Sexy Berkeley (1) (37 page)

Read Sexy Berkeley (1) Online

Authors: Dani Lovell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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The next five days or so went by painfully slowly. Nothing has changed, I'm still just as agonisingly miserable as I was the minute I left him. Work is nice, but not enough. When I'm sitting at my counter, piping swirls onto a wedding cake or making sugar flowers, my mind is on him, the whole time.

I spoke to him the evening after my nightmare, which was lovely, I took him in the bath with me again. It was hot, but it didn't take away my constant sexual frustration. I still need him, rock hard, twenty-four-seven.

We spoke a couple of nights later, again for hours, and I fell asleep with him to my ear. Last night we were supposed to talk, but Daniel had a meeting all day and the same again today. Who has meetings on a Sunday? Not having spoken to him has gotten me in even more of a foul mood.

As it was Sunday yesterday, I went around to my parents with Oliver for Sunday lunch. They invited Tilly and Clare along too so it was a nice day, but as soon as I got the text from Daniel to say that he couldn't talk that evening, my 'ok' mood disintegrated entirely, so I went home and cried all night. The fading of Daniel's scent on his jumper is somewhat depressing, too. I know I have to wash it soon, I just can't bring myself to wash the 'Daniel' off it.

I could be paranoid, but I feel like he's distancing himself a little. I love him and miss him so much, if I don't speak to him when I'm supposed to, it feels like I've been kicked in the belly again. I wait all day long for the time I can pick up my phone and speak to him or send him a message.

I've woken in a foul mood today, my head hurts from crying all night, I don't want to eat but I feel sick because my stomach is craving food. Just knowing that I can't talk to him again makes me feel like complete shit.

When I get into work, Clare gives me her sympathetic smile, and throws her arms around me. "It's a bad day today, hey?"

Oh no, the flood gates open and I can't stop it.
God damn it!
I cling onto her and bury my head in her shoulder, nodding. "Uh, huh."

"Come around the back, doll. Talk to me."

I follow her around to the baking area which is somewhat out of view of the customers and grab a tissue to wipe my eyes. "I just can't handle it, Clare, it's supposed to get easier but every day is harder. I know we were finished the moment I left LA but we still talk, and although I shouldn't, I still consider him my boyfriend. This wasn't supposed to happen, I'm supposed to be getting over him, preparing myself to move forwards but I can't see how I ever will. He's been distant, too."

"He's had meetings, Bea, he can't help that."

"I know, but he could have called or texted at another time of day..."

"He's probably just trying to follow your rules, babe. I'm sure there's a reason."

"I'm right, aren't I? It's over-over."

"Come on, Bea, you don't know, you'll talk to him later."

"Nope, another meeting."

"Ah. Well, send him a little text now, see what he says to that. Who cares if you break the rules?"

"I do! I shouldn't still be so hooked on him, long distance doesn't work, why am I wanting it so much when I really don't want it at all? I've turned into a crying, needy, crazy person!"

"Because you love him. Just send a text, darling, it'll make you feel better."

"It will." I agree with a reluctant nod.

"Do it then," she says with a small smile and rubs my arm gently. "I'm going to go though the diary and get the samples ready for the tasters today. I'll do the appointments, you do the 'behind the scenes' stuff, ok?"

"Thanks, Clare, I don't know what I would have done without you the last few weeks. I'd never have even been able to go away if you hadn't been so 'ok' about it. Since we returned, me and Tilly have been such miserable cows, and you still manage to be the best friend in the world, to us."

"Be quiet. You'd do it for me, and anyway, you don't mind whenever I go on holiday, and I go away more than you so stop being grateful that you got to go once. Now, shh. Text him."

I smile at her, appreciatively and take my phone from my bag. I check the time... it's only eight thirty so it's just gone midnight in LA. Will he still be up?


1 Oct 08:33

Hi sexy, I know I am
breaking the rules but I feel like I haven't spoken to you in forever. I miss you :-(. Do you still have meetings later? I wish we could talk. I love you xxxx


I smile and start to busy myself with the early morning prep, ready for the other girls to start baking when they get here. I hope he replies.

About fifteen minutes later, my phone chimes.


