Sexy SEAL Box Set: A SEAL's Seduction\A SEAL's Surrender\A SEAL's Salvation\A SEAL's Kiss (16 page)

BOOK: Sexy SEAL Box Set: A SEAL's Seduction\A SEAL's Surrender\A SEAL's Salvation\A SEAL's Kiss
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It only took him a second to reach into the small white pack he’d stashed at the base of the wall and pull out the snowshoes. Fully alert, his finger still on the trigger of his revolver, he swiftly stepped into them.

“Go,” he told Alexia.

She flew down the wall. He winced twice as her body bounced off the stones, but she didn’t slow. Clearly she wanted the hell out of here.

He liked giving a lady what she wanted.

“Put these on,” he told her as soon as she’d released the rope. She squinted at the snowshoes, then nodded. He made sure she knew what she was doing as she put the first one on. He glanced at his watch as she finished the second.

One minute past. The explosion should have already happened, providing cover for their escape. He scanned the guards again. Still in place.

Recalling one of Phil’s favorite sayings,
no worries, no bull’s-eyes
, he reached into his boot and pulled out his backup Glock.

“Ready?” he asked Alexia, giving her a once-over.


He handed her the gun.

Her gasp echoed in his ears. But she took it. With a sureness that’d do the admiral proud, she checked the clip, the safety. Her breath just as loud in his speaker again, she nodded.

What a woman.

Grinning behind his mask, Blake tilted his head to the north. Time to go.

As soon as he stepped a foot from the building, he was buffeted by driving snow.

“Hold on to my belt,” he instructed.

A second later he felt the pressure of her fingers. Good. Now he could focus ahead without needing to check her progress.

Without the wind and snow, they could have made the hundred and fifty yards to the fence line in less than half a minute. But running at a crouch through a foot of snow took twice that.

When they reached the bare expanse of wire fence, he stooped. Alexia did the same. Watching constantly, he pulled out what looked like a pair of tiny rubber pincers. He’d come in overhead, rappelling from the trees to the top of the building. To leave, they needed to cut the barbed wire.

He hesitated. As soon as he clamped the wires, an alarm would sound. If the compound had already been hit, the chaos would have covered their escape.

This, or the gates, were the only way out. Orders were to stay covert and not to engage the enemy.

So they’d stick with the plan. And run a little faster.

He took a deep breath.

Then, knowing what was likely to come, he looked at Alexia. Her brown eyes were huge, her lips white. Still, she gave him a reassuring smile.

“So far so good,” she whispered.

He nodded.

“As soon as I cut this, we’re tagged. There’s a vehicle waiting a mile to the east. In it is a radio in case you have to communicate with anyone.” He hesitated, then decided she was strong enough—had to be strong enough—to face reality. “If we’re engaged, you keep running. Don’t wait for me. Don’t look back or try to help. Head for the vehicle, get the hell out of here.”


“Get the hell out,” he repeated firmly.

Her chin trembled. He watched, fascinated, as she breathed in, seeming to suck strength from the air. She squared her jaw, resolve steely in her eyes. And she nodded.

“Attagirl,” he whispered.

Then he clamped the wires.

The world exploded. Fire filled the air. Rocks flew. The ground shook. Alexia ducked low, covering the back of her head with her hands.

“And there’s the cavalry,” he said with a grin, cutting the wires. “Go.”

She gave a wide-eyed look at the now-flaming building, bodies scurrying like rats to and from the inferno. Then she crouched down low, sliding through the wires he’d cut.

“Hold my belt and keep up,” he told her as soon as they were clear. “Most of the enemy will be focused on the invasion. But if they’re smart, they’ll have people securing the perimeter.”

“They didn’t impress me as being too smart,” she said, showing a little of that sass he remembered so fondly. “But they did have the devil’s own luck on their side. So run as fast as you want. I’ll keep up.”

The rapid-fire pinging of automatic weapons got louder. The team had engaged, he noted. And since they had no idea he or Alexia were here, they’d be taken as the enemy if spotted.

“Let’s go.”

Taking her at her word, he set off at a low, crouching sprint. Moving through the snow, both the thick ground cover and the flurries buffeting them backward, was hardly fast. But—he checked his GPS to make sure they were on track—they were making progress.

