Set In Sparks (Morningstars Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Set In Sparks (Morningstars Book 2)
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“Why? They seem pretty peaceful,” she commented and Ryder slowly nodded, then focused those emerald eyes on her, almost making her lose her train of thought another time.

“Something’s gotta give. Jaden won’t tolerate Kaden’s no-show-act any longer and, let’s face it; Kaden can’t stay away from Maya. She’s suffering and we both know it’s true. Someone should just tell Jaden –“

“Don’t you dare!” Cany instantly cried out. She’d never forgive him if he’d go through with that plan. And, frankly, neither would Maya. As if she didn’t have enough to hate him for. The relationship between the siblings was still strained and if she talked to the dark haired warrior, Maya was nothing but polite. Cany could see the pain in Ryder’s eyes each and every time, but she decided to not comment on that.

“They used to be my best friends. How in the world can you expect me to let them both suffer like this at the hands of my sister?”

was why Cany usually avoided him like a rash. She was in front of him in no time, poking her index finger into his well-defined chest. In fact, the feel of his beating heart under her hands was big enough a distraction to make her momentarily forget her anger and stare down on his shirt-covered torso. She wanted to flatten her palm against it just to get a little more of Ryder. Would he feel as she had dreamed? All well-trained, hard muscle that would ripple if she’d run her tongue over…

“Oh, if you don’t want me to take you here on the kitchen counter, you better stop the licking of your lip you have going on,” he rumbled, the tiny vibrations coming up against her finger and tearing her out of her haze. Only when she looked up, it was to meet lustful eyes that had darkened. The emerald was now the color of pine trees after rain which made her take a deep, uneasy breath.

He raised his hand and dearest Creator, Cany wanted him to cup her cheek, but she feared that one touch would cause sparks to fly and no one could live a life set in sparks, right?

Coincidence saved her though as she heard the rustling of fabric on the stairs indicating that Maya was up, too. Hell, couldn’t anyone in this household sleep? Then again, with both her guys here, Cany guessed the Queen was halfway mental.

“It’s not her fault, you fucking idiot. Your damn best friend would be dead now if the other two hadn’t done what they did. No one had a choice,” she snapped before leaving. Stepping away from him obviously cleared her head more than any swallowing could do. She spun around and left, not worried that the maids and kitchen helpers would clean up what she had left behind.

“My Queen,” she said, obviously startling Maya, who instantly grabbed for the silk robe above her heart.

“Jesus, Cany,” Maya mumbled.

“It’s Creator, remember?” Cany smiled, trying to lighten the mood, but Maya wasn’t even looking at her anymore.

“I’m sorry, I just didn’t see you,” Maya explained absent-mindedly and then started to pace through the foyer. It was the only space grand enough to satisfy the movement urges her Queen was obviously feeling.

“I can imagine. How are you?” Cany carefully asked and Maya raked her hands through her curls, almost looking as if she was ready to tear the beautiful dark strands out one by one. It hurt Cany's heart.

“I want to kiss him. That's what hurts me the most. I want to run up to Kaden and press my lips to his, just for once, hoping it'll tide me over however long it is until he shows up again. It kills me. Jaden doesn't deserve that, not after everything. Ugh, I shouldn't have invited Kaden to stay. He should've gone with his resolve to leave. Why didn't he?” She threw up her hands and Cany bit her lip to not make a stupid comment. The answers were way too obvious, but she guessed it wasn't exactly what Maya wanted to hear.

“Have you considered telling Jaden?” Cany whispered barely audible. She knew too well how good Jaden's hearing was. The Queen buried her face in her hands, sighing.

“I can't see a good outcome. Seriously. Jaden is possessive, how could ... hell, not even I would be okay if another girl comes around the corner and he loves her. And I
it's possible to love two people. I couldn't ever, in no scenario, accept him with anyone else. Look what kind of hypocrisy I'm displaying. By the Creator,” Maya all but sobbed.

“So, that's
ultimate outcome? In the wake of day, when you forget about everything; when you screw conventions and just go for what your heart tells you,
what you ultimately want? Both of them?”

Maya just shook her head, hugging herself as if she was worried she'd break in two right down the middle and maybe she was.

“There is no way this can end good for all three of us, so I'm going to make sure that Jaden gets exactly the love and attention he deserves,” the Queen explained and Cany wondered if she should open her mouth, then she figured she had stayed silent long enough and this was tearing Maya apart one way or the other. Challenge most likely wasn't the smartest way to find out Maya's thoughts, but definitely the quickest.

“You mean he deserves the way you break your head about going to see Kaden? You think he'd feel better knowing you only think about cheating on him instead of really doing it? You think Jaden would be less hurt if he found out what is going on down here? Dearest Creator, I think he deserves more than that!”

Maya turned around, fury and self-hatred twisting those Queenly features. “Don't you dare talk to me like that. Losing Jaden over this is not an option. In fact, losing Jaden over anything is not in the cards. I was ready to lay down my life for him when he didn't really want me! This -”

“- is exactly what I'm talking about, Maya. Be honest with him. Figure this out together.”

“I can't betray Kaden like that and I can't trust myself enough to be in one room with him and not...” Maya trailed off and shook her head.

Cany smirked. “Jump his damn hot bones?” she finished and thought she saw a smile ghost over Maya's lips.

