Served Hot (9 page)

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Authors: Annabeth Albert

BOOK: Served Hot
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April: Coconut Frappé
Chapter 11
hope you can live without coffee for two days.”
“What? You didn’t tell me
was part of the bargain.” I faked outrage.
“That right there is the only place to buy coffee in town—” David pointed at a gas station across from the solitary stoplight. “And it tastes like boiled gym shoes. Mom has drip coffee, but it’s usually decaf store brand.”
“Decaf! Take me back to Portland.” I took on a princessy tone to make him laugh. Anything to get him to lighten up. As soon as we’d passed the S
, P
1,112 sign, David’s back had tensed up, his knuckles turning white on the steering wheel. It was Easter weekend and someone had put two large wooden eggs in front of the sign. A piece of poster board taped to a street pole pointed the way to an egg hunt. Downtown was a single street, half the buildings shuttered, others looking like their last good coat of paint was thirty years ago. A couple of knickknack shops and a used bookstore. Big feed store at the end of the block with pickups lining the lot.
It was quaint and homey and made me want to check in a mirror to make sure my hair wasn’t sticking up too much. David was dressed as preppy as ever, so I’d tried not to fret too much about how Portland I looked. David had laughed when I’d gone back and forth between glasses or contacts that morning.
“That’s the school over there.” He pointed out a small cement-block building with a red metal roof. I looked over at the sports fields, trying to picture a young David there, chasing after Craig. The high school undoubtedly still had trophies and pictures of him. Somewhere in this town was a cemetery with a headstone that had Craig’s name on it. I’d asked David if he wanted—needed—to visit it, but he’d shaken his head. “Nothing left to say,” he said. And I’d believed him. The last few months, David had seemed happier, freer with his emotions, and the cloud of sadness that used to follow him around seemed to have evaporated.
His Civic didn’t exactly fit with the town full of trucks and SUVs. It was a cute little valley town, surrounded by gorgeous evergreen scenery and mountains in the distance, but every corner seemed to underscore what a lonely life it had been for someone like David.
“So, don’t take this wrong, but there’s a lot more flannel and denim here than in your closet.”
“You noticed?” He raised an eyebrow over his sunglasses.
“When did you start the whole business attire thing?”
“You saying I’m preppy?” David swung the car onto a narrow road leading out of the town. “I had this math teacher in high school. Mr. Gold. He always said a man should dress like the job he wanted to have.”
“So you took that as permission to get your inner accountant on?”
“Something like that.” He laughed. “My mom always called me her odd duck. I was always begging to wear my church clothes to school, even in grade school. In middle school, I made her teach me to iron so I could iron all my own stuff.”
“You’re cute.”
“You’re biased.” He reached across the console to squeeze my knee. “And you need to stop worrying about who’s wearing what.”
“Hey. I only made you look at three different shirts.”
“My point.”
He could joke, but I wasn’t the only nervous one. We’d been invited for Easter dinner, but I didn’t kid myself that Mel would probably be the only one happy to see us there. I’d met her a few weeks earlier, when she’d come to Portland. Several years older than David and several times more talky, she had a broad smile and a bossy, good-hearted nature.
She’d liked me, though. Told me I was good for David. And she was probably behind why David’s mom had pushed for him to come home for Easter dinner. I didn’t care how awkward it was; I was just happy to be making the trek together.
The car bounced down the country road before David turned at a metal gate, taking a long driveway up to a low-slung ranch house.
“Well. This is it.” He took a deep breath as he parked the car. “I’m . . .”
“It’ll be okay.” I grabbed his hand. I wanted to say more, but Mel was coming toward the car, black Hunter boots picking their way across the swampy, still-thawing yard. Two elementary school–aged kids trailed behind her.
“Uncle David!”
“See?” I said before we got out of the car. “You’ve even got your own welcoming committee.”
David’s mom stood at the door as we came across the yard. She was tall and broad-shouldered, with a sturdy build that said she’d had no problems corralling four kids. In addition to David and Mel, there were two older brothers. I’d meet them—and a whole bunch of David’s cousins—later. The Gregory family was expecting more than forty people at Easter dinner tomorrow. My dad’s side of the family wasn’t exactly small, but it seemed like David must be related to half the county with the list of relatives he’d rattled off to me on the drive up.
David’s mom hugged him for a long time. It was easy to see in her misty eyes how much she missed him.
“So. Let me look at you.” She stepped back, still holding his shoulders. “Are you sleeping better? Eating more than bean sprouts and rice?”
have meat, Ma.”
I had to repress a very inappropriate snicker. Then his mom turned her appraising eye on me, looking me over like I was a calf she was considering buying. Finally, she gave a slow smile.
