Serial Volume Three (7 page)

Read Serial Volume Three Online

Authors: Jaden Wilkes,Lily White

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Kidnapping, #Murder, #Serial Killers, #Suspense, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Literature & Fiction, #Thrillers

BOOK: Serial Volume Three
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Stroking his cock over the material of his pants, his omniscient eyes burned where they examined every inch of my skin. I didn’t want to cheat on Jude, but the idea of another man’s cock excited me. Would he stretch me, or would he be a poor second to the size of Jude?

The surface of the table was cold against my skin as I bent over and pressed my body against it. Rough hands were on my skin within seconds, fondling my ass and coming beneath me to squeeze my breasts painfully. I could feel my body become wet and I tried not to think about how easy it was for men like this to take me.

I was easy prey.

And I liked it.

He didn’t say another word and I listened to him removing his pants, the weight of his gun hitting the floor in his haste to free his cock. Is it weird I wanted him to fuck me with that gun shoved against my temple? The thought turned me on more. Giving up ultimate control twisted me up inside, making me hypersensitive to his fingers as they were shoved deep inside my body.

I moaned and pleaded for more, my body writhing on top of the cold hard surface of the table.

“You want my cock, you dirty little bitch? I’ll give it to you. Even better than you’re sick as fuck boyfriend can.”

Thick and long, he shoved himself inside me and I cried out, my hips banging painfully against the table as he fucked me. I reminded myself that I was doing this for Jude, but in the back of my mind I knew I was doing this for myself.

Fuck men. They all treated me like a cunt to use and a body and mind to control. But maybe it was me that was controlling them?

“Fuck me harder, Agent!”

He did and I felt empowered. Jude always fucked harder when I told him to as well. They thought they were proving their virility. I knew they were obeying the command I gave them.

That’s the thing Jude never picked up about me. Sure, I’d cooked him his dinner and I’d played the captive in his games. He’d thought he’d outsmarted me, he’d thought he controlled me, but in truth, those lazy days spent luxuriating in the comfort of the room he’d given me had been a time to think.

I wasn’t as weak as everyone believed me to be. I wasn’t as stupid either.

But I’d let them believe that, because it put me in a position to reap the benefits of a kept woman. I didn’t have to work. I didn’t have to slave away in order to scrape together enough food to eat. I was kept healthy and clean. I was fucked any time I felt the urge.

I was pampered.

And I wasn’t about to give all that up.

“Oh, that feels good. Harder Agent!”

The man had a nice dick. I’d give him that. His hands gripped my hips and when his teeth bit down into the skin of my neck, I squealed in wanton delight. I’d let this asshole think less of me as well. Just like that pretty brunette bitch that thought she was so much better than I could ever be.

The fucker released his orgasm inside me and I thanked God that Jude had the foresight to put me on the pill.

I’d hate to have a child and not know if the father was a sick as fuck psychopath, or an agent who’d found a way to disguise that he was no better than the criminals he hunted.

With his chest dripping sweat onto my back, Agent Blake gripped my hair between his fingers and tugged. “Now that I’ve had that sweet cunt, you’re going to keep your mouth shut about this, aren’t you? I’ll try to help your boyfriend, you dumb bitch, but you’re too stupid to realize that it’s out of my hands now that the state has him. You better hope for a fucking miracle if you hope to save Jude from execution.”

I smiled, turning my head slightly so as to keep the Agent from seeing my grin. Jude would escape without being butchered for his crimes.

I just had to figure out a way to ensure that he walked away from that jail a free man.


The moment I was alone, I tore through Jude’s apartment. I knew he had keys to his office in the safe in his closet, and I’d snuck a peek at one time to get the combination. I opened his office and ripped apart every drawer I could get into.

I’d finally located a receipt for a warehouse and a set of keys to one of his expensive cars. The police were such idiots for not thinking to look through his business records in search for any information about properties he owned. I guessed his money offered him some protection from their prying eyes. I wasn’t sure of the legalities of it, but man it was nice to have that kind of money at your disposal.

I knew Jude pretty well by then. I knew he liked to take his time and knew he would need a place to hold these women he’d apparently used to cheat. Asshole. I didn’t give a shit if the bitches ended up carved up and rotting along a fucking road. They still served to turn him on, and for that, I’d get even.

