Read Sex on Summer Sabbatical Online

Authors: Stacey Lynn Rhodes

Sex on Summer Sabbatical (2 page)

BOOK: Sex on Summer Sabbatical
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Adam grimaced inwardly.
With the current economy, maybe making small talk about occupations wasn’t the brightest idea. “Were you laid off?” he asked sympathetically.

A surprised look crossed her face—her mouth making an ‘O’. “Oh. No, nothing like that. I’ve been pretty lucky.” She picked up her mug and sipped from it. “I’ve been working for a pharmaceutical research company for the past, um…” She paused, glancing up at him, and cleared her throat. “Well, a long time. And one of the company perks for my division is that you get a paid sabbatical every five years. Mine have piled up.” She shrugged casually, but her frustration was evident. “So I kind of had to take one.”

Adam laughed at the disgruntled look. “They made you take a sabbatical against your will?” An image popped into his head of Secret Service-looking men in suits and dark glasses, their arms crossed, refusing her entry into her office. “So you’re here on vacation?”

She looked a bit sheepish. “Well, no. I live near here.”

Adam tried to puzzle out the reason for her hesitation. “So are you going anywhere exciting? How long is your sabbatical?”

“Three months. And no, I didn’t plan anything.” She shifted uncomfortably. “I’m just going to hang around here.”

He leaned closer until he could almost see himself reflected in her amber eyes. “Why?” She had a face he could read like a book even on short acquaintance, and she was definitely hiding something.

“Why what?” she evaded.

“Why didn’t you plan anything?”

Her lips compressed, and suddenly she burst out, “Because I didn’t think they’d actually do it! Okay? They locked me out, revoked my codes. I can’t even get into my own lab or office, much less access my work online. I still can’t believe it.” She hopped to her feet, and for a moment, Adam thought she was going to storm out, but she only walked over to the caddy and grabbed some napkins before coming back. Throwing all but one down on the table, she started methodically shredding one into long strips.

“Mental health break. Ha! Said I’d reached ‘maximum capacity’ when I accrued my fourth sabbatical, and I hadn’t used vacation time in years and… Oh shit, well, I guess you just figured out how old I am.” She threw him a disgusted look that Adam had a hard time keeping a straight face through. “They actually locked me out! For my ‘own good’, what a crock!” she fumed.

“Twenty years without a break is a long time, Tori,” he ventured calmly, making sure no sign of his amusement was visible. “I’m sure they were just thinking about the long term.”

Tori refused to meet his eyes, grabbing another napkin to torment.

Adam felt an upwelling of sympathy for Tori. He had the feeling she’d most likely just ignored every conversation or communication from her superiors on the topic, so it really had caught her by surprise. He could easily see her being that focused.

“Hey.” He took the mass of mangled paper from her hands and replaced it with her mug. “It sounds like they didn’t handle it very well, and I’m sorry about that.”

She blinked at him, disbelief in every line of her face. “Really?”


Tori searched his eyes. “You know, you’re the first person to say that. Everyone else I know has told me that I’m crazy to be upset about a summer-long paid vacation.”

She took a long drink and set the mug down decisively, turning back to him with a bounce. “So, are you doing anything tonight?”

“Um.” Startled at the abrupt change of subject, Adam quickly searched his memory. “Nothing I can think of.”

“Great. Would you like to have dinner at my place? Say seven o’clock?” She stroked a finger down his bare forearm, causing goosebumps to rise all along that side of his body.

Okay, now he was really confused. The switch to seductress was a bit startling after her demeanour thus far. But hey, he was flexible. “Dinner at seven sounds great.”

Before the words finished leaving his mouth, she was on her feet again, heading to the counter. Tori returned with a pen and wrote on one of the remaining napkins.

“Here’s my cell number and address. I’ll see you tonight.” She took a last gulp of coffee without sitting back down. “Sorry to drink and run. Well, run and drink and run.” She chuckled and Adam grinned. “I’ve got a lot to do all of a sudden, so I’d better, uh, run.” She winked and headed towards the door.

