Read Serendipity (Inevitable) Online

Authors: Janet Nissenson

Serendipity (Inevitable) (56 page)

BOOK: Serendipity (Inevitable)
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Travis shooed Nathan away from the hospital bed as he carefully sat down on the edge. “But he looks twice as bad as you do. You should have told me to bring you a clean shirt, Nate. Ugh, glad I already had my dinner because you look very unappetizing right now. Go over to that chair and eat your dinner there, out of my sight.”

Scowling, Nathan did as he bid and took out the to-go order of pasta vongole, green salad, and garlic bread that Travis had brought, along with a can of soda. When Travis was satisfied that Nathan was digging into the food, he turned his attention back to Julia.

“I didn’t think to ask, sweetie. Should I have brought something for you to eat?” he asked in concern.

She grimaced and shook her head. “For once in my life, I’m not the least bit hungry. The pain meds are making me a little nauseous, I think. They brought me some broth and Jell-O awhile ago. That was more than I could manage.”

Travis shook his head as he gently clasped her hand. “Who’d have thought Cameron was actually capable of something like this? Jesus, when Nathan called me from the ER I thought I’d pass out. Why in the world were you at her condo to begin with?”

Yawning sleepily, Julia told him how Cameron’s employee at the gallery had duped her. Nathan chimed in between bites of pasta, confirming that the police had talked to the tearful young woman, who’d had no idea of Cameron’s real intent. She’d been under the impression that all she was doing was playing a little practical joke on a friend of Cameron’s.

Travis expressed his sympathies, told her that Anton sent his love, and assured her that she was to take the rest of the week off from work and longer if needed. It was only when Nathan touched his arm and motioned him outside the hospital room with a tilt of his head that Travis realized Julia had fallen asleep.

“You really do look like shit,” he told Nathan as they stepped into the hallway. “You’re going to have to throw that shirt out, probably the tie, too.”

Nathan shrugged. “Like I give a fuck. When I think about what Cameron was intending to do, what could have happened to Julia if she hadn’t gotten lucky – what a fucking disaster. And I feel responsible. I knew how unhinged Cameron had become, how she was stalking us. I should have called the police. Or hired a bodyguard. Something.”

“The police haven’t located her yet?”

Nathan shook his head. “They’ve got patrols stationed by her condo, the gallery, her parents’ home. Of course they’re keeping a watch on her credit card and passport to make sure she doesn’t try to get a flight out. But nothing yet.”

“Unbelievable. I mean, I always knew she was a coldhearted bitch but I never thought she’d be capable of actually trying to kill someone,” mused Travis. “Bet her old man is shitting a brick.”

“Good. He deserves to suffer, the evil old dick,” muttered Nathan. “Thank God I never had to suffer having him as my father-in-law. What the hell was I thinking?”

Travis gave him a reassuring pat on the back. “Hey, Cameron could certainly be charming and fun and engaging. That’s the side of her she made sure you saw. Obviously, the breakup made something inside of her snap. And before you say anything,” he pointed a warning finger, “that was
your fault. She’s probably been a little crazy most of her life. It wouldn’t have taken much at all to push her over the edge.”

Nathan sighed. “I don’t dare tell Julia this, at least not now. When the police interviewed her employees at the gallery, nearly every one of them expressed concern about her erratic behavior these past few months. Last week – Jesus – she slashed the two Benoits she owned, just destroyed two of the most valuable paintings in the whole gallery.”

“Crazy fucking bitch,” muttered Travis. “You’re right – Julia doesn’t need to know that, maybe not ever. And please tell me you weren’t planning on going back to your condo tonight. Crazy bitch might be waiting there for you.”

Nathan hesitated. “She’d have a hell of a time getting past security, especially since the police have already notified them to be on the alert. But I figured on staying at Julia’s since its closer to the hospital.”

“My place is even closer. You’ll stay in our guest room, it’s the most sensible solution. If the police haven’t found Cameron by tomorrow, you should hire security. Thank God we took precautions at the office weeks ago and already have them in place.”

