Sex, Love, and Aliens, Volume 1 (8 page)

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Authors: Imogene Nix,Ashlynn Monroe,Jaye Shields,Beth D. Carter

BOOK: Sex, Love, and Aliens, Volume 1
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Garret turned away, and for the first time Gia noted the lank greasy hair and stale sweat that filled the air. This wasn’t the Garret she knew, and that made him all the more dangerous.

“What… What did they train you for?” It was like picking at a scab, each new piece of information hurt and scared her, but she needed to know. Once she had all the information maybe she could plan a way to get herself and Valerie free.

“You’re just a dumb human, happy to live in your secure little bubble. You were happily ignorant of others who want what you have. We need your resources, so I was sent ahead as an advance scout. Then the
arrived.” He smiled, a cold uptick of thin lips. “That’s when I saw him. I saw the way he looked at you and knew it was time for my personal vengeance on the
and on him.”

Stall him. Play for time. Find something that will give me an edge and maybe he’ll change his mind.
Gia’s eyes flicked back and forth, looking for potential weapons. Hints. Anything that would help end this growing nightmare. “You don’t sound like—”

“Like the
? Why would I want to? I’ve been here long enough to learn to speak as you do.” His nostrils flared as he turned back, ran a light finger over the v-neck of the thin nightshirt she’d covered herself with when he’d turned up. “I refused to go back, because you are my personal way of shoving it up the
and particularly
Cedun. You were good in the sack, it’s true, but even that wasn’t enough reason for me to care.”

He whispered the last words against her temple and she knew, deep down, that the cold, brutish nature he was showing now was the real Garret.

“So now you’re here. I’m going to give you one last lay, then baby girl, your usefulness is up.” The words were cold and impersonal, and she started to shiver and shake. He meant exactly what he’d said.

His hands rose to the buttons of his jeans, and the bitter tang of nausea assailed her again.

“Please… Please don’t do this, Garret. I haven’t done anything.”

He laughed, the sound malevolent. It chilled her to the core. “No, but he has. So you will both pay.”

Gia’s eyes flicked to Valerie, her face so white. “Don’t look! Please, don’t look.” Tears pricked and streamed as she pleaded with her mother. Looking in her mother’s eyes, she saw the torment of knowledge on Valerie’s face.

Then something was shoved into her mouth and Garret leaned in close. “Don’t want you upsetting your mama now. After all, she’s next.”

Hard hands tore the nightshirt from her body, and she whimpered.
If only Cedun would save me, but he’d have to find us first.
He’d be too late.

* * * *

Cedun and Joruzan materialized outside a shabby building with a locked door. More than anger suffused Cedun, giving him an adrenaline rush. His muscles rippled as if with a life of their own. He avoided the fact that Garret had both Valerie and Gia for nearly an hour. That he could have done anything to her. His mind whispered insidious thoughts.
She could be dead.
The thought stole his breath and he wheezed.

“Let it go, Cedun. We will find them.”

He couldn’t look at Joruzan, sure he’d see a similar fear in the other man’s eyes. Cedun fought the sense of vertigo. Defeated it. He glanced again at the door then Joruzan. “Kick it down.”

Joruzan, his face set in granite like lines, nodded. They reared back together, lifted their legs, and rammed the wood. It splintered beneath their combined efforts.

A scuffling sound caught his attention and he was off, legs pumping. The door was open and he looked within, his heart thudding hard when he saw Valerie tied to the bed, her mouth gagged. Joruzan shoved past him, throwing himself to his knees.


The anguish in Joruzan’s voice speared Cedun as he looked for Gia, but there was no sign of her. Fear was more than a cold trickle now, his body felt as if it were encased in ice. “Where is Gia?”

Valerie looked at him, her face pale. “He… He took her through there. He’s planning… Dear God! He’s mad!” Tears oozed down her cheeks, but he couldn’t stay. Gia was still in danger. Needed him.

The door Valerie had indicated was shut, and he laid a shaking hand on it. The whole time his mind circled in a loop of ‘
Let her be safe

The knob turned without a squeak and he peered inside. There, looming over his precious Gia, was Garret. Naked and fully aroused, ready to rape her.

