Read Seven Sexy Sins Online

Authors: Serenity Woods

Seven Sexy Sins (19 page)

BOOK: Seven Sexy Sins
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“You like?” she asked as he began to push her backward, over to the window.

“Oh yeah.” He kissed her until they bumped against the glass and then released her to turn her around.

She placed her palms against the window, leaving hot prints on the glass, and pushed herself back, rubbing her butt into his groin. “Do I turn you on?”

He laughed and stroked her thigh, enjoying the feel of the strip of soft skin between the top of the stockings and her panties. “What do you think?”

“Tell me.”

“You turn me on. God, Faith, you’re driving me mad tonight.”

“That’s the plan.” She sighed as he stroked his other hand up her body and brushed her nipple beneath the lace cup. “You like me being naughty?”

“I think you need to be severely reprimanded.” He slapped her butt.

She pushed her hips back again. “You think so? Perhaps you should put me across your knee.”

He was so hard now he could have been made of concrete. He wanted to make her sigh and see her eyes widen the way they did when he shocked her. “Don’t tempt me.” Another slap followed—this one even harder.

This time she gasped, tipping back her head, her eyes glazing as she inhaled and said, “Ow!”

Instantly he felt a surge of guilt. “Jeez, I’m sorry.”

She shook her head, dazed. “What?”

He turned her, closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her. What was he doing? He was like a bad uncle who taught a four-year-old to burp the national anthem and say swear words. He should serenade her, take her out to dinner and buy her flowers and chocolates, not slap her on the butt so hard his fingers left a red mark. She was his friend, the sister of his best mate, not some girl he’d picked up in a bar. Dan would kill him if he knew what he was up to.

She put her hands on his chest and pushed him away. “What’s the matter?”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“What are you talking about?”

He couldn’t put his remorse into words. “I’m sorry,” was all he could say again.


He ran a hand through his hair. “I should go.”

She put her hands on her hips. “Don’t freak out on me again.”

“I can’t do this, Faith. You’re my friend, and Dan—”

“Don’t you dare mention my brother!” She pushed him hard and he stumbled back, hit the bed and fell onto the mattress. She stood over him, eyes blazing. “Move up.”


“Move up the bed.”

He did so, eyeing her warily. He’d never seen her so cross.

“Lie down.”


“Lie down!”

He lay back, and she climbed onto the bed and sat astride him. She looked like an Amazon, absolutely furious, and his heart thudded as she leaned over and glared at him with her beautiful brown eyes. “Now you listen to me,” she said firmly. “Contrary to popular opinion, Rusty Thorne, you are
the centre of the whole fucking universe. I have a mind of my own, and I am not some little fifteen-year-old you’re deigning to deflower. I’m only four years younger than you, for Christ’s sake.”


“You may have been the first person to show me a thing or two, but that does
mean I wouldn’t have done these things if it wasn’t for you. You’ve
infected me, and you’re
the bloody Marquis de Sade, corrupting your way through the female population of Kerikeri. You hear me?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She met his gaze, and for the first time he saw a hint of humour flicker in her eyes. She sat up and studied him coolly. “Boy,” she said. “Do you need to be taught a lesson.”


She reached behind her and picked up the handcuffs. Then she beckoned him with the other hand. “Give me your wrist.”

Alarm rose within him, and he pushed himself up onto his elbows. “Oh no.”

“What?” She tipped her head at him, mocking him. “You can deal it, but you can’t take it?” She leaned forward until her lips were inches from his. “You signed a contract, Rusty. You promised to do whatever I asked, remember?”

. “Yes, but—”

“No buts. You trust me, don’t you?”

He sighed. How could he get out of that? “Yes, I guess.” Closing his eyes, he offered her his wrist. The metal closed around it, and she pushed him back. She leaned over him as she lifted his arms above his head, slid the handcuffs around one of the slats of the bed and closed the remaining cuff around his other wrist.

He opened his eyes and looked straight into her amused brown gaze. “Hah,” she said. “Sucker. Now I’m going to take all the money out of your wallet, strip you and leave you for Eve to find.”


“I’m kidding! Jeez.” She sat back and studied him thoughtfully.

