Serenity (12 page)

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Authors: Ava O'Shay

BOOK: Serenity
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Jolin pushed Akeo in the shoulder and got up to grab his tray. Ren caught his eye from across the cafeteria but dropped her gaze quickly.

“What’s up with you and R-R-Ren?” he asked Akeo.

“She’s a friend. We end up at the same parties a lot.” He shrugged.

“Quill l-l-layed into m-m-me about her.” Jolin shifted, watching Ren’s hair drape over her shoulder. He couldn’t see what interesting look she’d put together today. She was absent from Bio so he hadn’t seen her until now.

“You know twin power and all.” Akeo stood up.

With Akeo’s words Quill appeared and slid into the seat next to Ren. She gave him a strained smile. Her lips barely moved when she talked. Jolin watched Quill’s expression change from light and carefree to anger. He pushed his chair back and stomped out of the room. Ren grabbed her books, shoving them in her messenger bag and went after him.

“I r-r-remember her.” Jolin stared at the door they’d left through.

“Yeah I figured you would eventually.” Akeo grabbed his arm when he moved to go after her. “Leave her alone, Jo. She’s got a lot of shit going on and you’re coming late to the game.”

“B-b-better late than never.” Jolin flashed Akeo a sad smile and followed after them.

It wasn’t hard to find her. Quill was swearing a blue streak, pacing back and forth across the hall with his hands on his head. Jolin couldn’t understand what he was upset about. There weren’t many descriptive words between his cussing. Ren’s eyes were glued to the floor. The end of lunch was coming fast and any minute the halls were going to be filled with students. They needed to finish up.

“Hey R-R-Ren.” Jolin wanted to sound upbeat, like he just happened to find her in the hall, but it didn’t come out that way.

Quill’s head shot up, fire in his eyes.

Jolin put his hands up in a defensive move. “Hey, Quill.”

Ren’s eyes were red but she wasn’t crying. Jolin looked from one to the other. Finally Quill pushed out a deep breath and dropped his hands. “Hey, Daniel.”

“Everything okay?” Jolin walked closer.

Ren wouldn’t look at him.

“Yeah man. Everything is fine. I better get going. Ren?” He nodded at her.

“Go to class.” Her words held a warning.

“I said I was,” he snapped. He lifted his chin to Jolin then walked past him into the hall. “Later.”

The bell announcing the end of lunch sent a mass of students into the halls. Ren hadn’t moved. Jolin let the crowd push him toward her until his chest brushed her shoulder. Her hair hung over her face so he couldn’t see her expression. Without thinking, he reached out and brushed it over her shoulder. The red mark on her cheek had faded but the purple bruise on her hair line caught his attention. She flinched away from him. Jolin’s stomach clenched at the thought of her shying away from his touch. It killed him that she thought he only wanted another blow job.

The noise of the hall was deafening. He needed to act fast or she was going to leave him standing here. He leaned in. “Did you eat?”

Her head barely moved, but he caught the sway of her hair when she shook it.

“Want to get out of here?”

She grabbed her bag off the floor and turned to walk down the hall. Jolin followed, praying they were heading to the parking lot and not Calculus. He watched her rainbow hair move back and forth as he tried to keep up. Years of walking as a powerful group left him lacking at the dodge and weave skills needed to maneuver the hallway. She, however, was an expert.

The halls opened up when they got closer to the exit doors. He sped up a little to stay with a group of students so it wasn’t obvious he was getting ready to bail.

When the sunlight of the outside hit his face, he let out the breath he’d been holding. He no longer had the privilege of popularity, and he wasn’t sure how this would play out tomorrow, but right now he wanted to be with Ren. Alone.

Jolin lost Ren in the hall but could see her waiting by the car. Not sitting on it. Not even leaning on it. He jogged over.

Jolin unlocked his door then leaned over to unlock hers. She slid in, placing her bag on her lap exactly like the night before.

He didn’t ask her where she wanted to go. He already knew where he was going to take her. Jolin backed out and drove them out of the parking lot. He could hear her breathing heavy. He glanced over to check if she was crying, but her hair fell forward again and shielded her face. Jolin didn’t say anything while he drove to a small diner on the edge of town. They wouldn’t run the risk of being seen by any parents there. He pulled into a parking spot and turned the engine off.

