Shadow Fire (9 page)

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Authors: Kimber Leigh Wheaton

BOOK: Shadow Fire
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"Here," he says, handing his canteen to me, "Have some water. It'll help you feel better. Be sure to tell me in the future when you need to rest."

Nodding, I take a slow drink while trying to calm my racing heart. Then another unbidden thought enters my mind, and I picture his lips on the same flask. I choke on the drink I'm taking. Zane pats my back as I sputter and cough. So embarrassing. I wonder what other evils my mind has planned for me.

"I'm okay," I say, handing the flask back, "but I think I'll hold off on water for a while."

Settling on my back in the thick grass, I hide my red face beneath my arm. Just a couple of minutes and the flush will fade. If I don't stop blushing around him, he'll start to think red is my natural skin color. I feel movement in the grass beside me. His fingertips trace a feather light caress along the arm slung over my face. Lowering my arm, I breathe out a tiny gasp. Zane's face is within inches of mine. I watch his lips curl into a slight smile as his hand moves from my arm to caress my cheek. His garnet eyes are mesmerizing, trapping me within the twin pools of fire.

He leans closer, his lips so close yet still too far away. My heart pounds in my chest, my eyes still ensnared by his gaze. His lips meet mine, softly at first, then more demanding. A soft moan escapes my throat, and my eyes flutter closed.

"Is this okay?" he asks in a breathless whisper, his lips brushing mine when he speaks.

Instead of answering, I wind my arms around his neck, pulling his body closer. My mouth opens under the soft pressure of his tongue, granting him entrance. He explores my mouth with excruciating slowness. My body feels like it's on fire as tiny shivers of pleasure race up and down my extremities. I bury my fingers into his auburn hair trapping him against me. He groans, pulling me against him, tightening his arms around my upper body, and I feel a delicious warmth pool deep within my body.

When his lips leave mine I'm still lost to the sensations, all so raw and new. Opening my eyes, I gaze up at him, my limbs not quite ready to function yet. His eyes are darkened with passion, which sends another wave of desire coursing through my body.

"As much as I'd like to stay like this all day," he murmurs, nipping at my lower lip. Clearing his throat he continues, "We need to get moving."

Zane pulls me to my feet, and I let out a sigh of relief when my legs decide to support my weight. My legs feel like jelly — my whole body is shaking from the encounter. Now that was a kiss worthy of one of Celeste's books! Zane continues speaking, though his voice sounds hollow through my haze.

"Fortunately Shadow seems to have kept watch while we were occupied." The wolf is sitting on the road glancing our way with a curious expression. Zane's eyes narrow and his lips curl down into a scowl. "I'm so sorry. I never should've let my guard down."

"Please don't apologize," I murmur, thrilled he was also lost to the moment. "Nothing about what just happened merits an apology." I'm feeling shy again, cursing the blush staining my cheeks. The kiss was so intimate, so arousing, it left me a bit breathless and wanting more.

"All right then. No apologies," he agrees with a broad grin. "Shall we?"

He takes my hand, lacing his fingers with mine before continuing along the merchant trail.


The rest of the day passes in a blur. I'm lost in my thoughts, all of them about the auburn-haired mercenary. To avoid stopping for lunch, we share some of the jerky and bread from my pack. Our supplies are starting to dwindle so we'll need to resort to hunting again soon. There must be something edible out on this prairie. The prey Shadow returned with earlier didn't appear appetizing, though it was hard to tell since it was torn to shreds. As the sun starts to set and darkness creeps across the plain, I begin to wonder where we'll camp tonight.

Zane seems to be searching for something, and he hasn't slowed his fast pace. I'm about to suggest we rest for a bit when I notice the tension start seeping out of him. Up ahead are several flickering campfires on the side of the main road. As we approach, I see five merchant wagons in a semi-circle around the fires. It appears we've happened upon a merchant caravan.

When we reach the caravan, two men step out with their swords drawn. Their similar appearance is startling. Both sport short blond, spiked hair and are wearing brown pants with a black shirt similar enough to be a uniform. The only discernible difference is height, one shorter than me and the other taller than Zane.

"It's Zane Elistaire," Zane announces, stepping into the flickering light.

The men relax and lower their swords.

"We would like to bargain for a place to sleep tonight and perhaps a meal."

