Read Shades of Sexy Online

Authors: Wynter Daniels

Shades of Sexy (16 page)

BOOK: Shades of Sexy
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“What else?”

Strolling into the adjoining living room, she took in the white polished floors, the high tray ceiling and the art nooks. “I’m no interior decorator, but a couple of long couches with scrolled arms would look great in here.”

Nick followed her. “I was thinking of a big leather sectional for this room.”

She scrunched her nose as she pictured it. “That would be more appropriate for your man cave. This should be more of a showplace. Some huge palms would be nice. And antique end tables. Maybe an oriental rug.”

He strode over to where she stood, his boots clacking on the floor. “I have an offer for you.”

The innuendo in his deep voice stirred something inside her. Carnal need danced up her spine. She folded her arms over her chest so he wouldn’t see her peaked nipples. “What’s that?”

“If you’ll help me outfit my house like you did my closet, I’ll double that thousand.” He lifted an eyebrow. “What do you say? Just enough in each downstairs room to keep the place from looking and sounding like a mausoleum.”

She shifted from foot to foot. Two thousand dollars was a lot of money, but if she had to be close to Nick too long, she wouldn’t be able to resist his pull. “I don’t think so. Sorry. I don’t know the first thing about interior decorating. I have a job you know.”

Where I make hardly anything yet.

“I have a sneaking suspicion that you’d be great at it.”

How did he know she’d dreamed of a career in design when she was a kid? But her father had convinced her it wasn’t practical. She’d taken his advice and was glad she’d become a barber, but she still secretly devoured decorating magazines.

Childish fantasies.

Glancing at Nick’s face, she wondered if she could handle spending even more time with him without indulging her baser needs. Probably not. “I don’t think—”

“Okay, but this is my final offer. I’ll pay you five grand, total.”

Her stomach churned, kneading conflicting emotions into lumps as if they were dough. Not only would that amount pay her rent a couple months ahead, but she could even repay the loan her father had given her. Maybe throw in some extra for him. “It might take me a couple weeks. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

He gave her a solemn stare. “It has to be finished in ten days. The investors will be arriving in town on the thirtieth.”

What if he didn’t like it when she was finished? What if she totally sucked at decorating?

What if Daddy finds out Nick is a biker?

A shudder rolled over her skin. “I-I don’t know if I can—”

“I have faith in you.”

No one but her father had ever said that to her before. Her throat constricted.

He closed the distance between them. “You’ll do a great job. Do we have a deal?” He offered his hand.

Staring down at it, she hesitated. Sucking in a deep breath, she shook with him. “We do.” Electricity ricocheted between them. She let go and stepped back.

Had he felt it too?

He cleared his throat. “Um, so I guess we should go upstairs so you can help me organize this stuff in my closet. And work on tying my ties.” He headed to the stairs, picking up his packages on the way. “Ready?”

Ready to go to your bedroom with you?

She drew a calming breath. “Sure.” As they climbed the staircase, she studied his rear view. His old jeans perfectly accommodated his long legs and tight backside. And even with a T-shirt over his chest and shoulders, she could see the muscles there working. She nearly bumped into him when he stopped at an open set of double doors.

He stood to the side and motioned her in. “After you.”

She stifled a gasp when she entered, awed by the enormous room and the beautiful antique furniture. An ornately carved headboard depicted cherubs and some kind of leaves. The dark wood had a reddish tone and perfectly matched the two dressers and night tables. “Where did you get this set?”

He dropped the bags on the bed and grinned. “Pretty amazing stuff, huh? It belonged to my grandparents. I inherited it a couple years ago when my grandmother passed away.”

She pictured the two of them on that beautiful bed, nude and hungry for each other, skin to skin, kissing and touching. A delicious quiver started low in her belly and quickly spread to her extremities. A bead of sweat formed between her breasts and tickled her skin as it slid lower. If she didn’t hurry and get out of here, she might do something she’d regret. “Let’s get started.” She reached for the packages then spread out his purchases on the bed.

Nick crossed the floor to a set of mirrored doors. When he opened them, April had to laugh. Pair after pair of jeans in varying degrees of wear lined the left side of the rack. T-shirts in a multitude of colors hung on the right. A single black suit divided the rest of the clothes from several leather jackets.

