Serial Love: Saints Protection & Investigation (12 page)

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Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Serial Love: Saints Protection & Investigation
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She nodded, not as much in understanding as wanting him to continue. She had to admit to herself that she was fascinated.

“So when I got out of the Special Forces, I decided to replicate that same multi-agency team, only in the civilian world. Some of them joined me, tired of the red tape tying their hands when they tried to investigate crimes. Built the business, hired more like-minded men, and now I’ve got a company I’m proud of, doing the work I love doing.”

She took in what he was saying, trying to process it all the while knowing that her heart was warmed that there was a man like Jack who cared so much about protecting others that he would give her grandmother a tracker bracelet. With her beer now finished, she leaned forward setting it on the wooden deck. Twisting in her chair, she faced him full on.

“So everything you are telling me about your life now, is supposed to make me understand why there are no white-picket fences in your future?” she asked.

He said nothing, but his gaze watched her carefully.

“I’ll be honest, Jack, I don’t play games.” She grunted in exasperation, continuing, “I don’t even know the games to play. You tell me you felt something, you have my place wired for security, you give a tracer to Gram…and then you disappear for weeks. Hell, if the fight hadn’t broken out today, I doubt you’d be on my porch now, telling me all of this.” She stopped, twisting her head toward the dark woods, her face a mask of confusion. “Now you are giving me this, but still say there’s no future. What am I supposed to do with that?”

“I was going to come anyway,” he confessed softly. Watching her face swing back toward his, he nodded. “Yeah, doll. I’d decided I at least wanted to explain my life. I’ve got no idea if or how it can work, but I wanted you to know.”

Sighing deeply, she leaned back in the chair but kept her gaze on him. “Then you’re going to have to give me more.”

Fireflies danced in the lane between the porch and the woods, creating an ever-changing pattern in the darkness. Bethany had strung Christmas lights in a few of the trees around the lodge, adding to the fairy-tale illusion.

“I work in a world of violence. Things that white-bread America has no idea about. I’m called in, by private contract or by the government to step in when the bureaucracy is so cumbersome that the feds can’t solve the crimes or stop the shit from happening. My men are all highly trained but bring their own specialties and diverse backgrounds to the team. We’re given…creative license to take care of the problems.”

“Creative license?”

“Yeah, doll. We do whatever it takes to fulfill the mission. Whatever it takes to keep people safe.”

Processing his words, she whispered into the darkness, “And that takes away your white-picket-fence?” There was no answer, so she whispered more. “It seems to me that for someone who does what you do, how you do it, the white-picket fence to come home to would look mighty good.”

Her hushed voice flowed over him, filling the secret crevices in his soul, the places that he wondered if they had become so dark that no light would penetrate. But her words did. He closed his eyes, momentarily stunned at the beauty she was offering. Sucking in a deep breath, he let it out slowly. His eyes jerked open at the touch of her hand on his. Glancing down, he saw her slim fingers tracing patterns on the back of his hand. Turning his palm up, she easily entwined her fingers with his.

Giving her hand a gentle tug, he pulled her from her chair over to his. She came readily. Throwing one leg over his, she settled in his lap. His hands dug into her hips as her hands cupped his face.

, she thought.
His beard is as soft as I imagined.

Her thoughts whirled, trying to wrap her mind around his world. Or at least the glimpse he offered of his world. The intensity of his gaze should have scared her. Frightened her away. But all she could think was how it pulled her in. She smoothed her hand over his brow, letting her fingertips gently press out the crinkles at the edges of his eyes.

She watched, fascinated, as he closed his eyes and ever so slightly leaned his face against her palm, allowing her to take a tiny part of his burden away. That imperceptible movement sealed her fate, as she knew she wanted to take a chance on this man willing to give her just a bit of himself.

Their eyes held, but he stayed perfectly still. She realized he was giving her the choice. The chance to say yes or no. She chose yes. Yes, to a very uncertain thing, but after all…
that’s what a chance is.

Leaning in the rest of the way, her hands still on his face, she touched her mouth to his. Just a touch, and then she leaned back to peer into his eyes. What she saw made her smile and move back in again.

This time the kiss she offered was no longer chaste. She moved her lips over his, feeling the softness and strength of his mouth. Wanting more, she licked his lips and as he opened on a groan, she took her opportunity, sliding her tongue into his mouth.

That was all the encouragement he needed. He took over the kiss. And he took over hard. Angling her head for deeper access, he plundered her mouth with his tongue. Sucking, pulling, exploring her warm depths. She tasted divine. More than he could have imagined and he had imagined a lot.

As her mouth was ravaged, she continued to caress his jaw then slid one hand down to his shoulder feeling the muscles bunch underneath her fingers. His hand wandered as well, moving up her back until his fingers tangled in the thick, blonde tresses that he had wanted to touch ever since she crashed through the woods and into his arms.

Pulling her closer, he crushed her breasts against his chest at the same time that he was painfully aware of her core nestled directly on his swollen dick. The image of her naked, in this same position riding his cock, had him thrusting his hips upwards.

She groaned at the contact, flexing her hips downward wanting to quench the desire for friction.

The kiss continued until Bethany wasn’t sure where she ended and he began. His tongue had ravaged her senses leaving her wrecked for any other man.
All this from a kiss,
she thought before he moved from her mouth, his kisses trailing from her lips to her earlobe and then down her throat, where he sucked at the sensitive place where her pulse beat erratically.

No longer caring that they were in plain view on the front porch of the lodge, she squirmed again on his lap, seeking relief.

