Read Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection Online

Authors: Jan Springer

Tags: #new adult romance bdsm menage science fiction collection, #love triangle dystopian mnage post catastrophic romance

Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection (48 page)

BOOK: Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection
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Strong man. He will easily overpower me.
That idea intrigued Michaela and Bryce held her hand tightly, leading her down the hallway with Flynn close behind.

As she passed several open doorways, she glanced into the rooms, spying one large air bed in each chamber. The air around her grew heavy with anticipation and Michaela’s breaths came fast and harsh.

Images of Anica and her two Doctors burst into her mind. Memories of the uncontrollable way they’d writhed naked, their limbs tangled, their bodies pink with exertion and sparkling beautifully with perspiration, made Michaela’s nipples grow hard beneath her dress and a warm moistness caress the insides of her thighs.

Over the past bioweek, she’d completed the required reading from the Sacred Scrolls. She knew this wicked tenseness and passion infusing her was her awareness to the men.

Bryce led her into a room that contained an extremely wide bed. The numerous air pillows and pristine white sheets matched the white color on the walls. The floor was light gray and sparkling clean. There were no windows.

The Rebels hadn’t told her much. During her two top-secret meetings in obscure places in her Biosphere, the two people she’d met at each meeting had their faces concealed by dark hoods and masks. They’d warned her that her memories from the point she’d seen Anica and her two men and after would be instantly erased if she tried to tell anyone unauthorized about the Rebels or what she’d seen in Anica’s apartment. They’d informed her that, yes, she was off the OA Blocker, but a Rebel program had been inserted and she would be studied carefully during her trial period until she proved she could be trusted.

Truthfully, she couldn’t wrap her mind around who they were, how far their reach was and exactly how they were able to make it appear that her biorhythms remained normal to the OA. But she didn’t let her lack of knowledge over it bother her too much. She had a job to do. Have sex. Report on it and hopefully help free her people someday. For now that was good enough for her.

How…long have you two been off your Blockers?” She asked, trying to find out more information about them as Bryce let go of her hand and Flynn walked to the bed and turned down the sheets.

I’ve been off the Blocker several months,” Bryce said. “I do have it engaged when I go out in public and to work, but during these times in private…” Her gaze followed his hands as they moved to his shirt front. He touched the collar area in front and his shirt parted down the middle to reveal a broad chest with a thin spattering of light-brown hair. Excitement fluttered in her abdomen.

I’ve been off just a few weeks,” Flynn said as he stood beside the bed. He followed Bryce’s example and touched the front of his shirt. It separated, allowing her a glimpse of his chest and tufts of dark-brown chest hair. Her throat went dry as both men removed their shirts to reveal their entire upper torsos. They had wide shoulders and plenty of rippling muscles in their arms.

She’d never seen men like this before. Had never wanted to, nor experienced the need to see them like this. Until now.

Heat fused through Michaela as Bryce touched an area above the magnificent bulge hidden beneath his white trousers. The top part of the pants parted down the middle, its sides flaring open. Surprise rocked her as a long cock burst forth. Big and swollen, its entire length was webbed with blue veins.

Oh, have mercy

Chapter Three


He grabbed the base of his shaft and as he held himself, Bryce trailed his fingers along his ten-inch length of swollen flesh.

How does the sight of his erection make you feel, Michaela?” Flynn asked. He stepped closer and she gazed down to find Flynn stroking his cock too. It was huge and swollen and so unbelievably long. Much longer than Bryce and with less veins.

How does it make you feel seeing our cocks?” he prodded.

She wanted to say nothing was happening to her. Only because she continued to fear the OA, despite reassurances she was safe. But something
happening. Her breathing grew erratic and she became tense with an exquisite need for them to touch her…everywhere.

How does this feel?” Flynn asked.

She stiffened as intense awareness shot through her at the hot, solid length of his cock rubbing against her clothed upper thigh. She wanted to answer him, truly she did. To tell him she was experiencing a wildness that she’d never known before, but she couldn’t speak. Could only stare at their luscious cocks. “How do you feel, Michaela?” Bryce insisted. He studied her as he moved in front of her. He’d removed all his clothing and his shaft was curling upward, straining toward his belly. Bulging muscles flexed in his biceps as he continued stroking himself. He mesmerized her. Oh, what a magnificent male.

Are you hot? Like a fever is running through you?” Bryce asked.

His gaze grew more intense and dark as he awaited her answer. She nodded jerkily and moaned softly as Bryce reached out his hand. A gentle press at the base of her throat indicated he’d touched the release button on her dress. As it was designed to do, the front of her dress parted along the middle from her collar all the way down, the sides automatically opening. Warm air curled into the exposed area and caressed the curves of her breasts, her belly and between her trembling thighs.

Michaela struggled to breathe as Bryce’s eyes sparkled with appreciation.

Yes,” she whispered as she pieced together some thoughts. “Hot, fever, I want… Something, but I don’t know what.”

Flynn’s cock poked against her upper right thigh like a scorching brand. Shivers of need zipped through her like fire. She trembled as Bryce removed his hands from his shaft and reached up. He slipped his hands between the parted opening of her dress and cupped her breasts into his hot palms. He held her flesh firmly and with his thumbs, brushed her nipples so lightly and so sweetly, they beaded. The erotic caresses twisted arousal through Michaela’s lower belly making a vibrant hunger roar to life.

Flynn joined Bryce, stepping around to her right front. While Bryce continued to hold her breasts, Flynn parted her dress, allowing her garment to drop off her shoulders. It slipped over her arms, and puddled on her wide hips. Both men leaned closer and exquisite anticipation made Michaela hold her breath as their lips parted, their mouths straining toward her breasts.