Speeding along the road, I didn’t worry that I was being followed. Everybody thought I was an idiot and I had no problem letting them think that. I was going to save my man. It was the only thing that mattered to me after plugging in the address to the warehouse hidden out in the middle of crack town.

Why did he have to fuck prostitutes? Why did he have to kill a waitress from the same restaurant where he’d met me? I thought we were special. I thought I meant something to him.

I guess it didn’t matter what type of guy you ended up with. Every single one of them was no better than a desperate dog wandering the streets in search of another piece of ass.

Pulling up to the run down and discreet building, I pulled out a set of keys I’d found taped to the purchase receipt of the property. The sun was fading fast and the building was draped in shadow. Letting myself in, I first noticed the cold bite of the air inside the rooms. But my thoughts were quickly freed of that observation when I smelled shit and greasy food in the air.

“Hello?” A weak female voice called out and my blood boiled over.

“Hello?” I screamed back, weaving the halls in search of the sound.

“In here!” She screamed. “Please help me!”

Finally locating the room she was in, I was struck dumb by the horrible state she was in. I didn’t give a damn about the blood on her skin or the shit on the floor.

The bitch needed help…and help was what I would give her.


Patty Wilson


She thought she heard something, like a door opening or maybe a car door slamming. She stood up and stretched, preparing for the rich guy’s return. She had her speech rehearsed, the things she’d say to tug on his heartstrings and get him to let her go.

He hadn’t been back for a couple days, and she was starting to get worried. It was freezing in the warehouse, even in the smaller room she was in, and she’d eaten the last of the Chinese take out last night.

The bucket in the corner really stunk and she couldn’t help it. At least she hadn’t had to poop all over herself again.

She waited, eager to begin her campaign for freedom, but he never came. The chain around her neck wouldn’t let her reach the door, so she couldn’t even open it and see if somebody was out there.

“Hello?” she called out and waited for a reply. Nothing. “Fuck,” she said and slid back down to the floor, hunched over and huddled to try and stay warm.

The darkness is what got to her most. She might be able to handle the chain around her neck and the throbbing, most likely festering wound being rubbed raw every time she moved, but the darkness was the worst.

She would kill for a room with a window, some way to determine what time it was.

She laughed at her last thought, bargaining for an upgraded prison? How quickly she’d fallen.

She started to cry again, but more of a weak mewling sound at this point. She didn’t think she had much more left to give. Her only saving grace was the sink being within chain length; at least she wouldn’t die of thirst.

Last night she’d dreamt of Sarah. In her dream she was living in a little cottage near the edge of a forest. It was just her and her baby, alone and happy and healthy and safe.

Sarah was older and was running, so Patty had made a game of chasing her around the little living room in their happy home.

The last thing she remembered before she woke up was collapsing on the couch with Sarah, tickling her chubby legs and delighting in her joyful screams of laughter.

The loss she felt when she woke was a brittle weight in her chest that threatened to shatter and pierce her heart with the grief.

She sent a prayer into the universe for the hundredth time since waking that Sarah was okay, that she was being cared for.

“Fuck you all!” she screamed for no good reason other than just to get it out. “Fuck this, fuck everything, fuck you all!”

She sobbed until she fell silent, slowly sagged to the side and dropped to the hard floor. She shivered until she slipped into a fitful sleep, dreaming of Sarah and bright sunny days with a clean, warm house filled with love.




The Chinese food was a distant memory. The best she could tell she’d eaten the last of it the day before yesterday. She was starving, and water wasn’t doing much to fool her belly anymore.

She tore through the cupboards and found some old coffee mugs, a couple packets of sugar substitute, and a glass jar of instant coffee with a few tablespoons left in the bottom.

It was like manna from heaven above.

She ran the water until it was hot, put a few grains of instant coffee into a mug, tore into a pack of fake sugar and added a bit. She filled the mug with hot water and did her best to sip and make it last.

Her stomach roiled as the hot liquid hit, almost making her vomit. She held it down though, and held onto the mug to warm herself up.

She made it last longer than she’d thought possible, until the water was luke warm and she was ready to make another one. She decided to hold off though, just in case she was here for a lot longer.

The wound on her neck was itchy; she did her best to scratch it without tearing it open. That was a good sign though, right? If it was itchy, it meant it was finally healing. Maybe she’d end up dying of starvation or at the end of the rich guy’s knife, but infection wouldn’t get her.

