Seven Days: The Complete Story (48 page)

Read Seven Days: The Complete Story Online

Authors: Lindy Dale

Tags: #threesome, #lovers, #love triangle, #18, #romance novel, #new adult, #romance series

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I grin at him.

Joel watches me feeding the baby for a
little while. He seems as in awe as I am of the changes that have
happened to my body in the last nine months; that my body is
capable of birthing a baby and nature takes its course allowing me
to feed and nurture it.

“Your tits are enormous,” he remarks

Or he could just be thinking about sex, like
he usually is.

“I know. I hate them.”

“They’re awesome. I’m going to have to keep
my wits about me to keep my hands off them, Ariel.”

“It’s strictly look but don’t touch,

Though the way he’s looking at me, we may as
well be having sex. He’s making me all hot and bothered.

“I know. And believe me, I’m committing
every look to memory at the moment. My bed is a lonely place.”


I wish he wouldn’t say these things. I can’t
handle it.

He holds up his hands in defeat. “Just

Then he turns on his heels and heads to the
kitchen to make the eggs.

I sit and rock for a while after the baby
finishes feeding. He’s dozing and I carefully bend my head to kiss
his crown. He smells so new, so perfect. I want to give him the
very best I can and if that involves Joel, I’m fine with it but if
it doesn’t I’m fine with that too. Joel never signed up to be a
father. He stepped aside so Nicholas could take the reins.

But Joel has always loved me, maybe more
than I love him. Can he love Nicholas’ baby like his own? Will he
want to be with me now everything is changing? Do I want that? My
stomach rumbles and I remember I’m hungry but I’m not ready to go
and be with Joel, not if he’s going to throw innuendoes about like
water. He needs to give me space and time. We need to build a new
and different relationship. I hope we can do that.




Today is the reading of Nicholas’ will. Like
anything Nicholas did in his life, I’m expecting it’s meticulously
planned, with every possible scenario taken into account. I’m
nervous though; I mean, I’ve been to a reading before, I went to
Mum’s but this is different. Has Nicholas acknowledged me as his
partner? I don’t want Nicholas’ money, I never did. Our
relationship was based on love, mutual attraction and respect. It
was never about his family connections or what he had. To have him
validate the way he felt for me, even if it’s only with words or a
small token will be enough. Of course, if he has provided for us
I’ll be happy. But I’m heading to this meeting fully expecting it
won’t happen, that the house and business will be solely Joel’s do
to with as he wishes. And rightfully so. He’s worked as hard as
Nicholas did to make Hardwick & Lawson the company it is.

The offices of the lawyer we are to see are
old and stuffy looking. There’s an abundance of mahogany furniture
and paintings of men with odd-looking hairdos and big high collars.
It’s dark, nothing like the light filled rooms of Hardwick &
Lawson, even though the actual buildings are quite similar in age
and design. Joel and I approach the reception where we find a
stuffy looking secretary who blends perfectly with her
surroundings. She’s got a thinning patch on the back of her head
that she’s tried to conceal with some serious back-combing and
she’s so wiry and upright I’m concerned she might break if she
walks too fast. We walk along behind her, both trying not to laugh
at her awkward hop-skipping gait. Joel’s smirking and I’m avoiding
his eyes because I know I’ll lose it if I look at him, especially
now we’ve both noticed the split in her tweed skirt that’s showing
her rather bedraggled granny panties.

As the secretary leads us along the hall
to the room where the will is going to be read, I wonder what it is
that made Nicholas choose this particular firm. Then we reach the
meeting room and I see Mr. Lawson. He’s seated at one end of a
board table and I understand. This is
firm of lawyers. Surely, he can’t have anything to
do with the contents of the will, can he?

“Sadie.” Mr. Lawson stands and comes to
shake my hand. He leans across and kisses my cheek and I’m
enveloped in a scent that’s exactly like Nicholas’. It’s very
disconcerting. It takes my breath away and for a second I am unable
to meet his eyes. He reminds me too much of what I’ve lost.

“Hello, Mr. Lawson.”

“I’ve told you, you must call me Clayton.
And Joel, good to see you again.”

