Sex or Suffer [Dark Colony 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (27 page)

BOOK: Sex or Suffer [Dark Colony 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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She twirled several circles around the room, dropped the clear box containing the remaining two hypo shots of cure near the door and resumed her impromptu dance. All the while she sang her own song about stripping while dancing around a pole, having sex in the shower standing up and lap dancing. Dropping her bra to the floor, and also the last article of clothing she wore, Penelope staggered a few steps, but he couldn’t tell if she was dizzy from all the spinning or hurting from her illness.

“Penelope? Are you in pain?

Arms shot straight out as if for balance, she carefully twisted around to face him. Eyes focused directly on his cock, she launched forward and grabbed him around the waist burying her face in his middle.

She ignored his question to ask one of her own. “Why aren’t your clothes off yet?”

He brushed his hand down the silky softness of her hair and murmured, “I was busy watching you get undressed, sweetheart.”

“Well hurry. We need to fuck.” She let go of him and turned toward the bed. “Nathan! Here’s a bed. We can have sex right here.”

“Very convenient.” He pulled his shirt over his head and unfastened his pants. She meanwhile crossed the room, giggling all the way, and climbed on top of the mattress. From what little he knew about Penelope, this change in character was one she wouldn’t be happy about, and he hoped she might be spared the memory of it.

“Are you coming?” Now on her knees, she bounced up and down with exuberance, and he tried not to watch her breasts, reminding himself that she was Gray’s girl. He saw the round bruise on her thigh that the hypo jet left from the cure she’d given herself. He dreaded her reaction when she woke and realized it hadn’t worked.

“Sweetheart. I wish you were going to have this exact enthusiastic attitude after we have sex.” Nathan approached the bed, and she grabbed him by his fully engorged dick. “But I suspect that instead you’ll be tormented. I’ll say I’m sorry in advance.” She stopped bouncing and slipped an arm around his waist as she stroked his happy cock to a granite hardness.

“You are so nice to look at. You don’t have to be sorry.” Her awe-filled voice made his guilt even deeper.

“Thanks, Penelope. I hope you don’t hate me ten minutes from now.”

“Nathan. My pussy really hurts. Could we have sex now?” Her wavering tone suggested the pain was sinking in.

“Of course.” He pressed her to the center of the bed, directed his cock inside her slick pussy and pushed forward until he was fully seated. Moving in and out was not a chore, but Nathan focused on trying to climax quickly. He fastened his mouth around one nipple, knowing the taste of her would enable his orgasm to materialize faster. And it did.

Stroking his tongue across the hard bud at the center of her breast in rhythm to the thrusts of his rigid cock deeply into her tight pussy sent him to the wicked edge of pleasure. He palmed her other soft breast, kneading her exquisite flesh as he continued to suck on her nipple. Seconds later his release barreled out of him at the speed of sound. The nipple popped out from between his lips, and he pressed his forehead between her soft breasts to rest.

Nathan panted for a second or two trying to catch his breath and raised his head to see Penelope’s expression. He hoped she wouldn’t be distraught by this set back.

She rose to her elbows, blinking as if coming out of a deep sleep. Nathan’s legs were still weak from the orgasm or he might have leapt up and pretended they didn’t just have sex.

“Nathan?” The slur in her voice said she wasn’t quite back to normal.

“Uh huh.”

She squinted slightly and her glazed over vision zeroed in on the connection between them. “I guess…cure didn’t work.”

“No. I’m sorry. It didn’t.”

Her head went back, and she flattened to the bed. He expected tears, but she laughed. “I feel like I’m still a little high, but it’s wearing off.”

“Do you remember anything since giving yourself the shot?”

Grinning a little, she caught his gaze and whispered, “I remember everything. I’m just a little goofy from the drugs right now.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. At least I don’t hurt.”

