Shadow Fire (24 page)

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Authors: Kimber Leigh Wheaton

BOOK: Shadow Fire
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"There's no way I could escape without killing innocent people. I can't be a party to that," he says, bringing my hands to his lips. He places light kisses on the back of both then releases them. My heart clenches in my chest. "Flee," he commands. "In a few hours I'll be gone. You need to escape before Delistaire returns."

"No," I whisper, "I won't leave you to die." My voice chokes in anguish. "I can't." I grab the bars with my hands as he backs away. "Don't leave me. Please." Hot teardrops spill down my cheeks when his dead garnet eyes meet mine.

"I'm sorry, Ashlyn. I love you," he says before returning to sit against the far wall.

"No! Please, Zane. I love you too!"

When he doesn't move or acknowledge me, I release the bars and fall to the ground. My throat constricts to the point that I become lightheaded from lack of air. There has to be something I can do. I refuse to stand idly by while the man I love is executed for saving my life! Pushing myself to my feet, I limp down the alley, almost blinded by the tears flowing from my eyes. When I reach the main street, I glance up and down searching for the lady who helped me earlier. There's no sign of her. Leaning up against the brick wall of a nearby building I take a moment to contemplate my options. I can rescue him with as few casualties as possible, or I can try to plead his case with the town elders. The sun is already starting to rise, bathing the streets in light. Time is short.

How can I rescue Zane alone? That path would lead to unmitigated disaster. I must try to reason with the magistrates of this town. Executing someone for saving a life is wrong on so many levels. I know I can persuade them to spare Zane, and I refuse to accept the alternative; I'll make them listen. But where do I find them? Following the outline of the jail, I walk around to the front of the building. Before I can enter the building, a hand on my arm stops me. Relief floods me when I recognize my earlier savior.

"Who are you?" I whisper.

"My name's Clara. Zane's mother Rosemary was my older sister," she replies. "We're running out of time. The execution is only an hour away."

"He asked me not to rescue him. He doesn't want to risk innocent lives," I say, swallowing around the painful lump in my throat. She puts her arms around my shoulders, holding me in a tight embrace. "I need to speak with the magistrates, force them to listen, persuade them to spare him."

"I'll take you to the Elder Council. You can plead his case. But be forewarned. This won't be easy. Delistaire has a firm grip on this town." She pulls away, and I follow her from the jail.

"Is Delistaire here?" I ask, already dreading the answer.

"I hope not."

We walk in silence until we enter a large square. Men are working on erecting a dais on one side of the square. I shudder when I realize it's for Zane's execution. Clara leads me up to the stairs of a large building.

"This is the Elder Hall. Are you ready?"

"Yes. Let's go," I say, taking a deep breath and following her into the building.

We stride across a white marble floor and past several beautiful sculptures. Any other time I would have gawked at the magnificence of the high domed ceiling, but now my mind is clouded with worry. The atrium is large and filled with quite a few people. It seems odd considering how early it is. When we reach the tall wooden double doors at the end of the atrium, Clara pauses.

"This is it. I'll introduce you but I can't stay."

At my nod she knocks then throws both doors wide open. It appears we're making a grand entrance. I follow behind her and wait in silence just inside the door. The room is large with a high cathedral ceiling. Directly across from us is a long semi-circular table with seven men seated around it. They all have hair in varying shades of gray and silver. Clara strides forward, bowing her head to the Elder Council.

"Lady Clara, to what do we owe this visit?" a man with long silver hair and piercing green eyes asks, rising from his seat. "This is not a good time. As you know we are preparing an execution."

"Lord Nolan, please listen," Clara states in a loud voice, which echoes throughout the room. "I bring before you the lady whose life was saved by the kind actions of your prisoner Zane Elistaire."

"Do not forget, Lady Clara, the prisoner used magic to save her. Delistaire has explicitly outlawed any unapproved magic use," Elder Nolan advises.

I wonder if the Elder Council noticed the similar last name between their prisoner and the sorcerer.

"I am aware," Clara replies. "Please take a few moments of your time to hear what Lady Ashlyn has to say. She is the Chosen of Verdane after all. We all know what that means." A hush falls over the room at her words.

