Sexiest Vampire Alive (6 page)

Read Sexiest Vampire Alive Online

Authors: Kerrelyn Sparks

BOOK: Sexiest Vampire Alive
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Sean flinched. “But they don’t know where—” He turned to Gregori. “You bastard, what have you done?”

“I provided us the best security possible.” He glanced at his watch. “Would you look at that? It’s
nine o’clock, the exact time you wanted to go.”

“Don’t act like a smart-ass with me!” Sean growled. “I’m the one in charge of this operation.”

“Then teleport yourself. I’ll see you there.” Gregori no longer needed a beacon. The location of the safe house was imbedded in his psychic memory.

“Wait!” Sean stepped closer and lowered his voice. “You have to take me. The president knows me. And all the other men at the meeting. They trust me. You need me there.”

Angus folded his arms over his chest. “Do the president and his cronies know ye’re a Vamp?”

“Of course not! It just barely happened.” Sean shifted his weight. “I don’t want them to know. It would destroy their trust in me.”

Gregori nodded. He’d never seen Sean look so uptight and miserable. “Okay, I’ll play along with that. But it’s too late for Garrett. We already spilled the beans.”

Dammit, Holstein. It should be my decision when to tell people.” Sean scowled as Gregori grabbed his arm. “You’d better remember from now on that I’m in charge. I’m getting fed up with your—”

Gregori teleported to the safe house, taking Sean with him.

“—sorry ass!” Sean completed his sentence.

“Are you talking to me?” Phineas asked.

“What?” Sean looked around. “Dammit! How many MacKay employees are here?”

“Three,” Garrett muttered. “Phineas and those two shifters in the kitchen, eating all our food.” He gave Sean an annoyed look. “You should have told me about shifters.”

Sean shrugged. “Need-to-know basis.”

Garrett scowled. “Is it true what they said? Are you a vampire now?”

Sean sighed and his shoulders drooped. “It’s a long, painful story. It would probably take hours—”

“He nearly died in battle, so Roman transformed him to save his life,” Gregori explained, then smirked at Sean. “End of story.”

Garrett eyed his boss. “But he looks the same.”

“And he acts the same,” Phineas muttered.

Sean snorted. “I am the same.”

Frowning, Garrett ran a hand through his hair. “How can you stay the head of the Stake-Out team? Isn’t that a conflict of interest?”

“You expect me to stake myself?” Sean growled.

“I’ve got a nice, big one you can borrow,” Gregori suggested.

Sean scoffed. “I think my new situation will actually help me in my fight against the bad vampires.”

“But you said all vampires are bad,” Garrett insisted.

Sean waved a hand in dismissal. “I was a bit premature in my observation. I know a lot more about it now.”

Gregori and Phineas snorted.

Sean glared at them, then at Garrett. “No one in the government is to know about my new status. Understood?”

Garrett gave him a dubious look. “Aren’t they going to notice that you’re dead during the day?”

“That may be normal for a government worker,” Gregori muttered.

Phineas snickered.

Sean waved that aside. “We’ve always done our work at night. That won’t change.” He took a seat on the couch. “We need to start the briefing.”

Gregori sat and listened to Sean explain once again how he was supposed to keep his mouth shut during the meeting and prove just how safe, harmless, and boring he truly was.

At nine-thirty, the limo from the White House arrived.

As Gregori strode toward the door, he chanted softly, “I’m too sexy for my cape, too sexy for my fangs—”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Sean scowled at him.

“Just a little positive thinking, dude. To get psyched up. You should try it sometime.”

Sean snorted, then paused at the door. “I’ve heard about you. You’re . . . well, to be blunt, a womanizer.”

Gregori gritted his teeth. His dear mother must have told Sean that. “What of it?”

“I know how you Vamps are around women,” Sean muttered. “And for some weird reason, women tend to find vampires really attractive.”

“Hoping to get lucky, Whelan?”

He shot Gregori an annoyed look as they stepped outside. “I’m warning you. You had better act safe, harmless, and boring.”

“I’ll attempt to smother my naturally charming personality.”

“Just stay away from the president’s daughter.” Sean hurried down the steps to the waiting car.

“You mean if I ravish her it might put a little hitch in our negotiations?”

“Cut the sarcasm and stay away from her.” Sean opened the car door, then climbed into the limo, followed by Gregori.

He gazed out the window as the limo turned onto a busy avenue. No doubt Sean was referring to pretty Madison who regularly graced magazine covers. But what about the older daughter, Abigail? How come he hadn’t been able to locate one good photo of her? Why was she hiding from the world?

He smiled to himself. The evening wouldn’t be entirely safe, harmless, and boring. He had a mystery to solve.

Chapter Five

onight I will make you mine. Every inch of your flesh will beg for my touch. Your very soul will scream for me to possess you.”

Abigail hesitated as the man’s deep, husky voice filtered through the closed door.
. Mom had found a hot one for tonight.

She glanced at the Secret Service agent who stood next to the door. The poor guy could probably hear the racy dialogue going on inside, but his face remained expressionless and stoic.

She slipped quietly into the room. Not wanting to interrupt the audio book in progress, she simply waved at her mom and Nurse Debra.

Belinda squinted behind her eyeglasses, then smiled. “Hi, Abby.”

“Hey, Mom.” Was her mother’s vision growing worse?

“Perfect timing!” Belinda motioned to the CD player on the table next to her recliner. “Maxim’s about to get lucky.”

Maxim ripped his shirt off and flung it aside
, the narrator’s voice continued.

Debra sighed. “I’m warning you. If your blood pressure goes up, I’m turning that silly thing off.”

“Shh.” Belinda hushed her. “You enjoy it, too, even if you won’t admit it.”

