Severed Threads (27 page)

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Authors: Kaylin McFarren

Tags: #Thrillers, #Fiction

BOOK: Severed Threads
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But I already won the bottle of scotch. I honestly can’t handle anything else.”

You won’t be drinking this.” He pulled a jade pendant from his pocket and laid it on the table before her. It was the same ancient trinket Chase had pulled from his goodie bag earlier that day. The same one she had secretly craved.

I…I don’t deserve that,” she said.

Then call it a gift for the use of your ship. For everything you’ve done to make this adventure possible. I think all of us would agree to that.” He blew a thin stream of smoke heavenward and fanned it with his hand. “It’s nothing compared to what you’ve done for us.”

He was suddenly on his feet, moving toward the open doorway. “Rain stopped. Think I’ll grab some fresh air before turning in. Wanna join me?”

“No.” She looked down at the moving floor, willing it to swallow her up.

He snorted a laugh. “Why shouldn’t that surprise me?”

Rachel shoved herself upright then realized too late the mistake she’d made. The ship’s constant rocking added angst to the room’s acute tilt. Everything around her began swirling. She gripped the edge of the table and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to still the queasy sensation.

Chase had left the door open. The cool ocean air was drifting inside, lifting fine hairs on her arms. The thought of drawing a fresh sobering breath pulled her outside. She gripped the cold rail with both hands, closed her eyes and leaned her head back. The gentle breeze moved through her hair and had an ethereal, calming effect. She drew several more deep breaths before hearing Chase’s soft voice – a nurturing gentleness she never expected from him.

Honey, it’ll pass. You’re going to be all right, I promise.” He moved closer and slipped his arm around her shoulder. A shiver escaped down her spine. “Are you cold?” he asked.

Before she could answer, he tugged a blue towel from a nearby chair and draped it over her thin t-shirt and bare arms. Then he pulled her against his body, protecting her in a warm embrace.

I don’t know what gets into me sometimes…acting all crazy and macho. It’s hard being at sea, needing to be in charge – to have all the answers. I think I have it all figured out and then I look at you and the past comes rushing back. I remember that place in the middle of your thumb. That spot half way up I’d rub between my fingers when I ran out of things to say. You would hold my hand when you were afraid and, although I wanted to help, I could never fully understand.”

Rachel pressed her head against his chest, listening to his heart speak.

I remember the first time you leaned in to kiss me,” he said, “and I swear not a single force on earth could stop my hands from trembling. I remember how you smiled through the smoke in a crowded little pub and laughed at all my stupid jokes. And God, I’ll never forget the way you dressed for New Year’s Eve and how we got wasted in alcohol and sweat. Maybe that’s why I was pouring that bottle tonight, Rachel. To rekindle those memories again.”

Rachel enjoyed the deep hum of his voice. Precious moments like this. She understood that life changes, people grow up and grow apart, and you’re forced to accept the inevitable. But somewhere, deep down inside, she recalled how good it used to be and a single tear slipped away. She was afraid she’d never experience love again – afraid she’d already lived the dream and lost it.

Tipping her head back, she met his perfect blue eyes and for or a timeless moment, they were back. They were that fun loving couple again. The one everyone in town envied – the one that was destined to be together. Then just when she thought Chase would surrender and meet her lips with a kiss, he leaned down and slipped his arms under her knees, lifting her from the deck. With her hands looped around his neck and her face buried in his shoulder, he carried her back to her room. After setting her down carefully on the bed, he secured a heavy blanket from the closet.

Rachel stretched out her legs and allowed room at her side for him to join her. But instead, he covered her and tucked in the sides of the blanket, leaving her cocooned and slightly amused. As if bidding a child goodnight, his lips brushed her forehead in a fleeting kiss. Then he stepped away and closed the door, leaving her befuddled.

What just happened?
If she’d been in her right mind, Rachel might have resented his invasion, his nearness. His touch. She would have ordered him out of her room and blamed him for causing her inebriation in the first place. Then she realized Chase hadn’t uttered a single admonishing word. He wasn’t the rogue and conniving blackheart she imagined him to be or the culprit who stole into her dreams to disrupt her life. This man had been nothing but kind, gentle and caring. When angered, he was quick to apologize and willing to forgive. In his role as chief authority on the ship, he’d honored their business relationship and treated her with utmost respect. So why the hell was it bothering her that he hadn’t made a pass? That he hadn’t taken advantage of their nearness when given the chance?

As she drifted into a hazy, sleep-deprived slumber, her analytical thoughts tumbled one over the over, knocking off points of contention, pushing aside Chase’s imperfections, discarding her years of resentment. Cultivating a neglected resolve that would grow her tolerance and understanding. And yet, without even knowing it, a seed had been planted. Rachel Lyons was falling in love again.



Devon cracked one eye open, then the other. Although his mind told him it was morning, the blaring streetlight from the adjacent window confirmed it was night. He could hear the gray droning of cars from a street outside or perhaps it was the parking lot at the back of the building. His body ached with the slightest movement, as if he’d been hit by a Mack truck. He tried to get up and realized his arms and legs were secured once again, but this time to iron bed posts.

