Seventeen Days (20 page)

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Authors: D.B. James

BOOK: Seventeen Days
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This impromptu trip has turned out to be one of the best things that has happened to me in years … maybe even since my parents died. 

I never bought into the whole love at first sight thing. Always thought it was one-hundred-percent complete bullshit. Then she happened. She all but came crashing into my life. And I can’t begin to explain it, or define it. I’m not sure I would even if I could. People will question us and say it’s bullshit. I don’t care, they’re not us. They don’t
what we’re feeling.

When she told me last night she chooses me, it was all I could do not to give in fully and make love to her. But … I’m scared. I’m a grown ass man, and I’m scared shitless. Scared if we connect in that way, she’ll break me and leave me completely broken. Without ever glancing back. She’s not someone who is only scratching my itch. She’s the woman I love. I’ve never made love; I’ve always only indulged in sex. Not all one-night stands but mutual agreements with friends. If the woman got too attached, I’d quickly part ways. Not the case with Red. I want her near me always. 

If I could I’d bind her to me tomorrow. Put a ring on her finger and make her mine. For always. Which also scares me. Since my parents’ sudden death, I've kept everyone in my life at arm's length, never let anyone become too attached, now all I want to do is pull her in as close as possible. 

If you would have asked me last week, I would have told you, you were insane, there’s no way I was ready to settle down. To let someone into my life. But I am. 

There’s so much I don’t know about her. I’m looking forward to getting to know every single thing she loves or hates. Every secret she holds. Everything that makes her tick, pisses her off, sets her on fire. Hopefully I have forever to learn them and not only a few days. If she chooses to leave, that’s something I’ll have to deal with. I can’t ask her to stay, not only for me. She has to make that decision on her own. 

Hearing the water running, I know she’s still in the shower. Placing a call to the concierge, I ask him to have protection brought up to the room while we’re away. I’d like to be prepared if she strips for me again tonight. I know I said it’s too soon and I don’t want to have sex with her before she leaves, but I’m only so strong. There’s no fucking way I could turn her down again tonight. 

I should’ve known when he referred to the place where we had brunch as a cafe, Julian would go all out when it came to where to take us to dinner. Shit, I feel so underdressed. Maybe I should’ve bought a suit when we were out shopping today and not only picked up a shirt and called it good. This place is classy to the ninth degree. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling and are placed over nearly every table. I’m talking
crystal chandeliers. The walls are trimmed in gold and painted a rich butter-ivory. There’s a mural on the damn ceiling. Angels or cherubs, I’m not sure, can’t really tell the difference, I only know they have wings. This place is breathtaking. It’s exactly the type of place Morgan should be in. 

Beauty deserves to be surrounded by beauty. 

We don’t have this kind of fancy back home. It’s right then I realize I could never give her this. It doesn’t matter if this isn’t what she wants, this is what she deserves … to be treated like a princess. Taken to upscale French restaurants, given everything her heart desires. She should never have to ask for anything, it should be given to her freely. 

How could she have grown up around everything but given nothing? She has said more than once that her “gifts” always came with strings. What the fuck does she mean? Did Sienna do more than force her to lose her virginity? Did she abuse her in other ways? I’m not sure how to broach the subject, but I know I must if I want her to let me in fully. 

“Are you okay, Harrison? You’ve been silent since we stepped through the front door a few minutes ago.”  Her voice breaks me out of my thoughts. 

“Yes, love, I’m fine. I’ve been taking in all this beauty.” My eyes never leave her face as I state that. She needs to know I’m talking about her and not the surroundings. She’s the most alluring thing in the restaurant. 

Her mouth forms an O shape but no sound escapes. 

Julian clears his throat to let us know he’s there. He’s had to do that a lot today. Shit, he must feel like the third wheel in our party when he’s the whole reason we’re here. The host is ready to take us to our table, breaking apart the awkward situation. Letting out a sigh of relief, I follow after them. 

Maybe I should’ve offered to stay at the hotel tonight and given them this time alone together. That thought is only entertained for half a second before I say “fuck it”; I need this time with her too. If she asks him to lunch tomorrow, they can have that time. I’m greedy myself. My time is limited … and his may not be. He’s her father and should have a lifetime with her, but I’m not guaranteed more than a few days. She says she wants a future with me, but what if she goes away to college in another state? Another country? How strong would our bond be if tested by years apart? What if this time is all we ever have? 

My life is in Alabama; hers is wherever she chooses to go. Her future is wide open, mine not so much. I may be a young man still but my life is so tied to the coast, I’m not sure I could ever leave. It’s not strictly about having a house there, or friends there, no. It’s about my livelihood being there—my business.
is my future. My father’s legacy. Replacing a house is one thing, but a business? Especially one that
to be based on the gulf? Yeah, it's not so easy. But it
be done. If it came down to it and our feelings were strong enough, I’d do it for her. 

