Shackles of Honor (7 page)

Read Shackles of Honor Online

Authors: Marcia Lynn McClure

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Historical

BOOK: Shackles of Honor
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“Tell me what? How your mind does conjure at times.” Cassidy gently pushed herself from Ellis’
embrace and stood frowning at him.

“Tell you why this was arranged.”

For a moment, a small glimmer of hope sparked within Cassidy. Yes. Perhaps if she were to simply ask it of him. Perhaps he would…

“No. He despises me. It probably gives him great amusement to see me squirm so.”

“How can he despise you, sister, when he doesn’t even know you? When he has never been as lucky as Gavin Clark in tasting of your kiss?” Ellis winked at Cassidy.

Cassidy sighed in exasperation. “Can you not be serious for the short span of a few minutes, Ellis?”

“I’m quite serious, Cass. Why not try it out on him
Seduce the man into telling you with one of your kisses that so vanquishes Gavin’s resolve.”

“I would rather be beaten and thrown to the eels,” Cassidy mumbled. She didn’t tell Ellis of the unexpected thrill
warmed the inner cavity of her chest at the thought of kissing Mason Carlisle. It was too unnatural and highly unexplained.

“I don’t know how else to help you then, Cass. You’ve chosen the pathway of honor…as no doubt Mason has. Therefore
you must live with that choice, and it’s up to you. Whether or not you want to admit it…your ability to endure this is up to you and no other.” Ellis bent and kissed Cassidy affectionately on the cheek before leaving her alone on the south balcony.

It was there that Cassidy stood for some time, staring down at the stables below as she thought to herself of her impending doom. Her attention was arrested immediately, however, as Mason Carlisle himself exited the stable unexpectedly, leading his magnificent bay behind him. Stopping just outside the stable, he began to brush the animal meticulously
and Cassidy rolled her eyes at his obvious pride and vanity where the animal was concerned. Then, strangely, the wind drifting toward her caught his voice as he spoke to the animal
and she could clearly hear his words. They surprised her, for they were not complimentary words of pride in the animal’s appearance as she thought they would be.

“Well, my man…the deed is do
ne. The girl despises me for it, a
s I had no doubt she would. Poor child. I can more than sympathize with her plight. Still, she is honor
bound and old enough, though young, to face the deed that she must do with dignity. She was rather whiny about it. Simpering and feeling sorry for herself.”

Cassidy bit her tongue, which wished to lash out verbally at him in her own defense. But she needed to watch him, somehow. He was alone
and she sensed his defenses were lowered somewhat. So she eavesdropped as he continued to groom his mount.

“I’ve no doubt

for I sense a streak of rebellion in her

I’ve no doubt that she has some secret beau to whom she must tell the tale…as I must remind Gabrielle upon our return to the manor.”

“Gabrielle?” Cassidy whispered aloud. So this man, this stranger that was to be her husband, had a lover. How predictable, she thought angrily. How it vexed her completely for some reason to know it. And to think that Ellis dubbed him to be a moral man.

“Gabrielle,” he sighed. “How I dread that confrontation.”

Mason continued to brush the animal in silence for some time. Then he resumed his one-sided conversation.

“I wish Father had been well enough to make this trip with me. No doubt the girl would have taken to him and perhaps had an easier time accepting what must be. I dislike leaving Father and Mother for this long, you know that. But I feel it only fair that the girl at least become more familiar with me before she is forced to live at the manor among others that are as completely unknown to her as am I. For you know, my man…for all that I am unlikable, intolerable
and repulsive…I am not totally lacking in compassion.”

“Then you have one small virtue at least,” Cassidy mumbled to herself. She had decided to turn, leaving him to his personal conversation with the animal, but she paused as he mumbled irritatedly under his breath and stripped himself of his vest and tossed it up onto the animal’s back.

“No doubt Mathias will drive Mother to chaining him outside with missing us, eh?” He paused in his grooming of the animal, seemingly irritated. “You know, my man…the worst part of the whole situation is having to stay suitably dressed every living moment of the day.”

He began to roll up his sleeves
and Cassidy’s eyebrows rose as he then unbuttoned several of the upper buttons of his shirt. The muscles in his forearms were uncommonly developed, and he looked almost…almost approachable and even more attractive. He continued with his grooming
and Cassidy held her breath as she saw young Robin Clark, Gavin’s small brother, approach the man, a small puppy at his heels.

“Good day, milord,” the lad greeted. Cassidy wanted to call out to the boy, to warn him of Mason Carlisle’s gruff manner. But she knew she could not reveal her place at the balcony, for then Mason would know she had been compromising his privacy by eavesdropping. She rolled her eyes, irritated with herself for possessing such an abominably hedonistic inclination.

“Good day to you, lad,” Mason greeted in return. Cassidy was astounded as he hunkered down before the boy, taking the puppy in his hands and petting it as he smiled in an almost friendly manner. “What’s his name then, boy?”

“Traveler,” Robin answered proudly.

“Traveler,” Mason repeated. “A fine name. It speaks of strength and adventure.”