"Then the idiot should've let her die seeing as she'll die anyway!" a man with short-cropped gray hair shouts through the silence. The room is filled with noise as all seven elders start speaking at once. All talking ceases when Lord Nolan raises his hand.

"Lords of the Council, I ask for your silence now," he says then glances at Clara. "We will hear what Lady Ashlyn has to say. You may leave."

As Clara passes me, she gives my shoulder a firm squeeze. The doors behind me close with a resounding
, which vibrates in my chest. I walk forward a few steps and bow my head to the Council. What do I say? There was no time to prepare anything. These seven men hold Zane's life in their hands. It appears I remain silent for a few moments too long. A man with shoulder length silver hair and narrow green eyes rises from his seat.

"Well are you going to speak, girl, or stare at the floor?" he barks. I jump a bit at his harsh tone. Taking a deep breath, I will my voice to be steady.

"I'm sorry. I didn't have time to prepare anything in advance. I know your time is valuable, and I appreciate you taking the time to let me speak."

My voice is soft. Lord Nolan and the elder that spoke to me both sit. I glance up and scan the face of each elder in turn. They're all staring at me with varying degrees of impatience in their eyes.

"This is my first time away from Verdane. You all know my quest and the most likely consequence. I accept my fate and will do everything in my power to fulfill this quest and restore the Goddess Statue to its rightful place." I pause again, trying not to choke on my words. "Your prisoner, Zane Elistaire, was hired by the people of Verdane to assist me in this difficult trial. I never would've made it this far without him."

"While we respect the quest you have undertaken, we will not release a criminal simply because he has helped you," Lord Nolan states. A low rumble permeates the room as the elders start talking among themselves. To my dismay, I realize I'm losing their interest.

"Please hear me out!" I say a bit louder than I intended. Seven pairs of eyes stare at me in indignation. "I mean no disrespect. You must understand. The man I love is an hour away from being executed." The elders quiet down and I continue. "All Zane did was save my life. How can you execute someone for that?"

"My dear, I am truly sorry you are in love with this criminal. But the fact is he did break the law against magic use," Lord Nolan advises.

"How can healing someone be bad? I can understand punishing someone who used magic to harm others, but shouldn't a healer be exempt?" When none of the elders speak, I continue. "He knew the Palma militia was coming. I begged him to let me die. Not to use his healing magic. The thought of being without him overwhelmed me. A world without Zane would be meaningless. I guess he felt the same way about me since I'm alive to stand before you now. I would take his place. Can I take his place?"

My words are received with blank stares. These men don't care about Zane or me. Perhaps they're too jaded to care about anything. Tears start falling from my eyes, streaking hot paths down my icy cheeks. I force myself to keep my head high and not crumble emotionally.

"I am truly sorry, Lady Ashlyn. But the law was broken and punishment will be rendered," Lord Nolan says. The expression on his face surprises me. There's sorrow reflected in his bright green eyes. I can't give in yet.

"Please listen. The law is wrong!" I shout. "How can you use the same punishment for someone who saves a life with magic as someone who takes a life with magic? Can't you see how profoundly wrong it is?"

"Lady Ashlyn, you are excused," Lord Nolan barks at me.

Hanging my head in defeat, I turn and walk to the door. Pushing through the heavy wooden doors, I don't bother to close them as I walk into the lobby. I trudge across the large atrium, not caring where I'm going. It's over — Zane's as good as dead, and I was useless. My chest constricts in pain, my heart squeezed by an invisible fist.

In my blinding grief, I don't notice the small child before me until I almost fall over her. She's a beautiful, vibrant young girl from the neck up, with long flowing blonde hair. Below her neck she is hideously mutilated. Horrible bite wounds pepper her arms and legs where they peek out from her dress. Most are scabbed over but some are oozing and appear infected. A monster must have attacked her. She limps closer to me, dragging her right leg behind her. My knees buckle and I collapse on the floor beside her. She reaches out, touching my tear-stained cheek with her tiny hand.

"Why are you crying, pretty lady?" she asks in a sweet, melodious voice.