Nathan nodded tiredly and was about to reply when his phone rang. He frowned when he didn’t recognize the number but answered it anyway. Travis watched with concern as he paled, and then closed his eyes. Nathan turned away and walked down the hall a short distance, obviously intent on keeping the conversation private. It was several minutes later when he walked back to where Travis stood, visibly shaken.

“That was the detective in charge of this case,” he told a concerned Travis. “They – Christ – they found Cameron. She rammed her car into a concrete wall at the end of a cul-de-sac about five miles from her place. She’s dead – probably died on impact. Holy fuck, Travis.”

As Nathan swayed slightly, Travis grabbed hold of his arm and steered him around the corner from the nurses’ station to a visitors waiting area. Both men sank down to sit on the padded bench.

“I’m sorry, Nate,” said Travis gently. “Despite all of her craziness, I realize she was still your girlfriend for two years. This must be upsetting for you.”

Nathan waved a hand in dismissal. “Not in the way you think. Sorry, but that bitch deserved everything she got for what she tried to do to Julia. You won’t see me mourning her or attending her funeral. Any feelings I had for her are long gone. No, I’m just relieved this whole fucking mess is over. Julia and I don’t have to keep worrying about her any longer.”

Travis winked. “And now you can ask Julia to marry you.”

In spite of the hell he’d been through in the past several hours, Nathan grinned. “All in good time, my friend. All in good time.”


New Year’s Eve

“Have I thanked you for wearing that dress tonight? Especially since I know it’s really not meant for New Year’s Eve weather in Paris.”

Julia smiled and took a sip of her French champagne. “You haven’t thanked me but the look in your eyes is all the thanks I need. And yes, it’s a little lightweight for winter in France, but you’ll just have to make sure you keep me real warm.”

Nathan chuckled. “Oh, baby, you have no idea how hot I’m going to make you tonight. We’ll probably have to turn the air conditioner on to cool off.”

She raised a dainty brow. “Mmm, I hope our suite is suitably soundproofed. We might get kicked out of the Plaza Athenee for making too much noise.”

He clinked his champagne flute against hers. “If you’re trying to challenge me, you should know better by now. Especially when it comes to making you scream during sex.”

Julia’s cheeks pinkened and she glanced around the restaurant uncertainly. “Shhh. I know we’re in Paris but I’m guessing most of the people here understand English. Especially the S-E-X word.”

Nathan leaned over the table, tipping her chin up and giving her a lingering kiss. “Don’t worry, baby. I promise I won’t embarrass you in a three-star Michelin restaurant.”

They were dining at Le Meurice, one of the top dining establishments in Paris. Julia’s head was still spinning at the blatant luxury he’d been showering on her with this surprise trip – the trip that had been part of her Christmas gift. They had arrived two days ago – via a first-class flight, of course – and would be spending a whole week in the fabulous suite at the Plaza Athenee.

God knew they needed this time away, given everything that had happened over the past two months. Fortunately, the office was closed for two weeks over the holidays so they would only be missing a few days of work.

Physically, Julia had recovered from the bullet graze quickly, returning to work after just a few days. There was still a scar from the wound, though it was continuing to fade. With the cool fall and winter weather she’d been wearing dresses or blouses that covered the scar, which she was quite self-conscious about. And even though Nathan insisted he hardly noticed it, she was still contemplating having some minor plastic surgery done to erase the scar.

Predictably, Cameron’s father had gone to great lengths to have the real story behind his daughter’s fatal accident covered up. There had been no mention in the news of the fact that Cameron had tried to kill Julia, or that she’d crashed her car while fleeing the crime scene. Nathan had been furious that the truth had been buried away, wanting people to know what an evil, twisted bitch Cameron had really been. But Julia had felt quite differently, convincing him that all she really wanted was to forget the whole awful mess.

Her parents had arrived for their scheduled visit just a few days after the incident, and both had hugged her tight, Natalie visibly weeping. They had spent the first day and night of their visit just hanging out at Julia’s flat, not wanting to be separated from their precious daughter whom they’d come too close to losing.

Julia had indulged them for one day, and then insisted on sticking to their original plans after that. Going out and having fun had been the best medicine, taking her mind off the trauma she’d suffered.

