Read Sexy as Hell Box Set Online

Authors: Harlem Dae

Sexy as Hell Box Set (103 page)

BOOK: Sexy as Hell Box Set
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“I…I see.” I cleared my throat.

“Does that worry you, Mistress, that I want a more permanent, more committed…thing? Should we stop this now before we end up falling out?”

“What do you mean, falling out?” I frowned, then realised he hadn’t got a clue as to my feelings. “There won’t be any falling out. No stopping.” I paused, then, “Why would we stop when I’m happy for it to continue? Happy to give you
what you want?”

His mouth dropped open a tad, but he composed himself very well, snapping it shut again. He stared with that adoring look again, and I melted, wanting to sink down and take his face in my hands and kiss him like I’d imagined.

“I’m very happy to hear that, Mistress.”

I nodded curtly. “Do you wish to continue with our practice session or—”

“Yes, Mistress. We can inform Zara when she arrives. That we…that we need to sign a new contract that binds us twenty-four-seven as Mistress and slave. I promise not to let anything personal between us affect our work, I will simply adore you and obey you whether we are here or at home.”


“Yes, home, my home, your home, wherever you wish for me to live I will.”

Oh, the sublime thought of having him at my beck and call from the moment I woke to my last thought of the day. “I will have to make a decision about that,” I said, then wondered if I should have taken him to task for interrupting me. No, now wasn’t the time. He knew very well how things worked, and him blurting out what he wanted like that gave me a massive indication as to how he was feeling. Like me, except he was bolder, more prepared to express his needs, consequences be damned. So he was a risk-taker, whereas I tended to hedge my bets.

Opposites attract…

Chapter Two

“So continue,” I said, still thinking of him on his knees in my bedroom, hogtied, happy, bending to my every will. “You know how this is supposed to go.” I decided to be as he’d expect and continue as if nothing major had been uttered, so said, “Carry on with the rehearsal. Lick my cunt just like we’d arranged.”

He shuffled up to me, his tongue poking out eagerly. A tremor rippled through my belly as he snuffled into my pubes. Carlos was an expert with his mouth, whatever he was doing with it—smiling, grovelling, or eating pussy, he was just an oral kind of guy.

I spread my legs and rested my hands on his short-cropped hair.
hair, he was mine. I owned every bit of him; it was what he wanted to give me.

“Ah yeah,” I said, tipping back my head and staring at the ceiling. “That’s it, hold me up, too, while you do it.”

He reached around and grabbed my buttocks. Supported me in his big hands as his tongue got busy, riding over my clit, building me up, working me towards a frenzy.

I needed a short, sharp orgasm after that momentous declaration and decision. I was going to take him on full time, live with him, which meant we should celebrate.

“Fuck, don’t stop, slave,” I said on a groan as my legs buckled. “This isn’t for the show, this is us, just make me come.”

He didn’t reply; instead, he increased the pressure on my clit. The insides of my thighs
spasmed, my cunt clenched around nothing, and my shoulders slumped. The explosion was building, and I gloried in the fact that it wouldn’t be extinguished. Carlos would keep on licking my pussy until I told him to stop. A bomb could go off and it wouldn’t interrupt him servicing me as instructed.

“Like that, yeah, like that, oh…oh…” I came, a hard, pulsing orgasm that threatened to take my legs from under me.

He gripped me tighter, holding me upright. I let my knees sink a bit as a wave of bliss crashed through my belly and stole my breath.

I was wet, gushing, the sharpness of the orgasm pushing out my girl cum.

Carlos kept lapping at me, his enthusiasm drawing out my moment of wonderful release.

“Fuck, you’re so good at that, slave,” I managed breathlessly. “So good. Come up here, stand, now.”

I was trembling, shaking, my flesh coated in goosebumps.

Carlos stood, his hands leaving my arse to hang at his sides.

I looked up at his damp face and moist, slack mouth.

“Remove the knickers,” I said.

He did as I’d asked.

“Drop them to the floor.”

They landed with a quiet tap.

“Do you like licking my cunt?” I asked, cupping his cheek.

His eyes fluttered a little, as though he thought my tender touch was the most erotic thing in the world. “Yes, Mistress, it’s one of my most favourite things to do for you.”

“You are very talented.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

“I do.”

I went up on my toes and pressed a kiss to his musky lips. It was the first time I’d kissed him on the mouth since we’d signed the Mistress/slave agreement a couple of months ago. Sure, our mouths had travelled over each other’s bodies on many occasions, but that was the first intimate kiss.

