Sexy SEAL Box Set: A SEAL's Seduction\A SEAL's Surrender\A SEAL's Salvation\A SEAL's Kiss (68 page)

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“I thought the basis for our relationship was sex,” he teased.

“Exactly,” she said with a relieved laugh. “Why mess with a good thing?”

He nodded, but the serious look didn’t leave his eyes. “Fine. You go it alone. But if you run into trouble, let me help you. I’ve got plenty saved up. I can afford to buy my way into a lifetime supply of cookies to keep you from losing your dream.”

Her eyes soft, she reached out to cup his cheek in one hand and kiss him again.

“You are so sweet,” she said when she lifted her lips from his.

“The hell I am.”

He looked so embarrassed, she decided to give him a break and change the subject.

“Did you want to see the site design?” Shuffling papers, she grabbed the sketch pad. “Maybe tell me what you think of the colors and logo we’re doing?”

“You’re kidding, right?” Brody gave her a pained expression. “You want a taste tester, I’m your guy. But you start talking colors and decorations and crap, I’m outta here.”

“I’ve been horrible, haven’t I?” she said with a laugh, tossing the sketch pad aside. “Not only do I keep asking you all these questions you have no interest in answering, but I’ve had you try every recipe I’ve made in the last week.”

“Well, you’ve kept me pretty well compensated,” he mused, that sexy glint in his eyes making Genna shiver. She loved how he looked at her. As if she were the key to his every sexual fantasy.

“Would you like a little compensation right now?” she asked in a teasing tone, shifting so she was straddling his body, her hands anchored on the couch behind his head.

“Sounds good,” he murmured against her throat. His kisses sent shivers through her, but it was the hot rod pressing against his zipper that had her all kinds of excited.

“What’d you have in mind?” she said, sliding against his erection in a slow, undulating move that was making it hard to breathe.

“A cookie.”

What? Genna pulled back to look at him. His smile was as huge as the hard length pressing against her aching core. Laughing, she leaned in to kiss him, reveling in the taste and texture of his mouth before shifting back just a little.

“You can have a cookie afterward,” she promised.

Before she could get started, though, his cell phone rang. As much for the fun of wiggling in his lap as to be helpful, she reached around to grab it off the side table.

“I’ve already had my way with you once today,” she said, placing a teasing kiss on his chin. “Go ahead and take your call. I’ll compensate you afterward.”


Brody stared at the readout. The phone went silent, then black before he blinked, then tossed it onto the coffee table. It bounced twice before skidding into the popcorn bowl. Genna tensed, looking at the phone, then back at Brody’s face. He didn’t appear angry. Just distant.

“Is everything okay?” she asked quietly. She didn’t want to pry. But she couldn’t ignore how upset he seemed.

“Fine.” He blinked, and it was as if she’d imagined the closed look on his face. In its place now was a cheerfully charming smile.

She frowned.

Brody didn’t do cheerful.

Something was definitely wrong.

“That was Blake,” he said, giving a first name to the “Lt. Landon” she’d seen on the screen. “He’s got some irritating mother-hen tendencies.”

“So he’s calling to check on you?”

“Probably.” Brody shrugged. “I don’t feel like talking, though.”

. Brody Lane didn’t want to talk?

Genna knew she should ignore her nagging sense of worry. But since she doubted his teammate was calling to discuss feelings, relationships or their rocky past, she couldn’t. Not when he looked so unhappy. But whatever was bothering him, she knew he wouldn’t share.

So maybe she should ask about what was bothering her. Nervous, but knowing she’d never get a better opportunity, she swallowed hard and forced herself to say, “So... You’ll be going back soon.”

He grunted. She took it as a yes.

“I know you don’t get to say where you’ll live or how long you’re in any one place.” And it wasn’t as if she was asking to follow him around. Although she would if he asked. “Do you think, maybe once in a while between missions. If, you know, you’re stationed at Coronado. If, maybe, you’d come back and visit?”

Genna mentally cringed. The only way she could sound more hesitant and unsure was if she’d thrown in a whining tone with all those maybes.

Brody didn’t cringe, though. Nor did he get that distant look that told her she’d stepped into classified territory. Instead, he gave her a long stare, then smiled.