“Wait…” Adam stood and Tori spun back, arching an eyebrow at him, seemingly daring him to interrupt her plan. The sudden tension in her body language had him swallowing his suggestion they go out to dinner instead of causing her too much work. He settled on, “White or red wine?”

Tori visibly relaxed as she answered, “White. See you tonight.”

Chapter Two

Adam took a deep breath before raising his hand to knock on the door. The newish condo was close enough to the beach that he knew it must’ve cost some serious money. If she was a pharmaceutical researcher, did that mean she was a doctor? Biochemist? He sighed. Pretty far out of his league. He waited in the warm evening air while he surveyed the neighbourhood.

Just as he was about the check the address again, he heard the locks being released from inside.

“Adam, hi.” Tori opened the door all the way to invite him inside. She was dressed in a light summer dress in some material that draped and hugged every curve. Her feet were bare and her wavy auburn hair was down, hanging to her shoulders in a damp tangle. She smelt fresh and clean, and he couldn’t resist stepping in to drop a kiss on her parted lips. Free of any makeup, they were soft and inviting, clinging to his, and the only thing that made him pull back was the sudden intrusion of a kitchen timer.

“Oh, shoot!” She took off inside in a flurry of movement, and Adam closed the door behind him after he let himself in. Following his nose to the kitchen, he caught Tori taking a huge, flat pan out of the oven.

“Need some help?”

“Nope, I’ve got it.” She managed to lift it onto the stovetop then pulled out some foil to cover what looked like a rice dish. “It’ll be just a little while longer while it finishes absorbing the broth.”

“That’s fine. And it smells great.” And it did. Adam hadn’t eaten more than a protein bar since the coffee that morning. He diplomatically ignored a rumble in his belly. “Is it okay if I put the wine in the freezer to quick-chill?”

She looked back over her shoulder at him apprehensively as he went ahead and opened the appliance. “Only if you can remember when it’s time to come out. I wouldn’t want it exploding or anything.”

He closed the freezer and teased, “It won’t be in there that long. Sounds like that has a ring of experience to it.”

Tori bit her lip. “Well, I’ve done that a few times with beer and pop, but never wine.” She shrugged and smiled. “But I’ve learned to set my alarm for stuff in the oven.” She indicated their dinner with a proud flourish.

He took a few steps closer, enticed by the curious mix of innocent and vixen. He wondered just how experienced she was at dating. Her seductive invitation at the coffee shop seemed at odds with some of her other actions, and Adam was looking forward to figuring out which was the ‘real’ Tori.

He leaned in closer still. “So, Tori. What’s on the menu?”

Tori barely remembered to breathe as Adam leant in, holding her hostage against the counter. They weren’t even touching, but she felt surrounded by him.

“Paella,” she finally managed.

He reached out, a smile teasing his lips. As his hand continued past her to the foil covering the paella pan, she heaved a sigh of relief then froze in realisation. “Oh, careful! It’s hot!” She grabbed his hand as he stopped just short of touching the foil. “That’s from experience, too. I always seem to get steam burns when I uncover something,” she babbled, completely unnerved by his assertive masculine presence.

Oh, what had she been thinking, asking this virile young man over? At the time, Tori’d been so blown away by his unexpected empathy towards her work situation, she had foolishly jumped to the conclusion that he’d be perfect for checking off number two on her list. But Adam was so nice and so damn hot, he probably had any number of beautiful, young things lined up at this door.

She groaned. He was probably just being kind to the crazy old lady who’d practically had a seizure in front of him, got locked out by her own employer and had the temerity to ask him out…twice.

Adam turned his hand over so it was clasping hers, raising her hand to brush her knuckles with a light kiss, all the while holding her gaze with his own. Those beautiful eyes looked almost green in this light and held nothing demanding, only admiration. The simple, almost courtly, gesture went a long way towards soothing her anxiety.