Before he could comfort her further, the door to their meager privacy burst open, the useless lock dangling from near the handle. The richly dressed man Nathan had seen in exiting the hallway earlier entered through the door and leveled a gun at the bed where he was still entwined with Penelope.

Nathan spied his own weapon at the end of the bed on top of his jacket and reached for it, but not in enough time to get it before the man pulled the trigger and a near silent shot hit him in the back.

Burning searing pain registered between his spine and one shoulder blade before large black splotches hid his view even though he was still deeply connected to Penelope and a nanosecond from abandoning her to unwelcome unconsciousness.


* * * *


Penelope screeched a warning when she recognized Damon enter the room. Earlier she’d noticed him as Nathan led her to this room, but her brain hadn’t been connected in any rational way from the useless drugs she’d counted on to cure her. She hadn’t warned Nathan of the impending doom her rational brain acknowledged with Damon’s presence. She was powerless to stop her drug-saturated irrational mind from anything but its sexual goal.

Nathan slumped over her from the shot to his back. The large hole looked horrible. Blood oozed from the wound steadily and dripped in a stream down his back onto the sheets.

“Why did you shoot him?”

Damon stepped into the room and closed the door. “He went for his gun.”

“Only because you burst in here waving your gun, you idiot. He was defending himself and me.” A sob came with the end of her sentence, but Penelope bore up to face the man she’d long suspected of infecting her.

“Don’t call me an idiot. I shot him with a tranquillizer dart not a real bullet. He’ll be fine.”

Damon grabbed her arm and pulled her from the bed. She slid from Nathan’s warm still form and hated that her worst tormentor now leered at her nudity. She pulled her arm from his grasp with a defiant jerk, reached down to check Nathan’s pulse and found it beating strongly. “Well the
dart is embedded beneath his skin so deeply, you must have set the range incorrectly, oh great brainy one.”

He twisted a knob on the gun. “I’m going to fuck that smirk off your face, Dr. Penny. I can’t wait until you beg me to bang you deep and hard so the pain will stop. In case you’re wondering I just set this to shoot real bullets. Don’t piss me off or I’ll use it to finish him off. Am I clear?”

She pressed her lips tight to keep from smarting off and nodded. Damon reached down to the floor and grabbed some of her clothing. He threw her the shirt and pants she’d discarded and directed her to get dressed. The bra and panties remained behind along with poor Nathan.

“Where are you taking me?”

“To a perfect place where we won’t be disturbed for at least four hours.”

“How are you going to manage that?”

“With a time lock, of course. And if you scream or try to run away then I come back and kill him.” Damon opened the door and pushed her into the hallway. There was not a single soul around to help her. He motioned her further down the hallway. It ended in a T shape and he sent them left. The larger than normal gunmetal gray door situated immediately to her left had a face level window at the center. Damon opened the door and shoved her inside.

She saw the bed first because it was pretty much the only thing in the room besides a spindly chair. The door slammed shut behind him, and he pressed a large red button on the wall.

A buzzer sounded, and the digital time piece on the wall started a countdown from four hours. The best she could hope for was that she wasn’t attracted to the prick. Somehow it seemed a hollow dream at best.

“You gave me this deplorable disease, didn’t you?”

Damon’s focus narrowed. “What makes you say that?”

“No one from the science lab knew I was infected with the exception of the prick who gave it to me. Since you’re the only one here ready to fuck the smirk off my face. I believe that limits my choice to you.”

“Not true. I knew you had it when I saw you in the containment suit before you disappeared off of Bravura in the middle of the night. Doesn’t mean I gave it to you.”

“But you’re the only one I work with who’s had access to the virus and is also so fanatical in the pursuit to get in my pants that he’d even go to these outrageous lengths for some pussy.”

He smiled a wicked little smile. “That’s so vulgar, Dr. Penny. You turned out to be quite a nasty girl, didn’t you? How many men did you have to fuck to get this far?”

Declining to answer his question on principle, instead she muttered, “You disgust me.”

