Read September Wind Online

Authors: Kathleen Janz-Anderson

September Wind (32 page)

BOOK: September Wind
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The time had come for her final chance to meet Samuel Dimsmoore. It was only two days away. She’d already talked to Bruce about taking her to San Francisco. Since it hadn’t worked out the last time, she wanted to be certain he’d be around on Friday.

She walked through the kitchen to pick up a snack on the way out and found Pearl mixing up a batter of biscuits. Gabriel came from the pantry with a jar of jelly in each hand. She gave Emily a timid smile, set the jars on the table and headed for the basement. On her way down, she called back up, “How many potatoes?”

Pearl used her apron to wipe the flour off her hands. “At least a dozen. Same as usual.” She kicked the basement door shut on her way to the refrigerator. “Stupid girl. Can’t even remember to close a door.”

Emily reached for an orange and yanked back the peel. She was tempted to tell that moody little woman not to be so mean, but guessed that would only make things worse. “Hey, Pearl, do you know where I might find Bruce?”


Auh, probably fiddling with one of the Model T’s Bud left behind. You’d think that ninny would find better things to do with his time.” She stopped and glowered up at Emily. “What do you want with him, anyway?”


Nothing much. Just have a question for him.”


I hope you’re not…”


Just a question, Pearl,” Emily said, so irritated she had to bite her tongue so as not to say more. That got Pearl out of sorts long enough for her to slip out the back door.

To the far east of the house was a fenced-in area bordered by various trees, shrubs, and flowers where the garages and other quaint buildings were kept. She made her way through the gate, picked out the most conspicuous building and walked inside. Sure enough, there was Bruce polishing a Model T.


Hi, Bruce.”

He looked up, surprised to see her. “Kids too much for you?” he asked, his tone joking.


No. Not at the moment, anyway. I was just wondering if you’re still available to run me into San Francisco on Friday. Remember, I mentioned it a few weeks back?”


Sure, I remember. Well, let’s see, today’s Wednesday. Mr. Schillings won’t be back until Sunday, so I think we’re set. What time did you have in mind?”


I have an appointment around noon.”


Okay, then I guess you’d better show up, let’s say, around ten thirty?”


You’re a life-saver, Bruce. Thanks.”

She stood watching him, trying to get up enough nerve to ask about the letter.

It was nearly a minute before he realized she was still there. “Is there something else?”


Yeah, there is. I was just wondering if that letter I gave you… if it went out okay?”


Oh, yes… well, actually, Mr. Schillings noticed it and offered to mail it for me.”

A cool rush of blood swept across her face and down her bare arms.


Is something the matter?” he asked.


Uhm... no, no, everything’s fine, just thinking about my appointment.” She gave her left cheek a pat and chuckled. “Dentists always make me nervous.”


Ha, you and me both. So then, we’ll see you on Friday.”

She left for the house, trying to convince herself her boss would have no reason not to mail her letter. All she could do was to hope for the best.

She went upstairs to check on the children, and as she approached Nathan’s room, she heard a strange noise coming from inside. When she poked her head in the doorway, there in the corner was a skunk digging in a wastebasket. The container was on its side and the little animal was squeaking with delight as it pulled everything out onto the floor. She closed the door and went to warn Maria.


Whatever you do, stay out of Nathan’s room. He’s got a skunk in there.”


Uuh, you sure?”


Yeah, it’s a skunk all right. Anyway, I’m going down to find him, so stay out.”

Maria got up and stood in the doorway, watching Emily cross to the staircase. “I think he went for a snack.”

She found Nathan in the kitchen pouring Corn Flakes into a bowl, and tried to keep her voice low so Pearl wouldn’t hear. “What’s a skunk doing in your room?”

              The squat woman was hunched over a flour bin, and when she heard Emily’s voice, she looked around the counter. “Now what’s up?”


Nothing to worry about,” Emily said lightly, then got up next to Nathan’s ear. “Get Bruce up to your room, young man, and make it snappy.”

On her way out, she caught Pearl’s eye and acknowledged her with a wave. “We’ve got it under control,” she assured her.

As she headed around the corner and down the foyer, she could hear the loud admonishing aimed at Nathan. A moment later, the back door slammed and she knew he had made his escape.

Back upstairs, she found Maria outside her brother’s bedroom.

They both had an ear pressed against the door when Nathan came up the steps with Bruce.

Why would you bring a stinky ole skunk in the house, Nathan?” Maria scolded.

“It’s just a baby one,” he corrected her.

Bruce stepped in front of the door with a box in hand.               “That makes no difference, son. Well, what’s done is done, but the sooner I get it outside the better.”


What in Aunt Matilda is going on?” They all turned as Pearl pulled herself up the stairs, hanging onto the banister for dear life.

