Serving the Billionaire Alphas (Werewolf Shifter Menage Steamy Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Serving the Billionaire Alphas (Werewolf Shifter Menage Steamy Romance)
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After several minutes, Valen was the one who started trembling first. His thrusting slackened in rhythm, growing wild with abandon as I felt his body tense up against me. I knew that he was close to the edge, and allowed him to abuse my mouth as he drew closer with each thrust.


Finally, he held my head in place and bucked his hips one last time, letting loose a tremendous growl as he released his hot load against the back of my throat. Several ropes of his salty gift splashed against the roof of my mouth, sliding down my tongue as he withdrew, panting with exhilaration and planting a sweet kiss atop my crown.


As he pulled himself free, the alpha male returned, eager to have his place inside me again. Criss pulled me to my feet; soon, I felt him lifting me up beneath my thighs, displaying my complete, sweaty nakedness to his alpha male. With his cock still buried deep into my ass, my ankles dangled on either side of his powerful forearms, and I met Cedric’s dominant, seductive gaze with my own lustful eyes.


“Fuck me,” I pleaded. “I need you back inside me.”


“With pleasure,” he growled satisfactorily, lining himself up and thrusting his massive cock deep inside my pussy again.


The two shifters held me pinned between themselves. Cedric took over supporting me from below, holding me hoisted into the air as he brought my hips crashing down against his own over and over. With his hands free again, Criss took the opportunity to steady himself against my hips by snaking his hands up my stomach to grasp my breasts once more, his fingers gliding across the erect nubs. I felt renewed vigor skate down my spine as I arched my back against him, rocking my hips between the powerful shifters as they fucked to completion between themselves. Picking up the tempo, they fell into a satisfying alternation – as Cedric thrust inward, Cedric pulled outward, and vice versa. Meanwhile, Criss made good use of his hands, grasping my breasts firmly while Cedric dug his lips into my neck once more.


I heard an inhuman sound of unfathomable pleasure –
was that ME?
As I wondered how I could have produced such a groan, I felt Criss grow frantic against my backside, his own climax just on the horizon. I bucked my hips back against his as best as I could, sensing him freeze up as a warm wave shot straight up my ass, deep into my bowels. Gasping with satisfaction, the shifter extracted himself from my asshole, plucking his cock free slowly and leaving me alone with the alpha male.


Cedric immediately took advantage of our time alone, slipping me down to the ground and onto my back. Climbing atop me once more, he resumed the very first position we had experienced together – but this time, he pulled my ankles onto his shoulders, clasping onto mine with his firm, powerful hands. Growling with primal need, his fucking ramped up to an intense speed, and I was sure that his hips were going to crush mine into dust.


I saw the animalistic demand in his eyes – my alpha male lover had been reduced to a mass of stunning muscles and powerful sinews, existing
for this impending moment. As his chiseled face looked down upon my battered, aching body, the fury of his penetrating, green gaze overwhelmed me and drove me fucking wild. I was the most aroused I had ever been, and my body suddenly matched his in relentless, overwhelming need.


I couldn’t control myself, and neither could he. Together, we
to climax. We
to experience that blissful crescendo against each other.


The sensations built up quickly, a rising wave within me that threatened to come crashing down and utterly destroy me. I felt the anticipation swell as my body prepared itself, a tremendous and feral wave that was just on the cusp of cresting within my mind.


So close…almost there…


His thrusting grew ferocious, and I knew that he felt it as well. He was so close to his own incredible orgasm, and I inwardly pleaded him to keep going, to not stop, no matter what happened.


I can…oh my fucking god, it’s right here…


The wave crested, and an electric burst of wild electricity whiplashed down my spine, sending me completely over the edge. I felt the crushing pleasure burst within my pussy as multiple orgasms struck my weathered body, ripping out an incredible succession of moans from my lips. As I felt the intense pleasure strike down any thoughts before they could occur, I felt Cedric stiffen against me, his cock shoving inward every last fraction of an inch that it could. The heat of his shifter seed exploded within my thoroughly drenched pussy, and we clutched to each other as we rode out our combined climax in a staggering clash of bliss.


After about six orgasms, my body subsided, the strength ebbing from my limbs as they collapsed to the ground. My lover, similarly drained of might, rolled off of my body to lay beside me, gasping and panting the telltale signs of a thoroughly mind-blowing orgasm.