His lips parted a fraction, and his eyes widened.

“Kiss me,” I murmured. “Kiss me, slave, like you never want to stop.”

Suddenly I was in his arms. His thickly roped muscles were wrapped around my naked body, and my breasts squashed up against his solid chest.

He was devouring my mouth, kissing me with an almost violent passion. I gave as good as I got, finally allowing my need to cross this last bridge with him and cement our adoration of each other, me as his Mistress, owner, and protector, and him as my slave, servant, and possession.

He grunted and ground his erection into my belly. He was at full
thickness, his beautiful cock ready and eager. I wanted him in me, fucking me, taking me to that wonderful place where only he and I existed once we started fucking.

“That’s it.” I pushed at his chest. It was time to move this on—in spectacular fashion.

He immediately released me, hung his arms at his sides again, and cast his gaze downwards. Nike ticks were on the waistband of his black sweats. Just beneath the ticks the material had tented outwards, and the shape of his cock, long and strong, could be discerned, as could the smooth dome of his circumcised glans.

I wanted him.

All of him.

And more.

“Go to the cupboard,” I ordered, nodding in the direction of my toys. “Open it.”

“Yes, Mistress.” He hurried to obey me.

While he fiddled with the lock, I prepared the fucking bench, made sure it was just the right height for him to stand at. I was still leaking from my recent orgasm, but that was okay, I’d need all the lube I could get for this next bit of becoming one with Carlos.

I sat on the long edge. The leather squeaked under my arse as I got comfortable.

“Now get the strapping,” I said. “The big black set.”

“This one, Mistress?”

He turned, holding it from the tip of his fingers.

“Yes, put it on.”

He didn’t hesitate, didn’t ask why, just did as he’d been told. He really was an excellent slave and should be rewarded for his obedience. In my head I quickly added another dimension to the scene, something that would press his buttons too.

As he pulled the strapping up his legs and settled it over his hips, I admired the way his muscles flexed and moved beneath his skin. He didn’t have an ounce of fat despite his size. He was solid strength. A strength that turned me the hell on to know I was in control of it.

“That’s it,” I said when he’d finished adjusting the harness that sat just above his cock. It held a long red plug designed for attaching a dildo to. “Is it comfortable?”

“Yes, Mistress. Very.”

“Good. Now bring me the large pink dildo and the purple butt plug, the one that vibrates. Oh, and the lube.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

His voice had gone slightly higher. It was the mention of the purple butt plug that had done it. Carlos adored that butt plug whether it was smoothed in gently over the course of an hour as he knelt on all fours in the corner of the room, or rammed home in a split second, right up to the base. Once, Zara told me she’d bent him over the straight-backed chair in her office, bound his hands to his feet and shoved the vibrator up his arse. She’d turned it to full power and left him like that for nearly two hours. When she’d come back there was spunk all over the chair and the floor, he was moaning, lost in subspace, and his cock was still pulsing, dry orgasming. It had taken her nearly an hour to bring him back down to earth.

He gathered up the attachment, plug and lube, and walked over to where I sat. I took the dildo and clicked it onto the front of the strapping. It was thick and long, an almost exact replica of his cock that was jutting towards me, the slit dark and shiny.

Now it looked like he had two cocks, one on top of the other, fake the highest, real below. It was just what I wanted him to have. I had two holes down there; I wanted them both fucking. I couldn’t think of a better way for us to get as close as we possibly could.

“Very nice,” I said with a nod and a small smile. “Now turn around.”

He did, and I noticed his fists were clenched. He was getting off on the anticipation of it, of knowing this was really going to be quite the celebration of our union.

“Bend forward. Splay your arse cheeks with your hands.”

He did, obscenely quickly, and allowed me a visual of his dark, tightly puckered anus.

lubed up the vibrating butt plug, taking my sweet time about it and making him wait. My recent orgasm had dulled the edge off of my urgency but not my need, and I was happy to indulge in torturing him for a few minutes. It was no hardship to enjoy the sight of a gorgeous, willing slave submitting to and trusting me.

“It’s big and cold,” I said, “keep still.”

I touched the tip of the plug to his arsehole. He flinched the tiniest amount but then remained perfectly still as I eased it in. His flesh stretched around it, the small wrinkles flattening and the skin thinning slightly.

