Read Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection Online

Authors: Jan Springer

Tags: #new adult romance bdsm menage science fiction collection, #love triangle dystopian mnage post catastrophic romance

Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection (33 page)

BOOK: Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection
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Callie looked down at her empty ring finger. A strange loneliness clutched inside her as she placed the disposable razor onto a nearby soap dish, and allowed the pulsing shower spray to wash away the soap and curly hair from her pubic area. She’d left the ring on the dresser not wanting the camera to pick it up and have the judge asking questions.

She hadn’t comprehended that taking it off would have such an impact on her. The lack of it making her feel as if her future with Luke was gone forever. In a way, it was, but she wanted to believe this new way of life would be just as fulfilling. Time would tell.

She’d shaved her pussy as quickly as possible, but considering it was such a sensitive area, she’d taken much longer than expected, dipping the razor on both sides of her soaped-up pussy lips and over her mons, making her privates nude so she could bare herself to Luke, his brothers and to the camera.

When all traces of hair and soap were gone, she stepped forward until the hot fingers of water poked the sensitive flesh of her breasts, massaging her nipples until they enlarged with arousal and hardened into thick pebbles. She turned around allowing the heated spray to knead the anxious muscles in her back and shoulders. The tenseness knotting her flesh slowly dissolved, making her skin tingle with fire.

Callie smiled.

Tonight would be the beginning of her new life. She’d be free.

Well, as free as a woman could be in a world gone mad.

Free, nonetheless.

Despite the way Colter had acted toward her when he’d told her not to trust any man, deep in her heart she knew she could trust the Outlaw brothers to protect her from Blakely.

Callie grabbed the bar of fresh-smelling soap, and ran it along the scar on the right-hand side of her abdomen, compliments of that last surprise experiment.

The bastard had drugged her, cut her eggs from her belly, sewn her up and dangled the fact that he would use her eggs and his sperm to create future fetuses for his experiments to cure the women.

The man was mad.

But then he had to be to create the X-virus and hand it over to the highest bidder. And now he was being commissioned by her own government to find a cure or a vaccine against the sickness he’d created.

Despite those disturbing thoughts, Callie continued smiling.

The night she’d escaped she’d exacted her revenge.

He’d left her isolation lab and for the first time since she’d been there she hadn’t heard the familiar click that indicated the door locking. She’d waited only a few minutes before trying the door.

To her ultimate excitement, the door had opened.

The corridor had been quiet and dimly lit, allowing her to tiptoe out into the hallway. She’d been surprised to discover she was being housed right across the hallway from the lab.

It had been empty when she entered it and searched it frantically. Eventually, she’d located the vials containing her eggs and had smashed them on the floor, effectively destroying any chance of him ever using her eggs for experiments.

To her surprise, getting out of the building had been easy.

Almost too easy.

She’d slipped into a nearby storage room where she’d been able to don a lab coat, a pair of slippers, a mask and hair net to cover her hair.

Then she’d grabbed a package of cigarettes and a lighter off a lab bench, and followed the Smoking Areas signs, which led her directly to an unlocked back door. There she’d lit a cigarette and casually strolled outside into a yard where a few smokers were puffing away.

Dressed in her garb, they didn’t even give her a second look.

A twelve-foot-high chain link fence surrounded the yard, but she’d found a corner easily enough to keep away from prying eyes, climbed the fence and hopped over.

The lab had been in the business district of Bangor, Maine.

She knew an old friend who she could trust who lived in the area and finding a phone, she’d called her friend collect. Her friend had been shocked to hear from her, had known she’d gone missing and had come right away to get her…with her four new husbands.

Helping an escaped lab rat was a criminal offence, and her friend’s husbands had been wary, but her friend had been persuasive and they’d driven her to Rackety Valley where they’d promised her to never reveal they’d helped her.

She’d gone to Laurie who at the time had been readying herself to flee the newly invoked Claiming Law and join the resistance. She’d spent one night with her sister who had put her in touch with the town preacher who had come for her and taken her to the cabin where she’d stayed until now.

Perhaps by destroying her eggs that night in the lab she’d delayed Blakely finding a cure for the X-virus. But she’d never agreed to the experiment, and he’d had no right to do what he’d done to her.

Now that Luke and the Outlaw brothers had agreed to claim her, her protection from Blakely would be secure or Luke would have told her otherwise.

Not to mention she could now spend the rest of her life with Luke, a man she’d loved more than she ever imagined she could love someone.

Two shadowy figures on the other side of the clouded shower glass made Callie’s heart pick up speed. From the silhouettes, she recognized Luke’s broad shoulders and Colter’s taller frame.

Oh, sweet heavens!

The Claiming was about to begin.

Luke entered the steamy shower first, the water spray splashing off his big muscular chest and peppering his smiling face.

Thought I’d join you first. Get you in the mood.”

Callie dropped her gaze.

Her insides fluttered at the sight of his engorged cock, but sudden anxiety overshadowed her arousal.

I’m nervous,” she admitted.