She wasn’t sure why the smile made her want to cry.

“I’ve got some career options ahead. I’ve decided not to re-up in May. I’d be leaving the navy. So maybe instead of visiting, we can just see each other all the time.”

Genna stared, her mind spinning.

She’d hoped, in that way-back secret corner of her mind, that the option of an online business would make it easier for her to keep her dream if she just so happened to be following Brody from base to base.

But now Brody was leaving the navy? He was moving back. And he wanted a relationship with her. Not just a “distance, naughty letters, and the occasional phone call or conjugal visit” kind of a relationship. But a day-in-and-day-out one.

She wasn’t sure if she should giggle, jump up and down with happiness, or freak out.

“You cool with this?” he said after a solid minute of her mindless staring.

Genna yanked herself out of the reverie, starting to smile. Like a blooming flower, joy spread through her bright and shiny. The smile turned to a grin, then into a giggle.

For the second time that evening she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him close while the giddy laughter poured through her.

“Cool with it?” she asked, so excited she’d have bounced in his lap if she wasn’t worried about damaging anything she was going to want to celebrate with soon. “I’m so happy and so excited. I love you so much.”

She froze.

Her smile disappeared and the giggles fled.

No. She wanted to grab those words back. Her mind raced, trying to think of some way to play them off, or something to say that’d be shocking enough to make him forget she’d said that. But she couldn’t come up with anything more outrageous than blurting out her love.

Cringing, she watched Brody’s face.

Instead of looking distant, though, his eyes softened.

He ran one hand through her hair, his fingers tangling in the strands by her ear as he pulled her mouth to his. The kiss was so soft, so sweet, Genna swore they were floating on a cloud. Fear fled, worry faded. All that was left was the most intense sense of happiness.

Brody shifted, so she was on her back on the couch and he was poised over her. Their clothes disappeared between kisses, their breath mingled, quickening as their hands slid over each other. Except for the time it took to slip on a condom, Brody’s mouth never left hers.

Fully embedded, he slowly pulled away to meet her gaze, his expression filled with the same emotions she felt churning through her.

Then he started moving. Slow and sweet.

And whispered, “I love you, too.”

* * *

it felt like to have your dreams come true. Brody loved her. And he was happy that she loved him. Even in her favorite fantasies over the years, she’d always figured that if she ever accidentally let that slip, he’d run faster than a bullet left a gun.

But he hadn’t. He’d smiled. He’d said he loved her back. And then he’d made the sweetest love to her as if in testament to their words. It was the most amazing feeling. As if someone had reached inside her heart and lit the happiness light as bright as it could be.

She looked at the pages spread over the table, the tidy list of orders color-coded by type and arranged by date. She’d spent the morning on the phone with wholesale suppliers, thrilled to be able to rattle off her business information and place orders.

She should be ecstatic.

Sure, her father wasn’t talking to her. They’d actually passed on the street the day before and he’d pointedly looked the other way. It was almost funny. In a
holy crap, are you kidding with the immaturity
kind of way.

And yes, her mother was calling daily to keep Genna in the health-crisis loop. The hospital trips, a migraine and a cold in the last week. Her last message had included a warning that if Genna didn’t do something about her stress-inducing behavior, she’d be forced to take drastic measures. Since she hadn’t included details on what those measures might include, Genna had ignored it.

Because her business rocked and her love life was a dream come true.

Well, to be precise, her business had the potential to rock, if it didn’t fall apart. And while her sex life was amazing and her heart was happy, there was something nagging in the back of her head.

Brody was leaving the navy?


She’d asked, but all he’d say was that it was time.

That was good, right?

It’d be so much easier to have a relationship with someone who was actually around, instead of off fighting secret missions most of the time. He’d be safer here. Nobody would try to blow him up or shoot his leg full of holes. The only secrets he’d have to protect were her recipes.

That was good.

Wasn’t it?

The doorbell chimed, loud and distracting.

Grateful for the interruption, Genna almost ran for the door, her stockinged feet sliding on the hardwood. Please, let it be someone with an elaborate baking order that would require a lot of focus and attention. Or anyone she wasn’t related to who didn’t want to talk about her family issues.

