ServingSimon (7 page)

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Authors: Caitlin Ricci

Tags: #Adult, BDSM, Erotic Romance, Gay, GLBT, Paranormal, Succubus, Vampire

BOOK: ServingSimon
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“Priapism?” Simon offered casually as he stirred what looked like a marinara sauce but smelled far spicier.

“I was thinking more like torture,” Max replied, pressing up against the other man’s hip to let him know that his cock was still just as hard. “Whatever you’re cooking can wait. Though it does smell pretty amazing. Let’s go do that thing you were going to. The new thing.” He reached for Simon’s hand but he took up the wooden spoon instead. “Simon?”

He shook his head. “Dinner first. Then we talk. After that we’ll see about the new thing. I’m glad the suggestion of focusing on something else helped though. It helps me.”

Max frowned and stepped away. “Good for you. But what am I supposed to do about this in the meantime?” he reached down and gripped himself through his pants, nearly groaning at the feeling of contact that he’d been denying himself all afternoon. He’d never been that hard for someone before but the image of Simon on top of him and the feeling of denying himself an orgasm had kept him going. One doctor had even remarked on how much better he’d seemed. Maybe he had been, though honestly he hadn’t been able to think of much more than relieving himself in the nearest bathroom. Too bad he hadn’t had a break long enough to actually get that done.

Simon put the spoon down and turned to him, his back resting against the countertop. “Take it out.”

Max openly stared at him. “Huh?”

A slow smile spread over Simon’s face. “Take out your cock. I want to see it.”

Shrugging, Max did as he was told and unzipped his pants. They sagged on his hips as he pushed them down just enough to take himself out. He was still very hard and it felt good to be able to free himself from his pants at least. “See? I told you I was hard.”

Simon nodded and came closer. Max hoped he’d get on his knees and suck him, but unfortunately he had no such luck. Simon switched off the pot on his way over and pressed one hand on either side of Max’s hips, forcing him back against the countertop. Max stared at his chin, unable to look up from the tight position he had him in. His cock pressed between them and Max rubbed against Simon’s crotch, hoping to feel him hard as well through the lounge pants he wore. Max lifted his head, hoping for a kiss as he brought his hands around Simon’s waist and pressed himself against the other man’s hips. Simon denied him a kiss but he did slide his fingers between them, taking Max’s head into his hand and letting him rub against him.

“You want to cum?” he asked, his voice rough in Max’s ear.

Max eagerly nodded, wanting the release more than he had words for. “Please,” he whispered. He was unused to begging but in that instant it felt right to ask for something like that from Simon.

“You didn’t relieve yourself at work. I’m glad.”

The warmth of his voice spread through Max and he smiled, happy to have pleased him even in this little way.

“On your knees,” Simon said, stepping back and giving him enough room to find a space on the floor.

“What about me?” Max asked, even as he slid down and got comfortable with his knees tucked under him.

Simon smiled down at him and pulled down his pants, releasing his own hard cock. Max licked his lips and leaned forward, knowing what Simon probably expected him to do and wanting to give it to him as well. “You can stroke yourself as you suck me, but only while your mouth is on my cock. If you remove your mouth from me, then you must remove your hand. Understand?”

Grinning, Max nodded and leaned forward with his mouth open and ready to give the other man pleasure while he gave himself some as well. He followed Simon’s instructions, having no doubt the man would keep his word if Max happened to veer off the acceptable path. As his mouth covered the swollen purple head of Simon’s cock, Max brought his hand to his own. He licked Simon’s cock as he stroked himself, matching his mouth with the movements of his hand until he slowly found a rhythm that worked for him. He’d never done this before, not like this at least. Sure, he’d pleasured himself while he’d sucked on a guy’s dick before, but this was different. He had a task and rules to keep in mind. The addition of those elements somehow heightened the experience for him. He wondered if it did for Simon as well, but the man’s quiet grunts did little to tell him anything more than that what he was doing with his mouth and tongue were pleasurable to the other man.

Simon’s hands went to his hair and something inside Max settled. He liked having a man’s hands on his head when he was giving a blowjob. He enjoyed the feeling of being guided. But Simon took it a step further, controlling him with firm pressure on the back of his head. Max closed his eyes, breathing in the man’s musky scent as the chill of the tile floor began to seep into his legs. With Simon taking care of his head, Max diverted some of his attention to his own needs. He stroked his cock harder, the bit of pain sending shivers up his spine.