Her knees threatened to buckle as they took her stiff nipples into their mouths. Hot wetness dampened the area between her thighs and she became poised on the edge of something wild, carefree and perfectly sinful.

Oh sweet Biosphere! Their tongues lashed her trapped nipples like naughty whips. Their sharp teeth grazed her sensitive flesh, zinging a lightning line of sweet pain from her breasts down inside her belly deep into her vagina.
Oh, so beautiful.

Impatiently, Michaela reached up and slapped her palms onto each of their muscle-riddled shoulders. She was thankful for the support, needed it as she melted into the pleasure. She yelped as Bryce’s hand slipped between her thighs and touched an excruciatingly sensitive area. Her clit. For a split second she recalled reading in the Sacred Scrolls about the clitoris, a bundle of delicate nerves located just above her vaginal opening. Rubbing it would bring extreme pleasure.

Impulsively, Michaela widened her legs, allowing his hand easier access. She whimpered as a finger dipped inside her and then out again. He began a firm, circular massage upon the sensitive spot and she gasped and writhed as tidal waves of pleasure crashed through her. Gyrating her hips harder against his hand, she lost complete control, moaning frantically at the shuddering waves whipping through her.

Oh! This was so enjoyable! She wanted more! She needed their shafts
of her.

The men groaned as she dug her nails into their backs and rode the pleasure created by Bryce’s quick thrusting finger. When she calmed, he withdrew his hand and loud pops echoed through the room as they let go of her nipples. As they moved away, Michaela groaned in protest and tried to open her eyes, but her eyelids were too heavy. The men’s breaths were raspy and frantic and the air sparked with tension as they moved into new positions around her.

One in front of her. One behind.

Michaela couldn’t speak. It was as if she were tongue-tied, trapped between the magnetic array of two hard bodies, yet neither touched her.

She could smell them. Bryce, strong, dominant and spicy, stood in front. Flynn, intense and needy tinged with the soft scent of clean, was behind.

Heated breath tingled over her lips. Instinctively, Michaela reached up and clasped her hands against Bryce’s waist. She parted her lip and jolted as a warm, moist mouth melted over hers. Her balance became compromised as something warm and moist lashed a succulent line between her pussy lips and melted over her pulsing clit. Ecstasy crashed into her. Guttural moans escaped from deep within her chest. The sounds were foreign, yet lovely.

She gasped as Flynn’s mouth fused over her pussy. He sucked hard and a wild frenzy swallowed her. Sensations rocked her and she bucked and jerked within the incredible shivers and the powerful hands that held her hips.

He swirled his tongue against her clit, licked it, whipped it and then dipped into her vagina and back out to tease her clit. Her knees almost buckled at the erotic onslaught. Her grip on Bryce tightened. His kiss intensified, making her heady and leaving her fighting to breathe.

She moaned into Bryce’s mouth as Flynn suddenly left her pussy. She tensed as a few bioseconds later, she heard a slurp. Something big and strong pressed upon her sphincter.

Easy, this is to prepare you for the plug,” Flynn explained.

The plug?

Yes, she remembered a conversation about a butt plug being inserted into her anus. That discussion with the mysterious Rebels all seemed so far away now. Everything so far away.

Nothing else existed now. Just her and these two strangers and a raw excitement.

Just relax,” Flynn said as he pressed harder. “It’ll be over before you know it and we can continue.”

Yes. Relax. I must relax. It’s all part of the experiment. Part of sex.

She moaned as the pressure increased. It was Flynn’s finger. Slippery and powerful. There was a pinch and she gasped into it.

It’s called lubricant. To help with an easier insertion.”

Michaela couldn’t nod her understanding because Bryce continued kissing her, his mouth sliding strongly over hers. He was distracting her by his intense kisses, but having a finger pushed into her behind with intense pressure was an exquisite experience.

Flynn withdrew. The slurp of lube echoed, followed quickly by his finger, all slick and warm as it plunged into her. Michaela’s anal muscles clenched desperately around him. Flynn groaned and pulled out, squirting more. This time two fingers entered. He moved inside of her, exploring gently, creating a pressure and need she wasn’t sure she would be able to stand if he didn’t fill her with his cock soon.

She’s sweet and tight,” Flynn growled. Bryce answered with a groan. His tongue pushed between her teeth and tangled with her tongue. Stars exploded inside her mind.

Flynn withdrew. Further squirts. More fingers inserted. This time there were three!

Breathe deeply and slowly, and accept it, Michaela,” he said, his voice sharp and demanding.

She whimpered against Bryce’s mouth, getting caught up in the kiss. That was, until Flynn withdrew and a hard, rounded object pushed into her behind.

The plug

Stay relaxed. It’s bigger than my fingers. But you’ll be okay.”

Michaela inhaled harshly at the pleasure-pain.
So much pressure. Unbelievable.
“Almost there,” he breathed. Appreciation laced his voice.

More pressure. She moaned, fighting the thickness. Suddenly, it stopped.

Done. Let me get her back in the mood for you, Bryce,” Flynn whispered hoarsely. Bryce answered with a growl. Flynn chuckled and Michaela arched against Bryce’s hot body as Flynn’s mouth seared her pussy. His tongue lapped between her folds with a firm pressure, which ignited a fury of tremors. He stroked his tongue into her vagina, then out and whipped her sensitive clit. Over and over until keened and moaned, and shivered uncontrollably.

BOOK: Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection
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