Damn it!”

Marcos and Viktor were gone but there was no telling when they’d be back. He tugged at his bindings, trying to free himself, but it was no use. He noticed bruises and cuts all over his arms and chest and the stained white bandage binding his right hand. He could see brownish-red blotches on the carpet and walls where a struggle had apparently ensued. But any memory after the lights went out had been permanently erased.

Only the image of Pollero’s lifeless face remained constant.

The door suddenly creaked. Viktor stood in its lit opening. “He’s awake. We dope him up again or get rid of him now?”

The red welts on his arms now made sense. They’d been sedating him…possibly for days. Keeping him quiet and under control.

Marcos sniffed. “Dunno. Whatever the boss says.”

Boss? As in Gabe Pollero?
Maybe he’d made a mistake. Maybe he dreamed up the whole fight and Pollero was still alive. But then how would that explain his injured hand that was beginning to hurt like hell.

Why don’t you put me out of my misery once and for all?” Devon asked.

Marcos closed the distance to the bed. “No chance. When we get the order, we’re gonna take our time with you, asshole.”

How did I know you’d say that?”

Viktor snorted a laugh. “Won’t have to wait long. Boss just showed up.”

Devon could hear footsteps in the hallway. Someone rapidly approached the room. When the sound stopped and the door opened wide, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

His beautiful angel of mercy had come to rescue him.

Selena!” he called out.

Her gaze dusted his face and body then returned to the two hoodlums at her side. “Why is he awake?” she asked. “I told you to keep him out until his sister showed up. Why can’t you follow simple directions?”

Devon’s jaw slacked. There had to be a mistake. He had to have misheard. “Selena…what’s going on?”

Marcos’s lips twisted. “You think that fuckin’ bastard you killed is our boss? Shit no! Selena’s in charge.”

No. It isn’t possible.
Devon stared at her, refusing to believe the truth, even as it played out before him.

She patted Marcos on the shoulder then glanced at Viktor. “Call for an update, Dubov.”

The Ukrainian grinned. “Sure…no problem.” He flipped Devon off and disappeared with Marcos through the room’s only exit. Selena secured the door with a click and turned.

She turned on the bedside lamp and moved silently around the bed. She pulled the curtain away from the corner of the window and for an endless moment remained silent.

I gave you every opportunity,” she finally said. “Why the hell didn’t you leave town like I told you to?” She waited for an answer. When none came, she faced him straight on.

Devon was lost. His gaze traced her flawless face – searching for any sign of deception, the slightest hint of ruthlessness. None existed.

Are you deaf or something?” Agitation registered in her voice, but still he refused to believe the obvious. He’d been duped and used and there was simply no getting around it.

I don’t understand any of this,” he said. “I thought we had something special between us. That we were planning our future together. When did…
did this happen? Your brother…the money...Logan?”

She dropped the desk chair next to the bed. “I guess you deserve some kind of explanation.” She sat down and crossed her shapely legs. The hem of her snug black dress inched slowly upward, exposing her perfect thighs.

I hooked up with Walter Moten,” she continued. “Had my flight to Paris confirmed and my suitcase packed. Then you showed up at that hideous cocktail party…the one his wife insisted on throwing. You were just a fun distraction, Dev. Nothing more. All flirty and sweet. Following me around all night like a lost puppy.”

She tilted her head, scrutinizing him with one look. “You just wouldn’t take no for an answer, would you? Just kept showing up all over town. Calling me, leaving notes. Sending those damn flowers. I tried to get rid of you so many times. Even told my guys to do whatever was necessary to scare you off.”

Devon looked away, disbelieving his ears.

But I have to admit… there were times when you were just too tempting to resist.”

Lucky me. So, if all you cared about was the money, why didn’t you and Moten just run off? He’s already stolen enough to live on for ten lifetimes.”

Her smile waned. “Moten’s wife caught on and threatened to expose us. Then that stupid cop got wind of what was happening. He thought he’d do me a
favor by gettin’ rid of both of them. Trouble is, with the Motens out of the picture, I had no access to his overseas accounts. That’s where I was hoping you’d help out. With all your poking around, I was sure something would turn up. When nothing did, I figured I’d head to Vegas, soak up some rays and cut my losses.” She pushed loose strands of hair off her forehead. “Then an old friend called. After a few late night dinners on his boat
he told me all about your sister and the treasure her boyfriend was after. With all the gold they’re collecting, it’s just a matter of time before we have all the money we’ll ever need.”

Devon glared at her. “So you steal whatever you want, no matter who gets hurt.”

She shifted in her seat. ”What can I say, Dev? You should have kept your distance when you had the chance.”

I still don’t believe you, Selena. You can’t be this cruel.”

You’re wrong, I can be. Only a few more obstacles to get rid of and we’re off to South America.”

Really? And those obstacles you’re talking about…they wouldn’t happen to be my sister and me?”

Her smile twisted. “What can I say?”

She’s lying
. It had to be an act. She loved him. She
did. He searched her eyes for a sliver of truth. “You know I would do anything for you, Selena.”

Her frown spoke multitudes.

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