"Hey, Zane," says the tall blond man, "we were wondering what kept you. I thought you were meeting up with us in Kellor after dropping off the caravan in Verdane." He stares at me, his eyes roaming over my body.

"Guess you got sidetracked," the shorter man says, elbowing his tall twin.

They both chuckle as they ogle me. Even as my body stiffens, my instincts tell me that these lecherous fools are harmless. Zane puts a protective arm around my shoulders, pulling me against his side. I relax into him while pondering how these two morons would react to a couple of roundhouse kicks in the side.

"I suggest watching your tone," Zane says in a soft, flat voice. The leering smiles disappear in a flash. "Ashlyn, these scoundrels are Daren and Lukas. We work together on occasion. This is Ashlyn, the Chosen of Verdane, and my current charge." Both men nod at me, their matching brown eyes wide, before returning their attention to Zane. "Am I correct in assuming Klein is leading this caravan?"

They nod again before leading us into the circle of wagons. There are quite a few people sitting around three different campfires. Many eyes gaze at us in quiet curiosity.

"Merchants travel in groups," Zane whispers. "It's safer and easier. Don't let Daren and Lukas bother you. They may be rather obtuse at times but they would never harm an innocent."

A large, rotund man rises from the nearest fire. He ambles over and shakes Zane's hand vigorously, his rather large belly bouncing with the motion. The man is closer to my height than Zane's, but I bet he weighs as much as the two of us combined. His brown hair is thin, and he tries to compensate by combing what hair he does have over his bald spot. He's dressed in beige linen slacks and a pristine white cotton shirt. The clothes alone make it obvious he's a successful merchant. His eyes are intelligent and alert. I'm betting few things make it past his keen observation.

"Zane, it's good to see you," he says in a loud, boisterous voice.

"Hello Klein," Zane replies. "This is Ashlyn Silverthorne. We're traveling together." I can feel Klein sizing me up, though in a much different manner than the two guards. "We would like to arrange a meal and a place to sleep tonight."

"That shouldn't be a problem," Klein says. Zane starts to pull out his money pouch. "No charge," he adds. Zane raises his eyebrows. "I recognize the girl," Klein offers by way of explanation. "I was in Verdane four weeks ago when the town chose her to go after the Goddess Statue they lost. A meal and spot near a fire is the least I can do for her."

"Thank you," I murmur.

"Yes, thank you," Zane repeats as Shadow races into the campsite.

The guards stare in shock, not quite sure what to do about the large ebony creature. Shadow screeches to a halt at my side, gazing at me with bright blue eyes. He seems quite amused; perhaps he's laughing at the guards.

"That giant dog with you?" Klein asks, his eyes never leaving Shadow.

"Yes," Zane replies, "He's Ashlyn's pet. Completely harmless."

The wolf moves to Zane's side and sits back on his haunches. Zane buries his fingers into the fur at Shadow's neck.

"If you say so," Klein says, though he doesn't appear convinced. "Please help yourself to some stew, and then you can set up your bedrolls anywhere you find room."

The stew smells wonderful, and I devour my portion in record time. I wonder how the merchants manage such tasty meals on the road. Perhaps they have a chef traveling with them. Leaning against Zane's shoulder, I close my eyes and listen to the snippets of conversation around us. After such a long day, I'm ready to go to sleep. It's just as well since I don't feel like answering questions from the curious merchants.

Zane answers endless questions about me and the quest, which starts making me feel guilty. It seems the merchants enjoy gossip and just can't get enough. When the conversation begins to die down, I crack an eye open. The men sharing the fire with us are all starting to yawn and stretch. I suppose being on the road day in and day out would become rather exhausting.

As the men all begin to ready for bed, Zane makes our excuses before leading me over to the farthest fire pit. He walks out a bit into the grass to ready our makeshift bed. Shadow is nowhere to be seen, most likely out hunting for his dinner. I lie down on Zane's cloak and gaze up at him. Though I've been sleeping at his side for several nights, tonight my heart's racing, and I'm finding it difficult to breathe. Our earlier kiss is replaying over and over in my mind. Will things be different tonight?

Zane lies down next to me, covering us with my cloak. I curl up on his right shoulder like I have every other night. When he strokes my hair, I prop myself up on my elbow to meet his eyes. He pulls the tie out of my hair and runs his fingers through the braid until my hair falls in waves, pooling around his body.