Her eyes settled on the box as she took the last step. She leaned against the railing, her chest heaving as she gasped for air. “All right, Nathan... what’ve you done now?”

He lowered his eyes.


A skunk,” Maria said, trying not to laugh. “He’s got a skunk in his room.”


A skunk?” Pearl clutched the rail with one hand and wagged a finger with the other. “You know better, young man.” She stopped for another breath. “What’s your father gonna say? Remember how upset he was about the squirrel you brought up?”


That was a long time ago.”


Like that makes a difference. And what if that creature lets go in there?”

Bruce was beginning to look amused and came to the boy’s rescue. “That’s why I suggest you go down and gather up all the vinegar you can find.”




Yes, vinegar, to kill the odor.”

She groaned and headed back down the stairs, grumbling all the way.

Bruce opened the door and peeked inside. “I think you guys better skedaddle.”

Skedaddle they did, down to the family room. Nathan was miserable as he dropped to the couch, doubled up, with his head in his lap.

Emily sat next to him and put a hand across his back. “What were you thinking, anyway?”


I don’t know.”

Maria knelt on the floor in front of him. “You know that father’s allergic to animals.”


But it was lost,” Nathan sniveled.


I doubt it was lost,” Emily said, ruffling his hair. “It probably just wandered off.”

Maria giggled. “Yeah, and what if its mommy and daddy and all of its brothers and sisters come for it? Boy, are you in trouble then.”

Nathan jerked his head up. “Uh-uh.”


Oh, stop teasing your brother. Actually, Nathan, it could’ve been very uncomfortable around here for a while.”


Hey, Nathan,” Bruce called from the top step leading down to the family room. “Where’d you find the skunk?”

Nathan looked forlorn as he stood to face Bruce. “It was almost up by the highway, over by the stream.”

Maria pulled herself up alongside her brother. “What were you doing all the way out there?”


Never mind, Maria,” Bruce said, sounding impatient all of a sudden. “Both of you, come along. I’ve got the skunk waiting out front. We’ll discuss it on the way over.”

After they left, Emily slumped to the couch and put her feet up. She couldn’t understand why Nathan didn’t think things through a little more; like when he took her down to the water when it was obviously off limits. She had a bad feeling about this; in fact, she’d had a bad feeling ever since Donald caught her eavesdropping on Gabriel and Erwin. He was due to return from a trip in four days and she dreaded the thought of facing him.

She closed her eyes, wondering if she should pack up and leave. If he paid her once in a while, by now she’d have enough money to get a place of her own. And to think it took her all this time to realize that was exactly why he didn’t pay her. It really got her blood to boil just thinking about it.

Maybe she should go uptown and have some fun for once. Think about herself for a change, instead of trying to please her boss. She would drink just enough to put herself in a state of tranquil bliss. Thought got her heart pumping. Maybe she’d run into Sam. She had to admit there were some moments in the Palace that had thrilled her to the bone. Sam was one of them. Him, along with the music and the brandy sizzling through her veins, making her feel alive in a way that couldn’t be matched by anything else. No, that wasn’t true, not beyond what she had felt with Michael. He made her limbs weak and her heart flutter with just a glance, that was without a drop of alcohol.

She sighed, pulled herself up, and headed outside, surprised she would even consider placing herself in a situation like that again. For the time being, she thought that living on Donald’s estate was probably the safest place for her, although how could she know what the future held?

* * * *

The next day, she was having lunch with the children on the patio, trying to give them some positive attention. It wasn’t easy. Her boss would be home in two days, and she still hadn’t discussed the water incident with Nathan.

Maria,” she said, knowing that her talk was overdue, “did Nathan mention the walk we took down to the water?”

Maria’s face turned pale. “You what?” She swung around to her brother. “You know better.” Then back to Emily. “We’re not allowed down there. Not ever!”

Emily looked back and forth between the two. “Well, I– I…”

The little girl was in tears by now. “The last time we went to the water, we got a scolding I’ll never forget. And then we were grounded to our rooms for three days.” She leaped from her chair, went around, and gave her brother a good shaking. “You really messed up this time... you brat! And I bet you’re really gonna get it.”


I’ll decide who gets what around here.”

Emily had already heard the footsteps, but the sound of his voice confirmed that Donald Schillings had arrived home early.

“Go on, get out of here!” he said rushing over, shooing the children off the patio. He lit a cigarette, blowing out a puff of smoke.

              When they scrambled down the steps, he spun around to face Emily. The veins on his neck swelled from under his collar, and the darks of his eyes pierced into hers.


I laid down my rules the first night you came, young lady. And don’t tell me you forgot.”

BOOK: September Wind
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