“What? I’m a creature of habit. That’s why I need you.”

“Don’t you ever wear anything besides jeans and T-shirts?”

He pointed to the suit. “Sure I do. For weddings and funerals.”

Shaking her head, she grabbed several empty hangers and started working on his new dress shirts. She laid the four ties they’d picked up on the bed. “I’ll find you a special hanger for these. Are you ready to practice your Windsor knot?”

He nodded then lifted his T-shirt over his head. “I want to do it with the right shirt.”

April bit on her lip as she stared at his chest. She squinted at the faint line below his ribs, about two inches long. Pointing to the scar, she said, “What happened there?” As soon as the words had left her mouth, she wanted to yank them back. Of course it was none of her business. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me.”

He pulled on a dress shirt and shrugged. “I lost a fight. A long time ago.”

The reminder of his biker lifestyle jerked her back to reality. She had to stop fantasizing about a man who couldn’t be more wrong for her. But as he buttoned the shirt, another rush of heat washed over her. And it wasn’t only his physical attributes that attracted her. Nor his opulent home. She genuinely liked him—enjoyed talking to him, just being with him. And he made her feel so special.

He buttoned the shirt to the top then picked up one of the ties and fixed it around the collar. “So I cross it here, right?”

She shook her head and stepped closer, close enough that his scent enveloped her. Taking the ends of the silk from him, she crossed the thicker end over the thinner then behind. “Now you pull it over the top like this.” As she demonstrated, his gaze zeroed in on her lips. A warm, pleasant ache started low in her belly. “Then you draw this end through the loop.” She had no idea what she was doing. Her head swam in a thick haze of yearning.

“That doesn’t look right.” His voice was so quiet she could barely hear it. He lifted her chin with his index finger and captured her stare.

She parted her lips. Her heart kaboomed like a drum ensemble. Nick moistened his lips and slid an arm around her, drawing her even closer. He tilted his head, angled his mouth over hers and gave her the softest, sweetest kiss.

Her eyelids slipped lazily shut. A protest caught in her throat, but she squashed it like a pesky bug. He threaded his fingers through her hair, cradled her head against his hand and slipped his tongue into her mouth. He tasted of mint.

She breathed a lusty sigh and softened into him. All reason dissipated like a puff of smoke on a breezy day. Nothing existed but the two of them, the feel of his hard body pressing against her and the hot oblivion of their kiss. She hoped it would go on and on.

Nick slid his tongue over hers, swirled and sucked and licked. No one had ever kissed her like that before. His hand glided lower on her back until it cupped her buttocks and crushed her into the hard bulge in his jeans.

Her nipples tightened and ached for his attention. Something inside her warned her to stop, to pull away. What would her father think of her if he discovered her wanton thoughts? Or that she’d willingly entered a man’s bedroom.

She forced thoughts of her father from her mind. Nick was the only person she wanted in her head. And in her body.

Heat crawled up her neck and face at her lustful musings. Passion elevated her awareness. Every cell in her body craved Nick’s touch. She grasped his tie and pulled it toward her, keeping him close.

But he closed his hand around hers and broke the kiss. “You’re choking me.” His warm smile told her he was okay, though.

God, I love that smile.

Nick removed the tie and tossed it toward the bed. “I’m all for rough, but I need to be able to breathe.”

Rough? Could he mean he enjoyed S&M? She’d seen television shows about men and women who were aroused by giving or receiving pain. But they’d looked like degenerates.

I want no part of that.

When he tried to kiss her again, she turned her head.

Nick grasped her shoulders. “What’s wrong?”

She shrugged him off. “It was a mistake to come up here with you. I don’t…I’m not that sort of girl.”

A deep furrow marred his forehead. “What sort of girl? What are you talking about?”

Blood rushed to her face. “You know. You said you’re all for rough. I’ve heard about things like that. Bondage and whips and chains.”

His laugh caught her off guard.

“That wasn’t what I meant, April.” He closed the distance between them and reached for her hand. “That’s not my gig either. I was kidding around. I only meant mild stuff. You know, a nip here and there. A whack on the backside.”

An unsettling zing of excitement made her nipples hard as pebbles. The notion of Nick spanking her rear end ignited a fire between her legs.

What’s wrong with me?