I’d do anything for her.

Hours later, we’re at the club with Julian checking out his friend’s band. Who happened to be one of the biggest acts to come out of France in years. You’d think he’d have mentioned
his friend was when he brought up our coming here this morning. 

This place is packed. And I mean like fire-code-limit-met, packed. If there was an emergency here, we’d probably get trampled before making it to an exit. I’m not normally a man who focuses on the what ifs, but tonight I have been. Shit, I was more consumed in my own thoughts then I was on any part of the dinner conversation. Trust me, they both noticed but they were too polite to comment. 

At least here I can use the excuse that the noise level is too high to hold an actual conversation. Never would’ve pegged Julian as the punk rock type. Classical? Now
I could see. He’s got his eyes closed, listening to the music while bobbing his head back and forth. 

Red is standing in front of me, dancing in place all on her own. Her ass swaying back and forth is a sight to behold. Grabbing her hips, I gently move her back until she’s pressed against my front, and we start to sway together. Setting my chin on her shoulder, I whisper in her ear, “Is this okay, babe? Seeing you dance in front of me was making me crazy. I had to get my hands on you.” 

Knowing I’d never hear her reply, she nods in answer. At the same time, she presses her ass against my ever-growing erection. A moan escapes me and her shoulders start to shake. Is she laughing? The little minx. She knows what she’s doing to me. Since no one is paying us any attention, I decide to make her as hot as she’s making me. My right hand leaves her hip and travels lower, reaching the hem of her dress, I dance my fingers up her thigh, up under her dress. She presses back against me again, spreading her legs a bit further apart for me. She’s as turned on as I am.
Wonder if she’s wet?
My fingers travel up a scant further, agonizingly slow, all I’m doing is torturing us both. When I reach her panties, I don’t hesitate, slipping a finger inside instead of only cupping her sex, which
my original intention. 

“Mm, baby, is all that wetness for me?” I whisper in her ear. She’s fucking soaked. And I’m playing with fire. Her father is standing less than five feet away. Not giving a fuck, I slide another finger into her panties, parting her folds, at the same time flicking her clit. She arches her back and gives me access to her neck. Placing my mouth below her ear, I suck on her skin, at the same time pressing two fingers inside of her. She moans so loudly I heard her over the music.
she’s hot.
Pressing my thumb on her clit, while my fingers move in and out of her body, she loses all control. She’s moaning so loud, Julian is bound to hear, with my other hand, I turn her head to meet my waiting mouth. Kissing her as she continues to cum all over my fingers. 

When her orgasm subsides, she lifts her mouth from mine, “I need to feel you inside me, Harrison. Tonight.” 

Not saying a word, I pull my fingers from her body and lift them to my mouth, sucking them off while maintaining eye contact. She tastes like fucking honey. Turning her head back around and placing my chin back on her shoulder, I whisper, “Tonight.” 

Fuck, I can’t believe I gave her an orgasm in a crowded club, with her father here!

What was I thinking? I wasn’t. She makes me lose all sanity. I’ve never been so bold before. Never felt the urge to make a woman cum in public. But tonight, I did. Her swaying ass in front of me was too much of a temptation to pass up. I needed to feel her against me. She’s the one who pressed back into my erection. It’s like she was asking for me to be naughty with her. Should’ve known I’d lose control. I’ve been lying to myself and saying I won’t fuck her before she leaves. 

Tonight she will be mine. 

In every way possible. 

That. Was. Amazing. 

I should be embarrassed that I came so quickly, but I’m not. I should be ashamed that I let him finger me while standing next to Julian. I’m not sorry about that, either. I was halfway gone when he put his hands on me and moved me into him. The whole atmosphere turned me on. The music, the excitement of the crowd, the thoughts I was having about Harrison. And then it was like he read my mind and pulled me back. Like he knew, I was thinking about him naked. 

Maybe I should have been thinking about asking Julian to lunch tomorrow, but I wasn’t. My thoughts this evening have been consumed with one thing and one thing only, Harrison. 

This afternoon shone a light on what I was seeing as a bleak future. It painted it in vibrant colors. No one knows this yet but I made a few pretty huge decisions today. When we get back to Alabama, I’m going to use what free time I have, making my future happen. I’ll apply to a few different universities, but not for this fall. It’s already way past the date to be accepted for this coming semester so I’ll apply to start in the winter.

 Not a hundred percent sure on what I want to study, though, and that could be a potential problem. Some of the schools may not offer a degree in what I finally decide to study. I should probably decide on it before I send out applications. Or I could go to Columbia this fall, and transfer to whatever school I want, when the time comes. Julian did offer to pay for my college education today, so starting Columbia in the fall isn’t out of the question anymore. But I don’t want to stay there for all four years. 

I may claim to have missed New York and my lifestyle, but I was only fooling myself. I don’t belong there. Alabama is my home now. And I have a feeling it was always meant to be. 

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