Once it was in deep, I petted his buttocks. “Well done,” I said, rewarding him for his still silence. “Now I’m going to turn it on, and it will stay that way while you fuck me.”

“Yes, Mistress.” His voice had a breathy, excited quality to it.

I flicked the switch at the base of the plug, and a low hum filtered up to my ears.

“Mmm…” he murmured, his shoulders dipping slightly as his knees weakened a fraction.

“Feel good?” I asked, stroking the smooth skin on his lower back.

“Yes, Mistress, really good.”

“Excellent. Now, stand tall and move to the base of the fucking bench.”

Gingerly, he straightened. I could tell by the tensing of his muscles and the hard set of his jaw that he was struggling for control. But that was good. Carlos thrived on being pushed to his limits and prided himself in being able to cope.

I swung my legs up onto the bench and spread them, showing him my bare, no doubt glistening pussy.

“While that plug is in you,” I said, “you’re going to be in me—doubled up in me.”

He licked his lips and stared at my cunt. “Yes, Mistress.”

“Lube me up.” I handed him the tube and then rested my back down on the bench, hands behind my head, and stared once more at the ceiling.

I jerked when the cool gel touched my clit and trickled into my hot folds, but Carlos’ fingers on me was by far the sweeter sensation. I shut my eyes and enjoyed him working the lube all over my cunt, spreading it
over me, in me, and finally around my arsehole. He pushed in, just a little, rubbing the lube into my inner rim. I relaxed and let him deeper inside my most sacred hole, enjoyed the feel of his fingers there.

We’d indulged in arse play in scenes before, when Zara had been acting as Mistress to both of us, but this was new. This was us,
Fifi and Carlos. No one was watching, and what was more, he was going to be filling me to the maximum. It was something I’d been thinking of doing a lot lately and wondering if I should work it into a scene.

Suddenly I couldn’t wait anymore. I didn’t need a scene, just Carlos’ submissive obedience.

“Fuck me,” I said, “now, and don’t come until I give you permission.”

“Of course.” He’d sounded hurt, as though that was a given. “Mistress.”

I lifted my head and watched as he fed both cocks between my legs. His cheeks were flushed, and his abdomen was tensed to resemble a row of bricks. But it was the sight of his cocks that had my attention.

The two smooth, round heads butted into me at the same time. My arse trembled for him while my pussy seemed to gape for the dildo.

“Fuck me,” I whispered, in awe of the sight. “Now…”

He pushed in.

I held my breath.

The stretching of both holes was exquisite—tight, sexy, and enough to make me cream for him.

“Ah, yeah, go deep…” I said on a pant.

He pressed against my inner thighs, holding me spread open. The slight pull in my leg tendons mixed with the stretching of my cunt and arse. As the cocks sank deeper, the density multiplied. Having them lodged in one on top of the other was so filling, so meaty and thick, it was like he was getting his whole self right inside me.

I squeezed my eyes shut, arched my back, and forced the tension from my pelvis. I wanted to take him to full depth, but he was big. So was the dildo. It wasn’t an easy task.

“Keep going,” I gasped, gripping his wrists. “Fill me up with you.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Despite the resistance, he kept slowly plundering in, fucking and buggering me until he reached full depth.

I groaned, moaned, lost to sensation. I’d been overtaken by him. The sharpness of the sting combined with the heavy invasion was beautiful.

“Mistress?” he said, the word a question.

“I’m okay, don’t stop, give it to me fast, make me come around all of you. And when I come, you can too.”

He didn’t need telling twice as I’d known would be the case. He pulled out, blasted back in.

I cried out, loving it, only just bearing it.

“Ah, yeah,” he said, “so fucking hot.”

“Hot, yes, hot, fuck me, slave.”

He grunted and then let loose,
banging into me, both cocks hard and solid, unyielding as they rubbed together in tandem, stretching me so wide and burying so deep. The fake cock in my pussy was barging into my G-spot. Carlos’ real cock in my arse was stoking a heat that was about to boil over. My clit was being bashed with each wild thrust.

“I’m coming, keep going, keep fucking going,” I wailed a split second before my body froze on the precipice of bliss.

For a moment I thought the lights in the room were flickering but then realised it was my crazy vision, my orgasm sending my nerves into a skitter of altered perception. The pounding was relentless, my pussy thumping through a wonderful release and my arsehole contracting to a tune of ecstasy.

BOOK: Sexy as Hell Box Set
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