Rusty lifted his arms, hearing a clunk as metal met wood. He felt disturbingly vulnerable. Why had he suggested this? Served him right for thinking he was in charge.

“I’ll be back in a sec.” She lifted herself off him and walked out the room.

He stretched his arms to test his reach and found he could just put his hands behind his head, which almost made it feel as if he was lying there out of choice.
This is not going to end well
. He’d annoyed her, and she was going to make him suffer for it. He glared at his groin, which was clearly excited at the thought, and sighed, looking up at the ceiling. What was she doing?
Please don’t let it involve candle wax. Or anything sharp.
He wasn’t into pain.

After a few seconds, she reappeared, and he was relieved to see only a bottle in her hands. She placed it on the bedside table, and he glanced over, seeing some kind of massage oil.

“What? You thought I was going to bring water and jumper cables?”

“Don’t even joke about it.” He watched as she climbed back on the bed and started to undo the belt of his jeans. “Faith…”

“Ssh.” She laid a finger briefly against his lips.

“Yes, but—”

She stopped, got off the bed and walked over to her chest of drawers. She rifled about in one of the drawers, extracted something and came back to him. She held a silky scarf up. “You keep talking,” she told him calmly, “and I’m going to gag you.”

“Fucking hell.” His heart thumped as she started undoing his jeans again.

Her eyes were dark, intense. “I’m not your trainee, Rusty. And I’m not your protégée. I may be a step or two behind you, but that doesn’t make me your subordinate. Understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She nodded, amused. “Good.” Finally undoing the tight button on his jeans, she pulled down the zipper and slid them off, dropping them on the floor. Leaving his boxers on, she came back to sit astride him and looked down at his shirt.

“You’ll have to let me go to get that off,” he said, then clamped his mouth shut as she pretended to reach for the scarf.

She fixed him with a determined stare, took hold of both sides of his shirt and, with a big yank, ripped it open, scattering buttons in all directions.

“Whoa!” He lifted his arms automatically, coming to an abrupt halt as the metal clanked on the wood. She pushed him back and spread the sides of the shirt to reveal his bare chest. Then she reached over and got the oil.

“Did I ever tell you I took a course in massage?” She poured a small amount onto her hands, returned the bottle to the table and began to rub her hands together, warming the oil.


“See. There’s a lot about me you don’t know.” She placed her hands together on his chest and then parted them, smearing the oil across his ribs. She bent forward to kiss him. “Relax, sweetheart. I’m not going to hurt you.”

He said nothing, watching her as she ran her hands up to his neck, across his shoulders beneath his shirt and then down his body again, stopping briefly to circle her fingers on his nipples. He gave her a warning look, and she giggled, continuing to massage him. Gradually he started to relax as she took time to work her fingers into his muscles, moving to his legs, seeming to enjoy the way her fingers slipped over his skin.

He closed his eyes, sighing, as she stroked down his thighs, her hands strong but gentle. She worked down to his feet, massaging them softly, and then moved back up and started on his arms, caressing his biceps and triceps beneath the short sleeves of his shirt.

He studied her, feeling a wave of affection, strangely touched by her tender exploration of his body. She glanced at him occasionally, and each time he felt his heart thump in response, like a teenager caught peeking at a neighbour sunbathing in the back yard.

Eventually, to his disappointment, she finished and lifted herself off him, wiping her hands on a towel. Then she leaned over him. Dropping her head, she kissed him, brushing his tongue with her own, and he returned it, relaxed after her gentle ministrations.

She lifted her head. “I’ll be back in a minute,” she said, and disappeared again.

Chapter Eighteen

He watched her go, sighing, and heard her moving about in the kitchen. It took her a few minutes before she came back this time, and when she did, she was carrying two things: a glass of iced water and a mug of what smelled like tea.

She placed them both on the bedside table. Then she glanced at him. She smiled impishly, and he felt the first twinge of alarm.


She raised an eyebrow, and he closed his mouth. Standing beside him, first she reached behind her back, unclipped her bra and let it fall to the ground. She slid her panties down, leaving her stockings on. Leaning over him, she lifted the waistband of his boxers, slid them down his legs and threw them on top of her own clothes. She raised her eyebrows admiringly at his erection, and he rolled his eyes.

