Read Sexy Lies and Rock & Roll Online

Authors: Sawyer Bennett

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

Sexy Lies and Rock & Roll (12 page)

BOOK: Sexy Lies and Rock & Roll
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He looks starved and I’m the meal.

This makes me bold, so I ask coyly, “Are you going to make love to me, Evan?”

Lips curl upward in a feral smile as his fingers pull the zipper down on my pants. “No, Emma… I’m not. But I am going to fuck you and trust me… you’ll prefer it that way.”



y hand shakes
as I pull her zipper down and as if she’s falling prey to the thick, sexual vibe in this room, Emma’s eyelids lower right along with it.

“No, Emma… I’m not. But I am going to fuck you and trust me… you’ll prefer it that way.”

Her beautiful brown eyes go round and her nostrils flare over my dirty words. It’s not completely dark in the room as the glow from the arena lights filters in, but I can imagine her cheeks are red.

They’re always red when I tell her something dirty.

I shift to the side so my hip rests on the mattress and nudge Emma’s legs apart a bit further. To my surprise, they move easily and a crowbar is most certainly not needed. I lean over, running my lips up her neck at the same time I put my palm on her stomach with my fingertips right at the edge of her panties.

When my mouth reaches her ear, I whisper to her, “Are you wet for me, Emma?”

She moans in response and that makes my dick start to ache. I inch my fingers into her underwear, brushing against the curls, and her hips arch hungrily upward.

My tongue darts out, touching the shell of her ear briefly before I say, “Let’s find out, shall we?”

Pushing my hand down further, I find the top of her slit covered with damp curls.

Emma moans again, twisting her hips, and she says in a throaty whisper, “I’m so glad I’m drunk. I would have never had the guts to do this otherwise.”

I immediately go stock-still, my hand freezing in place. I push up onto my elbow and lean over her face, taking in the glaze of her eyes in the dim light. “Are you really drunk?”

She gives me a happy grin and nods. “I think so. Or just really tipsy.”

My head drops in frustration, and I let out a long sigh as I start to pull my hand out. I’m surprised stupid when her own hand wraps around my wrist with surprising strength as she cries out, “No. Don’t stop what you were doing.”

I lift my eyes up and murmur to her, “Emma… you’re drunk.”

“Tipsy,” she asserts.

“Regardless,” I cut her off. “You said it yourself… you wouldn’t be doing this with me otherwise.”

“I would,” she says desperately, trying to push my hand back down to her core, and I groan over the need in her plea. “I swear I would. Please… you said you’d fuck me.”

I groan again, because hearing Emma drop an “F” bomb is sexy as hell coming out of those sweet, holier-than-thou lips. “You’re not making this easy.”

“Please,” she begs, and my dick starts thumping with need. “I want this, Evan. With you. I promise. Please show me.”

“Emma…” I try vainly to get her to see reason, even as my hand slips an inch downward to where I can feel her wet curls again. “This is not a good idea when you’re like this. I am not looking forward to the guilt on your face or the guilt I’ll be feeling come morning.”

“Evan,” she says softly… plaintively. “I need you.”

Fuck. Just… fuck.

My cock is aching, my balls are tingling, I have hot, sweet pussy millimeters from my fingers, and my conscience is telling me to back the fuck off.

“Not tonight,” I say gently and lean down to brush my lips against hers.

When I pull back, I see her eyes shimmering. If I were standing, she’d have knocked my legs out from under me when she says, “I need it, Evan. I’ve never needed it, but I need it now.”

With a muttered curse, I have absolutely no control over my actions. I slip my finger right into her, curling it hard before pulling it out to drag over her clit.

Emma gives a startled cry of pleasure and thrusts her hips upward for more. “Please,” she begs.

“Shhh,” I say before brushing my lips against hers again. “I’m going to give you what you need.”

“Okay,” she huffs out in appreciation.

“Pull your shirt up,” I tell her gruffly. “And open up that bra. I want to see your tits.”

I know damn well that’s making her blush, but she doesn’t hesitate, giving me what I want. The minute she bares those beautiful breasts to me, I lean over and circle my tongue around a pert nipple. Emma’s hands come to the back of my head and she arches her back, offering me more.

So I take it, drawing her nipple into my mouth to suck at the same time my finger starts circling her clit.