Cedun’s muscles coiled tight as he took in the view before him. Gia was on the bed, spread-eagled, legs and hands tied. She too was naked and pulling at the bindings.

Cedun gave a roar of anger. Fury, such as he’d never felt before, gave him the speed he needed. He charged, only stopping when he’d knocked Garret aside. He didn’t feel the impact, but somehow his hands rose, gripping the man at his neck, squeezing.

“I will kill you for this.” The words were a feral snarl as the primitive need to protect and avenge his mate rose.
Death is all he deserves.

“Gggg… Ghhhhh….” The gurgle tore from Garret’s throat, his vocal chords rippling beneath Cedun’s grip. Fingernails tore at him, but he ignored the sting of Garret trying to loosen his hold.

“Cedun, let him go.” A hand landed on his shoulder. He wanted to pull away from the touch, but his hand loosened just a little. It was enough for the man to wheeze and his face to lose the bright purple tones.

“Now is not the time to act in anger. Let him go.”

He turned to Joruzan, who now stood beside him. “He would have…” He struggled with the emotions that battered his mind and heart.

“But he didn’t. We got here in time. Let him face trial.”

How could he?
How can you not
, whispered his brain.
Think of Gia.
Cedun stilled, breathed deeply. Right now, he wanted to end Garret. It was like a drug, calling to him with a siren’s voice.

A sound echoed through the room. Gia sobbed, and for a second longer the pain squeezed his heart and demanded that the creature they knew as Garret should be put down like a rabid dog.

Slowly, he released Garret and watched as he fell to the floor. The stench of urine invaded his nostrils, and his contempt for the cowering creature grew.

One step back then another, each was difficult. He spun and there was Gia, curled up in a fetal ball, Valerie’s arms around her shoulders. The tattered remnants of clothing covered her heaving body. He shook, hoping that he hadn’t been too late. That she wouldn’t cringe from him. Cedun’s heart shriveled at the sounds she made. They were the noises a desperate and helpless woman made.

He advanced and dropped to the floor beside her, and for a moment she cringed then launched herself into his arms. His enfolded her.

“I was not too late?” he asked. She shivered in his arms, and his heart cracked just a little more.

“No. You saved me.” Her fingers dug into his shirt.

He let go of the anger and breathed in her scent. “Then let me take you home.” He slid careful fingers under her body as the door was shoved open and his own guard arrived.

* * * *

Gia stepped into the shower. The need to wash away Garret’s touch had been a palpable force. Her stomach remained touchy and food carried no interest right now.

He’d been taken away. Joruzan had assured her that Garret would receive psychiatric care before facing the judicial gathering, where he would answer for his crimes. A modicum of sympathy raised its head. Gia supposed somewhere deep within, he knew he’d done the wrong thing. Then she filed that knowledge away. It wouldn’t help her now.

Her hands splayed on the shower walls as she welcomed the pelt of hot water. Now she could cry and let go of the fragile barrier she’d somehow forged. Cedun had walked cautious circles around her, and that hurt almost as much as the scrapes and abrasions that decorated her body.

Had she somehow caused Cedun to find her less than what he wanted? Had Garret’s touch shattered the connection between her and Cedun?

“It’s not fair!” Her wail was lost in the torrent of water as was the sound of the door opening. A gentle touch on her shoulder had her flinching and throwing herself to the side. She slipped and nearly hit the floor but Cedun was there, his arm slung around her waist, stopping her fall.

“You are well? Unhurt?” Such uncertainty threaded through his voice, and it sliced at her.

Gia raised her eyes to his for the first time since he’d found her in the room. “I… Yes. I’m fine.” She felt anything but. The chasm between them scared her silly. Had she lost him?

Shaking hands raised her until she stood before him, the water sluicing down both their bodies. He was still fully clothed while she was naked. Disadvantaged.


Gia gathered what remained of her dignity and stepped back, sliding her arms around herself. “Why are you here?” She searched his face but found no hint of what was going on. His face was an inscrutable mask.

His gaze traveled over her, stopped on her defensive stance, and his shoulders drooped. “I was worried about you.” The strangled tones in his voice shook her. “I nearly failed you, Gia. I…”

How could she answer him? “You came looking for absolution?” She bit her lip to suppress the moan of pain.