“Pity the circumstances suck,” Joel says, as
he shakes Mr. Lawson’s— um, Clayton’s— hand.

Mr. Lawson gives him a bemused look. I don’t
think he’s used to the word ‘suck’ in conversation.

The lawyer, Mr. Baldwin, instructs us to
take a seat. He tells us he’ll read the contents of Nicholas’ will
and if we have any questions he’ll answer them at the end. He gives
us notepaper and a pen each in case we want to write anything down
to ask about, because it’s all very involved. He doesn’t expect us
to be able to remember everything. Under the table, I feel Joel’s
hand search out mine. I give it a comforting squeeze. I’m being
strong for him when all I want to do is cry. This will be my last
communication with Nicholas, even if indirectly. This is the end of
everything we had, his final words and wishes. I think Joel feels
this, too. His hand is shaking and I know he’s doing all he can to
keep it together. He doesn’t want to look like a sook in front of
the lawyer and Mr. Lawson.

The reading begins simply enough. There’s
housekeeping of sorts, nothing overly important or unexpected. Joel
inherits Nicholas’ share of their house and also Nicholas’ vintage
Mercedes sports car, golf clubs and his three surfboards. I wasn’t
even aware Nicholas had enjoyed golf. There must have been a myriad
of things I didn’t know about him, our life together was so short
and so drama filled, he never had time for things like golf. A few
pieces of art and sporting memorabilia are bequeathed to Jill and a
couple of staff members Nicholas was particularly close to. And he
gives his office chair to Laura. Joel laughs at this. It must be a
private joke. I’m not sure I’d be happy to receive a chair in
someone’s will. Then Mr. Baldwin mentions me.

To my life partner and one and only
love, Sadie Amelia Cooper, I bequeath my sailing ketch the
Constance on the condition that she take sailing lessons and plans
a trip to utilise her skills— ”

Who does he think I am? I’ve only recently
mastered the art of travelling on a plane. I’m not going to sail
solo round the world with a baby. I am not Jessica freaking Watson.
The last time I went on the
I almost fell overboard. Surely, this is another of
Nicholas’ jokes?

She will of course object to
this bequest, but I would like to remind her she promised me she
would learn— ”

Well, of course I did. I was loved up at the
time. I never actually meant it.

And a promise is a promise.”

Now he’s using my words against me. Typical

On the first anniversary of my
death she is to sail over the headland and cast my ashes to the
sea. In the event that Sadie feels unable to fulfill this
obligation, the Constance shall be gifted to my father, Clayton
Henry Lawson.”

Joel snorts with laughter. “Nick got you
good and proper, Ariel,” he whispers. “He knows you’ll never give
that boat to Clayton. I can’t wait to see you sailing the
out through the headland

In my dinky little life vest. Yay me.

Talk about forcing me to keep trying new
things. Even from the grave Nicholas is doing it.

I glance at Mr. Lawson. I bet he’s hoping
I turn into a complete girl right about now and say he can have
. He
always wanted her. I’m not that weak though. If this is what
Nicholas wants me to do, I’ll do it. I’ll show them all. And Joel
can go suck eggs.

Mr. Baldwin continues,

To Sadie, I
also bequeath my seaside cottage Gull’s Nest, all its fixtures,
fittings, furniture and the plot of land on which it is situated.
The cottage and ketch will be passed on to our unborn son, in the
event of Sadie’s death.”

Probably in a freak sailing accident, I
think as I sniff back a tear. Nicholas must have made this addition
to his will after we found out the sex of the baby.

The lawyer stops reading for a bit then and
we take a break. It’s intense listening to Nicholas’ final wishes
as if he’s in the room talking to us and I’m emotional, so I ask if
I can go outside to get some fresh air for a few minutes. I need to
be away from this. I need to process and compose myself for what
I’m imagining is going to be said about Hardwick & Lawson.
Nicholas owned the lion’s share of the company. Without him, it
almost ceases to exist.

While I’m out of the room, the stuffy
secretary makes us coffee. Joel knows my preference for latte so
when I arrive back, feeling somewhat calmer, I find a steaming cup
on the table in front of where I was sitting. There’s a plate of
afternoon tea in the middle of the table too, but I can’t eat a

“Shall we continue?” Mr. Baldwin asks.