“My god,” I murmured breathlessly, struggling for air. “That was…I can’t…”


“Was this your first time with shifters?” Cedric asked, climbing to his feet and reaching for a towel.


I pulled myself up to a winded, seated position, numbing tracing his question in my head for a moment.


“Yes,” I finally answered, “that was the first.”


Cedric smiled, the others loitering around the edge as they caught their breaths. “Well, I hope we lived up to the height. I understand that we have a certain…
among your kind for our prowess in bed.”


“That’s true,” I answered, drawing in another heaping lungful of breath. “You definitely didn’t disappoint.”


“Excellent. Because we are going to be in town for about a week, and it’s so
that I encounter anyone who can withstand our mating…particularly for as long as you did.”


Finished with the towel, he poured a glass of water, handing it to me along with a towel. I wrapped it around myself as I unsteadily stood up from the carpet. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “All
? Are you going to need my services?” I knew that a trace of
was drifting into my voice, but I didn’t particularly care.


Cedric gazed upon the other two shifters, who shared a quick glance and nodded in his direction with a collective smirk. “Yes, I do believe so,” he answered. “I’ll have my personal assistant make the proper arrangements. You can stay here the night if you wish…in fact, I insist. And you will be compensated rather handsomely for your time.”


“Is that so?” I slyly asked, my heart fluttering in my chest. He was just a client, and this was just business…but I suspected that my life was about to turn around. I might even get enough money to
this profession if I really wanted.


“Yes, I think so,” he chuckled, turning to face me again, separated from me by the counter. The other two shifters loitered behind him, diving hungrily into the luxury refrigerator. “How does fifty thousand a night sound? With the option to return to our home, if you so desire. After all…you
the most attractive woman I’ve seen, the sexiest I’ve had, and I’d be loathe to lose your company after we departed the city…”


“Let me take a shower and think on that,” I smiled seductively, pointing down the hallway. “It’s down here?”


“Third door on your left. And do take your time…” Cedric answered in return, a glimmer of something indomitable in those piercing green eyes of his.


A few minutes later, I stepped into a shower that probably cost more than my first apartment.
I’ve got it safe,
I told myself.
Total client separation. Easy money. Help out some weird guy with too much money, leave with more money that you need. It’s simple.
I tried to convince myself, lathering my hair as I thought.
Don’t break the rules. Don’t think about how passionate, how PRIMAL that sex was…it was JUST a job.


Of course, it was no use. I already knew what I was going to tell him, and while I washed the suds from my long hair, I started thinking long and hard about the new life that was stretching out in front of me…


When a handsome, rugged billionaire shifter and his pack ask to whisk you away for endless passion, a limitless pocketbook, and untold pleasure…
how the fuck do you say “no?”


If you enjoyed this steamy paranormal romance, you’re in luck! I’m going to give you another sultry little tale for FREE! Keep turning pages for a FREE copy of “DEN OF THE ALPHAS”!

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Den of the Alphas

By Willow Wilde

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Den of the Alphas

had been just about to give up on Pensacola when Samantha sent me the text. Swiping open my iPhone, I glanced down at the notification and read:


> All’s not lost, think I found a place for tonight


This entire vacation had been a total bummer. I’d been to Pensacola a few times in the last couple of years, and it had sort of become a late summer tradition. This year, though? Complete bust. If not for catching up her, I might as well have stayed back home in North Carolina.


I always drove down in late august and partied for a couple of days down near the water. It was great to wind down for a little while, turn up the heat, and hit the clubs with my girlfriends in the area. I usually did okay for myself when scouting for hot boys to antagonize or, if they played the game the right way, fuck senseless.


Even if they were terrible in bed, always wanted to get away afterwards, and had
no idea
how to properly take care of a
thick, curvy girl.


But Sam could usually pull something great and unexpected out of her ass at the last second, and this looked like it was going to be no exception. She had warned me that the scene was weak this year, but I hadn’t quite understood what I had gotten myself into.


That went
for what happened that night.


*          *          *          *


I didn’t know what to expect when she swung by in her red jeep late that afternoon, picking me up from a day spent shopping. I saw that the passenger seat was occupied, and slid in the backseat with my bags. I’d never met the girl – tall, classy, and slightly older than us – and she introduced herself as Angela.


“Kimberly. I’m from out of town,” I offered.