1st Oct 08:50

Sorry, baby. I do still have meetings. We'll talk real soon, promise. Love you too. Night night xxxxxx


Is that it?
I can't help but feel a little disappointed. He said he loves me and all that, but it was so short. We normally send great long messages to each other. It's done nothing to make me feel better. Looks like today is going to be a long day.

And it was. Damned long. I didn't eat and had a nasty headache. Now I'm curled up in bed, super early, hoping to drop off to sleep and forget for a while. Unfortunately, all I do is lay there, fantasising about him laying next to me, running his soft fingers up and down my spine in that glorious way, kissing my neck and telling me how beautiful I am. His fingers run over my bottom and back up to my waist before slipping down my belly to my...
This is torture!
I roll over and punch the pillow in frustration.

I don't understand why I'm still so fucking horny, I had put it down to my period but that's finished now and I'm still swooning at the thought of Daniel's delicious body. I'm constantly wet, my mind going back to our amazing sex sessions in the kitchen... the walk-in wardrobe... on his desk...
Oh yes, his desk.

I finally drift off into a somewhat, frustrated sleep, waking every few hours sorely disappointed that he wasn't laying on top of me, going for it, hard.







By the time morning comes, I'm knackered from the broken sleep and seriously in need. I contemplate dusting off the vibrator in the box at the top of my wardrobe (the one that someone bought as a joke for my birthday years ago, which I was secretly really grateful for because I was too embarrassed to buy one, myself). I have only ever used it a handful of times because it's so damned noisy that I can hardly concentrate on the task at hand. But I decide to forget it, maybe if I manage to speak to Daniel tonight, he'll talk me through another unbelievable orgasm. Doing it alone just doesn't cut it anymore.

I have one of those mornings where I break things, drop things, get hot and flustered and make myself stupidly late. By the time I get to work, the other girls are already working on their allocated projects. I hang up my coat, wash my hands and put my apron on before sitting down and taking a long, deep breath.

"Like that is it?" Clare asks, paint brush in hand, looking up from the wedding cake she is buried in.

"Uh," I respond with an exaggerated, dramatic wave of the hand.

"Nice quiet day today, no appointments, so you'll be able to just get on with it."

"I know, I need it too. Sorry, I'm such a pain in the arse right now."

"Yes, you are, but it's about bloody time, I'm always the one in a flap while you're calm and collected. Now it's your turn. Besides, you've got good reason," she says with a sympathetic smile. "Anyway, on another subject, can you do me a really big favour?"

"What's that?"

"I know you were going to start the superhero wedding cake, but Marie has prepared the sponges for the 'boob-job' cake, and as your lace is so much better than mine, I was hoping you might decorate that one instead?"

"Yes, no problem."

"Can we have a quick meeting?" Clare asks.

We make our way to one of the appointment tables at the front of the shop, out of earshot of Marie and Jessica.

"Right, shall we get Jessica to do the superhero cake? Get her started on the more intricate work? She’s good enough, if all goes well, she can take on much more wedding work and free up time for us. We will need to give her quite a pay rise though, when she proves herself."

"I was going to say exactly the same, but we need to figure out the money."

"Well, this new contract is really quite big, Bea, I'll go through it all with you later but it means we can give Jess a rise and get someone else in to do her old job."

"Really? Will there be anything left?"


"Wow! We'll need someone else anyway then, just to help with all of the new work."

"That's what I thought."

"Sounds really good, Clare. How exciting! Why don't you come over tonight to go through the contract?"

"Definitely. Ok, meeting over?"

"Over, I've got to put a bra on some boobs!"

The excitement of the new contract and Bear's growing is all well and good, but I feel terribly guilty that I'm not thinking about it much. An hour later, all I can think about whilst decorating this huge pair of boobs with a sexy lace bra, is texting Daniel. I haven't heard from him and I'm not likely to either, considering it's three in the morning in LA.

What if he's with someone? What if that's the reason he's being distant? Maybe he's just doing what I want and sticking to the rules.
Oh god, I can't concentrate.

"I'm going to grab myself a cuppa from down the road, anyone want anything?"

