Seven Days: The Complete Story (24 page)

Read Seven Days: The Complete Story Online

Authors: Lindy Dale

Tags: #threesome, #lovers, #love triangle, #18, #romance novel, #new adult, #romance series

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“I am? I


“What? Right

“And every day
since you’ve been here.”

Suddenly, I
feel wanton. I’m no longer embarrassed by what’s happening, right
here in the office. I want Nicholas too. I want him inside me. I’ve
wanted it since the night I ran from his bed. I’ve dreamed of it
and the things he did or Joel did or whichever one of them it

“And how
exactly do you propose to do that? This is the office. There are
security men and cleaners. We’re not alone.”

“Which will
make it all the more fun. Don’t you agree? Don’t you remember the

Slowly, I turn
to face him. My hands go to his chest and I feel the muscles tense
beneath my fingers. My gaze falls to his lips, the lips I’ve
fantasised about for the last six months.

towers over me, pushing me into the edge of the desk. Those lips,
so pink for a man, come closer to mine. My mouth is open and I
release a sigh as our lips dance around each other’s, almost
touching but not quite. Teasing. Then he kisses me. His mouth comes
down on mine, his lips part and his tongue is chasing mine. I can’t
breathe. My body feels so hot I want to rip my clothes off and let
him have me any way he likes. I don’t care about where we are. I
don’t care about being professional. I want to fuck Nicholas into
next week.

He releases my
mouth and I watch as he reaches down to hitch my skirt above my
hips. It’s tight and I shimmy to help him, watching the smile form
on his face as he sees my underwear. They’re white cotton boylegs
but they’re new and pristine and smooth against my skin. His
fingers run the line of fabric between my navel and my crotch. His
hands move to my bottom and he slides them under, lifting me onto
the desk. Then he spreads my legs with his thighs. I see him glance
at Joel as he teases me through the fabric of my knickers. Joel is
watching, sucking slowly on his lip. Watching turns him on. I can
see it.

Then Joel
moves in front of me, too. He leans between Nicholas and I and
kisses me. His weight is full against my chest and my arms strain,
stretching behind to balance the three of us. He smooths a hand
over my hair. He twists it in his fingers and tugs it out of the
way so he can bite my neck. He sucks the skin along my collarbone
and the veins that are beginning to pump wildly under my jaw. His
fingers trace the line of pulse that follows his kisses until he
reaches my mouth. Then, he rubs his thumb over my lips and I open
my mouth to take his thumb in. His eyes watch the progress,

“You sure,
Sadie?” he whispers. “It’s not too late.”

I nod. I’ve
never been surer.

Outside, the
city lights are turning night into day and Nicholas puts his hands
to the buttons on my shirt, flicking each one undone in turn. Joel
continues to devour my mouth and neck and I wonder vaguely if
someone in one of those buildings out there is watching us. It
makes me oddly excited to think we may be putting on a show.

“You’re so
beautiful, Sadie,” Nicholas says. He pulls Joel off and kisses me.
His tongue thrusts in and out, round and round. His hands tug at my
shirt, pulling it free of the waistband of my skirt. It falls
completely open, exposing my chest and stomach to him. He runs a
finger along the space between my ribs. He sticks his tongue into
my mouth harder and moves his hand to squeeze my nipple through my
bra. My chest explodes beneath him and I’m milli-seconds from
collapsing back on the desk.

Oh the
torture. The sheer delicious agony of them.

shifts, pulling me back and before I know it, he’s reached around
and flicked the clasp of my bra undone. He’s slid my shirt and bra
off my shoulders and tossed them to the floor beside his desk. His
hands are massaging my breasts, tweaking my nipples and he’s
smiling lustfully.

beautiful,” he whispers, as he lowers his face.

Nicholas licks
one breast, Joel the other. They suck hard, then harder and surges
of pleasure race through me. They nip at my skin and I whimper,
arching myself towards then, wanting them to do it again.

Joel looks up
at me, my nipple still in his mouth. “You like that?” he

.” I can’t speak.