Damon merely laughed harder.

“What’s your big plan now? Huh, Damon?” Penelope had reached the limit of her endurance. “After you fuck me, then what?”

“I was sent to take you back to Bravura. You’re in a world of trouble with Dr. Lead-ass.” Damon let loose a sound resembling a giggle. “He sent me after you because he wanted you brought back quietly. The captain on the
wouldn’t confirm your presence on his ship, but I knew you were coming here. I knew you needed to replace the two doses of cure you wasted on the patients from that mining planet. I told you that you’d regret using the last of it.”

“The cure doesn’t work.”

He laughed again. “I know. I found that interesting piece of information out by accident, but I forgot to mention it to you.”

“What are you going to do, rape me?”

“Oh no. Contrary to your views on me, I’m not a rapist. But come three hours or so, you’re going to beg me to fuck you. You’re going to put your hands down my pants and slither all over me as well, but I’m mostly looking forward to the begging.” He grinned. “I can’t wait.”

Penelope was suddenly so tired, she staggered against the bed. “Well, in the mean time I’m tired. It’s been a long day and I’m taking a nap.” She yawned and as soon as she finished, Damon let a yawn out as well. “You, on the other hand, better stay awake, Damon. If I get that gun from you, I won’t hesitate to use it.”

“Temper, temper, Dr. Penny. I can wait ten or fifteen minutes before the time lock releases, while you beg me for sex. But sincerely, I can’t wait to fuck you back to your senses. Then we can discuss how you’re going to give up your position at the Bravura Science Lab and name me your successor.”

“At which point you better have control of that gun.”

“You don’t scare me, Dr. Penny.” He grinned again because he likely knew those stupid pet names aggravated her. “You aren’t as hot shit as you think you are.”

“Why? Because I wasn’t born on the rich spoiled side of the Spectra City wall in Bravura?”

“That’s right! You and your kind come over the wall like vermin out of a flooded building and take jobs meant for your betters. I can’t believe you’re treated with more respect than I am. Me! The son of the greatest leader the planet has ever seen.”

“If ‘your kind’ were really better, I wouldn’t be able to ‘take’ your job. Respect is earned. What have you ever done to earn any?”

“My father is—”

“Your father is someone who worked hard and earned a name for himself because he had every opportunity in life. I have the utmost respect for
. You, on the other hand, expect that because you sprang from his seed and got placed under his roof that you deserve everything handed to you regardless of any effort on your part.”

“Breeding is important—”

“Breeding is as worthless as shit when selecting those qualified for certain jobs. You couldn’t do the job that I do. Spoiled brats like you make me ill. You whine that life isn’t fair when those you consider unworthy come along and have the gall to work harder than you’re willing to. You make me sick, Dr. Demon…oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to call you a doctor. What I meant to say was you make me sick, ‘not smart enough to pass your medical boards’ Demon.”

The dark anger in the form of blood rushing to Damon’s face made Penelope take a step back. It wasn’t like her to make fun of people for failing the medical boards. It was particularly stupid to provoke someone holding a gun. But she knew he wouldn’t shoot her. The prick wanted to fuck her too badly. She didn’t know if that was lucky or not.

He leveled the gun on her with an expression that said she better shut up, but Penelope wasn’t worried. He had an agenda.

Penelope turned her back on him and yawned again. The day had been too much. She fell face first onto the bed and tried to stay awake to consider all of her options. Whatever she did, she had to do it in three and a half hours. She never expected to fall asleep, but the stress of the past couple of weeks had taken its toll and her body simply shut down once she gave into the idea that whatever happened, she couldn’t control it anyway.

She dreamed of Gray, and later she dreamed of Nathan bleeding on the bed. When she stirred awake later she thought she heard the distinct sound of the time lock releasing to allow the door to open. It was a nice dream so she didn’t open her eyes, but tried to slip into unconsciousness once again and hold on to it.

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