Seventeen Days (27 page)

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Authors: D.B. James

BOOK: Seventeen Days
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“Yes, if that is what you want, that is what we will do,” he replies with gusto. When I last spoke with him, he let me know he hasn’t been this excited to start a design in years. 

At first, I was planning on using my mother’s ring as a base, but it won’t work with what I want now. Her band may work as a wedding band, though. Three nights ago, I dreamt of a ring, when I woke, I sent an email off to Jacques describing it. The results are now sitting in front of me. And it’s almost perfect. Besides the emeralds, it’s still missing

Last evening, I was surprised to hear from him; his other client in the area needed to move their meeting up so he was flying over here late last night. Luckily, I was able to meet with him. Making up fake plans with Gentry was easy enough. As far as Red knows, we’re having a guys’ day. I had to give Gentry the heads up so he knew the plan if anything is asked of him. I feel bad for lying to her, but it had to be done.

“Yes, it’s what I want. Can we use this as her wedding band?” Pulling out my mother’s band, I place it in his hand. 

He inspects the band and nods his head as he begins drawing up a new design including this band. “I’d like to connect them, Monsieur Harrison. Meld them together, so to speak, and they’ll forever be connected. Like your two young hearts.” 

Seeing his new design, I’m overcome with emotion. Feeling my eyes start to water, I don’t bother to hold the tears back. This is it. The exact ring I dreamt of. 

“That is absolutely perfect. N-No—” my voice is catching on the last word. Clearing my throat, I try again, “No changes, I’d like it one-hundred percent like that. Exactly like that.”  

Making arrangements for payment, he tells me I’ll be able to pick up the ring in December, then I head on home to Red.
Home to Red, how perfect does that sound?

Twenty minutes later, I’m pulling into Savannah’s driveway and see an unfamiliar black sedan parked near the front door. Were they expecting company? I thought it was only supposed to be the three of us for dinner, as usual. Like normal. Tomorrow night, though, I’m taking Red out. It’s her last night here for a few days, and I intend to take her out on an actual date. 

Savannah has made arrangements to travel to New York with her to help pack up all of her belongings. I wish I was able to tag along with them, but taking off more time from work isn’t possible. The guys are still upset about last week; I can’t leave them hanging again. 

Getting out of the truck, I’m greeted by Mac—he never greets me. “What’s going on, boy? Who’s here?” Not like I expect him to answer me back. Walking up the front steps, I see the car is occupied.
What the fuck?
There’s a man sitting in the driver's seat and it’s running. Shit, I know who’s here. 


“What are you doing here,
?” She hates it when I call her mother, which only makes me want to do it more. Every chance I get, I call her mother. Only the screen door separates us. Too bad it’s not an ocean. 

“You know I don't answer to that vile title. Stop being such a child—it’s not becoming of you. Aren’t you going to ask me in?” she asks in her haughty tone. I swear she practices it in the mirror.

She’s standing on the front porch, and Mac hasn’t stopped barking at her. I haven’t done a thing to shut him up, either. He can bite her for all I care. What I like most about Mac not liking her is he hasn’t let her near the front door, he’s guarding it and has her at least three feet away. She’d be smarter to go down the stairs to talk. Mac isn’t going to let her any closer. 

“I’ve never known you to need an invitation. Don’t you do whatever you want anyway?” If she’s brave enough to step around Mac, she’ll be in in seconds.

“You’re right, of course. I’m coming in whether you invite me to or not. It’s not
house, after all. It’s my lovely twin sister’s. For heaven's sake, Morgan, shut the dog up, will you? I can’t think with all his barking.” 

“No, I won’t do anything about him. It’s
house after all, not
” There, how about a taste of your own venom, bitch? 

Mac doesn’t let up and hasn’t moved. I doubt he’d actually bite her but this is fun to watch. Maybe if I get him to heal, she can come in and get this meeting over with. The faster it happens, the faster she’ll be gone.

“Mac, heal. If you do, there’ll be an extra treat with your dinner.” He’s a smart dog, he’ll let her pass … for now. But he does go to follow her inside. She quickly sidesteps him and slams the door on him.

“Well, since you’re being so rude, I’m going to take it upon myself to sit down. We both know you won’t bother to offer me a seat, either. You never have shown me any respect. I don’t know why I put up with you.” Again with the haughty tone. Use it on someone else; I see through you now. 

Not able to keep my anger inside any longer, I let it fly. “Excuse me? Why you ‘put up’ with me? I’m your daughter, for fuck’s sake! You shouldn’t have to put up with me, you should love me! But nooooo. Sienna only loves Sienna. You never wanted me, at least not until I blossomed and you figured out how you could use me as a pawn in your sick game.” 

Is she for real? Of course she is, she’s Sienna. “Thanks for keeping my father out of my life for eighteen years. Not to mention an aunt who
me.” And she wonders why she’s alone? She pushed away everyone who ever truly loved her. And for what? Fame given to her from her appearance—an appearance that is fading. 

