Sexy in Stilettos (24 page)

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Authors: Nana Malone

BOOK: Sexy in Stilettos
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“God, that’s a thing of beauty.”

As she danced, his hands roamed over her back and her breasts, dug into the flesh of her ass.

Standing to join her, his hips kept time with hers as they danced. “Do you know what you’re doing to me?” The tone of his voice was so low, it was barely a growl.

“Just returning the favor.” Who was this new woman who held her own with someone like Alec?

He leaned her against the table and steadied her. “Hold on tight.”

He fiddled with his wallet for several seconds.

In the distance, she heard the foil tearing.

The head of his thick, throbbing cock met the well of her core and he swore. Jaya knew how wet she was, knew she was ready for him. He didn’t need to take his time—this was what she wanted, what she needed. He slid into her to the hit and roared.

The pleasure built up in her spine with each thrust. With each forward movement of his hips, he called her name. Loudly. Reverently. With one hand, he steadied her hips even as he slid in easily. With the other he worked a finger around her anus. Teasing it. Adding more bite to the pleasure.

“Yes, Alec. God, yes.”

He pushed his finger past the tight ring of muscle and she bit her bottom lip. Like before, there was a burning sensation, but also one of white hot pleasure.

Jaya felt so full from his cock hitting her G-spot. Behind her, she could hear his moans. She could feel the way he gripped her hips as if he was afraid to let her go.

He loosened his grip on her hip and moved her to more of a standing position so he could kiss her neck. When she withdrew his cock, she cried out at the loss, begging for more.

“Hush, it’s okay. I’m not leaving you. I’m just changing the angle.” Gently laying her back on the table, he angled her hips lower and she felt the tip of his cock at her entrance of her pussy. The new angle had her moaning immediately.  He felt so much bigger this way.

“Oh, God. Alec.”

She tensed, and he immediately tried to withdraw. “No, Alec, just give me a second.”

They stayed that way for what seemed like a lifetime, with only the head of his cock penetrating her. One hand on her breast, the other stroking her clit. The need rolled through her like a tidal wave and she breathed through the initial pain. She could feel the drops of sweat coming off him.

She moved against him and he pressed in farther, still playing with her nipple and stroking her slit. He withdrew until he was almost out and the pain was joined by the most intense pleasure.


His harsh whisper rang in her ears. “Is it starting to feel good?”

“Please, don’t stop.”

And he didn’t. His strokes were measured, gentle. He took his time, even though clearly, he was holding back. She didn’t want measured. She wanted raw, and fast. She wanted him to lose control.

Reaching between her legs, her fingers found his on her clit and they stroked together. The way he cursed in her ear was her only warning. He picked up the pace by a half measure and she felt every scorching ridge of him as he entered and retracted, aided by her juices. The hand teasing her nipple ceased to be gentle. As they both stroked her wet slit, she felt more of her juices on their joined fingers.

Another orgasm coiled inside her, this one threatening to tear her apart from the inside out. “Alec, please,” was the only plea she was able to muster. She knew what she needed from him. Knew what she’d been craving. The complete and utter release of all her inhibitions.

As energy traveled from her toes to her fingertips and back, she could feel the walls of her pussy clenching around him.

She felt him trembling behind her as her body gripped him. “Jai!”

Heat and pleasure swamped her body as the orgasm rolled through her. Unable to wait for him, she drove her hips back, taking all of him that she could, her whole body shaking in ecstasy.

He wasn’t far behind as his hands tightened on her hips and he drove into her once more, twice more. “Jesus, Christ.” He bore down on her with his weight as his whole body quaked. As he came, he covered her body with his, holding her against him, making them one.


Alec couldn’t take his eyes of Jaya as she lounged on the settee, wearing nothing but his robe. He’d been so exhausted, he was partly inclined to stay in that booth forever, their bodies still joined. But he wanted to take care of her, so he’d carried her naked to the elevator. Through their ride up and their shower, he’d worked very hard to behave himself. He was so worried he’d hurt her. But there she was, wrapped in this rob looking fine. Better than fine.

“So, can I ask you a question?” Jaya chewed on her bottom lip in that habit of hers that drove him nuts.

“Knock yourself out.” He tossed his towel in the hamper and crossed his arms in preparation.

“I know it's none if my business. I’m just that chick who—well, you know.”

“Now you have me curious. What is it?”

“I've watched you.”

He put on his usual bravado and swagger. “I've been watching you too.”

She frowned. The tiny creases marring that smooth forehead. “Why do you do that? The moment I ask you to be serious, you start to play around. You're smart. Scary smart. Certainly smart enough to run a business. People like you, you’ve got charisma and charm. You could be running your own place or something. Instead, you're running around playing Guy Friday and Personal Assistant. It just doesn’t jive.”

The war that went on inside him was a quick one. Not sure what to reveal, he sighed. “When my mom died, I tracked my dad down. Before that, we'd never been in one location longer than six months or so. When I used to ask her about my father, she couldn't tell me much about him. Just that he'd been the adventuresome type. When I met him, he was married and couldn’t stay still if you'd paid him money. And there was nothing he liked as much as he liked money.”

Alec shrugged. “I'm sort of like him, I guess. I don’t like the idea of being pinned down. Every time I have to stay anywhere permanent, it makes me itch. I have a hard time working at any one place for too long. I've been working for the Westhorpe's in one capacity or another since I was sixteen. Usually, I can work and nobody asks me questions or expects me to stay.” At least that much was the truth. He was leaving in a day or so.  What would be the point in telling her everything?

“But why not get a job or something you can travel with or put down roots? Aren’t you a little worried about your future? I've got ulcers just thinking about how the heck you'll pay for retirement.”

