intentions to harm you. I had to find Matt. Once I found you, him, and Jericho,” Fozzley said to Mimi, I knew that you were noble and good. I’ve spent every night since meeting you trying to figure our how to insure Miguel is not corrupted by the Six and that you continue your noble missions as the Shadow Guardians.

“A lot of people die every day,” Jericho mused, looking down at the line that was slowly moving to judgment and eternal assignment. “This must be Climlos, but there’s no sign of Matt,” he added. “They would have taken him to an isolation chamber before letting him loose to join the line of eternity,” Orin said. Jericho did not immediately see anyone he recognized. His heart beat a slight bit faster, thinking he might gaze upon Matt. “They only know that the Soulcatcher, Orin, is here. The rest of us are as the wind in their faces,” Fozzley said. “Pinapple juice,” offered Orin. “You must be extremely in need of an energy boost. Fozzley, Jericho, and Mimi gulped the pineapple juice. They all began to see double and felt out of control. “It was a trick,” Mimi said as she collapsed to the floor. Fozzley and Jericho were soon sound asleep beside Mimi on the floor.

When they awoke, Mimi found herself, Fozzley, and Jericho chained at the throat, ankles, wrists, and feet and were joined by many others in the same position. There was no sign of Fozzley or Jericho. There was a loud commotion from the front room where the group was being held hostage. Suddenly a winged woman—Selda—walked into the room. “She’s an Angel, “Misti” exclaimed. “You’ve never been the one to make an untimely entering, Selda,” Fozzley said. I like to wait until the situation seems impossible,” she snorted and laughed. “So Selda is an Angel,” Mimi said. Selda crushed the handcuffs holding Fozzley, Jericho, and Mimi with her fists. “Angel is so formal,” Selda said. “I prefer earth helper,” she laughed. “Let’s get going kids. The Tarrons are on their way here,” Selda said. “We can’t leave, Mimi said emphatically, one of our friends was captured and brought here, and we have to have him back.

BOOK: Shadow Guardians - Genesis
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