Serendipity (Inevitable) (45 page)

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Authors: Janet Nissenson

BOOK: Serendipity (Inevitable)
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He’d been too busy the rest of the morning to call his parents, and the more he thought about it the more he wanted Julia with him – on speakerphone – when he told them.

Unfortunately, he’d had a lunch meeting with clients that he couldn’t re-schedule, so it was mid-afternoon before he saw Julia again. She, too, had been in a meeting and was just finishing up with her clients in the small conference room when he happened to walk by. The clients were an older couple – late fifties, perhaps early sixties – and judging by their well-groomed, well-dressed appearances, quite well-to-do.

Julia looked extremely pleased to see him and introduced her clients. “Burt – Diana – let me introduce you to the co-owner of our firm – Nathan Atwood. He heads the architectural division. Nathan – these are our clients, Burt and Diana Newton.”

Nathan shook hands with the couple. “A pleasure to meet you both. I trust your meeting with Ms. McKinnon went well?”

“Oh, goodness, yes,” gushed Diana. “What fabulous ideas she has for our place. Burt and I just moved to the city from Hillsborough, and none of our furniture really fits into our new space.”

“Downsizing,” explained Burt. “We had an eight thousand square foot mansion, but with our kids all grown up and scattered across the country it was way too big for us. We always wanted to live in the big city so now we’re in a condo on Russian Hill.”

“Well, San Francisco is an exciting place to live, and I’m happy you chose our firm to help you realize your dream. And equally happy that Ms. McKinnon has been able to give you some design ideas.” He fished a business card from his jacket pocket and handed it to Diana. “Please, if I can be of any assistance, don’t hesitate to call me.”

The Newtons exchanged a look and nodded as Diana took the card. “Thank you, Nathan,” she beamed. “Once we get settled into our new home, we might be looking to remodel a vacation home we also own near Lake Tahoe. I assume you handle that type of project?”

“Absolutely. I’d be delighted to assist you with that if and when the time comes. A pleasure to meet both of you.” Then he added to Julia, “Could you stop by my office for a moment when you’re finished? I have a small matter to discuss.”

Julia gave him a secretive little smile. “Of course. I’ll be there shortly.”

She was true to her word, hovering in the doorway of his office five minutes later. “You wanted to see me – sir?” she asked saucily.

He grinned and beckoned her in, relieved to see that Robyn wasn’t at her desk. “I did. Come in and shut the door.”

The second the door shut he was on her, sweeping her into an embrace and lifting her feet off the floor. She squealed in surprise, her hands gripping his biceps until he set her down.

“I missed you,” he murmured huskily, his lips tracing a hot path down the side of her throat. “It’s been hours since I’ve seen you. And even longer since I fucked you.”

She traced her fingers along the buttons of his shirt. “You’re insatiable, aren’t you? How many orgasms have you had in the past seventy-two hours?”

His lips trailed across her shoulder blades to the upper curves of her breasts. “Too many to count, but not nearly enough to satisfy me.” His hand slid down her back to cup the luscious curves of her butt, and held her still as he slowly ground his rapidly hardening erection against her cleft. “It’s your fault, baby. All I’ve been able to think about all day is how you look in this sexy dress, and the even sexier little bits you’ve got on underneath.”

She gave a little sound of pleasure as his thumb brushed over her nipple. “Ah, God, that feels so good.”

Nathan ran a hand up and down the side of her hip. “As gorgeous as you look in this dress, I wish like hell it wasn’t so tight. It makes it that much harder to pull up the skirt so I can fuck you.”

She nibbled on his earlobe. “I am not letting you fuck me here in your office.

“It’s okay. We have Travis’ permission.” He laughingly told her what Travis had said earlier that day.

Julia’s mouth dropped open. “That pervert. I’ll bet he’d get off on eavesdropping, too. Or even watching.”

He threaded his hands into her hair, holding her head still as he kissed her long and deep and wet. “Mmm, does that idea turn you on? Do you like the idea of other people watching you get fucked?”