“Glass of wine before it explodes?” he joked. He held onto her hand as the thought made her gasp reflexively and try to rush towards the freezer. She relaxed as he gave her one last squeeze before moving to retrieve the bottle. He refused to let her take it and also grabbed the glasses she had sitting out on the counter.

Something about the way Adam looked, preceding her into the living room with the bottle of wine clasped casually in his left hand, and two wine glasses hooked nonchalantly in his right, made Tori ache down low. He chose to sit on the sofa, glancing up at her with a knowing smile as she hovered, undecided about where to sit. Right next to him? Would that be too obvious? In the opposite chair would look ridiculous, like she was trying to avoid him, she decided finally, perching at his side, but making sure to leave a bit of room.

He poured them each a glass and she sipped at the light wine, making a mental note to try to find this one again. Adam had good taste in wine, but she wondered at his taste in women—to be there with her when he could have gone out with any number of young, fit women, and probably had.

The outside light begin to take on a soft hue, signalling the imminent end to another perfect summer day. Along with her self-deprecating thoughts of a minute ago, it made her melancholy. Summer slipping by. Toying with her wine glass, Tori sighed.

“What’s wrong?” The husky voice was accompanied by a searing touch on the sensitive skin, bare skin, just inside her knee.

Adam looked so sweet and concerned and tempting as he asked, Tori finally just gave in to all that he seemed to promise, leaning in to stop just short of a kiss. She felt the warm caress of his exhale right before she took away the last remaining distance and melted into a meeting of lips that slid right into carnality. It was as though they had both been anticipating this since this morning, and took full advantage of the setting and scene to finally learn each other’s taste.

Barely aware as the glass was plucked from her suddenly nerveless fingers, she immediately found use for her free hand and slid it through the soft waves of his hair, urging him on as he lowered her backwards onto the couch. He settled over her, bracing his weight somehow so that she was surrounded, yes, but not trapped.

Tori could scarcely breathe as her mind raced. This beautiful young man was actually into
? Obviously, he didn’t know her very well yet. Perfect for her plan, but it was disconcerting to be suddenly confronted with the means to the dispassionately stated end of ‘the best sex of her life’. It was one thing to outline it on paper, but the reality of it was so much more…

Then Adam claimed her lips again in a stroking, involved kiss and every thought that wasn’t nailed down flew out of her head.

The tongue that reached to tangle and twine with hers tasted of mint and wine and man. Achingly aware of the long, muscular body hovering just over hers, she reached up to cradle his face, and as if that was the sign he’d been waiting for, he lowered his weight onto her. A torrid kiss descended on her open mouth, and she gave herself over to the myriad sensations, so long forgotten, coursing through her. She felt more engaged, more alive than she had in ages, and she relished every single rush of feeling and tingle.

It was lush and every bit as amazing as she had thought it would be when she’d first pictured this moment in the coffee shop. Glad now that she had taken the initiative, not wanting the end to come too quickly, she reluctantly disengaged from Adam and returned his quick smile.


“Sounds perfect.” Adam easily rose then pulled her to her feet, lightly holding her upper arms for a moment as she got her balance. The warmth of his hands on her bare skin perversely sent a shiver through her.

“Cold?” he asked huskily, leaning in towards her ear.

Tori returned his knowing expression tit for tat. “Not hardly.”
And it’s getting warmer by the minute.

She led the way into the kitchen, wondering whether he was watching her backside—momentarily self-conscious before she decided it wasn’t worth worrying about. If she had her way, he’d be up close and personal with the bare version someday soon. Just to keep the mood, Tori put a little extra sway in her last couple of steps before turning at the stovetop.

Adam’s gaze unapologetically rose from hip level, travelling slowly upwards—like a caress—until he locked eyes with her. He raised the bottle of wine he’d thoughtfully grabbed. “Okay to have a couple of glasses of this with dinner?”