Joel sucks
again. His hand slides around the mound of my breast. His tongue
flicks back and forth as Nicholas’s lips trail down my torso until
he reaches the waistband of my skirt. His tongue plays in and out
around my navel. I throw back my head, I can’t take much more and
they haven’t even touched me below the waist.

Then they

Joel reaches
into his pocket and pulls out the blindfold and I don’t know if I’m
angrier that he simply assumed we’d be hooking up or that he wants
to use the blindfold again. I mean, it’s not normal to go around
with a blindfold in your pocket. This isn’t a porn flick.

But I’m
calling the shots this time. I hold up a hand. “If you want me to
wear that, I’m leaving. I don’t care. There will be no sex.


“I said ‘no’.
These are the new rules. If we are going to do this, I want to see
you. I want the experience. I want to see who’s fucking me. I have

The boys look
at each other. Eyebrows lift in question and I know I have them.
The blindfold is tossed in the bin.

But I feel a
change. We have committed to this thing. We are in it together. It
might be for ‘fun’ like Joel has said but that blindfold going in
the bin means a whole lot more.

“Fine by me.”
Joel plays at the edge of my knickers. He pulls at the elastic and
lets it snap against my skin. “Very virginal,” he whispers. “But
totally unnecessary.”

He rubs the
heel of his palm over me. He bends his head and licks me through my
underwear and I’m wet, so wet. I’m panting. He reaches round my
hips and pulls at my knickers. I lift my bottom and he slides them
from my skin, eases them past my knees, pulls them off my ankles
and throws them onto the pile of discarded clothing. I’m breathing
so fast, I think I might be hyperventilating.

Eyes locked
with mine, Joel puts his fingers on me. He kisses me again as his
fingers move in tiny circles that make me want to faint with
desire. I don’t move. If I move I’ll come and I want to prolong
this ecstasy for as long as I can. I stare at him, watching me get
excited as he plays between my legs. I see the small smile of
satisfaction on his lips as he makes me gasp with pleasure.


“The best.” I
squirm against his hand.

His smile
grows broader and he moves two fingers, sliding them into me.

“I don’t think
so,” he says. “I think I can do better than that.”

God, I want
him to. I, so, want him to.

As Nicholas
watches, Joel thrusts his fingers into me. He pulls them out slowly
then repeats the process. Over and over.

I try not to
move. I watch their faces and enjoy but I don’t move.

“Is that the
best you can do?” I tease.

“A challenge,
is it?” Joel’s mouth goes to my breast and he sucks so hard I can’t
help but cry out, especially when Nicholas has his lips on my other
breast and his hand between my legs helping Joel along. Fingers
thrust harder but I have no idea who they belong to now. They move
inside me, wriggling to find the spot that will tip me over the

Oh God, Joel
was right. That definitely wasn’t his best work.

“Lick me,” I
say, knowing that I’m begging but not caring. The fingers slide
from inside me. Joel grins. God, he’s hot.

“I thought
you’d never ask.”





I arrive home
around eight. I’m exhausted and I know I must look like I’ve been
up to no good with my bosses but it was worth it. We gave in to the
thing we were trying to avoid. The inevitable has happened and I’m
glad it did. Everything is literally out in the open. If you
discount the fact that I am now having a secret affair with two men
and nobody can ever find out. It’s not the done thing to be in a
relationship like ours. Not even for fun. Something like this could
have the potential to ruin us all.

After our
interlude on the desk, the boys and I went to eat in a quiet little
restaurant a long way from the office. It seemed the most natural
thing in the world for me to be sitting with them, enjoying their
company again, but as Nicholas pointed out, we can’t be seen
together again. Not until my prac is over. I can’t have people
assuming I’m sleeping with the boss to get a better grade. It would
ruin any chance I’d have of getting a good job. Not to mention
Nicholas and Joel’s credibility. Joel might have slept with
anything that walked in the past, but he’s always been professional
at work, as has Nicholas. I can’t sully their reputations. So for
now, our thing is on the down low.

