Sex with the CEO: A Billionaire Romance (The Midnight Collection Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Sex with the CEO: A Billionaire Romance (The Midnight Collection Book 1)
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              “It’s not what’s required,” he said slowly, “But it’s what I want.”

              “Well, you can’t always get what you want… didn’t your mother ever tell you that when you were younger?” She blurted it out, forgetting that she wasn’t just talking to the guy that had annoyed the hell out of her in Vita and was now tormenting her with his sexiness and outrageous flirting, he was also the CEO of her company and she was still new there and finding her feet.

“I always get what I want Miss Winter,” he whispered, “And I think you know what I want.”

              Her pussy started to throb. His voice was as smooth as silk, but it was deep and enveloping. She swallowed hard and leaned back in her chair.

              “I think I have a pretty good idea,” she whispered.

              “Midnight tonight,” he said and she could tell he was smiling, “Meet me in Conference Room C…”

              “Midnight?” she gasped, “Isn’t that a little late?”

              “I work late,” he said, “And I’d like you with me.”

              The line clicked off. He had hung up and left her there with that. Annabel jumped out of her chair and ran her hands through her hair.
He wants to meet me in the conference room at midnight
, she started to pace, her heart racing and her skin hot.
He’s trouble, you can’t go
… She started to tell herself, but then she looked across the room and knew that there was no way she could say no. He wasn’t going to give up and she realised now more than ever, especially after hearing about Joy, that she didn’t want him to. Somehow, with all he had annoyed her and pestered her and decided she was going to be his, he had still managed to charm her and make her want to be in that position. She heard his voice in her head,
I always get what I want
… and it sent a shiver down her spine.


Chapter Eleven


Jed Marshall stuck his head into Annabel’s office not long after five pm.

              “You still here?” he smiled.              

              “Yes,” Annabel nodded, “I’m going to work late tonight.”

              “Are we behind with any of our reports this quarter?” his smiled curled into a concerned frown.

              “Oh, no,” Annabel laughed, “I just need to get ahead, I have a few medical appointments next week and I don’t want to get caught short if they run over.”

              “Nice and organised,” Jed beamed, “You’re a good egg,” he waved and called over his shoulder “Good night.”

              Annabel had never understood that phrase, a good egg… it was the sort of thing she hated hearing. It made her feel belittled and normally she would have annoyed herself by thinking about it but at this particular moment in time all she had on her mind was Dexter and the fact that she was supposed to be meeting him for her “one to one” in seven hours time. She looked up at the clock and tapped her toe against the leg of her desk. She knew she couldn’t sit waiting for that long. The anticipation was going to drive her mad. She rose from her chair and went to the door. Out in the corridor the cleaners were beginning their rounds and one of them smiled at her as she looked out briefly before going back into her office and closing the door. Even though she wanted to leave, there was a huge part of her that just didn’t dare. She couldn’t deny that she wanted this man and he turned her on and pushed her buttons in all the right ways, he was a challenge, but one she now knew she was up to. She had already spurned his advances several times and now she was here, working alongside him, she knew that it was only going to go one way. She heard the cleaners buzzing up and down the corridor with the hoover and she sat back on her chair, opened her handbag and took out her compact. She looked at herself in the tiny mirror and surveyed her skin. Even after a full day’s work she still looked good. She had been blessed with a good complexion from her grandmother and her alabaster skin had a lovely glow to it, she almost looked as if she had been painted like a china doll. Annabel looked up to the clock and realised she was going to be watching it for some time. So before she drove herself crazy she got up, cautiously opened her office door and made her way down to the café.


The hours passed painfully slow. Annabel flicked through magazines, snacked on veggie sticks and drank a glass of water. There was something about the anticipation that prevented her from having a real meal or daring to drink anything else. She thought about a cup of coffee and wanted one to keep her awake but the thought of Dexter leaning in to kiss her and her tasting of coffee was enough to put a stop to that. The café was empty apart from one of the lingering cleaners who she was sure was probably lonely and just avoiding going home. When it reached eleven she went back to her office and touched up her make-up, she flicked her hair and undid one button of her blouse, just so she didn’t look as trussed up as she did during the day, it was after hours after all. She looked at herself once more in the mirror and checked the clock again. It was close enough to midnight and she was tired of waiting. She turned off the lights in her office and slowly and nervously made her way along to the elevator where she could take one to the next floor. Conference Room C was a floor above, the highest in the building and she had never been there before, but she was sure she would find it.