He shook his head. Of course she would worry about his retirement. The little voice in his head begged, screamed for him to take her seriously. She cared about him and what happened to him.

“Honestly, I’m fine.”

“You might be fine, and good at your job. I just think you could be better.”

And here it came, the proverbial shoe drop. “So I can’t be just a bartender.”

She slid off the settee. “I don’t give a shit what you do if you’re a bartender or CEO as long as you have fun and do what you want to do. You just seem like you’re supposed to be doing so much more than taking orders from Adele. Like for you, this is the easier route to where you’re going. If you’re challenged, then great. But I doubt you can tell me you’re challenging yourself.”

“It's honest work.”

“Of course it is. Honest work you can do. But I've talked to you. I know you’re not being challenged, making sure Bambi and Trina show up on time for their shift. I see you frustrated with every part of this job. I see you frustrated having to take every call from Adele.”

The lady had a point. But he couldn't concede that easily. She’d have his head when she found out he lied to her. “So you’re telling me you wish I were more?”

She frowned. “What I’m telling you is that when I’m with someone I want that person to be happy. I want him to push to be the best versions of himself. I aim for that every day. Some days I succeed at it. If someone were ‘just’—” she used air quotes to emphasize her point. “—a personal assistant or whatever, if he was happy, I’d be happy. You’re just going through the motions as if this is the next stop to somewhere else. You’re marking time. Not just with me, but with Adele.”

That last verbal dig lanced his side, sending white-hot pain of truth through the open wound. She’d hit the nail on the head without even knowing anything real or true about him. “Maybe I just haven’t found anything important enough to make me challenge myself.”

She moved toward him and planted a kiss on his lips. “Like I said, I’m just some girl you’ll forget in two weeks. But I wonder if maybe you’re not looking hard enough.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Jaya fiddled with the strap of her dress. Alec would be here any moment to pick her up. They’d agreed to meet in the lobby, but he was late. She checked the understated silver Timex on her wrist. He was exactly three minutes later than the last time she checked. She’d worn this wholly inappropriate dress. The one-shoulder vermillion red number smoothed over her hips and curves. It was beautiful and she loved it. But red. Her father would have a fit.
But no one will be looking at your sister.

The two halves of the argument cancelled each other out. Impatient, she sent Alec a text.
Where are you?
Before she could check her watch again, she saw him stride through her lobby in a tailored three-piece suit that looked like it had been made for him. She could only stare. He stopped as soon as he saw her. For several beats, neither of them moved an inch and Alec's mouth hung open.

Eventually, he moved woodenly toward her. His sandalwood scent enveloped her and she knew she was home.
Don’t try and hold onto this one. He'll break your heart

Alec leaned in to give her a brief hug and she wanted to do nothing more than stay there. “Jaya, you look beautiful.”

She smiled up at him. “You know how to flatter a girl.”

He didn’t return the smile. “I swear to God, if you ever go back to wearing grey, I'll tan your hide.”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “My hide's already tanned.”

The sexy smile of his flashed over his lips. “You’re magnificent, do you know that?”

She ducked her head and whispered a thank you. “We need to go if we're going to make it up to La Costa in time.”

He escorted her out of her building, hand placed lightly at the small of her back and she pretended for just the briefest of moments that this was real. That he was a real date and he loved her.

“I've got the perfect ride for the trip.”

Jaya paused when she saw the Rolls Royce, complete with driver. “Oh Alec, are you serious?”

His smile was tight and she scrutinized him, trying to figure out the nuanced layers of what was wrong with this picture.

Alec's jaw ticked. “Jaya, I'm sorry.”

Something unpleasant rolled in her belly. Something icy, and rotten and slimy. He did not have a
good news face
on. “What's wrong?”

He brushed a hair off her cheek. “Look, I'm really sorry to do this to you. I couldn't leave without telling you to your face, but I have to go. Tonight.”

The hollow wound of another shoe dropping pounded in her head. “What do you mean you have to go? Where are you going?”

“I can’t really explain right now. But I didn’t want to just not show up. I'm on my way to the airport now. I didn't want you waiting around for me.” He indicated the car. “I wanted to do something to make up for it.”

No, this wasn't happening. She'd gotten dressed. She could see her father's face when she walked in without Alec. She needed him. He was leaving her. Rage coursed through her veins. Her voice chilled to frigid temperatures. “What the hell is so important you'd break our deal? An emergency expedition to Africa? Or maybe this mysterious project you've been working on? Or an emergency bartending project?”

The last one was a low blow. He didn't deserve that. She knew it. But she didn’t care. She'd known what to expect from him, but she hadn't paid attention. This was her fault. Not his. Hers alone. She’d failed again. How the hell was she supposed to walk into that wedding now? She may play brave well, but at the core of it, she was a coward.

“Jaya, you have to know I’m sorry. But you know, you don’t even need me.”

“Can you hear yourself? If you were me, would you believe what you’re saying?” something struck her. “Does this mean the gala job goes away as well?”

He frowned. “What? No. Adele hired you. I have nothing to do with it. Just because I have to leave right now doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. I wish it didn’t have to be this way. You—”

 “You know, I find it interesting that the moment you have to make the barest of commitments to something, you up and bail.” She folded her arms. “You’ve never stuck to anything in your life. I was naive enough to think you'd stick with me.”

“I know you’re upset, but there is literally nothing I can do. It really is a matter of life and death.”

She shook her head. “You’re right.  I don’t need you. But this was a big deal to me. Maybe you're so used to bailing that you can’t see that. You know what? Just go. Go on your mysterious adventure. I'll handle tonight by myself. Just like always.”

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