Robin smiled, flattered by the man’s compliment. “Have you seen the young miss of the house about, milord?” Robin asked innocently enough. Cassidy began to tremble with anxiety
for she knew that Gavin often sent written messages to her through Robin.

“Not of late,” Mason replied. “You would not happen to be Miss Cassidy’s beau, would you?”

“No,” Robin replied, a perplexed expression on his face. Cassidy sighed relievedly until the youngster burst out, “I’m his brother!”

“Ah!” Mason muttered triumphantly. “And what would be your brother’s name then, lad?”

“Gavin. Gavin Clark.” The boy dropped his voice and said, “But, milord…no one is to know that he admires her, you see.”

“Is that so?” Mason asked, lowering his voice as well.

Cassidy turned and fled into the house and down the nearest staircase, running as fast as she could out to the stable yards. When she arrived there
it was in time to see that Mason had returned the puppy to his owner and now stood reading a small piece of paper familiar in appearance to Cassidy. Mason did not look startled to see her approaching
and as his eyes captured hers intently
he slowly refolded the paper and tucked it into the waist of his trousers.

“Well, there you are then, lad. Tell your brother that you accomplished your task. And this is for your trouble.” Mason handed the boy a large coin.

“Thank you, milord!” Robin exclaimed, turning, nodding to Cassidy
and nearly knocking her over in his hasty retreat.

Cassidy was covered in panic, but she approached Mason Carlisle slowly and as if nothing had unsettled her. “I see you’ve met Robin,” she greeted him.

“Would that be the lad’s name then?” he asked. Cassidy tried to keep her eyes from studying the massive forearms revealed from his having pushed back his sleeves. His chest as well was inappropriately exposed to some extent and boasted solid, well-formed contours.

Holding out her hand, palm up in a gesture of expectancy, Cassidy said simply, “I believe you have something that was meant for me.”

His expression was angry at once. “Apparently, Miss Shea…the whole of my existence was meant for you,” he growled hatefully.

“I refer, sir, to the document that you received at Robin’s hand.”

Cassidy felt it difficult to keep her temper. His expression was so completely mocking. As he stretched his arms out to his sides, forcing an expression of daring, she nearly flew at him
wanting to beat at his magnificently attractive smirk. Inhaling deeply and drawing from her courage, she reached out, took hold of the top of the letter exposed above his belt
and pulled the document from his trousers.

Instantly one of his powerful hands bound her wrist. “You must break from him at once! I’ll not tolerate your consorting with another man when you have thus become my property,” he growled threateningly.

“I,” she spat, ripping her wrist free of his grasp, “am
your property.”

“Know this,” he mumbled. “I’ll strike dead any man who touches you.” Then he expertly mounted his stallion, bareback as it was, and rode off at a mad gallop.

Looking down at his vest that had fallen from the horse’s back during his hasty departure, Cassidy bent, picking up the garment. It was soft and pleasing to the touch, no doubt made by the finest tailors from the finest fabrics. Holding the garment in her hands, the letter from Gavin beneath it, she buried her face in it to hide her tears of torment and heartache. Instantly, however, she withdrew her face from the folds of the fabric, for it smelled of him. A pleasant, musky, masculine aroma exuded from it
and defiantly she threw it to the ground.

The note from Gavin begged for a meeting between them, and Cassidy hurried to the dense forest that bordered the west gardens. Still, with every footstep drawing her nearer to this man she had been so sure she loved, she felt guilt at not having thought of him once that day until his name was mentioned. She hesitated for a moment, uncertain that she could face him with such news as she bore. Upon seeing him waiting anxiously for her amid the trees, however, Cassidy thought angrily of Mason’s warning and ran to Gavin, throwing herself into his arms and the safety of his embrace.

“Gavin, Gavin!” she cried against his shoulder. “Oh, Gavin! What is to become of me?”

“Cass? What is it?” he asked, obviously unsettled by her unexpected emotion.

“The stranger,” she began, looking into his dazzling blue and innocent eyes. “The master of the bay…”

“Yes? What is it?”

“His name is Mason Carlisle. He has come here…he is here to…” She couldn’t force the words from her throat.

Gavin’s frown was deep and anxious as he studied her face.
“What, Cass? Why is he here?”

“Gavin…” she stammered. “I am…I’m to return to his home with him. I…I’m to marry him, Gavin.”

The horror, the utter horror
on Gavin’s face was all too apparent. Cassidy rebuked herself silently
for it was only at that moment she realized what she had done. She had known, known all along
that she could never belong to Gavin. She had known that she wasn’t certain that she wanted to. She had been living in a dream
elling herself she would be allowed to make her own choices, even though the mantle of her social position demanded otherwise.

“What?” he breathed in disbelief. “Marry him? A stranger unknown to you? You knew nothing of this?”

Cassidy could only shake her head. “He’s so angry all the time…so cruel in his manner toward me. How will I ever endure it?”

Gavin’s jaw clenched tightly
and Cassidy could see the jealousy in his eyes, the instant hatred of Mason Carlisle burning in them. “He can’t have you, Cass. Tell your father that you refuse to…”

His words were lost as Cassidy hung her head guiltily. “I…I’ve already agreed to it, Gavin. It is what my parents want. It’s

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