              The heat rose within her as the elevator doors closed. She looked up to her left and on the ceiling next to the door she noticed that there was a little flashing red light. She was being recorded. She was sure it was just for security purposes but she had a feeling right down inside of her that right at that moment he was watching. He knew she was on her way. She bit her lip and tried to disguise the grin that was creeping across her face. She wanted to play it cool, make him work for it, but the butterflies inside her were making her all the more horny and desperate to let him ravage her. She exhaled and flicked her hair. The elevator came to a gentle stop and a small chime tinged. As the door opened she almost expected to see him stood there in front of her, but the corridor was empty and dark. Her pulse started to race as she made her way forward. She looked left to right. On the wall in front of her were signs of which rooms were located where. Conference Rooms A – E to the left. She looked down there, it was pitch black and she felt her skin prickle. No one was up here. What was he doing lingering around here at this time of night?
He can do what he likes Annabel
, she thought,
he owns the place.

She cautiously made her way down the darkened corridor, her heart beating so hard she could hear it in her ears. She passed a visitors room, a coffee bar and then the conference rooms began. She was reaching the end of the corridor and the room she wanted was nowhere to be seen, but she realised that ahead it slowly curved around and there, right at the end, hidden out of sight was a set of double doors. Conference Room C. She could see a sliver of light shining beneath it but a not a sound drifted through. She crept up to it quietly and lifted her hand to knock, but before her knuckles could wrap against it the doors slowly opened.

              Dexter. In there, in the half light, just centimetres from her. Her breath caught in her throat as a small smile crept across his face. She knew she looked shocked and he held out his hand.

              “How did you…?” she whispered.

              “I know everything,” he winked.

              She reached forward and took his hand. He pulled her gently forward, into the conference room. His hands were big and masculine but perfectly well groomed. His skin was warm to the touch and it felt electric. Where he’d touched her she felt on fire and as he closed the door behind her Annabel found herself catching her breath again, as if she had just run a marathon.

              “Thank you for being such a dedicated employee,” he said playfully, “I appreciate you staying back so late.”

              “Well I’m new, I have to make a good impression don’t I?” she cocked her head to one side and smiled.

              “Oh, you’ve already made one of those,” he licked his bottom lip.

              “So, what are we working on Mr Slade?”

              “Personal Development,” he grinned, “Please, take a seat.”

He turned and presented the table. There was one black paper file set out at the head along with a silver pen. Annabel slinked over to the chair next to the head of the table and sat down. Dexter came up behind her slowly, walked around the side and sat in front of her. He picked up the pen and opened the file. Annabel scanned the room quickly. He had left the lights low and the conference room seemed so big and echoing with just the two of them in there. The view over the Thames and the London Eye was spectacular, she found herself engrossed in it, staring out at the twinkling lights reflecting on the water and the city skyline rising behind in the distance.

“We live in one the greatest cities in the world,” Dexter said, “Fantastic view from here, don’t you think?”

“It is,” Annabel turned to him and smiled, “I’ve never seen it from this point of view before.”

“It’s good at the top,” Dexter jested, “I like it here,”

“I got that impression the night we met,” Annabel joked back.

“Harsh,” he whistled, “But, I have to say you certainly left a mark on me by turning me down, not many women have ever done that…”

Annabel raised her eyebrows.

“In fact,” he leaned forward and poured her a glass of water, “You may be the only one.”

Inside she was ecstatic but she didn’t want to let him know.

“Not many women are like me,” she said, taking a sip of the glass he passed her, “Maybe I could teach you a few things.”

His eyes lit up, “I’d like that very much.”

Annabel felt herself blushing and she dipped her head, breaking her gaze from his beautifully strong and penetrating eyes. London had never been a place she thought she would genuinely fall in love with, but here, on the top floor of Crown House, looking out over the city in all its glory with one of the most powerful men to reside right there in the capital she knew now that things could be different.

“Life is all about timing,” she said, “Don’t you think?”

“Most certainly,” he leaned forward and pulled his chair closer to hers.

“If I had never walked into this office and met you again after that night in Vita, do you honestly think we would be spending time together?”

“I would have found you no matter what,” Dexter whispered, raising his hand to skim her cheek. “I would have looked everywhere, I needed you to give me another chance.”

“Is that what tonight is?” Annabel smiled.

“Tonight is what we make of it,” Dexter stroked her cheek, “It’s what we want it to be…”

Annabel’s heart pounded inside her rib cage. This amazing man who had stirred so many emotions in her seemed to be opening up so quickly it was if they had known each other forever. She couldn’t believe how relaxed she felt with him. Although he was intimidating and so incredibly powerful, he lit something inside her that made her feel alive. She felt like she had when she was young and still at school when she had her first kiss behind the bike sheds. She had been chosen by one of the best looking and most popular boys in her year and he’d taken her there, pushed her against the wall and slipped his tongue inside her mouth, kissing her so deep she gasped and didn’t stop smiling for days after. Dexter made her feel like an excited teenager again, every time he looked at her, every time she was close to him, every exchange they had, made her heart leap and energy throb through her.

“Midnight,” Dexter said, looking out over London as Big Ben started to chime. He got to his feet and walked over to the huge floor to ceiling window and surveyed the city. “Aren’t you curious as to why I asked you to meet me here then?”