She moaned as he slid a hand to her crotch and rubbed her ultra-sensitive flesh through the fabric of her dress. “Oh, God, that feels so good. But, no, I only want your eyes on me. I mean, kissing and stuff is fine in public to a degree, but I don’t really go for heavy PDA.”

He moved his hand and simply held her against him. “Good. I know some guys get off on voyeurism but I want you all to myself. I don’t even like anybody seeing these beautiful tits, much less watching me fuck you. It was driving me crazy just seeing the way that dirty old man was looking at you.”

“What?” She lifted her head from his shoulder and stared at him. “Who are you talking about?”

“Your new client. Burt. Oh, he was trying like hell to be discreet, especially since the missus was right there, but he was definitely sneaking peeks at these beauties.” He trailed a finger over the swell of her breasts.

Julia flushed. “Come on, that’s not true. I mean, he’s older than my dad, for God’s sake. That’s just – eww – ten kinds of creepy.”

“I agree. But the dude is old, not dead, and he’s still a man so therefore he’s going to admire the goods.”

She grimaced. “Great. Next time I meet them I’ll be sure to wear something less revealing.”

“Yeah, well, I’ve seen your closet. There isn’t much in there that isn’t revealing in one way or another. And as many clothes as you have, I might have to make a few additions to your wardrobe.”

“Like what?” she asked, frowning.

He gave her a playful swat on the ass. “Like some fuller skirts so it’s easier to pull them up and bare this sweet little butt.” He squeezed on round cheek. “One day soon I’m going to have you in here. Bend you over that sofa there, pull your dress up, and mount you. Fuck you until you’re raw and shaking, until you can’t walk a straight line.”

“Stop,” she pleaded. “You’re making me so horny I can’t bear it. And my panties are already soaked.”

“Really?” He grinned naughtily. “Well, I have an extra pair around here somewhere.”

Aware of her gaze on him, he pulled out the file drawer and fished around until he found the infamous pair of pink lace underwear. He twirled them around on his finger.

“These look familiar?”

Julia laughed. “I can’t believe you’ve kept them all this time. Did you used to take them out and stare at them or something?”

Nathan was suddenly serious. “Actually, yes. Not often – I used to have to fight the urge all the time. But sometimes I just couldn’t resist and I’d have to touch them. I know I sound like a total pervert, but they were the only thing I had of yours.”

“I guess it’s sort of romantic – in a pervy sort of way,” she admitted.

“So do you want them or not?”

“You mean to change into now?” She shook her head. “I kind of like the idea of having wet panties for the rest of the day. It makes the anticipation that much hotter.”

“Exactly what are you anticipating, baby?”

She paused with her hand on the doorknob. “That you’re going to eat me out, and then lick up all the juice running down my legs right now. For starters.”

He closed his eyes, his erection growing to painful, throbbing proportions. “Jesus, baby. You’re damned right that’s just for starters. I’m glad I had a big lunch. I’ve got a feeling I’ll be burning off a lot of calories tonight.”

She slipped her index finger into her mouth, sucking it before running it over her bottom lip. “You’d better have an afternoon snack, too. You’ve made me really, really horny.” She blew him a kiss. “Love you, baby.”

He sank down helplessly into his chair as she sashayed out of his office, mentally calculating how many hours it would be until he could be inside of her again.

Julia glanced around the interior of the restaurant uncertainly, before looking back at Nathan. “Are you sure we ought to be here? I know for a fact that several people from the office eat here all the time.”

‘Here’ was a bar and grill just around the corner from the office that served comfort food, but was usually frequented by their co-workers more for the drinks. It was the establishment of choice in the office for celebratory birthdays, promotions, snagging big projects, etc.