“Hold,” he ordered. He stopped, still hunkered down, and scanned the area for signs of body heat. Nothing.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Go? Where? How?”

“Vehicle,” he said, gesturing to what looked like one of the many snowdrifts in the blurry white landscape. When she shook her head in confusion, he pushed through the snow—hip deep here—and unerringly found the loose end of the white tarp. With a tug, he uncovered the snowmobile he’d stashed.

“This is a vehicle?” She gaped. “Are you sure?”

He grinned, swinging one leg over the seat. “Climb on.”

Giving him, then the snowmobile, a doubtful look, she shook her head before climbing on behind him. There wasn’t much sexy about the half foot of fabric between their bodies, but Blake’s blood still hummed when her thighs clamped tight against his hips. Her arms wrapped around his waist, holding tight to his jacket. As soon as she felt settled, he pressed the ignition and, with one last glance at the flaming sky to the west of the trees, took off.

They flew across the snow, flurries pounding against them as if protesting their escape. He watched his GPS, double-checking the few landmarks along the way to make sure they were on track.

Twenty minutes later, after taking a couple side trips and doubling back to make sure they weren’t followed, they reached the side of a mountain. He cut the snowmobile’s engine and, muscles trembling from the exertion of holding the vehicle steady in the intense winds, looked around. The helicopter would pick them up on top. At the base, camouflaged by icy brush and snow, was a domed tent. He didn’t see any new tracks in or out, but wasn’t taking any chances.

“I’m going to make sure it’s secure. You move forward and take the controls.”

He dismounted, waiting for her to grip the handlebars. As soon as she did, he pulled out his infrared binoculars again and checked the perimeter. Five minutes later, but never losing her from sight, he returned to the snowmobile. Alexia hadn’t moved. He could tell because she had at least three inches of snow on her now.

“All clear,” he told her.

Her eyes were huge behind the plastic lenses, swimming with exhaustion, fear and relief. She didn’t move, though.

“Ready to get out of the snow?”

Her nod was more along the lines of a shiver.

Knowing he needed to get her to warmth quickly, Blake opted for the fastest route. He reached out and lifted her into his arms. She didn’t make a sound. She did, however, wrap her hands around him and hold tight.

He liked how it felt, even through the miles of insulated fabric between them.

When he reached the tent, he shifted her, but didn’t let go. He tugged open the Velcro closure, then unzipped the canvas. It wasn’t until they were inside, lamp on and flap secured again, that he put her gently on her feet.

He waited until she’d stopped swaying, then unhooked the scarf from his hood and grinned.

“Welcome to your temporary home sweet home.”



. She wasn’t so sure her body wasn’t, too.

The last five days had been surreal. Like something out of a horrible nightmare that not even her own subconscious would torture her with. And now it was over?

Or, she blinked and looked around the tent, almost over?

The tent was awfully well equipped for a temporary stop. Two cots, a cookstove, an array of equipment that looked as if it could control rocket ships. A small arsenal in one corner and a table and chairs in the other. And Blake in the center. Boxes were piled at the back wall and, she squinted, there was a stack of books on one of the cots.

As always, her gaze landed on Blake.

Nerves that’d gone numb on the bone-bruising flight over the snow started coming to life again with big, snapping bites.

He wasn’t paying any attention, though. He’d pushed back his hood and now set his goggles aside so he could pull on a radio headset.

She watched carefully, noting what buttons he pushed, which switches he flipped.

“Base, this is Boy Scout. Hostage secured. Will await your go. Boy Scout out.”

“That’s it?” she asked, frowning as he turned everything off with a push of his finger. She wanted to grab the radio and yell into it. To insist someone hurry the hell up and come to get them. She wanted to go home, dammit.

“That’s it,” he said.

No, she wanted to moan. She wanted a shower and warm clothes. A bowlful of hot fudge. Her own bed, popcorn, to hug her brother.

“Where are we?” she whispered, more than ready to hear him say the icy bowels of hell.

