Read SexontheBeach Online

Authors: Amber Skyze

SexontheBeach (11 page)

BOOK: SexontheBeach
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“Nah, I need to shower. I want to be spiffy clean for you.”

She’d never been so relieved in her life.

“No funny business while I’m gone.”

She shook her head no.

Paul disappeared into the bathroom. Allie heard the water
turn on and he seemed to be talking to himself. She had to find a way out of
there while he was in the shower.

Once she was sure he was in the shower she tried scooting
the chair, but it didn’t move very far. She practically tipped it over so she
stopped. If he came out and she was toppled over she could only imagine what
he’d do to her. So she remained where she was and waited. Silently praying for
someone to come save her from this mess.

The water stopped and she heard Paul getting out of the
shower. A knock came to the front door and her only thoughts were,
Tony is


Tony peered into the window of the door. Allie’s car was
there so why wasn’t she answering?

He pounded again. Maybe she was in the shower. He noticed
the bedroom door was closed.

“Huh, could she be sleeping?” He contemplated leaving and
calling her in the morning. It wasn’t too late though and he really wanted to
see her. He was close to making a break in the case and before long he’d be
free from this one and not sure what his next assignment would be, but he knew
one thing—he wanted Allie to be part of his life.

Dale was down the beach making one more sweep and hopefully
he’d get enough evidence to bust the dealers later in the night. They planned
to move in during the wee hours of the morning when everyone was sleeping and
would be caught off guard.

He knocked one more time.

“Coming,” a male voice called from the house.

“What the fuck?” Who the fuck was the guy in her house and
what was he doing with Tony’s woman?

He cupped his hand around the side of his face and glanced
in the window again. That’s when he saw Paul strolling out of Allie’s bedroom
with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Water dripped from his body. His
hair was wet. He looked like he’d just stepped out of the shower.

Tony counted to ten trying to control his anger. Why was
Paul showering in Allie’s house and where was she? Why wasn’t she answering the

Paul opened the door with a smug look on his face.

“Hey dude. What’s up?”

“Where’s Allie?” He pushed on the door, but Paul stopped him
by leaning on it.

“She’s in the shower man. We had a nice meal and then
we…well you know. She’s cleaning up, making herself presentable.”

Blood boiled in his veins. How could Allie do this to him?
He thought they shared something special. He thought they were growing closer.
He believed they were in love.

He scanned the kitchen and sure enough it looked like two
people had shared a meal. A bottle of wine sat half empty on the kitchen table.
He shook his head trying to understand where things went wrong. What would
Allie see in Paul?

“I’d like to speak with her so I’ll wait if you don’t mind.”
He wanted answers and he wasn’t leaving until he had them.

“I don’t really think that’s a good idea. She said something
about going another round when she was done. That chick is insatiable.” Paul
winked as if they shared some secret bond.

“Go fuck yourself, Paul.” Tony stomped away down the porch
and over to his place. He wanted to wring Paul’s neck but knew he couldn’t.
Something was wrong. He felt it in his gut. Something was off about the setup
over at Allie’s.

Working off his instincts, Tony grabbed his binoculars and
did the one thing he promised he wouldn’t do after he started getting close to
Allie—he spied on her.

Paul stood in the kitchen. He’d lost the towel and Tony
thought he’d lose his dinner. Skipping over Paul he scanned the rest of what he
could see in the house. Allie was nowhere to be found. He tracked back to Paul.
He was standing by the kitchen table drinking a beer. Tony’s beer.


“Who’s a bastard?” Dale asked startling Tony.

He turned to see Dale standing in his doorway.

“And why are you spying on Allie?”

“Instincts man, instincts. Something is off kilter.”

Dale was in the other window sporting a pair of binoculars

“Eeww. I’d say something is wrong. What is our suspect doing
in Allie’s kitchen naked?”

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out. He claims she wanted
him there. I’m just not buying it. She wouldn’t do that to me.” At least he

“You know women, dude. You can’t always trust them.”

“Allie’s different, Dale. I swear. She wouldn’t cheat. It’s
not in her nature.”

“Whoa,” Dale said.