“Humph.” Debra adjusted her reading glasses and went back to writing her report.

Abigail smiled. Debra had been her mom’s private nurse for ten years now, and the two of them enjoyed fussing at each other.

The narrator’s voice grew softer.
With graceful ease, he picked her up and tossed her onto his bed.

“Maxim is very sexy,” Belinda whispered.

“Well, that is a requirement for the hero.” Abigail scanned the monitor to check her mother’s vital signs.

She always tried to visit her mom when she was undergoing kidney dialysis, but with her long hours at the lab, it wasn’t always possible. Thank God for audio books. Especially the romances. They kept her mom entertained for hours. No doubt sexy Maxim was also tall, dark, and handsome. And of course fabulously rich.

She sighed. Guys like that existed only in fiction. But she had to admit she’d learned a lot about the fine art of lovemaking thanks to her mom’s books. Some mothers sat their daughters down for a heart-to-heart talk about sex. Belinda May Tucker simply invited them to listen to her audio books. Unfortunately that only left Abigail feeling uneasy since her forays into the world of romance had not produced the soul-searing, multiorgasmic epiphanies that her mother’s beautiful heroines experienced. Regularly. Without fail.

Maxim lay down beside her, marveling over the perfection of her lovely face and long blond tresses.

Abigail wrinkled her nose. “Why are the heroines always blond?”

Debra huffed. “Because only a blonde would be stupid enough to—”

“Excuse me?” Belinda gave her nurse an indignant look.

Abigail exchanged a grin with Debra, then patted her mom on the shoulder. “We can’t all be blond like you.”

Her smile faded when she noted strands of silver in her mother’s hair. When had that happened? Even Debra’s short and tidy Afro had acquired hints of gray among the black.

She stuffed her hands into the pockets of her lab coat so her clenched fists wouldn’t show. Time was flying by, and she’d hardly made any progress at all. Her chest tightened with the same fear that had haunted her for a dozen years.
Failure is not an option. Failure means your mother dies.

“Take a seat.” Belinda motioned to the chair beside her. “The good part’s coming up.”

Abigail perched on the edge of the chair and gripped her jeans-clad knees. She needed to relax and enjoy the time she had with her mother. And not feel guilty that she wasn’t at the lab.

“Are you ready for me, my love?” he whispered.

“Oh yes, Maxim! Take me. I need to feel your manly rod of steel deep inside me.”

Abigail snorted. “I think he has a penile prosthesis.”

Debra laughed.

Belinda scowled at them both.

Maxim caressed her face, then sliced through her nightgown with his claw.

“What?” Abigail sat back. “His

Belinda nodded. “I told you he was sexy.”

Debra rolled her eyes. “Only a blonde would be stupid enough—”

“He’s got a
?” Abigail jumped to her feet and picked up the case for the audio book. “
Wild and Wicked Nights with a Werewolf
? You mean Maxim has hairy palms and never cuts his nails?”

Belinda sighed. “You might as well turn it off. You’ve really destroyed the mood now.”

“Who could ever be in the mood for a
?” Abigail punched the off button and dropped the CD case on the table. “What happened to the Greek billionaire tycoon and his secretary?”

Belinda shrugged. “I wanted to branch out. Try something new. I never get out of the house, you know. I can at least let my imagination roam free.”

Abigail swallowed hard. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” Even though the house in question was the White House, it was still a prison for her mom.

“Hi, guys!” a cheerful voice greeted them from the doorway. A dog yipped.

“Madison?” Belinda squinted, then smiled. “Well, don’t you look lovely! Is that a new dress?”

“Yes!” Madison waltzed into the clinic, carrying a pink rhinestone-encrusted dog bag.

She twirled, and her pink, sparkly cocktail dress swirled around her long, lean, perfectly tanned legs. “Isn’t it gorgeous? It’s a Versace. Oh, sorry, Dolly darling!” She patted the head of her toy poodle. “Little schnookums gets motion sickness, don’t you, poor baby?”

“If that rat’s going to puke, take it out of here,” Debra grumbled.

Madison gave the nurse an annoyed look, then aimed her high-wattage smile at her mom and sister. “Guess what? I have the most exciting news ever!”

“There’s a sale at Bloomingdale’s?” Abigail muttered.

Madison gasped. “Is there? Oh.” She waved a dismissive hand with perfect pink nails. “I can do that tomorrow. What’s happening tonight is actually more important.”

Belinda exchanged an amused look with Abigail. “How shocking.”

“It is. Quite shocking.” Madison set her dog bag on the carpet, then pressed a hand to her chest. “There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just blurt it out. Debra, be sure to monitor my mother’s blood pressure. This may be . . .

Debra gave her a wry look over the top of her reading glasses. “I’ve got it covered.”

“Very well. Here goes.” Madison took a deep breath. “Vampires are coming to the White House.”

Abigail bit her lip to keep from laughing out loud.

Her mom smiled. “Honey, vampires aren’t real.”

Madison flinched. “How can you say that?” She motioned toward the audio book on the table. “You were so happy when I bought the werewolf book for you. If you believe in werewolves, then you should believe in vampires, too. If you don’t, then it’s like . . . racist, or something.”

“Girl, are you on medication?” Nurse Debra asked.

“No, of course not,” Madison answered impatiently.

“Maybe you should be,” Debra muttered.

Abigail covered her mouth to hide her grin.

“I’m totally serious,” Madison insisted. Her dog yipped in agreement.

Belinda shook her head. “Vampires and werewolves aren’t real, sweetie. It’s called fiction.”

“That’s what everybody used to think.” Madison brushed her long blond hair over her shoulder. “But vampires
real. It’s all over the Internet, so it has to be true. Besides, I have proof.”

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