It’s okay, sweetie. We’ll go slow. Just you, me and Colter to start.”

Oh, God!

He grinned at her shocked expression.

One more thing. We get lots of points if you act submissive and do everything we say.”

You like that don’t you? Me being submissive.”

I’d rather have you fighting me as I rip your clothes from your body,” he whispered huskily.

I’d rather like that myself, but I’m also curious to see what you and your brothers have cooked up for me tonight.”

He chuckled and cupped her waist with his hot hands, maneuvering her around so that the shower was splashing against his back. Grabbing the soap from her trembling hand, he smoothed the slippery bar over one of her breasts. His free hand began a slow, erotic massage of her other breast.

Spread your legs wide, Callie,” he instructed. “Colter will be stepping inside with the government camera any moment. He’ll mount it on the wall in here. Just act natural and pretend it isn’t there.”

She did as he instructed, her heart pounding frantically in her ears, her abdomen clenching with anticipation.

Then his head lowered and he was kissing her.

His hot mouth seared her lips with wild abandon while his hands soaped her breasts.

Suddenly a new pair of hands were on her hips.

She stiffened at the intrusion.

It’s just me,” Colter whispered, as his warm hands sensuously cupped her ass cheeks.

The first Claiming requirement is a double penetration,” Luke said softy, as he broke the kiss. “We’ll do it here in the shower.”

Oh, boy.

And then the next requirement is—”

Don’t tell me. It’ll just make me more nervous.”

He grinned mischievously.

We’ll keep you in suspense then. Your orgasm is always stronger when I surprise you with things.”

She was about to be double penetrated and he was in a teasing mood? She calmed at that realization.

Her relief lasted only moments when Colter’s hand slipped between her widespread legs, and he slid a finger lightly over her pulsing clitoris.

A shiver of arousal slammed into her pussy.

Confusion gripped her.

Should she be feeling sexual pleasure at another man’s hand if she loved Luke so much?


She wanted to pose that question to him, but it seemed as if he was reading her mind.

I want you to enjoy yourself. Don’t hold back. Be natural. We want the government video to see how much we all belong together.”

At the mention of the video, she automatically stiffened. Where was the camera? Was she ready for this? She believed she was. Thought she was prepared to allow numerous strange men to view the video, and see her having sex with Luke and the Outlaw brothers.

Maybe she wasn’t as ready as she thought?

But the erotic way her swollen clitoris pulsed against Colter’s finger, the wetness seeping from her channel and the sensual way her hips automatically gyrated with Colter’s ministrations made her realize that yes, she was ready for this.

Luke’s tender caresses turned her breasts into swollen globes. Her nipples ached as he brushed his chest back and forth against them in a sensual rhythm that had her whimpering her approval at the pounding pleasure.

Soon she writhed between the two men, their eager hands sliding soapy suds all over her tingling flesh. “Bend over so Colter can take out the butt plug,” Luke groaned into her ear.

Callie moaned inwardly as the eagerness inside her mounted.

She bent over, grabbing the backs of her knees and drew in a sharp breath when Luke’s thick erection wavered mere inches from her face, his purple mushroom-shaped cockhead swollen with desire. The blue veins pulsed down each side of his shaft like slithering snakes.

Her mouth watered at the idea of taking him into her mouth, but she couldn’t. She had to do what she was told. It would show the government she was a willing and subservient wife. Being submissive would give them more points for the Claiming.

For a split second, she realized that the terrorists had won.

They’d unleashed the X-virus among the world’s population in a desperate effort to make all women submissive to men. It was ironic. In the end, their own governments had given into the terrorists and enacted the Claiming Law making women property of men to do with them what they wanted.

Her thoughts were broken as the thick, plastic butt plug slowly slid out of her. Luke’s hands curled around her upper arms as he helped her to straighten.

Colter’s large hands slipped around her waist, a hot brand reminding her of what was to come.

Lean back into Colter,” Luke whispered.

She trembled with excitement, with need as she leaned against his brother’s hard, hot, wet body.

His aroused breath fanned warmly along the nape of her neck.

Then Colter’s thick, generously lubed cock prodded the entrance to her back door.

She hissed as the erotic fire from his slow penetration took hold of her senses.

She’d been taken in the ass many times by Luke over the last two days at the ranch, but Colter…was thicker than Luke.

So much thicker.

Her ass muscles scrambled to stretch to this new invasion as he continued to impale her.

Sensing her apprehension, Luke’s mouth clamped over hers, sending powerful sensations slicing through her. It was as if Luke was sending her a message loud and clear.

Telling her that despite the fact that another man’s cock was buried in her ass, Luke was claiming her with his warm mouth, branding her with his eager lips, making sure she understood to whom she really belonged to.

As Colter slid even deeper, Callie kissed Luke back with an eagerness she found highly erotic.

She needed to show him he was still her main man.

Luke’s hands dipped between her legs to slide over her drenched clitoris. His touch was harder than his brother’s.

BOOK: Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection
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