“So. You must be the coffee guy?”
“I’m the coffee guy.” I smiled back, and I knew then that no matter how awkward things got later, we were going to be okay.
After the greetings, we headed into the house, David’s mom leading the way.
“So tell me, Robby,” she said over her shoulder, “how do you feel about venison?”
“I’m sorry,” David whispered next to me.
“It’ll be fine,” I whispered back, leaning toward him a little. “But I’ll let you make it up to me later, if it makes you feel any better.”
“You sure I’ll like this?”
“Of course I am,” I lied.
“Well, I suppose I do owe you.”
“You do.” I grinned up at him, all teeth and sass. It was good to be home.
“Well. It’s only paint. And only one wall.” David glared at the living room wall like he was daring it to object. Three of the walls were a pale cream shade called Coconut Frappé that I’d fallen instantly in love with—and named this week’s drink special after. However, all cream would be as boring as beige, so I’d talked David into a light teal accent wall. Of course, by
I meant
arrived home with paint
Home. It was still such a fragile, new word. We’d lucked into a rental off of Alberta—walking distance to our brunch place and close to transit for me. And when the landlord offered us a chance to paint the place in our own choice of colors, I did a little happy dance right there in the property management office. The past owners had made some seriously bad choices. We’d painted the blood-red bathroom pale silver and the dank gray bedroom a cozy taupe. Now, here in the living room, it was time for some
“You’ll see. You’ll love it.”
I hope.
I smiled encouragingly as I pried open the paint can. “You can take out your stress on the paint rollers.”
“Flinging paint as therapy?”
“If it works.” I dipped a fingertip in the blue paint, threatening to flick a drip at him before he captured me in a hug.
“It’s my legs that need a workout more than my arms. All that driving. I’m still stiff.”
“I have a cure for stiff.” I leaned into him. We’d gotten back from Easter with his family the day before.
“I know you do. But you’re the one who wanted to paint. Three days with no sex and
would rather hang out with Benjamin Moore here.”
“Three days? Does this morning not count?” We’d collapsed into bed together after the long drive but had ended up rubbing off together before I’d had to leave for work and David went back to sleep.
“Not nearly enough.”
“Hey, I’m just happy your mom let us share a room.” She’d turned bright pink when she’d shown us to David’s old room, but at least his folks hadn’t insisted on separate rooms or something equally archaic. But separate room or no, convincing David to do more than cuddle in Idaho had been a no-go.
Lack of sex aside, it hadn’t been nearly the ordeal David had feared. No one force-fed me venison or any of the other seven meat dishes on display at Easter dinner. I’d eaten my mashed potatoes and listened to David’s siblings tell stories about how he used to wear ties to elementary school. Sure, there were plenty of people at the dinner who didn’t talk to us. And there were more than a few stupid questions. But they were David’s town and David’s family and David’s past, and because they meant so much to David, it mattered a lot that he had shared them with me.
And I was David’s future. So was this house. It had challenges like horrible paint—which we were taking care of—and a backyard with some sort of weird six-arched pagoda thing happening, along with some funky raised garden beds, but there was room to grow here.
“Are you sure we have to paint?” David hugged me tighter, snuggling into my neck.
“We could paint really fast first—” I ended on a squeak as his hand snaked down the front of my pants. “Or paint second. Second totally works too.”
As he pulled me toward the newly taupe bedroom, I thought,
this is what hope feels like.
Since David had come into my life I’d learned a lot more about hope. It looks like ivory sheets and stacks of paint cans and two pairs of shoes next to the bed. It sounds like rustling bedcovers and murmured endearments. Hope tastes like skin and soap and victory and coffee. And I can say now with absolute certainty that hope
come in a paper cup and smells an awful lot like a vanilla latte to go.
If you loved
Served Hot
, keep reading for a special sneak preview of the next Portland Heat romance,
Baked Fresh
, coming in May . . . And don’t miss the third in June . . .
This baker’s going to get his man
Vic Degrassi is a resolution maker. He’s given up smoking, gone back to school to be a pastry chef, and lost over a hundred pounds. But this year, he’s taking on his hardest challenge yet—winning the heart of Robin Dawson. The two friends volunteer each week at a Portland homeless shelter, and when Vic learns that Robin has recently been dumped, Vic knows this is the chance he’s been waiting for.
But Robin’s not sure he’s ready for another relationship. When their friendship turns to passion, Vic wants more than just a single night of sheet-searing action, but Robin is haunted by past mistakes. Vic agrees to keep things casual, yet tries hard to sneak into Robin’s heart. However, when tragedy strikes the shelter, love may not be enough to keep these two friends together.