Patty laughed at that, a sharp, bitter noise in the deafening quiet. She’d come to accept her fate; in fact she’d come to accept that she’d deserved it all. Sarah would be better off without a junkie mom who sold her ass for cash.

Patty would have sold her daughter for a gram of coke more than a few times in the last week. Coming down had been hard, but coming down in this dark, dank place had been harder.

At least in a strange way it had helped pass the time.

And at least she wouldn’t overdose. At least Sarah would know her mom as the victim of some horrible killer, not the idiot whore who took too much one night and never came back. It might inspire Sarah to greatness, to do better things with her life.

Maybe even go into police work. Patty smiled at that, the thought of her little girl growing up to be a cop. Maybe Sarah would arrest Jason one day and rough him up a little for being such a piece of shit. That would be awesome.

She gave her head a little shake and tried to snap out of it. She was losing touch with reality and that was a dangerous thing. She had to stay sharp so she could talk her way into freedom. She refused to accept this fate, she refused to let the rich guy slit her throat, she had to get home.

She would be a better person, she would never do another drug in her life, she would finish school and she would be the best mom she could possibly be.

If only she made it out.

She heard a noise, a thud and a scraping sound. Could that have been a door?

“Hello?” she called out and stood on shaking legs, grabbed the counter for support so she wouldn’t fall.

“Hello?” a woman’s voice responded and Patty started to cry again.

“In here!” she screamed, “Please help me!”

The door open and dim light flooded the room. The woman recoiled at the smell, but Patty didn’t care, for once she felt no shame.

She was too focused on her freedom. She was too excited to have her second chance.




She was disgusting. Skinny and naked and bearing the bite marks of my Jude on her body. Red angry lines crossed her skin and I wondered how long he’d kept this bitch for his second piece of ass.

“Are you Patricia Wilson?”

“Yes!” Elation filled her eyes and she moved towards me. “Are you the police? Are you here to help?

I stared at her, mentally taking note of all the places where it was evident he’d touched her. “No. I’m not the police.”

Her expression fell and her shoulders withered. “You have to get me out of here. Please. I have a baby at home who needs me and a mad man has been holding me here raping and torturing me.”

My blood boiled some more when she acknowledged the fact that they’d been fucking.

“Listen sweetheart. I don’t give a shit about you or your fucking baby. You understand?”

She flinched and I felt even more empowered having absolute control.

“I’m here to save Jude and you’re going to help me do it.”

I didn’t know what I was thinking, couldn’t understand the urge I felt inside me to rip this bitch apart and carve my own initials into her skin. At first, I’d planned on burning the building and getting rid of the evidence, but seeing this little piece of shit standing in front of me, I suddenly had another idea.

She fell to her knees crying and I noticed the way her bones protruded out and pushed against her skin. She had to be a drug addict. Jude couldn’t have had her long enough to cause this amount of damage.

“Do you use?”

“What?” She looked up at me, her eyes bright red from her tears. “I did…but, I won’t again. I swear on my baby’s life that I won’t touch another fucking drug if you’ll just let me go.”

“What was your poison?” I asked, not really giving a shit if she stopped using or if she became the fucking dealer.

“Coke.” She admitted.

Figuring out a way to get her to go along with what I had planned, I asked, “Did you have any on you when he took you?”

“Yes.” She admitted on a sob.

I left the room and ignored the screaming when she begged me to come back. Her clothes had to be somewhere and I was intent to find them. In a small bathroom on the right side of the hall, I located what I was after. Inside the pocket of a pair of dirty and blood soaked skinny jeans was a plastic baggy full of the white, chunky powder that would make this girl as amenable to my plan as I needed her to be.

I found a razor blade in the medicine cabinet and I had a dollar bill in my pocket. I guess Billy had been good for something after all. If it hadn’t been for him, I wouldn’t have known what tools were useful to a cokehead.

I re-entered the room where she was held and realized I didn’t have a key to free her of the padlocks Jude had locked on her chains. Fuck. I’d have to perform the first part of this plan on my own and use this bitch to finish it when I returned. Shaking the baggie in her direction, I smiled when her eyes lit up with need.

“I’m going to let you have this while I’m gone. It might help numb some of the pain from your injuries. I need to find a bolt cutter to free you of those chains. Do me a favor and stay quiet, okay? If you work with me on this, I’ll let you go.”