“Stay here and I’ll get some food.” Join jumped out before she could argue. Ren’s hard shell was down, and he wasn’t sure how to handle it. It was easier to banter with her hard ass persona.

Jolin grabbed some burgers, fries, and drinks. When he got back to the car hehalf expected her to have disappeared. But she was still there.

“Got some b-b-burgers.The b-b-best in town. Not everybody knows b-b-because they d-d-don’t come this far out. My D-D-Dad and I use to come out here all the t-t-time.”

Ren’s breathing was calmer, but she still wasn’t talking.

“We don’t talk much. He moved and is busy with the police force.” Jolin got back on the road and headed to a small picnic area by the river. It was deserted when they pulled in but he still parked in the back lot, to keep their skipping less obvious.

Ren sighed before she climbed out of the car. Jolin waited until she slammed the door before gathering all the food and drinks and followed her. She chose a table in the sun. The cool air off the river left it a bit chilly. He was thankful he still wore his letterman jacket. Ren wore a pair of pants with thick black and pea green stripes. Her familiar thick brown belt hung low on her waist. On her feet were her black combat boots. She shivered through the baggy sweater draped across her shoulders. He thought about giving her his coat, but didn’t think she’d accept it. She climbed onto the table and sat down. Jolin sat on the bench below her, laid out the food and handed her a burger.


“Ah. She speaks.” He chuckled.

“So your dad’s a copper, huh?”

“Guess so.”

“Must be nice if you get in trouble. Get off pretty easy with a cop for a dad.”

“I tend to be a bit of a disappointment to him so if I did need to get bailed out I think he’d leave me to rot a few days before showing up.”

“At least he’d eventually show up.” Ren leaned back and leveled her gaze at him. “Why do you think you’re a disappointment? I’d think every dad on Earth would kill for a kid like you.”

Jolin shook his head. “I think you greatly overestimate my appeal.”

“You’re a star on the field, Mr. Popular, good grades…blah, blah, blah.” She flung her hand around.

“Yeah well things aren’t always what they seem.”

They ate in silence for a few minutes before Ren blurted out, “Why do you keep following me?”

Jolin choked on his hamburger. Taking a drink he cleared his throat. “Are you accusing m-m-me of st-st-stalking you?”

“If the shoe fits.” Her long fingers picked at the bun on her burger. The cuticles around the chipped black polish were red and raw.

“We’re lab p-p-partners. I’m supposed to work with you which isn’t st-st-stalking it’s being p-p-partners.” He tossed a fry in his mouth.

“Didn’t you already eat?” Her green eyes took his breath away. Jolin waited too long to respond and her gaze turned to irritated. “Hello?”

“What? Yeah. Well school food d-d-doesn’t really count as eating.” Although now that he wasn’t playing ball, he might need to watch his food intake.

The corner of her mouth twitched at his comment.

“I’m not st-st-stalking you. I was simply m-m-making sure you were okay,” he defended.

“Why do you care?” She finally took a bite of the burger. Her eyes closed and he swore he heard her moan. Jolin realized his mouth was hanging open and closed it before she noticed.

“This is a really good burger.” She took another big bite. She ate like she hadn’t had food in a while.

“Hungry?” He laughed.

She hit him in the shoulder with her knee. Jolin pretended to be hurt and fell to the side.

“Oh no. I did it again. Are you okay?” She jumped off the table and knelt beside him, rubbing his shoulder.

Jolin sat up and met her concerned expression. He couldn’t stop his gaze from dropping to her lips. “Can I k-k-kiss you?” he whispered.

Her lids went heavy at his words, but before he could feel her lips on his the shield he’d become so use to pushed the softness out of her eyes. She stood up and lightly hit him in the back of the head. “Asshole.”

“Not the f-f-first time I’ve b-b-been called that today.” Jolin fell back onto the bench, rolling to lie on his back.

“Is it identify an asshole day?” She climbed back on the table and grabbed her drink. His stomach jumped watching her lips wrap around the straw. She stopped drinking and glared at him. “I think we need to get something straight. This…” She pointed from her to him. “Whatever you think is happening. Isn’t happening.”

“We’re lab p-p-partners.” That was the label he’d told everyone else so he might as well use it on her.

She spit soda out of her mouth laughing.

Jolin sat up straddling the bench. “What?”