Her movement finally brought Jack back to his senses and he gently took her arms and pushed her away. Seeing the disappointment and rejection on her face had him ready to pull her back in, kiss her senseless and take her on the porch. But she deserved more. Much more.

Shaking his head, he said, “No, doll. Not saying no to this…just no to right now. We’re in plain sight of anyone walking along the lane and I’m not taking advantage of your situation.” He stood, holding her arms firmly so she would not fall as they moved together. Steadying her on her legs, he continued to hold her tightly.

“You gotta think about everything I said tonight. What I said, what you need, and what you feel. Then it’s up to you. I want you and while my life is not easy, if you want in, baby, I’ll work like fuck to make it work for us. But I’m leaving that first step up to you.”

“How will I let you know?” she asked, peering up into his eyes, wanting so much to see what she knew was in hers.

“Got a security gate. You drive up and I’ll let you in.”

Nodding, she drew a shaky breath, running her tongue over her tingling lips. He smiled, leaned down and kissed her once more. “Now go inside and let me hear the deadbolt lock.”

He patted her ass as she turned, still in her kiss-induced stupor, and did as told. She went inside, turned the deadbolt, stood by the window looking out as he pulled himself up into his truck and drove away. Then she mounted the stairs, changed into pajamas, brushed her teeth, and climbed into bed. There she lay awake pondering all that he had told her, wondering if there really was a place for her in his life. Then she fell asleep, dreaming of the big, handsome man whose kisses stole her breath…and her heart.


Jack passed by
the drive to his property and headed into the small town about ten miles down the road. Pulling into Chuck’s Bar & Grill, he grinned as he recognized several of the vehicles in the parking lot. Chuck’s had become a second meeting place for the Saints besides Jack’s compound. A place where they could relax, shoot pool, drink beer, meet up with some women always on the prowl, and if they were daring? Chow down on some of Chuck’s greasy hamburgers and French fries.

Walking into the dim interior, his eyes quickly adjusted as he walked over to the bar. Sliding onto one of the mismatched stools next to the clean, but well-worn bar, he gave a chin lift to Chuck, standing at the other end. Chuck walked over, a beer already in his hand to give to Jack.

“Yo, big man. What’s happenin’?” Chuck called out.

Jack took a pull on his beer and just smiled. “Not much, Chuck. Was heading home and decided to pop in and have a beer with some friends.”

A tall, middle-aged blonde, with big curves and even bigger hair grinned over at Jack. “Lordy me, if it ain’t the boss-man himself. How ya’ doin’ honey?” she called out.

“Life’s not bad, Trudie,” he replied.

Walking over, she eyed him suspiciously. “You’re smiling,” she accused. “Well, not much, but I can see it kinda twinklin’ in your eyes.” Rearing back, she slapped her hand down on the well-worn bar and exclaimed, “You got yourself a woman?”

Chuck whipped his head around at this and watched as Jack threw up his hands in defeat. “Now Trudie, you know you’re the only woman for me,” he said.

Just then Marc and Cam came from the back pool area to get new beers and saw their boss trying to defend himself from Trudie’s glare.

“A woman?” Cam asked.

Trudie tapped a long fingernail on the beer she was handing to Marc and said, “Yessir, I do believe our Jack may be smiling for a woman-reason.”

After Cam and Marc got their beers, they headed back toward the pool tables, Jack following closely behind before Trudie became any more clairvoyant.

Blaise and Bart were at one table, a pretty red-head and a built brunette snuggling up close to them. Chuck’s was known as a local hangout, but as the only bar in the area, it was not unusual to find visitors here as well; sportsmen, skiers in the winter, campers in the summer. Jack did not recognize the girls, but then Blaise and Bart were pussy-magnets. His eyes swept back over Cam, Marc, and Chad…hell, all his men were pussy-magnets.

Taking another pull from his beer, his mind wandered back to the beautiful woman he had left at her lodge and wondered if she would take the chance. For him…he was ready.

Chapter 10

ack stood on
his deck, morning coffee in his hand, attempting to review the notes Luke left for him on the latest information concerning the victims. But his mind was on her. The way her silky hair slid through his fingers. Her breasts crushed against his chest. Her hips involuntarily grinding against his cock, seeking what they both wanted. Needed.

Using the discipline forged during his tours with the Special Forces, he shook his head and refocused on the words in front of him. He settled in one of his chairs, coffee cup on the wide arms and began perusing on his tablet.

The report indicated that when Luke went back further in time, there were reports of missing girls from college campuses in Virginia for the past fourteen years. Luke had already siphoned off the ones that occurred somewhere else and only listed the ones where loved ones had contacted the police as missing.

Once more, the list appeared inconclusive. Different races, different backgrounds, different majors, jobs…anything to tie them together.

An hour later, he rubbed his hand over his face, finished his coffee and stood, stretching his tall frame, working the kinks out. He had called a meeting with his men for later in the afternoon so he moved inside to go through his secure emails and deal with the management end of his business.

As he placed his cup in the sink, the front gate alarm sounded. His heart pounded, a condition he was not used to, in anticipation of who might be there. He walked over to one of the control panels by the front door and looked at the screen. Bethany. The camera was angled so he could see her face perfectly as she sat in the driver’s seat with the window down, nervously looking toward the security panel next to her car.
Beautiful. Fuckin’ beautiful.

He decided against speaking at the moment and simply released the gate, allowing it to swing open. Her confused expression showed indecision as she visibly debated driving through.
Come on, baby. Make that choice.

Suddenly, her countenance changed, determination marking her features as she put the car in drive and moved through the gate. Jack exhaled, not realizing he had been holding his breath. With a smile, he walked through his front door to his porch.


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