The look of surprise on her face can’t be faked. She didn’t know I found out about Julian? Didn’t she all but tell him to contact me when she left me in jail, in Paris, on my birthday? Or I could be mistaken and it was Aunt Savannah who called him? Thinking about it, it would make more sense. 

“Ah, so you
know about Julian, do you? Bet that sister of mine weaved a tale of woe, no doubt.” She tried to hide the catch in her voice, but I heard it. She’s upset I know. Yes, Mother, I know your deep dark secret.

Christ, I’d like her to leave. 


Before anyone gets home. 

She needs to disappear. 


Why the fuck is she here? Choosing to ignore her comment, I walk away into the kitchen. Might as well clean up the water and continue making dinner. 

“Look at you, cleaning up a mess like a servant. Is she paying you to keep house?” Of course she followed me and has something awful to say. Throwing the wet rag at her, I get up off my knees. 

“You know what, Sienna? Fuck you. You’ve never loved me; you’ve never loved your sister. You love one thing and one thing only: yourself. But guess what? Your beauty will fade, and when it does, you’ll find yourself all alone with nobody left to love you. If you loved me you never would have made me do the dirty, vile, soul-crushing things to get the things I needed. Not things I wanted but things I
to survive. You tried to ruin me. But it didn’t work. You failed. Unlike you, I can love. I’ve found love. And I’m not broken.” 

She steps toward me with her hand reaching out intending to smack me, I’m sure. Before her hand makes contact, she slips in the water and falls. On. Her. Ass.
Wish one of her pricey heels would’ve broke.

Laughing uncontrollably, I walk away. There’s no way in hell I’ll ever help her up. 

“Sienna, meet karma. I believe you’ll be good friends.”

Walking back toward the front door, I’m shocked when I see Harrison standing in the front room. With Mac. He opens his arms, and I all but run into them. His fingers tangle in my hair while he rains kisses all over my face. I’ve never been so happy to see him before. Five minutes alone with Sienna was four minutes and thirty seconds too long. 

“I’m proud of you, Morgan. You stood up for yourself. I’m so fucking
of you.” And he is proud, I can hear it in his voice. “Babe, you did good.” Bending he gives me a peck on the lips before cradling my head and pushing my face back into his chest. Snuggled up in his arms is right where I need to be.

Sienna and all her toxins come into the front room, and when she sees Harrison, she does a double take. 

“Garrett?” The sound of her voice is nothing like I’ve ever heard from her before. Is it longing I hear?

It takes me a moment to realize she’s talking to Harrison. Not caring, I snuggle deeper into his embrace. 

“No, ma’am. My name is not Garrett. I believe the young lady here told you to leave. We’d be much obliged if you did exactly that.” Direct and to the point. Go, Harrison! 

Did I tell her to leave? Maybe I did, I said quite a few things to her. I would love it if she left before my aunt gets here but I do need to say one more thing. 

 “Savannah and I will be in the city this weekend, I’m stopping by to pack up the rest of my things. I’d like for you
to be there. Now, is it possible for you to do the right thing for once in your life and be kind enough to walk away? I know you don’t know how to be kind, but I asking for it now.” 

She doesn’t need to know about my future plans. She’s not in my future. I don’t care what she came here for to begin with. She never answered and frankly I don’t give a shit. Not anymore.

“As in things my money bought? I don’t think so, Morgan. You have no right to them.” 

What. The. Fuck? 

Shoving away from Harrison, I walk right up to her—she can see how angry I am, the fire in my eyes. 

“Those things are mine. I’ve more than earned them. It may have been your money that bought them, but I
for them. My flesh paid for them. My innocence paid for them. Unless you’d like to settle this in court,
a public court
, you will let me get my
. This weekend. If not, I know a kick-ass attorney who’d love to drag your ass through the mud.” He also happens to be my father. 

She makes a sound of disgust. Walking toward the door, she turns and glances back at me and says, “I’ll be out of town on Friday. You can have access to the penthouse then. Be sure to leave
jewelry in place. If anything is missing, I know where to find you.” 

And with one more snooty huff, she walks out the door. 

Out of my life. 

Sienna left in a cloud of dust in the nick of time. Savannah had to have passed her on the road leading in. Good thing she was gone before they saw each other—I’m positive the sisters would’ve had an ugly fight. 

I’m so fucking proud of Morgan for standing up for herself. 

From what I overheard of her argument, her mother has done more to her than forcing her to lose her virginity. She said something about paying for her things in flesh.
What the fuck does she mean?

After dinner tonight when I take her home, I’m going to see if she’ll open up to me a bit more. If not, it’s no big rush but I have a feeling she needs someone to talk to about everything. Maybe not me but someone.

I’m worried as fuck to let her go back to New York for a few months. Worried she’ll go back to the lifestyle she knew before. Endless parties, drinking, and drugs. That’s not the Morgan I know, the Morgan she is inside.

She was covered in thorns when she came to Alabama only a few short weeks ago, it didn’t take much for her to lose the thorns and show the beauty inside.  It was all façade, and I saw right through it, through the haze. We didn’t have to know each other for two minutes, for me to know she was hiding. 

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