“What?” Tony peered through the lens trying to see what Dale

“I think you’re right. We have an issue and it’s kinda big.”

Tony couldn’t see anything wrong. He saw Paul disappear into
the bedroom and nothing.

“What Dale? Tell me.”

“Allie is in the bedroom tied to a chair. She looks like her
mouth is covered with duct tape. He has a knife.”

“Damn.” They had guns so they could shoot if they had to,
but neither knew how unstable this guy was and what he’d do if confronted. “We
have to get her out of there before he does something horrible.”

“Agreed. What do you propose we do?”

Tony paced the living room trying to decide the best way to
handle this. He knew they didn’t have much time. With Paul naked there was only
one thing it could mean, he would force himself on Allie.

A sickening thought came to mind. Had he already raped her?
From the smug look on his face earlier it was a possibility. God, he hoped he
was wrong.

“We could easily pick the lock and sneak into the bedroom.
If the bedroom door is locked we could bust it down. My only fear is he’ll use
the knife on her.”

Dale walked over and placed a hand on Tony’s shoulder.
“We’ll get her out safely, don’t worry.”

Tony was worried and angry. Rage crawled through his veins
heating his body with a madness. He could kill Paul right now and it wouldn’t
bother him. He had to think logically though. If he killed Paul it could ruin
the investigation too. Paul was their suspect.

“Can you call for backup? Maybe we should send the guys to
bust the house while we get Allie out.”

“I thought we decided it best to do it in the middle of the

“Plans changed.” Tony walked away from Dale. He raked his
fingers through his hair and let out a disgusted breath.

I’m coming for you Allie. I’m going to get you out of

Dale made a few phone calls while Tony watched the house.
Paul hadn’t left the bedroom since he reentered it. Imagines of him forcing
himself on Allie filled Tony’s mind. He’d kill the bastard if he harmed Allie.
She was his and Tony wouldn’t let anyone hurt her.

“We’re all set. We can go over to Allie’s and the guys will
bust the house down the beach. The boss wasn’t happy about the change in plans,
but I think I managed to convince him this was for the best.”

“Thanks man. I owe you one.”

“We’ll talk about that later. Now let’s go rescue your

Dale slapped Tony on the back. Together, loaded with tools
to break into the house, and guns, they went to Allie’s to save her from the
psycho who held her hostage.

Chapter Six


Paul moved closer and Allie knew she’d be sick. The sight of
his penis hard and throbbing made her ill. He’d told her he was going to make
her suck his dick and he wasn’t lying.

“Ready to get me off bitch?”

She’d rather puke on him or bite him but knew it wouldn’t
make the situation any better. She thought for sure Tony would realize she was
in danger but he hadn’t. He’d shown up and left.

“What’s the matter, lover boy disappoint you? I told you he
was too stupid to know better. He thinks you and I are together and we had
amazing sex. You should’ve seen his face when I told him how insatiable you

His evil laugh filled the room.

If she could speak she’d tell him how despicable he was, but
the duct tape prevented her from saying anything. It was just as well, as it would
only lead to more trouble for her when she opened her mouth.

Poor Tony. She hated that he thought she’d slept with Paul.
Hopefully when this was all over she’d be able to explain what happened and
have him believe her. This night was supposed to be special. She had planned to
tell him how she felt, instead she was tied to a chair wondering if she was
going to live or die. She prayed she didn’t die without telling Tony she loved

Paul ripped the tape off without hesitation. The sticky glue
pulled at her skin and she cried out in pain.


Paul slapped her face. “Shut up bitch. I’m not going to
stand for you speaking. Once I fill your mouth with my cock you won’t be able
to utter another word.”

Allie looked down at the floor. She refused to make eye
contact with the asshole. She tried to think about positive things.

Paul lifted her chin forcing her to look at him.

“I’m going to stick my penis in your mouth now. If you do
anything to hurt me I’ll maim you. Understood?”

Tears prickled her eyes and she nodded. She understood and
wouldn’t fight him. She’d do what she was needed to get out of the

As he stepped closer she decided to make one last effort to
get out of the situation.