Her head nodded quickly, her greedy hands reaching out for the drugs. I set the baggie, the razor and the dollar bill on the table within her reach before looking up and saying, “I’ll be back.”

Guess her baby’s life wasn’t much after all because I could hear the razor tapping along the table as soon as I entered the halls.


Cruising the streets of my old neighborhood, I looked at the prostitutes walking around without a care in the world. They glanced at every car that drove by, only approaching when the cars slowed down and the drivers lowered the windows. No wonder Jude preferred whores. They were so easy to abduct.

I pulled up to a corner where three bitches were standing about, each one of them wearing skirts so short, they had to shave just so hair didn’t hang down below the hem of the tight cloth. I was disgusted, but smiled anyway when I rolled down the window of the expensive car I was driving. The prostitute bent down to look in the window, surprise in her eyes to see that a woman was in the driver’s seat.

“Looking for a date, honey? I’m not sure I’m your type.” She laughed and I smelled the alcohol rolling off her breath.

“You might be. Maybe I like to get a little cunt every once in a while. It’s a free world, right? You into it?”

She nodded her head and asked, “How much you offering? My body can be had by all…for a price, of course.”

She had beautiful light brown skin and dark eyes that were lined with kohl. Her hair was long and straight, the silver clips of the extensions peeking out from behind the short hair on her head. Didn’t matter what she looked liked. It only mattered that I got her in the car.

“I’ve got whatever you need. Now get in. I can’t sit around here too long. We might attract attention.”

She laughed as she pulled the door open and slid into the bucket seat. “Oh please, baby girl. Most cops are looking for men when they’re meeting their quota for the month. If they see me with you, they’ll just think you’re a friend or another whore.” Her hand reached over and squeezed my thigh, sliding up to rest between my legs. Oddly, the touch was turning me on.

“Oh, baby girl, you’re burning up with need down here. Tell you what. I’ll do you good for a hundred even, what do you say?”

“Sounds like a fair price,” I replied and decided that maybe I’d let her show me what she was capable of before I used her to free the love of my life from jail.

Zipping back to the warehouse didn’t take long, even with the ten-minute stop I’d made at a hardware store to buy a set of bolt cutters. Edye, or whatever the hell the name was that she gave me, didn’t seem to question my need for picking up a heavy tool on our way to the warehouse we were now walking up to.

“What kind of place is this, baby girl? With a car like that, I’d have thought you’d have a nice home or something.”

“Can’t take you back to my house, Edye. The husband might object to me getting a little bit of pussy for myself.”

She laughed so loud; the sound covered the angry groan of the exterior door being opened. I motioned her inside. “Ladies first.”

“Oh you are the gentleman, aren’t you?” She smiled seductively before walking into the warehouse.

Dumb bitch, I thought. This was obviously the part in the horror movie where all the viewers were telling her to run the hell away.

Following her inside, I couldn’t help the itch I felt to see what it was like being with a woman. The front room was discreet and I hoped we could get this over with before Patty started screaming out for help again.

Dropping my pants to the floor, I inched up on the desk Jude has positioned by the sidewall. I spread my legs and with two fingers opened myself to her view.

“You don’t play around, do you baby girl?”

Edye fell to her knees and planted her face between my legs. Her tongue slid between the slickened skin and her teeth nipped at my clit. With long fingers, she felt inside me, pushing them in and pulling them out in time with the strokes of her tongue.

My orgasm grew quickly, the excitement of the moment setting my skin on fire. It was one of the most erotic things I’d ever experienced, but I felt sad that Jude wasn’t here to witness it.

I came quickly as a result of her and thanked her with a long kiss, my hands squeezing the weight of her breasts as I tasted myself on her lips. “I want more,” I said as I pulled away. “Can I have more?”

“Yeah, baby. You got me for another hour or so. Longer if you want to double the price.”

“Let’s go into the other room. I have toys in there that might make this a little more interesting.”

Blindly, she walked through the dark halls with me trailing behind her, the heavy weight of the bolt cutters gripped firmly in my hand. She opened the door to the room where Patty was held and stopped dead before turning to run. Raising the bolt cutters up, I smacked her upside the head, knocking her out immediately.