Was she a degenerate? God help her if she was, but she wanted him to touch her.

Something took over her and she started unbuttoning his shirt. When she had it open, she pushed it off his shoulders and skimmed her hands over his sinewy muscles.

He shut his eyes and she lifted on her tiptoes to kiss him, but not with the gentleness he’d shown her. She curled her fingers into his arms, feasted on his tongue as raw erotic hunger coursed through her veins. Long denied needs bubbled to the surface.

He’s a biker, just like the man Momma ran off with.

Guilt poked at her from every direction. An image of her father’s face slipped into her head. She immediately broke away from Nick and spun around so she didn’t have to witness his disappointment. Bad enough she had her own. It wasn’t fair to lead him on when she knew Daddy would insist she never see Nick again the moment he found out.

“I can’t do this, Nick. Would you mind taking me back to my car?”

“If that’s what you really want.” The regret in his voice cut straight through her heart.

No, it’s not. “It is.” If she gave in to the overwhelming desires threatening to incinerate her, there’d be no turning back.

She fisted her hands at her sides, fighting the urge to stay. Without giving herself a chance to change her mind, she strode from the room and waited for Nick downstairs.



Chapter Three


April rang Nick’s doorbell then stepped back from the threshold. With a yellow writing tablet in one hand and tape measure in the other, she hoped he’d understand that her purpose today and from now on was purely professional. Kissing Nick Ramos again was out of the question.

But when he opened the door and gave her that amazing smile she wondered if she could stick to her plan. “Hey.” His eyes slid over her body sending a rush of awareness through her.

Her nipples stiffened painfully. Pulling in a breath laced with his irresistible scent, she brushed past him into the foyer, careful not to make contact with any part of his magnificent body. “Good afternoon. As I told you on the phone, I just need to take some measurements so when we shop for furniture and rugs, we’ll know what will fit where.”

“Right.” A crooked grin lifted one corner of his mouth. “You said all that before. Do we have to be so formal?”

She stood taller. “We should keep our relationship professional.” There. She’d said it. Now he’d stop sending out those come-hither vibes. She hoped.

His brow knitted, but he nodded. “You’re the boss.”

“No, you are. So let’s get this taken care of and I’ll be out of your hair and you can enjoy the rest of your Saturday night.” She headed toward the living room then dropped her purse and the tablet on one of the lawn chairs. Ignoring the deafening silence, she crossed the room to the wall and started measuring. But her tape measure proved too short for the large area. She glanced around for Nick and found him sitting on the steps, chin in hand.

“Do you mind helping me?”

He stood and sauntered toward her looking even sexier than he had last night. His eyes hijacked hers and refused to let go. Her breath caught. Her heart pounded. She tried to ignore the pleasant vibration in her nether region. “W-would you stand here and hold the tape so I can measure the rest of the room?”

“Sure.” He moved to the spot.

Finally she tore her gaze away, but she couldn’t block out his manly aura. Or the memory of his kiss. The feel of his skin. A delicious quiver rolled over her. Forcing her concentration to the task at hand, she continued with her measurements then wrote them on her pad.

“That should take care of it for today.” But she didn’t want to leave, couldn’t bear the thought of not being near Nick. As she gathered her things, he walked over to her. She dared not look into those clear blue eyes or she’d be lost.

“I was going to throw a steak on the grill. Care to join me for dinner?”

That smile—dimples and all—burrowed through her defenses. Her traitorous stomach groaned at the mere mention of food.

“I’m a great cook.” He lifted an eyebrow. “You have to eat, right? What do you say?”

She bit at the fingernail on her pinky, then remembered she was trying to break that habit. Just sharing a meal couldn’t hurt. “Okay. Thank you.”

So much for keeping it professional.

“Come on. Let’s start making the salad.” He offered his hand.

Gulping, she took it and immediately noticed that same zing of heat she’d experienced last night.

In the kitchen, Nick washed his hands then poured them each a glass of Pinot Noir. Then he opened the stainless steel refrigerator and removed a clear covered platter with a huge steak marinating in a brownish liquid. “See? It’s way more than I can eat alone.” After setting the platter on the counter, he returned to the fridge and loaded his arms full of vegetables. He dropped them all beside the sink.

