Sextortion (34 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #ray gordon, #chimera ebooks, #seductive mistress

BOOK: Sextortion
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"That's it,
then - he's working with the girl."

"It looks that
way. I watched him through my binoculars."


"He let
himself in - he has a front door key."

"Oh, God. So,
where do we go from here?"

"I don't know,
yet. I'll hang around for a while and see what happens. Are you
going to be OK, Selina?"

"Yes, I
suppose so."

"I'll look in
on you later."


So, that was
that, I mused, holding my head as my mind began to hurt. Danny and
the girl, screwing each other, screwing me, screwing my life.
Wandering downstairs to the lounge, I flopped onto the sofa, my
mind swirling with a thousand thoughts. My husband screwing a
common tart, blackmailing me, taking my money, consenting to the
sexual abuse... I screamed inside.





Clutching a
bottle of wine, Chrissy arrived at seven wearing a red leather
miniskirt and loose white blouse. Her long black hair shining in
the light, her dark eyes sparkling, her succulent red lips glossed,
she was eminently seducible. Following her into the lounge, I
couldn't stop my gaze from falling on her rounded buttocks, her
shapely thighs. My naked pussy lips swelling, I tried desperately
to deny my lesbian desires as she sat on the sofa with her legs
slightly parted.

I didn't tell
her the latest news. I didn't want to think about it, let alone
discuss it. As she sipped her wine, happily chatting, my arousal
turned into an overwhelming feeling of despise. It was all right
for her - apart from losing her job, she had no worries, no
problems. My predicament wasn't her fault but, strangely, I felt
like taking it out on her. Perhaps it was because she was the only
one there.

As she
reclined on the sofa, her dangerous red miniskirt riding up her
firm thighs, I imagined her naked body hanging from the chains. The
thin bamboo cane calling me, I wanted to thrash her full buttocks,
vent my anger by lashing her until she sobbed for mercy. The notion
was ridiculous, I knew, but I couldn't help my thoughts.

"Aren't you
going to have a drink?" she asked.

"Yes, yes I
am," I smiled, pouring myself a large glass of Chablis, wondering
why John hadn't called in to see me. Where had Crystal got to?

"I've been
looking forward to this evening. Stuck at home with nothing to do
is so boring - I've been watching TV, pacing the floor, drinking

As she rambled
on, I gazed at her deep cleavage, the swell of her firm breasts
revealed by her open blouse. I wanted to whip her mammary globes,
lash her brown nipples until she screamed. My desire to punish her
soaring, I felt my clitoris swell, my vagina tighten. As I was
about to suggest that we go into the dining room, the sex room, the
phone rang.

"Hallo," I

It was John.
"Just a quick call to check up on you. Is everything OK?" he

"Yes, fine.
You've got no more news, I suppose?"

"No, not yet.
I'll let you know the minute I discover anything. I'll probably
call in tomorrow morning, just to see how you are."

"Thanks, I'd
like that."

"No word from
your husband?"


"I rang the
hotel porter, there haven't been any visitors."

"I suppose
there's no need for the girl to go there, seeing as Danny visits

"Good point.
Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow."

As I hung up,
Chrissy looked at me, her head cocked to one side as if she was
waiting for news. At least John's call had temporarily dissuaded me
from luring her into the dining room and caning her naked breasts.
I wanted to suck her clitoris to orgasm.

"Well?" she
finally asked. "I assume that was the detective?"

"Yes, it


"Nothing, no
more news."

"Are you all
right, Selina? You seem distant."

"I'm OK. I
suppose I'm just thinking about Danny and everything."

"It must be a
hell of a weight on your mind. Why don't you go away for a while?
It's all very well Danny staying in a hotel, but you're the one who
needs to get away."