She sat beside him, leaned over and picked up the glass of water. She took a sip, sucking up one of the ice cubes, and circled it around her mouth. He watched her, his heart beginning to pound again.

She met his gaze, her eyes challenging, daring. Leaning forward, the ice cube between her teeth, she lowered her mouth to his right nipple and rubbed the ice over it.

An electric shock shot through him. “Jeez, Faith.”

She circled the ice cube in her mouth and pressed it to the other nipple, letting the cube melt on his hot skin and the icy water flow over his ribs. He sucked in his breath, looking up at the ceiling, cursing quietly. She lifted her head, her eyes dancing, and moved over him, bending to rub the ice over his lips. He took the cube from her and crunched it between his teeth, glaring at her.

She studied him, lips pursed. Then she took another cube from the glass. She circled it once again in her mouth and lifted herself off the bed. Before he realised what she was going to do, she sat astride his legs, arms braced on either side of his hips.


She crunched the cube, her eyes intense. Then, ignoring his look of alarm, she lowered her mouth right over the tip of his erection.

“Fuck!” The icy cold sensation shot through him, pleasure and pain rolled into one.

She gave a short laugh as his muscles tightened, and she sucked gently until her mouth began to warm. Lifting her head, she reached over for the tea. She took a large mouthful and swallowed before lowering her head once again. He steeled himself, but still gave a jolt as her hot mouth closed over him.

“Oh…” He looked up at the ceiling, his breath coming in sharp gasps, thinking he couldn’t possibly get harder than he already was. He glared at her, wanting her to end it, to finish him. Undaunted, however, she did it twice more, alternating hot and cold, and he screwed up his eyes each time, trying not to yell out at the shocking pleasure of it, more than aware of the silky tie still lying by her side.

Eventually she must have taken pity on him, because she lifted her head, breathing heavily, he noticed, and her nipples were tight. Slowly, she moved up the bed, brushing his erection as she did so. She paused when she was leaning over him, straddling his hips.

She studied him, and all he could do was look helplessly into her eyes.

“I’m going to fuck you now, Thorne. Nice and slow.” She tipped her head to the side. “That all right with you?”

He closed his eyes and flexed his hands, but didn’t say anything. Talk about being given a taste of your own medicine.

She moved atop him and pushed down her hips, and he slid very slowly into her. She was incredibly wet and very swollen, and he exclaimed as she took him inside, closing hot and velvety around him.

She pushed herself upright and widened her thighs, so he slid even farther inside her. She tipped her head back and arched her spine, and he opened his eyes and watched her speechlessly, thinking he’d never seen anything as beautiful as this mad, incredibly passionate woman, who’d decided to teach him a lesson and prove he wasn’t the only one who could educate where sex was concerned.

Looking down at him, she let out a long sigh and licked her lips. “I can feel you all the way up, right to the top. Can you feel that?”

He nodded wordlessly. She leaned forward, nibbled his bottom lip and kissed around his jaw. Then she ran her hands up his chest and across his arms, admiring his biceps. “You’re so gorgeous. You drive me crazy, you know that?”

“I’m beginning to understand.”

“I’ve been thinking.” She lifted her hips, letting him slide in and out of her.

“Oh no.” He shivered.

She kissed his ear. “About what other sins I could invent.”


“Mm.” She moved slowly. “Ever had a threesome, Rusty?”

He closed his eyes.



She gave a sexy laugh. “I’ll find us a nice horny girl, someone with a big chest, and we can play with her all night.”

He opened his eyes and glared at her. “There’s absolutely no way you’re going to Heaven now, Faith Hillman.”

She chuckled. “I have other suggestions. You wanna hear them?”


“How about we make a video of ourselves doing the rudest thing we can think of, and post it on YouTube?”

“Oh for the love of…”

She moved up and down gently, each time pushing back so he slid deeply into her. “Or how would you like to watch me dance in a strip club, pole dance in front of an audience of men, and you can watch me do lap dances for them, and know you’re the only one who can take me home?”

BOOK: Seven Sexy Sins
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