September Storm (9 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jernigan

BOOK: September Storm
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“I don’t believe I asked you for any.”

“Touché.  But I do want to make love to you, Dani," he whispered against her neck and heard her swift intake of breath.

"We can't.  We shouldn't.  The storm."

"Damn the storm!  Nothing we do will stop it from coming."

Adrian punctuated his statement by slipping her top over her head.  Then, feverishly, he began placing soft kisses on her chin and down her neck.

He told himself he was just distracting her from the hurricane.  But he knew better.

Dani reached out and hooked her thumbs into the back of Adrian's shorts, feeling the elastic of his briefs, the warmth of his skin.  Slowly, she slid her hand around to the front and unsnapped his jeans, questioning her sanity the whole time. She needed to stop now.  He must think she was a sex-deprived human because every time he touched her she fell willingly into his arms. Now she was shamelessly undressing him, tugging at his shorts when they wouldn't cooperate, then shoving them down.

She felt the same urgency he must be feeling. Like this might be their last time together and undeniable magnetism was drawing them irrevocably together.  She needed more of this blissful torment.  She needed Adrian close to her.  No matter how much she'd denied it all day, the undeniable and dreadful fact was she wanted Adrian.

He encircled her waist with his fingers, then lifted her up on the kitchen counter.  He pushed his index finger under the center of her bra and unsnapped it freeing her breasts.  Dani’s breath caught in her throat.  All around them lightning mixed with howling winds, protesting at being kept out of the house, warning them to be careful.  The noise all but vanished when Adrian leaned down and hungrily sucked at her nipple.

Dani gasped.  She threaded her finger through his hair. She couldn't believe they were doing something this crazy.  That was her last thought before she became lost to the splendor of his lovemaking.

Her body grew hotter as his hand moved lower, kneading and caressing her flesh, until he found that special spot.  Dani’s senses reeled as if short-circuited.  She could hear the thunder and the wind whistling around the house, but all thoughts of danger had been pushed from her mind.

Adrian captured her mouth and simultaneously dragged her against him. Spreading her thighs, he eased into her.  His hands moved gently down the length of her back as she arched her body against his silken tongue. And then the sweet ecstasy began, until they both found what they’d been looking for, their bodies in exquisite harmony with one another, soaring higher and higher until they reached the peak of delight.

The world tilted, then Dani floated back from euphoria.  She wanted to shut everything out and linger in the moment, but reality was all around her.  Her arms were still wrapped around Adrian’s neck, so she nestled her forehead beneath his chin while she waited for her breathing to return to normal.

Dani didn't know what to say or what to do.  Mostly, she didn’t know how she felt.

Confused.  Dazed.


Absolutely crazy.

Adrian eased her off the counter, letting her slide down his firm body.  "Why don't you go to the bathroom and get cleaned up? There's some water in the sink."

She drew in a shaky breath and politely said, "Thank you."  Had he sounded a little stiff--a little formal?  Why did she feel such a let down? Had she expected undying words of love  when she was sitting naked on his kitchen counter?

She picked up her jeans and top and moved to the bathroom. 
Come on, Dani, face it.  It was
sex.  Pure and simple.  Sex
.  He said he wanted no strings and, obviously, he meant it.

She had never been in a situation like this before.  Maybe this is what they called a one-
night stand, only hers was lasting the weekend. Still, their lovemaking had felt special to her, not cheap and dirty.



Adrian braced his hands on the counter. When he looked down, he realized his shorts were still around his ankles.  What in the hell was he doing?  He'd sworn off getting emotionally involved with another woman. Besides, Dani Kapur wasn't available.  She'd said so herself, though her words didn't match her actions.  He wondered if Dani really loved the absent Steven.  Or was she just used to the idea of Steven?

After Adrian adjusted his clothes, he picked up the lantern and went to check on the door one more time.  He placed several extra strips of silver duct tape over the cutting board, hoping it would hold until morning.  After this weekend, he'd definitely take a few more precautions so they would be protected next time.

He paused, wondering where the
had come from.  He shook the thought from his brain, bent down and blew out the candles. Carefully, so as not to stub his toe in the dark, Adrian made his way to the bedroom where he placed the lamp on the hearth.

Glancing around the room to see if anything else needed to be done, he felt helpless.  Mother Nature was calling all the shots.  He just hoped she'd be kind.

Dani entered the room, and Adrian cast a quick glance at her, his gaze following the sway of her hips.  He could feel himself responding again.

"It's going to be a long night, Dani.  I think we should try and get some rest.  We'll need our strength tomorrow.  I thought it would be a little safer in here."  He sat on the bed and patted the side where she should lay.

Dani wanted to laugh.  Safer!  Maybe for him, but she wasn't sure anywhere near Adrian would be safe.  He must have seen her hesitation, because he said, "I only have sleeping on my mind."

She watched him a moment longer, then reluctantly climbed onto the bed, making sure she kept a safe distance from him.  The room was dark except for the small light at the hearth and the flashes of lightening that seemed to be everywhere.

The wind howled.  The house squeaked.  All around her she heard water crashing, and she pictured their house in the middle of the ocean. Then she remembered the waves slamming against the window.  The minutes ticked by.

A zapping noise much like a gun went off across the street.  “What was that?” 
, she thought.

As if he sensed her need, Adrian reached out and pulled her next to him.  "Don't worry, Dani.  I won't let anything happen to you.  Maybe if we talk, it'll help you relax."

"Maybe," she muttered, her tone a little unsure.

"Do you have a family?"