Picking up his wineglass, he motioned for her to do the same. When she did, he tapped his glass to hers. “To dinner.”

She sipped the crimson liquid and tasted the fruit and something that might have been cinnamon.

“I’ll start the grill outside. Do you like your steak rare?” His gaze slid over her. “I’m partial to it when it’s pink on the inside. Still juicy.”

The sexual innuendo sent blood to her cheeks. “Rare is fine.”

He gestured toward the salad fixings. “You want to wash these?”

“You didn’t tell me I’d have to work.” Smiling, she picked up the head of lettuce.

He grabbed the steak then gave her a sexy wink that nearly knocked her off balance. Her legs felt like rubber as she washed her hands. By the time he came back inside she had the lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and green pepper clean and ready to go. She’d even found a cutting board and a sharp knife.

Nick opened a cabinet and withdrew a large wooden bowl. April placed the lettuce on the cutting board and raised the knife over it.

“No!” Nick moved behind her and took the knife out of her hand. Circling his arms around her, he picked up the lettuce and started tearing the leaves. “It retains more flavor if you rip it by hand rather than cutting.”

She couldn’t see his face and was thankful he didn’t have a view of hers, either. No need for him to know how he affected her. His scent surrounded her and with his torso against her back, she could feel his heart pounding, nearly as fast as hers.

He dropped small pieces of lettuce in the bowl. “Like that.” His breath gusted across her neck, raising goose bumps and inspiring a quiver that rolled over her skin.

A sweet ache started low in her abdomen. She tried to concentrate on making the salad. Picking up the knife, she stared down at the tomato and wondered if she was steady enough not to destroy it. But her hands shook with an urgent desire. Nick’s irresistible presence curled around her senses. He set the rest of the lettuce down then turned her to face him.

His eyes captured hers. Her whole body was on fire. She lowered her gaze to his lips and swallowed hard. His skin looked freshly shaven and she knew it would be soft against hers.

Nick covered her mouth with his. Shutting her eyes, she savored the taste of wine on his tongue, the feel of his hard body against hers. She yearned to feel his hands on her skin, touching her breasts and sliding between her legs. As if he’d heard her thoughts, he slipped a hand inside her shirt and skimmed it up and down her back. She softened against him and her nipples pressed into his chest. He claimed her breast and she moaned into his mouth. Heavenly sensations rocketed through her as he kneaded and shaped her breast, tugged at her peaked points.

She shouldn’t be here with him, shouldn’t succumb to her physical desires like this, particularly not with him, but how could she deny his hypnotic pull? She chased the objections from her mind and allowed herself to indulge, just this once.

He kissed the tip of her nose then fixed her with a smoky stare. “I have to go get the steak before they burn up. Don’t move a muscle, okay?”

She nodded and he kissed her forehead. Watching him walk away, she gripped the edge of the counter to steady herself.

He returned quickly and loaded the steak directly into the fridge. Then he turned to face her. “Where were we?”

How could he look better and better each time she saw him? She opened the top button of her blouse. Then the next.

Nick’s eyes widened a little as he closed the distance between them. His lips parted slightly as his eyes followed her movements.

Heart pounding, she unbuttoned her top the rest of the way and let it hang open. She’d never done anything like that before, never wanted to be touched as much as she did at that moment.

When she’d made love with her ex, he’d been so focused on himself that he’d all but ignored her pleasure. Somehow she knew it would be different with Nick. Although she’d only known him a matter of days, she got the feeling he’d be a more tender lover who would make sure she enjoyed the lovemaking too. Maybe she’d finally understand what all those women at the salon got so excited about.

Another pang of guilt broke through, but she overrode it. Passion had taken over every inch of her body. Taking his hand, she brought it to her breast. He squeezed and massaged and traced her nipple through her bra. But she wanted more. Too much fabric still separated them.

Nick kneeled in front of her and glided long possessive fingers along her sides. Then he pushed her shirt off her shoulders. It fell to the floor but she didn’t care. He palmed her breasts and kissed the skin between them.

Don’t stop.

Reading her thoughts, he unhooked the front snap and peeled away the lace cups. She hissed out a breath as he licked her skin, circled closer and closer to the rigid peak. When he finally sucked her nipple into his mouth, tendrils of molten desire flowed from the spot through her body.