“You’re close, aren’t you?” Simon asked him, his words punctuated by harsh groans.

Max nodded, unable to do anything more as his pleasure built up inside his groin, begging for release. Simon pulled back on his hair, giving him a light tug. Though he hated to hold off his orgasm for even another moment, Max obediently removed his hand from his cock as soon as Simon’s left his lips.

“Good job,” Simon said. “Glad to see you can follow instructions, even when you obviously don’t want to.”

“Great. Can I come now?” Max asked, hating that his voice sounded like he was whining.

Simon laughed. “Yes. You can come now. Jerk yourself off until you come. I will as well and I plan to come all over your face. So when I tell you to open your mouth, have your tongue out.”

With heat covering his face, Max nodded and brought his hand back to his cock, eagerly stroking himself as he watched Simon take his own cock in his right hand. With his left he cupped his balls, playing with them. Max lifted his gaze for a moment and saw Simon watching him as well. His lips parted on a moan and Max answered with his own. He could see the heat in Simon’s gaze as he stood over him, a mighty presence that covered Max from his position on the floor. He didn’t mind it though, not as much as he might have last week. Now he knew that Simon would let him come, that this would be just one of his orgasms for the week, and that he’d experience something new with this one just as he had the last few Simon had given him. He never thought that he’d be orgasming in his own kitchen but now here he was about to.

As Simon stroked himself, Max leaned up to pressed his mouth to the underside of Simon’s cock, wanting to feel the other man’s shaft against his mouth. Simon pressed against him and moaned as he rubbed his shaft against Max’s lips. Smiling, Max leaned back and let his orgasm take him over, the force of his pleasure stealing his breath as his head fell back and banged loudly on the edge of the countertop behind him. His cum splattered across the floor as he cried out.

“Open up,” Simon said, his voice rough as he pushed Max’s head back.

Though he could barely keep his eyes open he parted his lips and stuck his tongue out, reaching for Simon’s cum. The first spray caught him across the cheek and Max gasped at the warmth of it just as the second landed on his tongue. A third hit the bridge of his nose. When it seemed like Simon was through, Max leaned forward and eagerly took him into his mouth, cleaning the other man’s cock with his tongue. The salty taste of his thick fluid coated his mouth and Max moaned, enjoying the taste of Simon’s pleasure. Before he was ready to stop, Simon stepped back and out of Max’s reach. He tossed him a kitchen towel then put himself away.

“Clean up the floor then wash up for dinner. It’ll be ready in just a few minutes,” Simon said, effectively dismissing him from the room.

With his mouth hanging open and the taste of Simon’s cum on his tongue, Max could only stare at the other man. “That was great,” he blurted.

Chuckling, Simon gave him a slight nod. “Yes. You do give great head and I enjoy seeing you cum. Now, do as I said.”

Max leaned forward and cleaned the floor of his fluid. He rose shakily to his feet and tucked himself back in his pants before making his way to the bathroom. Once he was clean and the dirty towel had been put in the hamper he came back out to the kitchen to see Simon spooning the sauce he’d been making over a bed of pasta. He handed Max a plate as he came up then followed Simon to the dining room table.

“Wine?” Simon offered him, going to the chilled cabinet where Max knew he kept his favorites.

His head still fuzzy from his much needed orgasm, Max shrugged and took a seat. “Sure. I guess. Whatever you’re having.”

Moments later Simon returned with two glasses with a rich red wine in them. Max sniffed the one Simon set in front of him. He took a drink as Simon sat down across from him. It was sweet and dark but more than that Max couldn’t tell. He wasn’t really a wine person. That was more of Simon’s department.

“Eat up,” Simon said, putting a napkin across his lap and taking a bite of the pasta.

Max began eating as well, his sex addled mind struggling to keep up with what his hands were supposed to be doing. He dropped the fork more than once and almost spilled the wine. When it was clear he was getting nowhere fast he looked across to Simon and glared at him.

“What?” Simon asked, a bite of pasta poised inches from his mouth.

“How are you still completely fine after that?”

Frowning, Simon put his fork down. “After what?”

“A great fucking orgasm,” Max reminded him. He sighed and propped his chin upon his hand. “That was amazing. Yet you’re just…I don’t know. You’re completely fine. How is that possible?”