Chapter 1
o, what’s your plan this year?” Cliff asked as we unloaded pallets of food for Victory Mission. The stinging December wind whipped through the loading dock, howling against the concrete walls. I had to strain to hear Cliff’s booming voice. “Skydiving? Marathon? How you gonna top last year, Vic?”
“Dunno.” I hefted a box of tomato sauce cans. That’s what everyone wanted to know—how I was going to top last year’s resolution to lose a hundred pounds. Truth was, I was pretty good at resolutions. Four years ago, I’d resolved to go to culinary school. Three years ago, I gave up smoking. And last year I lost a hundred and eleven pounds. But this year I had a smaller, simpler goal in mind.
“Thought I might try dating.”
“Dating? As in a boyfriend?” Cliff snorted, a dry sound that echoed off the metal loading bay doors. “I’d go with a marathon.”
My stomach churned as I grabbed another box of rolls. I had my own doubts. I was hardly a prize catch. I hadn’t dated anyone in the four years I’d been working for Cliff. Never had a boyfriend beyond the rare three-peat hookup. ’Course, Cliff didn’t know about my hookups, but I hadn’t even had one of those in eight long months. Up until a few months ago, I hadn’t realized what I was missing. Ever since then, this weird, restless longing had plagued me. New Year’s was the perfect excuse to do something about it. Get out there.
“You guys done out here? Whole stack of boxes waiting inside. We don’t have all day.” Robin bustled out onto the dock, bringing a shit-ton of bad mood with him. A far cry from the sunny, talkative guy who made me think crazy thoughts, like that maybe dating wasn’t a terrible idea. He was gone before either Cliff or I could reply.
“What’s up with him?” I asked Cliff once I heard the pantry door shut inside.
“Melissa said Paul broke up with him.” Cliff always found the gossip. The food bank volunteers were like bored high schoolers, passing rumors around their shifts like joints at a party.
“Finally.” I didn’t realize I’d said the word aloud until Cliff laughed.
“Aha! On second thought, I highly approve of your resolution. I’m gonna have to get a bet going with Trish about whether you can land your man. Talk about aiming high, though, kid.”
“Didn’t say anything about dating Robin,” I mumbled into a sack of rice. Like I hadn’t spent months thinking about Robin. Wondering if he was out of my league. Knowing he was out of my league but trying to work up the courage to ask him anyway. Coming to volunteer more often just to be around him. Then Paul swooped in like a star pitcher and sent me back to the minor leagues, where I belonged.
I readjusted my grip on the sack so I wouldn’t accidentally tear the darn thing in two. No, I wasn’t stupid enough to make a resolution to date Robin. I just wanted to get out there. Give myself a chance to maybe meet a nice guy who wouldn’t care about my food issues and my loose skin and my bald-by-choice look.
But now that Cliff had planted the dating-Robin idea in my brain, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Which irked the hell out of me. I’d worked hard to deep-six my crush on him. Finding out he was single was a stupid reason to unearth it. Robin
the nice guy of my fantasies. And fucking gorgeous. He was sex walking around in KEENs and hipster T-shirts. He was everything I wanted and everything I wasn’t ever going to have.
I ran into Robin an hour later in the pantry room, where he was doing inventory. The pantry room was where the shelter stored all the supplies needed to provide two meals a day for the ever-increasing numbers of Portland homeless.
“Sorry ’bout earlier.” Robin looked up from his clipboard, giving me a sheepish smile. A Robin smile was like sun glinting off the Columbia: it never failed to dazzle me. The pale pink of his lips was a soft contrast to his honey-colored skin. When his wide lips curved, revealing perfect white teeth, my stomach did a happy little flip. The sun had returned.
“No biggie. Heard you’re having a rough day.” I lined up cans of tomato soup, trying hard not to look at him. I didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable. I’d be climbing the metal shelving or hiding behind the stacks of boxes if I were the one being gossiped about.
“Yeah. Sorry. I shouldn’t be taking it out on people here.” He passed me the clipboard so I could log in what I unpacked. While I started logging, he grabbed a box cutter and opened more of the boxes Cliff and I had unloaded.
“Hey, you’re allowed to be human.” I shot him what I hoped passed for an understanding smile. “And go you for tossing that pompous ass.”
“Actually, it was the other way around.” Robin’s expression was tight, pained.
“Shit. Sorry. Didn’t mean—”
“No. It’s okay.” He waved away my apology. “He
stuck up. I think Melissa was relieved when he didn’t show up with me today.”
I nodded, not sure what to say. I didn’t want to trash the dude if Robin still had feelings for him.