She held his head between her hands and let the lush sensations wash over her. Deep inside her, she knew a door she’d always kept locked had opened and there’d be no closing it again.

Nick skimmed a hand over her hip, down to her leg then moved it to her buttocks and squeezed. Unbearable heat flared through her and settled between her thighs. She squirmed to dissipate the moisture pooling at her entrance.

He moved to the other breast and nipped at her distended nipple. Oh Lord, it felt like heaven. He raked his teeth over her sensitive bud and she sighed, louder than she’d intended. How was she supposed to control herself when Nick touched her as if he read her deepest, most private desires?

She gasped when he pushed his hand between her legs. He froze, then backed away and stared up at her. “Are you okay? If you’re not comfortable with this—”

“Please don’t stop.” Had she really just said that? She tamped down a mix of excitement and shame.

Nick stood up and plowed his fingers through her hair. Staring into her eyes, he slanted his mouth over hers and drove his tongue deep. A renewed rush of yearning rumbled through her body.

He fumbled with the snap of her jeans. The anticipation of what he’d do when he got her pants off sent her libido into a dizzying tailspin. He lowered the zipper, allowing her to shimmy out of the garment, leaving her standing before him in nothing but her white cotton panties.

Should have worn a fancier pair.

But how could she know she’d give in to temptation?

How could I not have known?

Nick slipped his hand between her legs, obliterating all rational thought. She rocked against his touch, wantonly sought her satisfaction. When he tugged at the elastic around her leg and slid a finger inside her panties, her breath hitched. Grasping his bulging arms, she leaned into him and rolled her hips. She’d never behaved in such a depraved manner, but she couldn’t stop.

He rubbed her cleft, dotted her neck and shoulder with tender kisses. God help her, it felt so good she wished it would never end. Hot pressure built inside her sex and she let out a desperate whimper she hardly recognized as her own.

Nick ran a finger along her intimate folds. She gripped his arms, hanging on for dear life, afraid she’d incinerate on the spot. Then he slid that finger inside her drenched entrance. And another.

She clenched her teeth as little shockwaves crested higher and higher. He stroked and caressed. She shut her eyes as a deluge of delight exploded in every direction. Writhing, she greedily squeezed every ounce of delicious joy from her climax.

When her orgasm subsided, she held fast to Nick. He withdrew his fingers, but cupped his palm over her mound. She’d never before yearned for a man to make love to her, but she’d die if Nick didn’t ravage her.


“You’re even more beautiful when you come.” His words were barely more than a whisper but she heard the sincerity in his voice loud and clear. He tracked his gaze over her body, a sweet caress. “Let’s go to the bedroom. I can’t wait to taste you.”

Could he mean he wanted to taste her down there? She bit her lip. Johnny had never done that, said it wasn’t natural, although he insisted she suck on his shaft.

But Nick was nothing like Johnny. He obviously enjoyed oral sex. Every cell in her body hummed with anticipation. As they picked up her clothes, the doorbell rang.

Irritation knotted Nick’s brow. He handed over her jeans then untucked his T-shirt so it hid the bulge in his pants. “I’ll be right back. Whoever it is, I’ll get rid of. And then we’ll finish what we started.”

She pressed her folded clothes to her chest as he left the room. She found her wineglass and took a sip. It tasted like Nick’s kiss and sent a fluttery feeling to her stomach.

A woman’s voice drifted to her ears. Bits of their conversation echoed through the near-empty house. She held perfectly still, hoping to catch what the woman said.

“Still waiting…your bed…tried calling…”

Nick said something, too quiet for her to hear. Could that be a girlfriend?

A pang of jealousy poked at April’s gut. The memory of Johnny’s betrayal flashed in her mind. She refused to be the other woman.

It’s a sign. Get out while you can.

She yanked on her jeans, righted her bra and pulled her shirt on. Letting her hormones dictate her behavior had been foolish. She knew better.

The door shut moments before Nick appeared in the doorway. His face fell as he looked her over. “What’s going on? I told you I’d get rid of whoever it was and I did.”

She squared her shoulders. “I think I should leave.”

He scrubbed a hand over her face. “What the hell happened in the two minutes since I walked away from you?”

BOOK: Shades of Sexy
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