"We do have facilities here you know." Clare looks at me in amusement, obviously it's daft to go out and buy it when we make tea and coffee for our appointments all the time, but right now, I just need to take a break.

"I know, but I need some air and I can't be bothered to make my own."

"Yeah, go on then, I'll have a latte, please," Clare says and the other decline.

I head a few shops down to get the drinks and wander back, trying to look at our lovely High Street through Daniel's eyes, wondering if he'd like it here. I want him to see it, I want him to see Bear's and my apartment, I want him in my bed with his hands on me, I want his lips, his tongue, his.... 
Oh for god’s sake.

I get back to my work station and look down at the giant titties gazing up at me, pointy nipples under the intricate, sheer lace piping that I'm mid-way through. It's looking good, I'm pleased with it, although it's reminding me too much of Daniel ripping my bra off, god damn it.

I sip my scalding hot tea and wince as my tongue burns. Slamming it down in the counter, almost causing another injury, I rest my face in my hands and sigh loudly. I just want to cry. Cry and cry and cry. I want to talk to him and see him and make crazy, animalistic love to him. This is so fucking hideous!

The shop door opens and I quickly shuffle around to the baking area so the customers don't have to see my miserable, about-to-cry mug. Seconds later, Clare pops her head around the corner. "Bea, you've got a customer."

"Oh, what?" I whisper, seriously put out.

"Must be a groom, a hot groom though..."

"Ooh yay, someone's hot fiancé, how exciting," I say with an overly sarcastic edge to my voice. Clare raises her eyebrow in distaste at my tone.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming," I say, rolling my eyes. I stand straight and take a deep breath, putting on my fake happy face. I turn the corner, head towards the counter and lock eyes with my customer. I come to an immediate, abrupt halt
. What. The fuck.

I stare. And I stare. I look at Clare and then back at him. She's looking at me like I've gone stir crazy, he's looking at me like... like he's in love with me. Like he's flown across the globe to see me. Tears sting the backs of my eyes and I blink, trying to believe what I'm seeing.

"Hey, baby," he says softly, excitedly.

The streams cascade down my face, a huge smile grows from ear to ear as I run to him, wrapping my arms around his beautiful neck. I press my lips against his and he lifts me, my legs wrapping tightly around his waist. We're immediately consumed, kissing passionately in the middle of the shop. With one hand holding me under my bum, he drags his other up my body to my neck and holds me against him.

"I take it he's not someone's groom then..." I hear Clare say from behind me, making me giggle against Daniel's lips. I pull away and gaze at him, stroking the hair on the back of his neck, taking him in. This has to be real, this can't be a dream, please don't let it be a dream, that would be too depressing to even contemplate.

"God, I love you, baby. I've missed you so much," he whispers. His gorgeous, sexy voice sends shivers through me.

"Daniel, I can't believe you're here. You didn't tell me!"

"I wanted to surprise you, sweetheart."

"You definitely did." I lay another kiss on his wonderful mouth and turn my head to see all three girls watching us; Marie, open-mouthed holding a dripping spatula, Jessica, clutching her chest, looking like she might cry, and Clare, resting on her elbows, sipping her coffee, enjoying the show.

I slide down to my feet, to stand at Daniel's side, holding him around his middle.

"Sorry about that, this is Daniel... Daniel, this is Clare, Marie and Jessica."

"Hi, ladies, great to meet you all. Clare, I've heard so much about you," he says as he walks forward to the counter and leans over to kiss her cheek.

"You too, Daniel. Wow, you're just as she described."

I can't stop staring at him and touching his body. "When did you arrive? How long are you here for?" I ask, already dreading him going home.

"I came straight from the airport, I told the driver the town and name of the store, and he drove me straight here. I'll be here for a few days, I'm not sure yet."

"Oh god, I'm so happy to see you! Do you have to go to work now?"

'No, not today."

"Oh good! So you can spend it with me?"

"Of course, baby."

I kiss him excitedly, over and over again, clutching his neck. He snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me into his amazing body, firmly.
"Mmm..." he groans, deep in his throat, "I don't want to let you go," he whispers.

"Me neither. Where are you staying? Mine?"