"I've thought
about it before but... I don't know. If I disappear for a week or
two, God knows what the bitch will do. I've even thought of moving
to another town, or going abroad. I've thought of a hundred
different ways of trying to get out of this mess, but never come up
with anything positive. The detective suggested that I stay with a
friend for a while. Would you mind me staying with you for a few

"Well, I...
You know what my place is like, so small that I can hardly

"Sorry, I
shouldn't have asked."

"If I had a
bigger place, you'd be only too welcome to stay."

"No, no, I

"Look, I think
I'll go. I don't feel like drinking and, understandably, you're not
in the mood."

"I'm sorry;
it's just that I can't get all these worries out of my head."

"No, don't
apologise. I'll give you a ring tomorrow."

"OK, Chrissy.
You never know, I might have some more news by then."

"I hope

Finishing her
wine, she smiled sweetly and rose to her feet, her skirt still high
up her thighs. Eyeing her long, shapely legs, my ravenous clitoris
pulsating, I imagined her yawning sex crack, her pink inner petals
inviting my wet tongue. I desperately needed sex - like food, I
couldn't go without orgasms, without vaginal milk and sperm. Was
Chrissy's sex sheath wet? Was her clitoris ripe? I wanted to lick
her gaping valley of desire, drink from her hot hole. I'd phone
Crystal, I decided as I showed Chrissy out. Invite her to stay for
the night.

Closing the
front door, I was about to call Crystal when the phone rang.
Dashing into the lounge and grabbing the receiver, I wasn't
surprised to hear the bitch's voice, threatening me and demanding
the five thousand pounds. Danny must have told her about the
police, and she'd decided to ring rather than call. Telling her to
bugger off as she threatened to thrash my naked buttocks, I felt
smug. My plan was working.

"My boss isn't
at all happy," she said menacingly.

"So you keep
saying," I returned. "That's all you ever say to me."

"I mean it,
Selina - he's not at all happy. He's instructed me to..."

"I know about
the flat in Woodlands Road," I broke in.


"I said, I
know about the flat in Woodlands Road."


"That's shaken
you, hasn't it?"

"I don't know
what you're talking about."

"Don't you?
That's odd, seeing as you go there often enough."

"Don't play
games with me, Selina. I want the money first thing in the

"There is no
more money. And talking of games, your game will soon be over. I'm
closing in, Alison - closing in fast."

As she hung
up, I knew I'd frightened the life out of her. She'd be pacing the
floor now, wondering, floundering in her anxiety. A taste of her
own medicine, I mused, pondering on her next move. If I never saw
her again, that would be the end of the crude sex, I reflected. I
had Crystal and Barry, but they weren't into bondage and whipping -
something I'd become addicted to. I'd also miss anal sex, and four
men spunking my orifices. But I could always find willing

surprisingly, Danny called half an hour after the bitch had rung.
She'd obviously phoned him, saying that I knew about the Woodlands
Road flat and that I wasn't giving her any more money. I hated the
sound of his voice.

"Any news?" he

"No, nothing,"
I replied, wondering how he was going to question me about the

"I rang the
private dick and, again, he seemed to clam up. All he'd say was
that he had nothing to go on and that he was still working on the

"I told you he
was a waste of time, Danny. By the way, the police are still parked
down the road."

"Are they?
You'd think they'd have better things to do."

"They're not
wasting their time checking tax discs; they're watching the house
because they believe it's a brothel."

"This is a
bloody nightmare! I'll come home in the morning, it's pointless
staying here."

"All right, if
you think it's best."

"Yes, I do.
Apart from anything else, look at the money we're wasting."

"The hotel
bill is nothing in comparison with what I've given that tart."

"No, but...
Christ, this bloody pay phone eats money. I'll see you tomorrow,
about ten."

"OK, bye."

Now Danny
would be pacing the floor, wondering what to do. I really felt that
I was winning, at long last. If I told Danny that the police had
been to see me again, asking about a prostitute named Alison who
hung around the Thieves' Tavern, I'd really put the wind up them.
Pleased with myself, I decided to have an early night and climbed
the stairs to bed. I wanted to call Crystal, to hold her naked body
close to mine, but with Danny due home at ten... I'd call her in
the morning.