“Charmed,” she responded with a smirk.


“Angela’s my partner-in-crime around these parts,” Sam told me as she whipped onto the street. She was always such a klutzy driver. “She’s usually out of town when you come down, but it just so happened that you two overlapped this year. She’s the one who told me about this place we’re checking out tonight.”


“Oh yeah?” I glanced over at Angela, who was observing the streets casually from her window. She seemed aloof, somewhat lost in thought. “What kind of place is this?”


“It’s like nothing you’ve seen before.”


That sounded cryptic, but Sam glanced at me in her rear-view to offer something a little more substantial. “It’s this place she frequents from time to time. Pretty exclusive stuff. Angela’s on some VIP list, and after I told her about your plight, she offered to bring us both as her guests. I’m pretty stoked!”


I nodded, watching Angela’s apathetic gaze over the passing roads. “You’ve never been yourself?”


“Nope!” Sam chirped. “Didn’t even know about it. It’s a pretty standard club up front, think we passed through it last year. But I didn’t even know they
a VIP area. I just found out about this myself maybe an hour ago. Should be fun!”


“Gotcha,” I responded, lost in thought as well for a moment. I turned to face Angela again, remembering my manners. “Hey, thanks a ton! I was afraid that this trip was going to end my streak of fun.”


“Oh, don’t you worry. After I drop you kids off, you’ll have the
time of your life.


Sam turned her head. “Oh, you’re not staying?”


“Afraid not. I’m just popping in to say a few quick
, make appearances, you know how it goes. I’ll get you both through the door, but then I’ve got to head back. I have a few things to take care of tonight. I’ll be back to pick you two up when you give me the heads-up. Although…I’m going to be surprised if you want to come back early. You two probably won’t be ready until fairly late.”


“Oh, I see,” Sam answered. She sounded dejected, but quickly cheered up. “You think so? All night at
one club
? You’re sure we won’t get bored and want to jet an hour or two into it?”


Angela broke her gaze from the environment, flashing her a quick, reassuring smile. “Oh, I guarantee it.”


*          *          *          *


Two hours later, after we’d dropped off my stuff and dolled ourselves up a little, Jess and I followed Angela across the dance floor at Club Lunar. The place was incredibly classy – and Samantha was right, it did look familiar. It was catered a little too much for the partiers our age. We usually liked it pretty classy, but this was
retro electro-pump, whatever you even call it. The three of us passed through throngs of young club-goers, dancing to the bass of a house mix we had already heard twice in the last few days. Angela led us around the side of the bar against the back wall, around a long crowd of partiers ordering drinks.


Sam and I shared a glance, then crossed behind the bar after she lifted the flap. Angela quickly but gently set it back down, leading us between the three bartenders as they rushed to mix drinks and take orders. They seemed completely unaware that we were there, and effortlessly glided quickly around us to do their work. She then took us through a door behind the bar, leading us down a dimly-lit flight of stairs.


“The regulars have a side entrance,” she explained. “New blood have to take the front way in. Not much further.”


Sam and I shared a shrug and followed down the stairs, coming to a stop at a large set of double doors. This place was like stepping out of a club and wandering down to the set of a
movie. I started to wonder what we were getting ourselves into, and how well Samantha really knew our temporary hostess…who was abandoning us wherever we were going.


But it was too late to turn back now.


“Well, here we are, kids,” Angela smirked as she pushed half of the entrance open with her back. We crossed the doorway into…


Well, it certainly wasn’t a club.


The older, somewhat dingy bar looked pretty rough. There was no hint of the goings-on from upstairs here – no loud speakers blaring dubstep and house jams, no flashy lights soaring across the walls. In fact, we couldn’t even
any of the music from up there, as loud as it was. The place looked like the inside of an old inn, maybe – wood everywhere, kind of dusty, with thick barrels lining the back wall and a bunch of stools at bar-tops or along the bar. There were older lights that kept the place
lit, but it was still a minor adjustment. Oddly enough, it seemed self-serve, as we saw shelves of liquor bottles behind the bar but no bartender in sight.


We looked
out of place here, and Sam’s shifting in her spot told me she thought the same too.


But more important than all of that was the group that was spread about. I counted six burly, broad-shouldered men in leather jackets and jeans that were relaxing around. Three were playing cards at a table while two were caught in idle conversation and the last was nursing a drink alone at the bar.