Annabel shifted in her seat, “Why?”

Dexter turned and smiled at her, “Because the exact moment I saw you in Vita,” he said softly, “It had just turned midnight.”

Annabel felt a grin creep across her face, she had no idea he was going to be so romantic or even that he would have remembered something like that.

“I didn’t realise,” she blushed, sweeping her hair behind her ear, “I thought you were really drunk, I didn’t think you would remember.”

“I was,” he said, “But I wouldn’t forget the first time I saw you.”

Annabel felt like she was burning up. What on earth was happening, how could this man be so different to what she had thought?

The air between them was electric and the tension almost unbearable. They both knew what was going to happen but the anticipation was thumping through them like a current. Dexter walked back to the conference table and stood in front of Annabel, he held down his hands and locked his fingers with hers. She got to her feet slowly and looked up into his eyes.

“It is all about timing,” he whispered.

Annabel felt weightless as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. He held her hands tight in his, behind her back as he lent forward. Annabel went lightheaded as Dexter pressed his lips against hers, kissing her powerfully and making her knees weak. He smelled and tasted amazing and as he kissed her, slipping his tongue into her mouth, he pulled her with him against the conference table and lifted her up onto it. He spread her legs with his knees and got between them. As he kissed her, he held onto her neck and pressed himself against her. She could feel his cock was rock hard in his suit trousers and it made her tremble. Without even touching him she could tell he was big. Her pussy ached, knowing that she was going to have him inside her. It had been such a long time since she had been with a man, she worried that he would hurt her.

Dexter moved closer still, pushing his stiff member into the crotch of her panties, she was already wet and her skin prickled with pleasure. He kissed her neck, pushing her back onto the table further, opening her legs wider and putting all his weight on her. Annabel was pinned, completely spread out on the table and just waiting for him to take her. He slowly began to undo her shirt, with each button he popped he pressed himself against her panties and made her ache with longing. He pulled the shirt away and exposed her bra, he cupped her breasts with his huge hands and pulled them free, taking a hard nipple into his mouth and sucking on it with relish.

“You are so beautiful,” he breathed, “Your body is incredible.”

Annabel was in ecstasy, his touch was sending shivers down her spine and she wanted him more than she had ever wanted anyone in her life. She sat forward and wrapped her hands around his tie as she began to undo it and ripped his shirt open. Dexter responded with a huge grin, pulling at his belt with her and undoing his trousers. As he slid his pants down his huge manhood was revealed with a spring and Annabel gasped at the sight of it.
Oh my god,
she thought,
he’s so big, he’s too good to be true.
Not able to control herself any more she grabbed hold of his shaft and pumped him up and down. Dexter held onto her neck and slipped his other hand down her skirt and into her panties. She was dripping wet and as he ran his finger over her engorged clit and pussy Annabel moaned and shuddered with his touch as a wave of pleasure flooded through her. He smiled and encouraged her to her knees. She gladly got down and brought his huge cock to her lips. She flicked her tongue over his helmet, lapping up the pre cum that was already flowing out of his red end, she swallowed what she could before deep throating him. Dexter moaned and held onto her head as he fucked her mouth with his pants around his ankles. Annabel has never been so wet and turned on, she was desperate to have him inside her, but the anticipation of knowing what she was going to get and waiting for it was driving her wild. Dexter lifted her up and placed her gently onto the edge of the conference table. He slipped her skirt down from around her waist and it fell to the floor. Now he only had to remove her lacy underwear. He wrapped his fingers into the side of them and pulled them down, exposing her tiny landing strip and her delicious pussy. He stood back to admire her beautiful body and his dick jerked in appreciation. He grabbed hold of one of her tits and squeezed it, before putting her nipple in his mouth and sucking on it hungrily and biting it softly. His cock slick and throbbing between his legs, Annabel reached down and wrapped her palm and fingers around it and pumped him up and down again. Dexter wanted to taste her and pushed her back onto the table, he slid his hand between her legs and spread her wide. He leant forward and thrust his tongue in and out of her sweet dripping sex and Annabel writhed on the table in front of him and moaned in ecstasy. No one had ever paid so much attention to her and touched her like this, she was in heaven. She couldn’t believe this was happening, here she was with Dexter Slade’s face between her thighs giving her the most intense sensation she had ever felt. She moaned and held onto his head, seconds away from an orgasm when he knelt up and she saw him with his dick in his hands, “It wants you, baby,” he panted and he pulled her knees up to his chest so her arse was right on the edge of the table and he positioned his helmet right at her opening. He teased her, rubbing it up and down on her clit, slick with her juices and his saliva and just when Annabel didn’t think she could take it anymore he moved himself back to her opening and slowly but forcefully pushed himself into her, inch by inch.

BOOK: Sex with the CEO: A Billionaire Romance (The Midnight Collection Book 1)
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