"You are so beautiful," he whispers.

For once in my life, those words fill me with joy rather than fear. In a moment of bravery, I lean up and brush my lips against his. He immediately responds, pulling me closer, devouring my lips like a starving man. A loud throat clearing puts a quick end to our kiss. Klein is standing over us with an amused expression on his now pink face.

"Sorry about that," he says, more to the ground than to us. "I wanted to make sure you got settled in okay. And, well, obviously you did. So I'll see you in the morning." He starts to walk away then turns around again. "Uh, your dog dropped a couple of dead rabbits at my feet earlier. Are they a peace offering or something?"

"They're gifts. I guess Shadow likes you," I say, stifling a laugh. My upper body is still resting on top Zane. I know I should be embarrassed, but it's difficult to think with his fingers drawing lazy circles on my back.

"Okay, well good night then," Klein remarks before walking away.

"Now where were we?" Zane asks in a seductive purr. His eyes are smoldering and my stomach tightens in response. He pulls me up and kisses me with a gentleness that belies the wicked gleam in his eyes. When Shadow returns and plops down at my side, Zane slowly pulls away. "Sleep, baby," he whispers, "we have a long trek tomorrow." I settle down into his arms and close my eyes. My lips curl into a contented smile as I drift off to sleep.


Chapter Eight



"Ashlyn, wake up." I open my eyes and stare into Zane's worried ones. "Shadow just woke me. We have company." At my confused expression he adds, "Bandits." I jump to my feet, gulping a breath of air as my eyes dart around trying to locate our attackers. "Grab your bow and arrows, Ashlyn. You're fighting from a safe distance."

I snatch them up and follow him to the huddle of nervous merchants. Shadow is growling low in his throat as he paces back and forth restlessly. Zane takes me in his arms in a fierce hug.

"Climb on top of that wagon," he orders. "You should be safe. They won't have any archers. Pick them off with your arrows." I nod and he releases me after a kiss on the cheek.

"Stay safe," he says before heading to join the other two mercenaries at the front of the caravan.

Clambering up onto the wagon Zane indicated, I peer out into the darkness. A mass of dark figures blocks the road to the south. They're still far away, so I crouch down on one knee and wait. The merchants huddle together next to the middle wagon. Shadow decides to take it upon himself to protect the frightened merchants. The camp is silent save for the clink of weapons and the growls emanating from the agitated wolf. We don't have long to wait before the leader of the bandits steps forward to make his demands.

"Give us your gold, goods, and the red-haired wench hiding up on that wagon and we'll let you live," the leader demands with a gruff laugh.

The bandits are closing in. I can just make out their numbers in the darkness, about fifteen or so, all wielding axes. Their stench is bad enough I can smell it from all the way up here. Zane stiffens at the man's words.

"I think not." Zane releases a low growl as he steps forward, the other two mercenaries moving to flank him. "Might I suggest instead that you leave now with your pathetic lives intact."

There's a chorus of laughter among the bandits. Their leader strides forward emboldened by his comrades.

"You won't be so bold after I slice out your tongue," the leader says, advancing toward Zane.

"It's your funeral," Zane says, shrugging his shoulders.

He and the other two mercenaries draw their swords. I pull out an arrow and take aim at the leaders face. It should be an easy shot even in the darkness. I steady myself and pull back the bowstring, waiting for him to show any sign of attack. The second I see him raise his axe at Zane I let the arrow fly. It strikes him through the neck. He makes a soft gurgling sound and falls over backwards. There's a stunned silence among the remaining bandits. Without delay I nock another arrow on the bowstring, preparing for my next target. The bandits appear confused by the quick loss of their leader. Maybe they'll leave and we can avoid additional bloodshed.

"Beautiful shot, Ashlyn," Zane says without turning. "I again offer you the option of retreat," he says to the bandits.

My heart falls when they gather together and start forward as a group. I let another arrow fly, watching as another bandit falls to the ground unmoving. The armed men swarm around Zane and the other two mercenaries. I try to take another shot but find it difficult to locate a target amidst the fray, until Zane's form becomes engulfed by brigands. This is my best chance to take another down. I let the arrow fly into the side of a bandit. It appears almost half of the bandits have already fallen. After loading another arrow, I'm about to fire when rough hands seize me from behind. I let out a shriek when I feel a knife pierce the skin at my neck.

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