“Sounds perfect,” Tori deliberately echoed his earlier reply, before dropping the sexy pose and simply grinning like a fool. “Um, table’s set, so if you want to grab the salad plates out of the fridge…?”

Tori carefully carried the paella pan to the table and set it down before removing the foil and gazing proudly at her creation. The asparagus spears she’d arranged on top looked like they’d steamed to perfection, and the bright variety of colours of vegetables and legumes in the rice were so pretty, she almost hated to mar it by dishing it out.

“It’ll taste even better than it looks, I’m sure,” Adam seemed to read her mind, and busied himself refilling their glasses while Tori dished out portions and gave the homemade salad dressing a swirl.

After they’d settled into eating and had taken a few bites, Adam asked, “So what made you decide to take up running again? And don’t say ‘to get in shape’,” he cautioned prophetically, just when she would’ve said that very thing. “That’s what everyone says, but it’s too vague. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?”

Tori felt a surge of relief and ease—that could have been something she would have said. Maybe they had more in common than it seemed on the surface. She gave the question due consideration as she watched him watch her as she nibbled on a lemony asparagus spear.

“Well, I’ve noticed that some of my clothes, especially pants and skirts, are getting a little…um, tighter. I do a fair amount of sitting at the computer. And I used to be a runner when I was in my teens, but let it go when I got busy with work and school. I guess I miss how effortless everything seemed and figured running would help me get it back. I’m definitely not in good cardiovascular shape.” That was pretty honest, but she stopped short of telling him how carrying groceries up the stairs winded her these days. That was just embarrassing.

Adam’s gorgeous eyes were intently focused on her. “It’s a good start, but you can’t just run. You have to take a holistic approach to not only a variety of exercises, but also other lifestyle choices. A comprehensive plan would help.” A flood of heat arrowed between her thighs as he picked up a spear and fed it to her, holding it as she bit her way down to his fingers. When he didn’t let go, she dared to give the fingers a light lick before leaning back.

“Are you volunteering?”

Adam mirrored her posture then also sat upright, popping the last bit of the asparagus he’d fed her in his mouth. Picking up his wine glass, he tapped hers in a salute.

“I’d love to help you, Tori. In any way you need.”

* * * *

Tori closed the door behind Adam and leaned against it with a heavy sigh. Could a man be any more freaking perfect? Effortless conversation, manners and a killer ass.

Lips. Really talented lips.

It was enough to give a girl a hot flash.

All that, and a gentleman too. Maybe a bit
gentlemanly. She frowned. Weren’t they a bit old to stick to first base on the first date?

Her mind raced as she tried to make sense of the chaste end to the evening. Obviously, it would have been a bit much to expect they’d have down and dirty sex right away. Tori felt herself flush at the mental image of a sweaty, naked Adam tossing her around on the bed. But a bit more progress in the right direction would have been good.

Her fingers itched to hold a pencil, and without conscious thought, Tori found herself in her office, pulling a brand new project notebook from the drawer of her desk. She’d always done her best thinking in longhand, and kept a boxful of the old-fashioned composition notebooks and plain old Number Two pencils sharpened and handy at all times.

Summer Sabbatical Objective Two—Best Sex of My Life

Tori felt the tension within begin to loosen at the sight of the cover thus labelled. She opened the notebook with new purpose and began to write, thoughts flowing into words.

Objective—Reduce the uselessness of enforced sabbatical, doing so by
finding attractive male partner, for primary purpose of having the most fulfilling sex of my life.

Timeline—TBD. All steps to be completed and satisfactory results yielded prior to my return to work, September third.

Nibbling on the eraser absent-mindedly, Tori nodded decisively. She turned the page, having mentally debated the relative merits of outline versus journal style for the entries. Adding today’s date, she gave a brief, factual accounting of her meeting with Adam, all the details of his personal life she could remember and concluded with—

BOOK: Sex on Summer Sabbatical
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