“Because I can control myself,” Simon replied, taking the bite he’d denied himself. “I’ve learned to.”

“Huh.” Max took another bite and drank some of his wine. “How?”

Simon shrugged and wiped his mouth with his napkin. Max wondered how he’d managed to eat so fast but figured it was because he’d actually been focused on it whereas Max had only been focused on him.

“I just do,” Simon replied. “I can put things away in my mind. Yes, I enjoyed what we shared just as I did last night and the time before that. But it’s not the only thing I’ve been thinking about and so it doesn’t take me as long to recover as it is seeming to take you.”

Feeling a bit silly, Max nodded and tried to focus on eating. “What did you want to talk about tonight?” he asked, remembering their text conversation from earlier. “You said you wanted to try something new?”

Simon took a sip of his wine and slowly nodded. “What is your experience with toys?”

Though he blushed, Max tried to think back to the last time he’d actually used one. “Like what?”

“Have you ever used a dildo?” Simon asked him. “A cock ring?”

Max shook his head. “I used a blindfold once. And this thing that was shaped like a mouth. A masturbation toy the shop called it.”

Simon nodded. “So you’ve never used a butt plug?”

“No, never. Don’t they hurt?” Max asked, getting a bit wary.

“Not if used correctly. I want you to try wearing one for a few hours tonight. I got you one.” Simon rose from the table and Max tracked his movements as he went into his bedroom and came back out with a small blue box with bright silver lettering. He put it in front of Max who could only stare blankly at the oddly shaped item.

“Why?” Max asked, taking another bite of his quickly cooling pasta.

“Because it will keep you stretched and ready for me,” Simon replied, grinning at him. “You’ll be available for me whenever I want you to be. We won’t have to worry about stretching you, I’ll simply be able to enter you without any kind of prep work.”

“What about what I want?”

Simon laughed. “Have you ever not wanted to have sex since we’ve started this? And furthermore, do you really think I’d force you to fuck me against your will?”

Max slowly shook his head, feeling foolish and like he’d crossed the line.

“No. It just seems like the plug is all about getting me ready for you. What about me?”

Simon leaned toward him and pushed his plate to the side. “It’ll stroke your prostate for hours, keeping you hard and desperate just like you were earlier today. There are plenty of men that wear them all the time, keeping themselves ready for whenever they get a moment to relieve themselves.”

Max’s eyes widened and he pulled the box toward himself. “All the time?” He couldn’t imagine the small bulb shaped piece being inside of him for more than a little while, but if Simon said people did it then who was he to argue?

Simon nodded. “Yes. We’ll try it out a bit later. After you’ve finished dinner. You’ll need your energy for tonight.”

Flushing brightly, Max nodded and kept eating.

Chapter Seven

After dinner, Simon le
d Max to his bedroom where he’d set things up for them for the night.

“You’ve been in my bedroom,” Max commented as he went to his bed and stroked his fingers along the leather ties Simon had secured to his headboard.

“I have. Now strip.” Even before he finished giving the command, Simon was already undoing his shirt, the small buttons giving away easily in his desire to be naked with the other man. Max watched him for a moment, and though Simon hardly minded having the other man’s attention on him, it was the idea that he hadn’t jumped to follow his command that bothered Simon. He raised his head and lifted his brow, giving Max a silent question. With an easy smile Max quickly complied, his clothes following Simon’s in an array of crumpled garments which Simon picked up and folded, neatly placing them on top of Max’s messy dresser.

With their clothing out of the way Simon took Max into his arms, backing him up against the wall and taking his mouth in a kiss forceful enough to steal the other man’s breath. Max’s hands grabbed at him, searching for a place to hold as Simon pressed him back, molding their bodies together. He broke the kiss a moment later and pulled on Max’s short hair, tugging him down to the ground. With a wide grin Max easily complied, his mouth open and ready for Simon’s cock before his knees even hit the floor. Simon slid his length between Max’s lips, moaning as the other man’s tongue spread over the underside of his shaft, teasing him. He leaned forward, pressing his forearms to the wall high above Max’s head as Max sucked him. This wasn’t the end of their games tonight and Simon had to remind himself of that as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Max’s mouth massaging his shaft. Before he could go much further Simon pulled back, bringing a soft sigh from Max’s lips.

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