Throwing the bolt cutters on the floor, I grabbed both her legs and dragged her into the room, glaring angrily at Patty when she screamed.

“Shut the hell up and help me, you stupid slut! Do you want your freedom or not?”

Patty shut up immediately, rushing over as far as the chains would let her go. While she dragged Edye’s body to the center of the room, I grabbed the bolt cutters from the floor and placed them against the wall just out of Patty’s reach.

“You see those? They are your ticket to freedom. The only thing you have to do is help me kill this bitch and dump her body. After that, you’re free to go. Understand me?”

“What? I…I can’t do that!”

I looked at the baggy on the table and noticed it was empty. This girl was lit up like a Christmas tree and I knew that with a little cajoling, she’d do whatever I said.

“Here’s the deal, Patty. One of you,” I pointed between her and Edye, “is going to die tonight. If you won’t help me kill her, then I’ll convince her to help me kill you. It doesn’t really matter to me which one of you dies.”

Patty thought for a second, her mind most likely blowing up from the amount of coke she had in her system. “You’ll let me go afterward? After I help you do this?”

I nodded. “Yes. And then you can get home to your baby.”

She thought for another second, her entire body shaking with her fear and her anticipation to go home.

“Okay. What do we do?”


With Edye tied up in the center of the room, I patted her cheek with my hand. On the floor were all the items I thought I’d need to make this death look like all the other ones CK had committed. Tarp was spread across the floor and on it was a bottle of bleach, a razor blade and a knife.

“Wake up, beautiful. It’s time to play.”

Edye’s eyes opened and her entire body flinched. She tried to scream but the dirty handkerchief I’d stuffed in her mouth muffled her cries.

“Listen.” I looked her in the eyes, begging her to see the insincere apology. “I think you’re a nice person and all, but unfortunately I’m trapped in a bad situation and you’re my only way out.”

Her eyes flicked between Patty and me, but then focused on the knife I picked up from the floor.

“It’s nothing personal Edye, and for what it’s worth, you sure do know how to eat pussy.”

I went to stab her, but stopped when the tip of the knife was against her skin. Thinking back, I remembered what the news had said about the kills. CK hadn’t stabbed them. He’d slit their throats and bitten off their nipples. That part would suck, but if that’s what Jude needed to get off, then I’d have to imitate it perfectly.

Dropping the knife, I grabbed the razor and bent towards her. The razor slid through her skin like butter, blood spraying out onto me and Patty where she stood behind me. My heart raced and I wished that Jude were with me to alleviate the sudden need I had to fuck someone and fuck them hard. Jesus Christ! I could tell why he liked this. It was inspiring, enthralling, and the most thrilling thing I’d ever done in my life.

Her blood was like warm thick water dripping down my skin, the smell of iron filled the room as air bubbled up from her lungs and out of the gash in her throat.

Stripping her of her top, I rode the waves of euphoria the feeling of killing built inside me. My lips suckled her tit, my teeth gripping the nipple until I felt flesh rip and her blood rush into my mouth and drip along my chin.

The sounds of her screaming didn’t last long and within seconds, she was lying on the floor in a puddle of her own blood – the same blood that now covered me.

My hands were shaking, my heart was pounding and I needed a release more than I’d ever needed it before. Fuck! Why wasn’t there a dildo or something I could use to get myself off while I rolled around in the evidence of my first kill?

I looked at Patty and considered making the bitch eat me, but it wouldn’t be enough to satisfy me. I’d have to wait until I saw Jude again for him to help free me of this intense need.

“Get over here, Patty!” I commanded.

She moved beside me and I said, “Help me clean this up.”

We both moved quickly to wash the blood from Edye’s skin and moved her body aside to start on the floors. Within an hour, we’d hidden the tarp and carved the initials of my love into Edye’s thigh.

Using the bolt cutters, I freed Patty, but grabbed her by the hair before she could run.

I grabbed the razor again, slicing it along her palm and smearing her own blood into the blood that drenched Edye’s hair.

“Ouch! Why did you do that?” She asked.

Looking up at her, I smiled.

“Your DNA is now on this body. If you’re lucky, they won’t be able to match it up to the crime. But if you breathe a single word of this after I let you go, I’ll point them in your direction, you got me? They won’t know it’s you if they can’t find a match, but I’ll be sure to give your name up if you so much as go near the police about this, got it?”

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