I dip my finger in and out, gather more of her wetness, and massage her in slow, gliding patterns. My teeth bite gently into her nipple before laving my tongue softly over it.

All the while, Emma moans and gyrates her hips, her breath ragged and uneven. I give her two fingers, pumping them in and out of her slick channel, which is flooded, and move my mouth to her neck again. I kiss and lick her, move upward to her ear, and then I tell her all the dirty things I wish I could do to her tonight but won’t.

“Your pussy is so hot,” I murmur to her as I press against her clit. “Wet and tight. It was built for my cock.”

Emma moans in agreement and starts to chant, “Yes, yes, yes.”

“When I finally fuck you, sweet Emma,” I tell her slyly. “You’re going to come so hard. Come all over my dick.”

“Yes,” she breathes out before sucking in another labored breath.

“But right now, you’re going to come on my fingers,” I promise her.

“Oh, God… yes.”

I massage her harder and she starts to thrash. “Tell me that, Emma. Tell me you’re going to come all over my hand.”

“I’m… I’m…” she stammers, and I’d normally find her shyness adorable, but right now, it’s fucking sexy as hell.

“Say it, Emma,” I tell her as I circle her clit. “Say it to me and I’ll let you come.”

“I’m… I’m…”

I push three fingers into her up to my third knuckle, pull them out, and press them down hard onto her, rubbing in tight, quick circles. “Say it, baby.”

“I’m going to come on your fingers,” she wails as she bares her neck to me and her hips shoot off the bed. I shove a finger back in her, and holy fuck, her pussy grips it so hard as she starts to orgasm, it sucks me in deeper.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” I mutter in fascination as her hips push and circle against me, drawing out every tremor of pleasure.

This prim, reserved, and oh-so-proper woman who blushes when she hears curse words just fucked my hand like a fucking porn goddess.

Emma’s body flops back down to the mattress and her channel relaxes against my finger. I pull it gently out as I lean down and nuzzle my cheek against her bare breast.

“That was amazing,” she murmurs drunkenly.

I lift my head up and look down at her. Her eyes are bright and sparkling in the ambient light, but she’s shy when she hesitantly says, “It’s your turn now.”

My head is shaking in denial even as my cock starts doing a happy dance. “Not tonight.”

I pull her zipper up and fasten her button before lying down on the mattress beside her. Gathering Emma in my arms, I pull her into my side, where she rolls into me, putting her head on my chest. Her arm goes around my waist and she squeezes me.

“Why aren’t you… you know… going to…” she stammers. “I mean, I thought you wanted me.”

“I do,” I assure her, angling my head slightly to press my lips onto her soft hair. “But not when you’re drunk.”

“I’m tipsy,” she chirps, and although I can’t see her face, I can clearly hear her satiated smile in those words.

“You’re going to be stone-cold sober when you take my cock, Emma,” I tell her boldly. Because she will take it, and she’ll take all of it.


She snuggles in deeper against me, and I have to admit, it feels nice. I like cuddling. I like the intimacy of touch. Of murmured words and promises of what’s to come.

Haven’t had it in a good long while, and I might have even forgotten what it feels like, but this is super fucking nice I have to say.

My dick jumps a little, pouting that it’s not getting any action tonight, but it’s had drier spells. It’ll get over it.

“Evan,” Emma whispers, and her breath feels amazing as it floats across my throat.


“Why did you really want me to work for you?” she asks hesitantly.

Truth or lie?

“Because I wanted you,” I tell her. “You intrigue me and you turn me on, and I wanted you. Simple as that.”

No sense in lying.

“Oh,” she says with a slight tinge of disappointment in her voice. I’m guessing no woman wants to be desired just for sex.

“I also did need an attorney, Emma,” I assure her. “And you really impressed me. You were a good choice to handle this stuff for me.”

“Oh,” she says again, this time with a little bit of pride in her voice.

We’re silent for a moment, just lying there in each other’s arms, and I’m wondering if I’ll sleep in bed with her tonight. It’s totally preferable over the couch, but I’m not sure I can take her body pressed up against me all night.

“What’s your story, Evan?” she asks, her sweet voice breaking the silence.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean… here you are, sudden fame and fortune thrust upon you, people vying to get a piece of you, and yet… I don’t know… you still seem so normal and untouched by all of it.”