"That's what I was hoping for."

"Bea, love..." Clare says, tentatively from behind the counter.

"Oh god, sorry, this is so unprofessional."

"Oh no, you carry on, I just wanted to ask, do you think you'll get the boobs finished or are you going to go home?" She looks worried, worried that she'll have to pick up where I left off and finish the bra.

"Of course I will, I wouldn't leave it half done, doll."

"I know, but.. you know, it's not every day..." She trails off, waving her hand towards Daniel and I. "It'll just look crap if I try to finish it."

"Daniel, do you want to go back to mine and have a sleep? I need to finish a cake I'm doing. You're welcome to stay here, might be boring though."

"Are you kidding me? I can't wait to see you work. Can I stay?"

"Of course you can. I was hoping you'd say that, to think of you alone in my bed would be too much for me to handle," I whisper so only he can hear.

I turn to the girls and clap my hands as I lead Daniel towards the baking area where I am working. "Spit spot, back to work, show's over!" They snap out of it and get straight back to work.
"I'm over here, Daniel." I point to my work station. "Grab a stool and watch away."

"Whoa!" he says when he sees the boobies. "They look so... real! That's awesome! Great jugs!"

"Thank you. It's for a lady who's just had a boob job and she's having a party to celebrate!"

"What? That's crazy!"

"I know, each to their own." I wash my hands and get back to work, chatting to Daniel the whole time, he takes in my every move, seeming to enjoy it. "I can't believe you're here, Daniel. I was having a really bad morning, missing you."

"I am so happy to be here, I missed you so much. I love watching you doing this, too, baby. You're so  talented."

"Thank you." I smile shyly. Leaning in to give him a slow, soft kiss, I whisper in his ear so no one can hear. "When we get home, I need you to fuck me so hard and fast, we'll both come in seconds. And after that, I want you to make long, amazing, sweet love to me all day and night. Ok?" I look into his eyes and he's grinning from ear to ear.

"I've got a hard on now, baby. Don't make me stand up."

I giggle. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Good. You're so beautiful," he whispers as he kisses my neck, below my ear.

My eyes close and I exhale, loudly. "Mmm, Daniel... let me finish this so we can get home."

"Sure thing," he says with a wink as he leans away and looks around the shop.
"It's really cool in here, Bea. I love the decor."

"Thanks, we like it, don't we Clare?"

"Yep. It's just what we wanted," she calls from the counter.

"So, tell me about this new contract," Daniel enquires.

I continue to tell him that the contract is to supply a large office building with cakes, similar to the arrangement he has at his company.

"That sounds cool, so what company is it?"

"I don't know yet, Clare has taken over the dealings with them, as she started it all while I was away. We were going to go through it all tonight. Clare?"

"The company is called... um..." She fishes through some paperwork in front of her. "Uh... Henry Berkeley UK', they sound like a huge corporation."

"What?!" I yell, turning from Daniel to Clare and back again. "Henry Berkeley?"

"Yeah... why?" Clare asks, looking confused.

Daniel smiles a guilty, cheeky smile and looks at me tentatively.

"Clare, meet Daniel. Daniel
of Henry

"What?!" She cries. "Tell me it's all still happening and it wasn't some kind of weird lover's joke?"

Daniel chuckles. "Yes, Clare, don't panic, it's all still happening. I spoke to them and told them to change their supplier to you. Not a problem is it?"

"No!" Clare shrieks. "Not at all! Thank you, Daniel, that's amazing."

I turn to stare at him in disbelief. "Daniel! I can't believe you did that, how did you know we'd be good enough?"

"I know you, baby. I knew your business would be more than good enough, and no doubt better than our current supplier here."

"Wow. I don't know what to say, Daniel."

"Nothing, it's no big deal."

"It is for us, this means a lot for us," Clare says.

"Well, I'm glad. Now, let's get back to work," Daniel says, addressing all of us with a cheery smile.

I gaze at him, shaking my head and smiling.

"Come on, work, baby. I want to get home."

"I'm nearly done here. I'll just do the red trim and then..." I turn around in my chair to continue. "Marie? Can you add the message to the drum when I'm done? Not on the cake itself."

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