She pulled the door open to a blast of cold air and a total stranger. Frowning, she shifted her grip on the door so it’d be easy to slam if necessary.

The guy looked as if he could be plenty dangerous, but he didn’t appear to be a threat. Supershort brown hair, blue eyes and a friendly smile, she mentally cataloged as her father’d taught her. About six foot wearing jeans, a black turtleneck and a leather bomber jacket.

Nope, he didn’t look like a threat. But he didn’t look like he was there to order a cake, either.


“Hi.” His gaze was laser sharp, the inspection quick and impersonal. Still, it left Genna feeling as if he’d just accessed all her secrets, her entire history and her driving record. “I’m Blake Landon. I’m looking for Brody. His grandmother said I might find him here.”

Ahh. Genna’s frown shifted to a smile. The SEAL friend who kept calling Brody.

“He’s not here right now. But I expect him soon. Did you want to leave a message?” She relaxed her grip, letting the door swing open a little more.

Dark brows creased, the guy gave a quick glance over his shoulder at the BMW parked in front of Genna’s house. She followed his gaze to see a woman in the passenger seat. Seeing their attention, the redhead gave a friendly wave.

“My wife and I were hoping to see him. Can you suggest a restaurant or bar in the area? We’ll grab a bite to eat and come back in an hour or so.”

It was three in the afternoon on a Thursday. Too late for lunch, too early for dinner at any place worth recommending. Genna debated for all of two seconds before waving back, then gesturing to her entryway.

“I’m really not sure how long Brody will be, and all I have to serve are desserts. But if you’d like, you’re both welcome to wait here.”

He gave her another one of those laser looks, this one a little more personal with a hint of curiosity. Then he nodded and turned, gesturing for his wife to join them.

“Alexia would like that. She’s a fan of all things dessert. And of Brody’s. So be warned, she’s going to ask a million nosy questions.”

A million?

Before Genna could reconsider, the redhead joined them. Gorgeous and leggy, she wore stunning knee-high black leather boots, jeans and a white wool coat.

“Hi. I’m Alexia. And you must be Genna.” The woman’s friendly smile negated all of Genna’s worries. “I’m so happy to meet you. Brody is one of my favorite people, so I know you will be, too.”

Suddenly at ease, Genna smiled at the friendly enthusiasm and invited them both inside. Within minutes, they were seated around the table. The coffee on, Genna brought plates and a tray of cookies and tarts over.

“Oh, these look wonderful.” Humming a little, Alexia considered her choices. Then, her plate gratifyingly full, she gave Genna a brilliant smile.

“So, let’s chat. You can tell us all the great backstory on Bad Ass, and we’ll bring you up to speed on the last few years.”

“Did you just call Brody a badass?” Genna asked, not sure if she should laugh or be horrified.

“It’s his call sign,” Blake told her quietly, getting up and helping himself to coffee. “It seemed to fit.”

Didn’t it just.

“What’s yours?” she asked.

Pausing in the act of pouring for all three of them, Blake looked her way and grinned. “Boy Scout.”

Genna looked at Alexia, who rolled her eyes again and gave a little shake of her head. So Blake might always be prepared, but if his wife was to be believed, he was anything but a goody-goody.

“You want to know what Brody was like growing up?” Genna asked, trying not to imagine just how ungoody-goody Alexia could coax Blake to be.

“No secrets,” Blake insisted. “Don’t invade Brody’s privacy.”

Alexia rolled her eyes, her mouth too full to talk. Blake looked uncomfortable, as if dishing dirt on his teammate and friend was something he’d only tolerate because he adored his wife.

Genna liked him all the more for that.

“Well...” she said, drawing out the word to its fullest impact while she chose a pecan tart with caramel swirls. Inspecting the golden-brown perfection of it for a second, she raised her eyes and gave Alexia her best gossip face.

“Growing up, everyone in town called Brody a badass.”

Alexia looked blank for one second, then she burst into laughter. Blake, on the other hand, just looked satisfied as he finally took a cookie. As if Genna had passed some secret test.

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