“Certainly,” Mr. Lawson replies. I have this
niggling feeling he thinks he’s going to get Nicholas’ share of the
company. He thinks Joel isn’t capable of managing it without
Nicholas around; that he’s the brawn to Nicholas’ creative brain.
Which is so not true. Joel is very creative, simply in a different

“The last part of the will handles the
larger bequests of a share portfolio and Nicholas’ stake in the
company known as Hardwick & Lawson, jointly owned with Mr. Joel
Michael Hardwick. Nicholas’ substantial holdings in blue chip
shares, at current market value of a little over two million
dollars, he bequeaths to Sadie Amelia Cooper.”

Suddenly, I am unable to breath. This can’t
be true. Two million dollars? Me? There has to be some mistake.

“This is a large bequest, Sadie, so Nicholas
has stipulated you take advice from his financial managers on how
to proceed with management of the portfolio. He wanted it to be
made clear, that in the event of his early death he was providing
for both you and your unborn child, plus any additional children
you and Nicholas may have had together in the future. The financial
advisors are here, in this building. As soon as you feel up to it,
you can make an appointment to discuss anything with them you want
to know. You’re a very wealthy young lady, Sadie. Nicholas loved
you and cared deeply for your future welfare should he not be here
to provide for you. This is his way of showing it.”

Joel smiles at me. “You deserve that, Sadie.
Nick loved you with all his heart.”

Maybe so, but I can’t believe it. I really

And neither it seems can Mr. Lawson. His
face has gone a funny shade of pink. If steam could come out of his
ears, it probably would. “This is ridiculous, Rob. Nicholas only
knew Sadie for a little over a year. They’re not even married. He
wasn’t in his right mind. I’ll contest.”

Mr. Baldwin holds up a hand. “You need to
calm down, Clayton. Nicholas and I had exhaustive conversations
about this only a couple of months ago, when he asked me to change
his will. He was adamant that as his life partner and mother of his
children, born or yet to be conceived, Sadie should be provided

“But they knew each other for a few months.
Her pregnancy was an accident. She’s trapped him into this.”

“The will is airtight, Clayton. Nicholas has
bequeathed these things to Sadie, Joel and in turn the baby.”

“What about the company?”

Mr. Baldwin commences reading again. I feel
sick with worry. Can Mr. Lawson try to take away what is rightfully
Joel’s? If this doesn’t go the way he wants will we end up in an
ugly battle?

“Nicholas’ fifty-one percent share of the
company known as Hardwick & Lawson is hereby bequeathed to Mr.
Joel Michael Hardwick. His share of the building housing the
company and all goods and chattels involved in running of the
company also go to Mr. Hardwick. Current estimated value of this
share is roughly four million dollars.”

Holy shit. Joel was loaded before but now
he’s a multi, multi millionaire. No wonder Nicholas was stressing
when Joel wanted out. His own forty-nine percent is worth about the
same. I wonder what Joel will do now? Does he still want to sell
the company? Can he continue without Nicholas? It was their joint
baby, after all.





“I think I might go into the site office
today,” Joel says, one day a week or so later. He’s come out of the
bathroom looking freshly shaved and groomed. His eyes are brighter
than they have been for weeks and he’s wearing a pair of khaki work
pants and a faded checked shirt. It’s as if he got up this morning
and decided it was time. Nicholas’ leaving the company to him has
given him back the enthusiasm he lost after his death. “As hot as
you are, Ariel, this sitting around watching a baby sleep is pretty
boring. I need to be doing something with my hands. And that does
not include wanking.”

“I’m glad. You’re getting in the way

He walks behind the kitchen bench to where
I’m scrubbing the insides of Nicky’s bottles with a bottle brush
before I sterilise them. “I s’pose a blow job’s out of the question
before I go, then?”

“It is. And following me everywhere asking
for one isn’t doing you any favours either.” I laugh. “I will not
be cajoled by your sexy good looks, Cowboy, nor your wise cracking

“A guy can only ask. And I’m only trying to
compromise since you won’t have sex with me. I’ll go down on you,
if that’ll help.”

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