“You’re better off without him.” When in doubt, go big on cliché. I fell back on my ma’s old trick.
“Eh. I figure I had it coming. Better now than later, though, you know?”
“Anyway, I’m done with boyfriends now. D-O-N-E. Done.” He punctuated his words with jabs of the box cutter into the box he was opening. His actions and words were firm, but the look in his eyes was uncertain.
Having a boyfriend had suited Robin. He’d been all smiles and lightness around Paul the Jerk. Seeing them together had made me start to want someone too. Someone to share inside jokes with, someone to watch TV with, someone to sneak little touches and dirty looks with in public. Hell, someone to talk to would be enough of a novelty for me. Every now and then I’d get to chatting with a guy online and think maybe we’d hit it off. But then we’d hook up, and as soon as the fucking was over, they’d beat feet to get out of my place. It seemed like the more good-looking the dude, the faster he was on his feet.
But Robin was fucking gorgeous and most days he liked talking to me. We both liked action movies and blues music, and somehow we always ended up gabbing politics, but there was always this easiness to our conversations, like we’d been having them for years and years.
As usual, thinking about Robin and what a great guy he was had me asking my favorite question: what would he be like in bed? He’d probably talk to me there too. He’d be the type to hang out and talk after the sexing was done. He’d ask about my day and tell me about his, and maybe we’d even talk about making plans and about when we might get together next. I got hard just thinking about it. I had to distract myself with straightening soup cans.
That was what Robin needed. A distraction.
“Hey, you got plans for tomorrow night? Got a New Year’s party to be at?” I asked. Wouldn’t surprise me if he had some fancy shindig to attend. I didn’t know a whole lot about Robin’s life outside of volunteering, but I knew he came from money; his high-end clothes and the Beamer he drove said that.
“Nah. I’ll probably come down here for part of the evening. It’s always crazy here New Year’s.”
“You can do better than that. How about you come out? Some of my buddies are doing a pub crawl. Get out there. Get over what’s-his-face. Party at CC Slaughters’s supposed to be epic.”
“Oh. Uh.” Robin swallowed hard, his hands moving restlessly against the row of oatmeal containers he’d been counting. “Thanks, but parties really aren’t my thing. Don’t drink anymore.”
I fumbled the can I’d been stacking.
I’d known him two years now, and for all he liked to run off at the mouth he’d never mentioned it, but still I should have guessed.
“Shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t think. You in recovery?”
“Yeah.” Robin went back to unpacking. The fluorescent lights made his honey-colored skin look sallow—or maybe he was turning green because of what I’d said.
How had I missed the clues? He’d never once mentioned bars—and he’d never once missed a shift. A lot of the most dedicated volunteers at the shelter were former homeless themselves or recovering addicts seeking to pay back help they’d gotten. While open to all, the shelter had a particular focus on teens and young adults who often slipped through the cracks at the larger organizations. I’d discovered the shelter through a booth at Pride and convinced Cliff to participate; the bakery always had food to donate.
We worked without thinking for a few minutes, and while the silence wasn’t exactly uncomfortable, I felt the sting of a blown chance. I shoved the cans a bit harder than I should and a stack collapsed.
Time to start over.
It occurred to me—too late
that I’d never really done this. Never asked a guy out. Never liked a guy enough to try. Oh, I knew my way around an Internet chat room, but real world? Robin was the first “real-life” guy I’d ever felt inspired to ask.
But now I’d blown it and I didn’t know how to fix it.
“How long?” I asked.
“Two years, 363 days.” He winked, a trace of his usual humor shining through. “Best resolution I ever made.”
A fellow resolution keeper. My chest felt warm with empathy for his hard road. My successes were like speed bumps to his Mount Hood of triumph.
“That’s awesome, man. And good on you for coming down here tomorrow.”
“It’ll be a long night.” He shrugged, showing off his surprisingly delicate collarbones, matched by eyes filled with an unexpected fragility.
“I bet.” I wanted to ask if he’d be okay, but we weren’t really that kind of friends. I wasn’t sure I could ask without looking like even more of an ass. But I knew how brutal anniversaries could be.
Later, as I walked out to my beat-up old Civic, I hunkered into my jacket to ward off the chill and told myself to go back to my previous plan. Make a profile on an actual dating site, not one of the quick hookup places. Find some guy, one who wouldn’t be anything like Robin, with his wide smiles and silky brown hair and . . .
Fuck it. My hands clenched tight around the door handle. I knew exactly what my resolution was. Come hell or high water, I was going to be Robin Dawson’s rebound guy. And I was going to change his mind about boyfriends.

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