“Something like that,” she admitted, but then returned to her pacing. Cany settled down at the bottom of the stairs, watching in silence. She didn't feel like it needed to be filled. Eventually, a body passed her and the Queen's mate joined her, pulling her against his large frame and making her all but vanish. Maya instantly embraced him back and it was obvious that he was whispering into the Queen's ear. As it was, the shine of the dimmed lamps gave the couple something haunted. The silk robe fanned around Maya's legs like the dress spirits were always portrayed with. Jaden's black jeans and equally black shirt hugged his lean frame. All that was missing was a sword on his side and a cloak on his back and he'd look like a medieval knight.

“They are surprisingly beautiful together,” Ryder commented, suddenly materializing next to her. She had been so focused on the two that she hadn't even noticed him sneak up to her. Her whole body tingled as if his nearness ignited a million little sparks jumping over her skin.

“Incredible,” she agreed, her heart getting heavy as she realized that she'd never have something as everlasting as those two. This love would always endure, come hell or high water. As soon as she was mated, she'd be in a cage, maybe a nice one, but a cage nonetheless. Shaking her head, she focused her thoughts back on the guy standing next to her.

“Makes even the strongest warriors jealous,” Ryder whispered so low she barely heard him and yet, Jaden raised his head, Maya's hands held closely to his chest. She stared up at him with adoring eyes, love shining on her features every time she looked at her mate.

“You hang out with the girls too much,” Jaden teased and Ryder laughed.

“Just because you parked my ass here. I'm gonna turn into a sissy hanging out with these two all day!” The Queen's brother motioned at the two females and Maya raised a brow, snickering.

“Actually, I think we toughen you up,” she grinned and it was the first time ever that she had not spoken to him politely or coolly. She was teasing him. The moment felt suspended as everyone stared at her, silence filling the space between the siblings. The smile slipped off her face, being replaced by a scowl. “What? I don't feel like being hostile today,” she justified and Jaden laughed, kissing her head.

“I'm gonna retire to my quarters now,” Cany announced, looking at Ryder to try and make him move, too.

“Sometimes your upbringing really shows,” he commented and Cany blushed, feeling embarrassed even though it wasn't really an insult.

“I happen to like her stuck-up way of talking. It makes her sound royal and she's as close to a princess as anyone can get,” Maya interrupted, making Cany's cheeks heat even more. It was praise, no doubt, but Cany wasn't exactly sure how to handle that.

Clearing her throat, she excused herself and then made sure Ryder was following her up the stairs. There she stepped back to the banister, placing her hands flat on the cold oak. Downstairs the two were moving to a song obviously just they heard. Seeing them there and then it was hard to believe that there were two warriors and one Queen hurting, all because of the same secret.

Maya rested her head against Jaden’s shoulder, her hand still flat against his chest so she could feel his heart beating under her hands.

Jaden was softly humming a song, something she didn’t recognize; yet it soothed her raw nerves. Leaving the house of Cynthia and her parents, she had been in a mood to get his handsome body naked and under her hands, but now she simply couldn’t see herself having sex with Jaden while Kaden was right next door. Her stomach, which had settled just moments ago, suddenly started churning again. She needed to tell Jaden. He deserved it. She licked her lips, taking a deep breath.

“Don’t,” he mumbled into her hair and she pulled back to look at him. “That, just some seconds ago, was the first peaceful moment you had in weeks. Close your eyes and stop thinking for a few precious minutes. Between Kaden and you I will eventually end up a mess. I can’t seem to do right by either of you, but I will get to the bottom of this. Until then, let me comfort you as best as I can,” he replied to her questioning expression. Maya loved him more in that moment than ever before.

Cuddling into him again, she let Jaden sway them from side to side to the melody he was humming. Maya took it in, hoping she’d be able to remember it for those lonely days her mind wouldn’t let her sleep.

“I’m gonna go hunting with Kaden tomorrow. I’d prefer if you stay home and relax. I could send over Lex or Red if you want me to,” he offered and Maya sighed. She had forgiven most of those who hadn’t told her she and Jaden would be separated. She needed friends if she wanted to change the world, but that didn’t mean she felt fully comfortable around them. “Lex misses you like crazy, Cupcake,” Jaden hinted as if he had felt the stab in her heart. He had been the one she trusted most, and yet, he hadn’t opened his mouth to tell her what was awaiting her.

“Each time I look at him I wonder what other secrets he keeps from me. Does Colbin rally forces against me? Do I have to be afraid that one day he won’t let his warriors fight at my side? Will Lex keep my secrets if I let him in again?” The betrayal sat deeply and she felt the pain echo in Jaden.

“If you and I weren’t mated, you wouldn’t have forgiven me yet, would you?” he inquired quietly and she pulled back so she could look at him.

“It doesn’t matter, Jaden, because I love you
. I am yours
. I belong to you and you belong to me. I will always forgive you. Always, you hear me?” She almost said no one could compare, but that would have been a lie. Kaden was in exactly the same position. She’d always forgive him the moment she saw him again too.

“I couldn’t ever be mad at you, either. You know that, right? No matter what, Maya, you and I belong together and will stay that way for as long as we live.” She wanted to say it again, right there and then. She wanted to scream out that he didn’t know what he was saying because there was his twin. It was a fucking triangle and she just couldn’t get herself to tell him that. Sure, one part of the triangle was hanging in ruins, broken and crippled, but it still had three corners nonetheless.

“Jaden,” she started, but he just placed his fingertips on her lips, kissing her nose.

“Tomorrow, my Queen,” he whispered and she nodded, hoping that the next day she would find the words she needed to say. He had to know. This everlasting pain and guilt needed to go, one way or another. She’d deal with the fallout afterward

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