The first
thing I did when I leapt out of bed the next day was call John and
tell him that Danny was due home. "In that case, I won't come
round," he said pensively. "Your husband rang me last night

"Yes, he told
me. I could meet you by the common," I said, rather too

"I haven't any
news so..."

"It'll be nice
to see you, John."

"OK, what


"Fine, I'll be

mistake, I thought, imagining seducing him on the common, sucking
the sperm from his orgasming knob. John was becoming a friend, and
I didn't want to spoil that friendship with my nymphomaniac
desires. I'd just sit in his car and talk, if my clitoris would let

Slipping into
my dress, I began to clear out the dining room. Lugging the wooden
contraption through the French doors, I dragged it down the garden
and hid it behind the bushes. Unhooking the chains, I bundled them
into the shed along with the vibrators and the cane. Managing to
unscrew the hooks from the ceiling, I looked around the bare room,
again wondering where my furniture was. The bitch had probably
called a house clearance firm - I was surprised that she'd not sold
my new three-piece suite! Danny would no doubt feign astonishment
when he discovered the furniture gone. Just to confuse him further,
I'd tell him that I'd sold it.

When he
finally arrived, he kissed me, making out that he was really
pleased to see me. Knowing that he'd been screwing the slag,
probably fucking her arse, I could have wrung his neck. But I had
to remain calm, at least until John had conclusive evidence. Then
I'd really let rip!

"It's odd that
the girl hasn't even phoned you," he remarked, making himself a cup
of coffee.

"I reckon that
she knows about the police," I replied, seething with anger.

"How could she

"You tell

"What do you

"Nothing. So,
what are your plans for today?"

"I don't know,
yet. I might try and get back into writing."

"I'm going out
soon, so you'll have some peace."

"Where are you

"Just for a
walk. By the way, I've sold the dining room furniture."

"Sold it?"

"I want to buy
a new table and chairs, and a Welsh dresser. Oh, I forgot to tell
you - the police came round last night."

"What did they

"They asked me
about a prostitute who hangs around the Thieves' Tavern, her name's


"Yes, I know.
They're closing in on her; she's wanted for things other than

"Did they say

"No, they
didn't. But, at long last, I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
Whoever's involved, it won't be long now before they're

Watching for
his reaction, I was surprised that he didn't look shocked. Sipping
his coffee, he seemed to be deep in thought, and I wondered whether
he'd go up to his den and ring the tart, warn her about the police
and the pub. As I wandered out into the garden, my clitoris
yearning for my intimate attention, Danny followed and started
talking about the grass, how it needed cutting.

"You don't
seem very pleased," I said, feeling my juices seeping from my sex


"That we might
get to the bottom of things."

"Of course I'm
pleased! I suppose it's difficult to imagine the nightmare coming
to an end. I'm also worried about you, Selina - what they'll do to

"They won't do

"With the
evidence they have, I'm sure they'll..."

"I intend to
get my hands on the evidence. Once we discover where the bitch
lives, and who she's working with..."

"With? Don't you mean

"No, I mean
. She hasn't got a boss, Danny. She's in this with someone, a

"How do you
work that out?"

"While you've
been away I've been doing some digging around. I've discovered
quite a lot."

"Such as?"

"Until the
mystery's solved, I'm not going to say anything."

"You can tell
me, surely?"

"I'd rather
not. Anyway, I'm going for a walk."

"Will you be

"No, I just
need some fresh air. See you later."

upstairs and taking my vibrator from beneath the pillow, I bent my
knees and drove it deep into my yearning vagina. Grabbing a pair of
panties from the drawer, I tugged them up my legs, the tight
material keeping the vibrator in place. I'd switch it on later, I
decided, descending the stairs, my cunt tightening around the pink
phallus. Perhaps enjoy an orgasm as I walked along the street.

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