Over pasta and
wine, we discuss how this thing will work. It’s weird to be talking
about rules in a relationship but now the blindfold is off, this
relationship needs boundaries. We decide that there will never be
sex unless both men are present. It sounds weird but it wouldn’t be
fair to them not to know what the other is doing. And anyway, I
don’t want them alone. I want the package deal. It’s like we’re not
complete unless it’s the three of us. We also agree that for the
sake of propriety, I’ll never be seen in public with either of them
alone. Part of a group, like friends, is fine. Joel will continue
to date his bevy of models and girls from the swanky part of town.
I’m not sure I like this rule; I’m protective of Joel since the
night of the engagement party but Joel’s assured me he won’t sleep
with any girl but me. We’re in an exclusive relationship. There
just happens to be three of us.

“I care about
you, Sadie,” he says. “I never want to see you hurt.”

“I thought you
were in to bedding, not wedding?” I joke.

“Hey, slow
down. I agreed to be exclusive but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna take
my profile off
. You’ve gotta give me a bit of time to
get used to the idea.”

“Thank God,” I
giggle. “I thought you were going soft.”

With that I
get a kiss to prove exactly how ‘un-soft’ he is. It’s hot and needy
and makes me want to take him in the bathroom and do him all over



Emily is in
the living room watching
Orange is the New Black
when I open
the door. She doesn’t look up when I enter but that could be
because there’s hot lesbian sex happening. For the first time ever
it doesn’t faze me. Normally, I cringe at any type of sexual
activity on a screen but after you’ve just had a threesome on a
desk you tend to see things in a different light.

Emily puts the
show on pause. Her eyes look puffy and red, like she’s been crying.
I hope this isn’t about Alex. I so want her and Alex to work. He’s
good for her.

“You're late,”
she says, her voice devoid of emotion.


In more ways
than one.

“So I gather,”
she replies.

I don’t
understand. I flop onto the couch beside her and wrap my arms
around her but she shrugs me away. She stands in front of me with
her arms folded and I feel as if I’m about to be chastised by my
mother for having a drink at a party. What is up with her?

“You gave me a
handbag call before,” she says.

“Did I?” I
laugh. Emily and I are always doing that. It seems to be one of the
downsides to mobile phones. Every now and then you knock your phone
accidentally and ring someone without realising. Once I heard her
spinning a story to the guy in the shop on the corner, trying to
cajole him into letting her have the Snickers bar even though she
was short thirty cents. She got it too. All she ever has to do is
bat her eyelashes and men are like putty. “What was I blithering on
about this time?”

“You weren’t
talking but there was a damn lot of moaning going on.”

I cast my mind
over the day.
on the moaning. I did hit my hip on the
corner of the desk once and a few words I don’t normally say popped
out, but I don’t think I moaned. “I’ve no idea what you’re on

“You were
fucking Joel, Sadie.” She’s says it like one would talk about going
out to buy bread. “I heard every sigh, every thrust. Jesus. I
thought I was going to spew.”

“I …” I

“Don’t try and
deny it. It was pretty damn obvious when you screamed his name,
begging him to give it to you harder. And the moaning.

What does she
want me to say. I wanted it harder. I wanted to consume him. And
why the hell didn’t she hang up when she realised what was going
on? That’s like a double


“—Shut. Up. Do
you realise what you’ve done?”

I swallow. The
blood drains from my face and mixes with the nausea that’s suddenly
rising in my stomach.

Shit. This is

Leaping from
the couch, I run to the bathroom and throw up my dinner. Three
times. I’m appalled that Emily’s heard me having sex — and that it
was with the very guy I told her was gay so I could keep him away
from her. I am such a cow. What sort of friend would do that? My
sort, clearly.

Emily comes to
the bathroom door. She glowers at me but its not anger in her eyes.
It’s sadness, disappointment, loss.

“The thing
that confused me most, however, is that I heard Nicholas’ voice as
well. I thought you were staying away from him during the prac?
Isn’t that what you agreed?”

“I tried.” I
retch again.

“Jesus, were
you having a threesome in his office? What the hell is with you?
What if you got caught?”

“Everyone had
gone home.” I sound like such a pathetic mess.

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