A feeling of elation sweeps through my body, and I realize Emma may have just paid me the highest compliment I’ve ever been given in my life. I’ve been handed thousands of accolades from fans and music executives and women begging for my dick, but none of them really see me for who I am.

I am always just going to be a normal man who happened to step into a very abnormal kind of existence. But the one lesson Midge drilled into me during my formative years is that you have to stay genuine. Humility is one of the strongest character traits you can ever have and will serve you far better than egoism.

“Thank you for saying that,” I murmur.

“How do you do it?” she asks almost wondrously.

“Do what?”

“Stay so normal… so touchable,” she clarifies.

“Midge taught me that.”

“I know she’s your aunt, but you two are really close,” she observes, her fingers skimming idly over my ribs. “Why’s that?”

“My parents are kind of absent,” I say with brutal honesty. “They’re wealthy and not really the parental types. They travel a lot, and early on, Midge just sort of stepped in. She was the one who came to see my soccer and football games, and encouraged me to play music. She was the one I went to when I got my first broken heart—”

“Your heart has been broken?” Emma asks with pure sympathy as she rises up to look down at me. Her eyes are awash with concern.

I chuckle and bring a hand to the back of her head, pushing her back down on me. “Of course it has. That’s life. Hasn’t yours?”

Emma shakes her head and admits, “Not really. I dated someone for a really long time, and it just sort of… I don’t know… fizzled.”

“Everyone needs their heart broken once,” I tell her thoughtfully. “It makes you appreciate the frailty of love.”

With a deep sigh, Emma says, “That should be a song.”

“Totally should be a song,” I agree, and commit it to memory so I can jot some notes down later. “At any rate, Midge is always the one that kept me grounded. Would never let me forget who I am.”

“Midge scares the hell out of me,” Emma admits, and I chuckle in response. Midge can be intimidating.

“She likes you,” I tell her truthfully. I mean, Midge has never said those exact words to me, but I can tell by the tone in which she talks about Emma.

“Really?” She sounds wondrous and hopeful and that makes me smile.

“Really,” I assure her.

“I’m sleepy,” Emma murmurs in a lazy voice, trying to burrow in closer to me.

I take that as my cue to go. She needs to get out of that ridiculously sexy outfit and into her pajamas. I need to go work on some lyrics and hope this hard on dies down sometime before tomorrow.

Giving Emma another squeeze, I bring my hand to the back of her head to pull her in so I can kiss the top of it. It brings my hand—the one that was fucking her pussy—near my nose, and the scent causes a bolt of pure lust to course through me. My dick aches again and with a resigned sigh, I roll out of the bed and away from her.

“Get your pajamas on and go to sleep,” I tell her gruffly as I walk for the door, not daring to look back at her.

She’s too much of a temptation and I’m afraid my dick might take control of my senses if I do.



knock on
Evan’s hotel room door, and then give a nervous swipe of one hand onto my skirt before switching my briefcase out and swiping the other hand. Contrary to his instructions to me yesterday, I am not wearing the clothes he bought me. It’s not that I’m necessarily against them, it’s just that this is a meeting with Evan and his manager, Tyler, and I feel more appropriately dressed in a simple black skirt and white blouse. My only nod to Evan’s wishes to see me in something less “matronly” is that I’m wearing the same black, strappy sandals I had on last night.

I’m wearing them for a few reasons.

First, I’m short and they make my legs look longer.

Second, they should appease Evan somewhat since I’m wearing business attire.

Third, they give me good memories, because it’s these very heels that caused him to sweep me up in his arms last night and carry me to the bus.

Where… oh, God… I can’t even think about the things that happened without my face flaming red and my heart racing away from me.

When I woke up this morning, I was curled under the covers with Sirius on my feet. My first thoughts were of Evan and what he did to me with his hand. I had to press my legs together under those covers when I thought of how unbelievably powerful that orgasm was, and how I’d never felt anything like it in my life.

I shyly opened my bedroom door, filled with both excitement and dread to face the man who rocked my world last night.

Instead, I saw Red lounging on the couch reading a newspaper. Sirius came out of the bedroom behind me and trotted up to Red, who scratched his head.

BOOK: Sexy Lies and Rock & Roll
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