With Robert’s input, Nathan had finalized the plans for the Tiburon house, and just a few weeks earlier had decided on a contractor. Groundbreaking on the house was due to start sometime in February, and by this time next year they would hopefully be celebrating New Year’s Eve at the new place.

They’d flown out to Michigan to spend Thanksgiving with his family, though Nathan had seen very little of Julia during their visit. His overjoyed mother had monopolized a great deal of Julia’s time - taking her shopping, introducing her to friends, and spending hours just chatting. Julia had loved meeting the rest of Nathan’s family – his sister-in-law Brooke and young nephew Damien, and his younger brother Greg. There were also a host of other relatives who stopped in for a visit during their stay –grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins as well as neighbors and old friends from school. Julia’s head had been spinning from meeting so many people in such a short period of time. It was evident that the Atwoods were a very sociable, funloving family, and some of the larger gatherings were a bit overwhelming for her at times.

December had been a crazy month, between the demands of their jobs, a round of holiday parties, and Christmas shopping. They had set up two Christmas trees – one at each of their places. Nathan had decided to hold on to his condo for now, given that the Tiburon house would be ready in about a year’s time, and they would just continue to split their time between their two residences until then.

They left for Carmel the day before Christmas Eve, having agreed to exchange their gifts before departing. Nathan had been touched by the things she’d chosen with such care for him – an Omega watch he’d looked at several times during shopping excursions, a pair of gold and onyx cufflinks, a black wool overcoat, and – his favorite – a charcoal sketch she’d drawn of him without his knowledge when they had visited her parents back in October.

He’d given her a lingering kiss. “You are so talented, Julia. I swear you missed your calling. You could be as successful as your mother if you really wanted to.”

She’d shrugged. “
is not possible, but I must admit I’d love to find the time to draw more often. But, you see, I’ve got this employer who just works me like a slave.”

“Mmm, especially after hours,” he’d told her suggestively. “I’m not surprised you don’t have more time or energy to draw. I hear that boss of yours is very demanding.”

“Oh, he is,” Julia had agreed mischievously. “Most days he’s so demanding I can barely walk the next morning.”

Nathan had grinned, drawing her onto his lap for a cuddle. “Thank you for such wonderful presents, baby. Now it’s my turn.”

Her first present had turned out to be a brand new silver BMW sedan. With Angela’s help, he’d managed to smuggle it into the garage downstairs. Julia had been speechless upon seeing it, and he’d had to open the driver’s door and urge her inside.

As they had taken the car for a test drive around the neighborhood, Nathan had told her, “I got tired of all the excuses you kept giving for why you didn’t need a car. But when you move in with me to the new house, you’ll definitely need wheels to commute back and forth every day.”

That had provoked a raised brow from Julia. “Is that right? And here I wasn’t sure I’d even be invited to this new place, much less live there.”

Nathan had snorted in derision. “Oh, please. Your father made sure that the damned walk-in closet was big enough for all your stuff. It’s certainly way too big for my paltry wardrobe. So you have to move in. Besides, you promised me free decorating advice, so the least I can do is give you free rent in return.”

Stupidly, Julia had felt her eyes fill with tears, and had impatiently brushed them away. “I would love to live with you in your dream house.”

“Correction, baby.
dream house.”

As over-the-top extravagant as the new car had been, it was his next gift that had really made her swoon.

“Paris!” she’d squealed in delight. “You’re taking me to Paris for New Year’s Eve?”

Julia had studied the itinerary – with the flight and hotel information – as well as the hotel brochure carefully, and this time the tears had indeed spilled from her eyes. She’d flung her arms around his neck, kissing him thoroughly, before resting her head on his shoulder.

“I can’t imagine a more perfect way to celebrate the New Year than with my lover in the City of Love,” she’d murmured. “Aunt Maddy took me to Paris when I was eighteen for Fashion Week, but I hardly got to see any sights. And seeing Paris with your aunt isn’t anywhere near the same as being there with your man. Thank you, Nathan. I think this is the best gift ever.”

He had grinned in delight. “Oh, I can think of a better gift. In fact, I’m holding it in my arms right now.” He’d dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Merry Christmas, baby. I love you so much, Julia. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t give you if it was in my power.”

BOOK: Serendipity (Inevitable)
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