“I thought I told you no more speaking,” he growled.

“I know and I’m sorry but I was thinking.”

“Go on.”

“I was thinking if you untie my hands I could use them to
bring you more pleasure. I know this little trick I do will enhance your
orgasm.” It was all bullshit, but if she could get him to release her hands
maybe she could fight him off and get out of there. With her hands tied behind
her back she had no chance.

She looked to see what he was doing. It seemed he was
considering her offer. He picked up the knife off the bed and directed it at

“I’m warning you. Any funny business and—” He made a slicing
motion across his neck.

She shook.

The thought of him cutting her skin or hurting her in any
way scared her. Her thoughts turned to Tony. Would she ever see him alive
again? Would he ever know that she loved him?

“I’m going to cut the ties off you, but one wrong move and
you’re a dead woman. Understood?”

“Yes.” He was going to release her hands. It was one step
closer to possible freedom. Hopefully Tony was home and she could run to the
safety of his place.

Paul walked behind the chair and started cutting at the
ties. Allie could feel the back of the blade as it moved up and down against
her wrist. The plastic broke and her hands fell to her sides. Her arms ached
terribly. She lifted them so she could rub her wrists and get the blood
circulating again.

Suddenly the door burst open.

“Freeze.” There in the doorway looking every bit the part of
hero stood Tony. His gun pointed at Paul.

An arm snaked around her neck and the blade of the knife was
sticking in her throat. She felt blood trickle down her neck.

“Please Paul. You don’t want to do this,” she pleaded.

“Put the knife down Paul or I’ll have to shoot.”

“Go ahead and I’ll slice her throat like the pig you are.”

“Paul, this is over. Put down the knife.” Tony looked to
Allie. “Are you okay?”

“Yes.” She was fine now that he was there.

“Do you trust me?”

“Shut up pig or I’m gonna cut her,” Paul said.

Yes, she mouthed. The word was barely out when a shot rang
out, blasting her eardrum. Paul’s arm fell from her neck and she heard him
stumble backward, slamming into the dresser. The knife hit the floor with a

“You son of a bitch,” Paul yelled.

Allie jumped from the chair. Tony pushed her down on the bed
as he charged Paul. Paul tried to fight back, but his strength was lost to the
bullet lodged in his arm. Tony wrestled him to the floor and handcuffed him.

“Everything all right in here?” Another man stood in the

“We got our man on attempted rape and intent to kill.” Tony
lifted Paul to his feet and pushed him toward the man. “Can you take him out to
the car, Dale?”

“Sure thing, partner.”

Allie watched as Paul was dragged out of her bedroom. Once
he was gone she fell into a crumpled mess, curled up in a ball on the bed,
crying. The tears streamed from her eyes as sobs racked her body. She was
nearly killed today.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you, Allie.” Tony pulled off
his shirt and patted the blood on her neck. “Oh thank God, it’s only a flesh
wound. I thought he’d sliced you.”

He placed a gentle hand on her arm and she pulled him to
her. She needed to feel safe and secure in his arms.

Tony allowed her to drag him on the bed and he gathered her
in his strong arms. As he held her he whispered promises that everything would
be just fine.

“You’re safe now,” he said. “Nothing bad can happen to you
now. Paul is gone and he’s not coming back.”

Allie continued crying taking in everything he said. She
believed she was safe as long as he was by her side.

“What happened to you? Why did you leave earlier?” she asked
through sobs.

“Paul told me you didn’t want anything to do with me. He was
wearing a towel for Christ’s sake. He said you two had…you know.”

“And you believed him? Do you really think I’d just jump
into bed with another guy so soon after the amazing night we had?” Did he
really think so little of her? She wiped at the tears as the fear turned to
anger. She couldn’t believe he’d think that of her.

“No. Well, at first I wasn’t sure. I mean I trust you, but
Paul made a very compelling argument. But when he wouldn’t let me talk to you I
began to suspect something was wrong. When I noticed the food on your plate
wasn’t touched, I realized something was definitely wrong. I know how much you
love your food.” He laughed.

BOOK: SexontheBeach
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