“You think I’m going to give you another blow job.” She was so blunt he was at a loss.

His mouth opened and shut a few times before he found the words he wanted. “T-t-technically you d-d-did not give me a b-b-blow job so it would be impossible to give me a second one”

She laughed. He took it as a good sign. He’d meant to lighten the mood. “Is there a technical definition?”

“Well…” He thought for a minute. “I think the n-n-name indicates that there is to be a…” He tapped his chin. “Well that something has to

Her eyes got huge. “I can’t believe Casanova just said that to me.”

Jolin shrugged. “Just s-s-saying.”

“Are you complaining?”

“No. And I’m n-n-not expecting a r-r-repeat p-p-performance.”

“Because you’re with Elizabeth,” she stated.

He shrugged.

Her shoulders relaxed a little. Maybe they could get past the rumors. “She’ll be pissed when she found out we cut together.”

“I like you R-R-Ren. I’m n-n-not asking you to finish what you st-st-started.” He reached out and touched her knee. “I think we should be friends.”

“Don’t you have to check with your subjects? Last time I checked they weren’t accepting new members into the kingdom.”

“I can be friends with who I want.” Jolin tried to sound convincing but he knew it fell flat.

“You got hit harder on the head than I thought if you believe that.”

“I think my reign is being questioned by a new king. I’m going out on my own and I would like you to be my first non-douche bag friend.”

“Although that sounds inviting, I can’t. Friends don’t ask eachother for kisses. Other than being your lab partner, I can’t do this with you again. Don’t come and get me at work. Stop getting involved in my life.”

“I can’t p-p-promise that.”

She shifted, and his hand fell off her knee. “You haven’t lost your title yet. Don’t be so quick to hand it over. Stay away from me.”

“I don’t think I can,” he whispered.

“You better try.” She slid off the table to take her trash over to the can. “I need to get to work. Can you take me?”

“Can I p-p-pick you up?” He walked over to the car and leaned on the roof. “I need t-t-to make sure you aren’t m-m-mugged on the way home b-b-because that would interfere with our p-p-project getting done.”

Her mouth twitched again, but she suppressed the smile. How he wanted to see her smile.

“Lab partners, that’s it. Don’t come get me tonight. Quill is going to be home so he said he’d pick me up.” She climbed into the car leaving him standing outside.

Relationships starting with lies were never good, but he would tell her whatever she wanted to hear as long as he got to see her. If lab partners made her comfortable then that’s what they’d be.


Friday, October 18

10:45 p.m.

Ren saw Jolin’s car pull up outside The Perk around ten thirty. Somehow she knew he’d be there.

For some unknown reason he’d made her his project.

“Ren?” Brenda stepped behind the counter. “Your ride seems to be here.”

“I told him not to come.” Ren turned the knob to steam her next customer’s milk.

“An admirer then?” she teased.

“My lab partner slash stalker.”

She tilted her head back and laughed. “Love over chemicals.”

“That would be if we had chem together. It’s more like love over species and petri dishes.”

“Be nice, Ren.” She rubbed her arm. “Go ahead and leave. I’ll sweep up tonight.”

“No. I need the hours.”

Brenda sighed but agreed to let her close the shop. Left on her own she turned up the music and mopped the floor. Stopping by the plate glass window she snuck a look at Jolin. He had his seat tipped back and looked like he was sleeping. His head lifted and a slow smile formed. Without thinking she let her mouth smile back at him. His smile got bigger in response. She shook her head and turned to finish sweeping.

She rushed through her list of duties and changed back into her street clothes. She’d tried hard to keep Jolin at a distance. Brock lent her out to Jolin with no intention of letting her go. It didn’t matter if she liked him. She couldn’t have him. Even if Brock was out of the picture she couldn’t let feelings knock her off track. She had a family to support and in a few months she would get Quill and herself out of here. Her feelings weren’t a factor. But someone should have told her heart that.

The smile Jolin gave her made her stomach jump. She deserved a little slice of happiness before she walked back through the doors of her hell hole. After the last boyfriend incident Quill told her he’d be home when she got there. She only hoped he didn’t get stoned or drunk and forget about her.

“Hey, babe.”

Ren froze, the smile slipping from her lips. Fuck.

Brock came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her temple. She met Jolin’s stare and shook her head no.
Please don’t get out of the car. Please leave this alone.

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