“No. I…” He stopped and shook his head. “I needed to know… You said he did not hurt you.”

“He hurt me, but not physically. Not really. But I need to know why you are here. Why now, Cedun?”

“Because I could not stay away!” He surged forward, winding his arms around her. “He took you. Meant to brutalize you, and I did not… I couldn’t find you. I have never felt so scared.” Cedun shuddered. “I nearly lost you, and that is… It is not acceptable.” His voice thickened on the final word.

Gia realized he’d been holding his own emotions inside, not building a wall around himself. Not pushing her away. Relief and love swelled. “I love you, Cedun. I always will. You saved me. In every way that counts.”

His mouth crashed down on hers, every bit of restraint scattered to the winds, and he pulled her closer. When he tugged away they were both heaving. “Come.”

A terse word turned off the stream of water and he pulled her from the stall, then folded a fluffy towel around her.

His own wet clothes he discarded and pulled a towel around his waist while she watched him in silence. Then, grasping her hand, they left the bathroom and he led her to the bed. It dipped as she settled herself on the side.
What is he up to?

With a careful movement he dropped to one knee and she stared at him. “What…”

Cedun slipped a finger over her lips. “I believe this is the custom?” He winked, and she barely breathed. “Gia, I wanted to do this somewhere beautiful, to give you your dreams, but this is right. Because it is about you and me. Our future together. I have spoken with De’ Valerie, and she is agreeable.” He shook his head. “This is not the words…” He growled his frustration and a smile blossomed on Gia’s face. The slow rhythm of her heartbeat sped up. Was he…was he proposing to her?

“It’s okay. I think I know what you mean.”

“No. I will do this right for you, Gia.” He closed his eyes, inhaled, and held it for a second before sighing. Then he opened his lids and pierced her with his violet gaze. “Marry me. Make me the happiest man in our galaxy. Be the woman I spend my life with.”

Joy filled her, and she slid from the bed to kneel before him. Her hand shook as she raised it to his cheek and cupped it. “For all my days, Cedun. I can think of no one I’d rather walk beside and share my life with.” Then she leaned in and kissed him.



About Imogene Nix


Imogene is a mother of two, compulsive reader, and bookstore owner. She lives in regional Queensland, Australia with her husband, two daughters, dog, cats, guinea pigs, and chooks. She has a particular fondness for vampires, star ship captains, and things that go bump in the night (especially vampire types).

Imogene has tried many varied roles in her working life including kindergarten assistant, teacher, principal, and kindergarten and child care director, but rates owning a bookstore and writing her own novels as the absolute highlight.

In her mother and wife alter ego, she has traveled widely and lived in some very unique places including Far Western Queensland, Cape York, and even Tasmania. She loves to travel and rates China and Hong Kong among her favorite destinations.


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The Spaceship Captain’s Wife

by Ashlynn Monroe


Some treasures are the hardest to see.

On a dying planet, treasure waits for an honorable man to claim it. Captain Ric Julius believes the cargo of gems is what he’s come for, but there is one jewel he never expected. Her name is Kateri, and she changes everything.

Saving the woman’s life, and making a fortune in the process, requires only one thing of Ric—his freedom. In order to obtain the gems he has to agree to take Kateri to safety…and to make her his wife. Every man has a price, but is Ric willing to pay in full on a debt he owes to a dead man on a decomposing world?


Content Warning: contains sensual sex scenes





Beth D. Carter, thank you for being my biggest cheerleader and letting me bounce ideas off you. I appreciate that you’ve read my rawest work and still let me send you more.



Thank you Beth, Imogene, Jaye, Pam, and Tara—you all make me smile. I listed you alphabetically because you are all at the top of my list.


Chapter 1


The dying planet held a terrible beauty as a kaleidoscope of colors blurred into a macabre vista. Aydric Julius gazed out the dusty window to avoid looking in the Daroo male’s eyes. Ric held himself stiffly as he sat across from the pensive exporter. This strange, foreign man had gone to a great deal of trouble to arrange this meeting to request his services.

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