Her demeanor surprises me. She must be in horrendous pain from her injuries, yet she worries about my sorrow. I'm filled with an overwhelming need to help this little girl. Closing my eyes, I gather all the light in my soul. I draw on all the love, pain, determination and sorrow I feel right now and then push it into the girl. My mind pictures healing every wound she has including any I can't see. I just picture her whole and well, unmarred by the grievous injuries. When the light energy fades, I open my eyes. She's standing before me, all trace of injury gone. I watch her awed expression as she gazes first at her arms, then her legs. She runs around me in a circle giggling.

"You made me better!" she cries, falling into my arms in a giant hug.

"It's the least I could do," I murmur into her hair, my lips curling into a melancholy smile.

Startled gasps catch my attention, and I glance up into several astounded faces. I make brief eye contact with every person in the massive atrium. All seven elders are standing near the doors to the council chambers, mouths agape. Under other circumstances it would be humorous. Rising to my feet is difficult after expending so much energy healing the little girl. Gathering my remaining strength, I march up to the elders, glaring at each in turn.

"That's right. I just used magic to heal the little girl. Now you can execute me alongside Zane," I say, voice dripping with derision. The little girl runs up to Lord Nolan and throws her arms around his legs.

"Grandpa, look what the nice lady did. The horrible pain's all gone! And I can run again!" she squeals, jumping up and down around the lord.

Lord Nolan's forlorn eyes meet mine. He untangles himself from his granddaughter and faces the other elders. Without a word they all walk back into the council chamber and close the doors. I'm left standing in the atrium unsure of what to do. Clara runs up to me.

"Ashlyn that was amazing," she says, drawing me into her arms. "Poor Riala was attacked a couple weeks ago. We really didn't think she'd make it."

When she releases me, I stand staring at the floor. The amount of energy it took to cast the healing spell was immense. My knees buckle. I sink back to the floor to await my fate. Before long two guards arrive and haul me to my feet. They drag me out of the Elder Hall and into the town square. The plaza is filled with townsfolk all chattering like this is an exciting celebration — for them it probably is. The seven elders file past me without a word. I watch them mount the stage in the distance. The guards lead me forward through the crowd, up to the dais where the elders wait. A wooden block with a giant double-bladed axe embedded in it catches my eye. I can't suppress an involuntary shudder. The guards force me to my knees near the elders then step back.

The crowd is roaring at this unusual turn of events. I watch as Zane appears from the jail surrounded by guards, shackled at his wrists and ankles. The guards push him up the steps. All remaining color fades from his cheeks when his eyes meet mine.

"Ashlyn, what did you do?" he asks, his voice filled with anguish. The stricken fear in his eyes makes me cringe. A guard kicks him in the back of the leg, and he falls to his knees beside me.

"I'm so sorry, Zane," I whisper, my breath catching in my throat. "I tried to talk to them but they wouldn't listen." Silence falls over the crowd as Lord Nolan rises and steps forward.

"Today we have two prisoners who have broken the law forbidding magic use. Please know neither used magic to harm. In fact they both used it to save a life through healing. Last night this man saved this woman after she was mortally wounded. I have come to understand that he did it out of unconditional love for her. He healed her in full view of the militia knowing the consequences of his actions." He pauses for a moment. The crowd is utterly silent.

"A while ago this woman came to the Elder Council to plead for his life. She offered herself up in his place." I cringe at Zane's gasp. When my distraught eyes meet his, I watch in helpless silence as several tears fall from his eyes, running down his cheeks. "The council dismissed her and refused her request." There's a quiet murmur in the crowd as they absorb the Elder's words.

"After she left the Council Chamber, she ran into my granddaughter in the atrium. In full view of ten witnesses and the entire Elder Council, she completely healed Riala of all her terrible injuries from the monster attack two weeks ago."

The crowd parts as a lady and a man lead Riala to the stage. She runs up the stairs and into Lord Nolan's arms. Startled gasps race through the crowd. The noise level increases as people begin speaking over one another. Lord Nolan holds up his hand and waits for silence.

"The woman then turned to us and demanded to be executed with the man she loves," Lord Nolan says, all but yelling to be heard above the raucous audience.

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