Nathan shrugged, seeming completely unconcerned with that fact. “So what? Baby, the news that we’re together is bound to get around eventually. Your boss is the worst secret keeper I’ve ever met, so I’m amazed he hasn’t told everyone in the office already.” He reached across the table and captured her hand. “Besides, I want everyone to know we’re together. I’ve had to hide my feelings for you for too long, Julia. Right now I’m about ready to shout at the top of my lungs that I’m crazy in love with you.”

She couldn’t help the warm, tingly feeling that rippled through her whole being at his earnestly spoken words. “Love you too, honey.” She took a sip of her water. “By the way, I got an email from Lauren earlier today. She said to tell you you’re welcomed, and that you still owe her a really expensive dinner.”

He grinned. “That I do. When is your terrorizing twin due back stateside?”

“In about ten days. Why do you ask?”

“Will she be hanging around awhile or heading back to her home? Where exactly does she live anyway?”

“Lauren lives in a cabin in Big Sur,” she told him. “A cabin that my father built by himself and where he was living when he met our mother. He was really just getting started as an architect, and Mom was spending her first summer after college on the coast to find inspiration for her paintings.”

“I take it she found that and more.”

Julia nodded. “Love at first sight they tell me. They were living together in that cabin before the summer was half over, and the rest is history. But they kept the cabin even after Dad built the house in Carmel, and Lauren always talked about living there someday.”

“But not you?”

She gave a small shudder. “No. I mean, its beautiful there and a great little getaway. But I always loved my visits to New York to see my grandparents and Aunt Maddy. From the time I was a little girl I always wanted to live in or at least near a big city.”

He kissed her hand. “I’ll take you back to New York one day soon. Book a room at the Plaza. And be there when you wake up the next morning.”

“I’d like that.” She caressed his cheek. “And I’d love for you to meet my aunt, too.”

“Not to mention your parents. Have you told them about me yet?”

“Yes. Not the part that we met in New York, or that you just broke off your engagement,” she added. “As far as I’m concerned, they don’t need to know any of that. All they need to know is that I’ve met the man of my dreams, and that I’m insanely in love with him.”

“Ditto. And speaking of parents, I understand my mother called you again. How many times does this make?”

Julia smiled, not the least bit annoyed that Alexis had phoned her several times over the last ten days. She and Nathan had called his parents together and told them the news. As expected, Alexis in particular had been over the moon, and had insisted on getting Julia’s phone number.

“Not really that many. This morning’s call was four times, I think. She called to officially invite me to Thanksgiving.”

“Christ, that’s over four months from now,” he replied in exasperation. “Let me know if she calls too often, okay? She can be a bit of a pest. And speaking of calling - that reminds me. Give me your phone for a minute, baby.”

Puzzled, she took her phone from her brown leather satchel and handed it to him, then watched as he started scrolling and typing. “What are you doing?”

Nathan’s mouth tightened. “I went ahead this morning and changed both my cell and home numbers. I want you to be the first to have them.”

“Why did you have to change them? Oh. Has it really gotten that bad?” she asked in concern.

Within forty eight hours of their breakup, Cameron had begun calling, texting, and emailing Nathan incessantly. At first the tone of her messages had been needy, pleading, begging him to reconcile and take her back. Then they had gradually become angry, insulting and borderline threatening. That was when Nathan had changed the locks on his condo, having neglected to get his keys back from Cameron. He’d blocked her email address and deleted her from his list of friends on Facebook. But he hadn’t been able to block her phone calls so changing his numbers had been a last resort.

“Yeah, it was getting to be a pain. Giving everyone my new numbers is also going to be a huge pain but it’ll be worth it. I’ve already told Reception to put Cameron’s calls directly to voice mail. And Travis and I have already discussed the idea of hiring a temporary security guard for the reception area if necessary.”

A shiver ran up Julia’s spine. “God, Nathan. Do you really think it’s going to get that bad?”

“I hope not. But some of her texts and emails were getting pretty nasty. And if she can’t get through to me any other way, it’s certainly a possibility that she’ll drop by unannounced and try to make a scene. Thank God she doesn’t have your contact info or knows where you live.”

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