“Alaska. North Slope,” he told her as he moved around the perimeter of the tent, turning on small heaters so the space was soon a warm cocoon. Then he flipped on a series of tiny monitors. At first they all looked white, as though they weren’t tuned in. Alexia stepped closer, her eyes narrowed as she realized the white was snow. Then she saw the angled rock he’d parked the snowmobile behind.

Security cameras.

Did he really think someone might follow them? That, and a million more questions chased through her mind. But the first ones to tumble out were, “How long are we waiting here? Is someone picking us up? Who sent you to get me?”

“We’re here until we’re told otherwise,” was the only answer he gave.

“Is that going to be hours? A day? Two? What’s that mean?” Alexia realized her voice had hit a pitch high enough to trigger an avalanche, but she couldn’t help herself. Feeling trapped, barely able to breathe, she yanked the kerchief from her face and ripped at the strings tying her hood closed. Her fingers, clumsy and fat in the thick gloves, couldn’t undo it.

Her breath was coming in gasps now. Black spots sped across her vision, racing one another from side to side. Before she could give in to the scream building in her throat, Blake was there.

His knuckles were warm as they brushed her frozen face, fingers making swift work of the ties, before he gently pushed the hood back and pulled the goggles off.

“Breathe,” he instructed quietly. “Pull the air into your belly. Attagirl. Hold it, then let it out.”

Her eyes locked on his, she followed his breath, listened to his instructions, and slowly, painfully reeled in the fragile threads of her control.

“Sorry,” she murmured as she started to feel like herself again. The heat warming her cheeks should have been welcome in this bitter cold, but shame was never comfortable.

“Nothing to be sorry about,” he told her as he continued to gently release her from the coat’s bindings, then slipped the gloves off her hands. If he tried to take her boots and socks, she just might have to smack him. It’d be a long time before she wanted to be barefoot again, she realized. “You’re exhausted, stressed and probably starving. The natural expectation after being rescued is to go home.”

“Can you tell me why I can’t?” she asked in a low whisper, not taking her eyes off his. She waited for him to prevaricate or outright refuse. That’s what her father would do. All information—right down to which state they’d be attending school in the following month—had always been imparted on a need-to-know basis.

“This is a two-stage mission,” he explained. “Rescuing you is stage one. Neutralizing the enemy is stage two. If we’re pulled out, it could compromise the team’s efforts. Added to that, it’s nighttime. It’s safer to wait until light to head out again.”

Alexia’s jaw dropped.

“What?” he asked, pausing in the act of taking off his own jacket and hanging it with hers on a hook.

“You, well... You answered my question.” She realized how stupid it sounded when she said the words. But she’d never gotten answers as a kid. Had been told time and again that good little soldiers followed orders without question—that questioning was a sign of disrespect, of showing doubt toward one’s superior.

“You didn’t ask for classified information,” Blake said, dismissing what she thought of as a miracle with a laugh. “I’ll answer whatever I can. You have the right to know what’s going on.”

It was as if he’d twisted a spigot. Before she realized it was happening, Alexia’s cheeks were wet with tears. Her breath came in hiccupping gasps as she fell apart.

He looked at her as if she’d just turned into an alien giraffe with four heads and an Uzi pointed at his man parts. Horrified, shocked and desperate to make it stop.

“I’m sorry,” she wailed, trying to control her sobs.

“What...” He shook his head, clearly realizing that this wasn’t the time for a reasonable discussion. Then he crossed the tent and pulled her into his arms.

She didn’t care that she’d spent months being angry with him, or that she’d imagined countless scenarios in which he saw her again and, miserable and unable to get his party on
without her, he’d begged her to let him into her life again.

In her imagination, she’d always turned him away.

In real life, she grabbed on as if he was the only oxygen in the room. As soon as she did, her tears slowed. Her heart stopped aching. She felt like a scared little girl and he was her security blanket. Now she wanted to wrap him all around her.

“I don’t know what’s wrong,” she said, her words as shaky as her breath. “I’m safe, right? I’m away from that lunatic and his insane demands. He can’t hurt me. His henchman can’t touch me, right?”

Blake’s arms stiffened around her, his fingers digging into her spine as he pulled her closer, tighter. As if he could wrap himself around her as a shield, keeping her safe. Protected.

“You’re safe with me,” he vowed.

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