“What is this?” I quietly whispered. Although I had masked my question, all of the strangers jumped to alert. Six pairs of eyes fell on us, and the stranger sitting at the bar put out a cigarette in his ashtray and turned on his stool, stepping off to face us. His thick, brunette hair framed his chiseled, well-defined face, which was set in an intimidating but curiously attractive mold. I found myself drawn to his defined brow above his cold eyes.


“Angela.” His arms rose, and a subtle flicker of a smile greeted her as she met his embrace. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”


“I’m afraid I can’t stay, Erick,” she answered with a quick peck on his cheek. “Just passing through. But these two,” they turned their attention to face us. “These two have been suffering a boring time, here in town. Since I knew your merry band was around tonight, I thought I’d make the introductions. I trust I’m leaving them in good hands?”


Erick, as she called him, stepped forward to scrutinize us. I became aware of how silly I must have looked to this rugged, stern stranger, but that faded away as I became entranced with just how
he was. He couldn’t have been more than a few years older than us, but there was something about his presence, more than just the way he held himself. His penetrating eyes slid from my face to Jess’ and back, and he turned to Angela again. I barely even noticed that they were a piercing green color, with a very faint glow.


“I’m not convinced,” he grumbled to her. “You’re having us babysit?”


Crossing her arms in a huff, our hostess soured considerably. “You owe me. I brought you these two on a silver fucking platter. Show these two a good time, and see to it that they return all the better for it. I
you’ll enjoy it just as much as


At the word
, he winced lightly. Erick gazed upon us again, and I fought the temptation to turn to Sam and nonverbally hint that we needed to go. “If that’s what you want, then sure. The boys and I will take
good care of these two. What are your names?”


I swallowed my fear. “Kim.”


“Sam,” I heard, in a meek voice.


Erick’s stoic face gradually spread in a smile, as he scrutinized us briefly again. He seemed to notice something he didn’t the first time, as his very eyes seemed to light up. “Yes, I think I see now. Alright, Angela. We’ll show these two the proper
respect.” He turned to regard us. “Are you girls ready to save your little vacation from the brink of crushing disappointment?”


Before we could answer, the two idle chatters had wandered into sight on either side. Grinning wickedly, the oddest thing began to happen…emanating suddenly with a glow, they both dropped to all fours, their bodies swelling and bursting with fur. Samantha and I both jumped with a slight mutual shriek as they transformed before our very eyes, and all of a sudden we were confronted with a pair of


“Oh my god, you guys are fucking
” Sam laughed in embarrassment. “Angela, why didn’t you
us? We had no idea!”


Angela and Erick threw back their heads and laughed affectionately as the bears transformed back. “Oh, I thought you’d appreciate the surprise.” She turned to address me coyly. “Don’t worry. Erick and his gang here don’t bite. Well,


I had never seen a shifter either, although I’d heard the stories. My eyes were still bugged out when they turned and chuckled warmly at me. “You brought us to a shifter club? I didn’t even know Pensacola


Erick smiled, a slight slyness to his grin. The room had already warmed considerably, and I could see that even the card players had paused their game and were watching with a sincere curiosity. “We like to keep it that way. Florida still ain’t too friendly to our kind, so when we pass through, we like keep to ourselves. I happen to be a partial owner in this little establishment, so I had this back area built and set aside for when I bring my pack through. Hence the name, as it were.”


Club Lunar
, I thought to myself.
Of fucking course. I just thought it was some pretentious name for the Millenials, but hot fucking DAMN, there’s a shifter bar tucked away in here!


Erick turned to Angela again, who was checking the time on her phone. “You’re gonna have to overlook my poor judge of character. Your little birds are going to be a-ok.”


“Excellent. I’ve gotta get going…have to meet with the emissary from the Everglades pack in an hour,” she frowned. “Getting tired of the runaround with those assholes. They think they’re hot shit because they live in the fucking swamps?”


Erick laughed. “Don’t be too hard on them…not the brightest bunch of bears out there. But run along, now, and send them my regards.”


They embraced again, and shared a quick, furious kiss, before Angela gave us a wicked grin. “Alright, you two. Text me when you need a lift, and have fun…” As she pushed through the door, she turned back to the alpha male. “And as for you, Erick…”

BOOK: Serving the Billionaire Alphas (Werewolf Shifter Menage Steamy Romance)
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