"No.  I was hatched," Dani grumbled, then immediately regretted her thoughtlessness before she spoke.  "I'm sorry.  You're trying to be nice, and I'm being sarcastic.  Let me start again . . . my mother and father live in Dallas.  I have a sister who's a doctor and a brother who's a lawyer.  And, you might say, I'm the family failure."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because it's true," she admitted, feeling her usual worthlessness.  "I've never really accomplished anything important.  I was never the smartest in class.  I don't have a big title behind my name, a large house, or a large car." She sighed.  "I've not even accomplished the simple task of marrying Steven to make my parents happy."

And they wouldn't understand this at all.

"I believe you're being a little hard on yourself."  Adrian gave her arm a squeeze. "Surely your parents love you for who you are?"

"I didn't say they didn't love me.  I don't know.”  She shrugged.  “It's just that they're always so disappointed in me."

Adrian chuckled.  "I'm not disappointed. And one thing is for sure, we'll never forget how we met."

"Yeah, every time I hear hurricane warnings, I'll think of you."  Indeed, he reminded her of a hurricane, blustering into her life, sweeping all her logical, safe thoughts before him, then the deceptive calm, followed by what?

"At least I'll be remembered."  He rested his cheek on the top of her head, and Dani's traitorous heart flipped over.

The house shook.  Dani gasped and snuggled a little closer to Adrian.  She hated to admit it, but she did feel safe in his arms.  "Your turn. Tell me about your family."

"I come from a big family.  I've four brothers and three sisters."

That didn't really surprise her.  She could picture the big family around the dining room table filled with bowls of spaghetti and mounds of garlic bread while everyone laughed and had a good time.  "Are you the oldest or youngest?"

"Try middle.  I'm one of the lost children."

"Well, at least, nobody watched everything you did."

"That's true.  It took a lot to get noticed in my house."  She liked Adrian’s easy manner; it made her relax.

"So, what did your parents do to feed so many?"

"We're Italians.  What else--we cook.  They own a couple of restaurants in Bar Harbor."

"So you work there, too."

"I didn't say that."  He pushed up and looked at her with a raised brow.  "I said, my parents are into food."

"That's right.  I forgot.  You don't discuss your employment."  He was amazing, she thought, he seemed to have his own set of rules, which he didn't bend.  Not even for her.  She wondered what it would be like to bend Adrian just a little?  "I bet there's some good food served at your house."

"You better believe it.  Garlic runs deep in my veins."

"Listen."  Dani raised herself up on her elbows and listened.

"It’s quiet." Adrian commented.  "It must be the eye of the hurricane passing over."

"That means we're only half through."  Dani slumped back down and sighed.  "It's going to get worse."

"Precisely."  Adrian took a blanket and threw it across them.  "Listen, we need to get some sleep.  We're going to need all our wits by morning.  Do you think you can sleep?"

She snuggled closer to him.  At the moment, he was her tower of strength, her Prince Charming and Sir Galahad rolled into one. "Only if you hold me."

He slipped his arm under her neck and pulled her tightly against his length.  "I can do that."





Chapter Six



A loud crash followed by a tremendous jarring jerked Danielle out of a deep sleep.

Darkness surrounded her.  She couldn’t see and her eyes burned.

She couldn't breathe . . . And she was wet.  Not only wet, but . . . . My God, she was underwater!

With instinct born of fear, Dani flailed frantically through the water.   She needed air.  She must get to the surface.  She couldn't hold her breath much longer.

Just when she thought she wouldn't make it, her head broke through the surface, and she gulped in life-saving oxygen.  What had happened?  Coughing and sputtering, she treaded water, trying to calm her racing heart.  She had to think.

The saltwater stung her eyes like gritty grains of sand.  She blinked, wishing she could cry to clear her eyes, but she was too terrified to shed tears.

What had happened?  Her body trembled with shock.  In her dazed state, she couldn’t make sense of any of this.

"Hurricane," she remembered finally.  She had barely mumbled the word, but she’d swallowed a mouthful of water in the process.  She coughed and brought her hand up to her lips, discovering that she had something clasped between her fingers.  She couldn’t see it but she could feel that it was an orange life jacket.  She struggled into it.

The darkness obliterated everything except her fear as she floated in the chilling water with absolutely no idea where she was.  She could hear the wind, but couldn't directly feel it-- which made no sense whatsoever.  She wasn't sure how long she'd bobbed like a cork, but finally the early morning sunrise began to shed a little light, and Dani realized she was still in the house, shoved into an air pocket near the ceiling.

Water . . . bedroom . . . Adrian!

Where was he?  He'd been holding her . . . and vaguely she remembered him shoving a life jacket at her.  She had the


He couldn't be dead.  Couldn’t drown.  Not when he'd saved her life.  No.  It wasn't fair.  Please let him survive, she prayed just before a wave slammed her into a beam and she knew no more.



It was a miracle they hadn’t both drowned.

Adrian held Dani's hand, willing her to open her eyes.  She had a nasty bump, but surely it wasn’t that serious.  He sat there holding her hand and waited.  For what?  He didn’t know.

These last twenty-four hours had been sheer hell, and he was drained.  So much for a nice relaxing weekend, Adrian thought ruefully.  It had been anything but peaceful in more ways than one.

Thank God Angus and Nettie's place had survived the storm intact.  They had a generator, so a few things worked.

Adrian leaned back against the hard chair and continued his vigil, waiting for Dani to come to. If he shut his eyes, he could still see the water tearing her out of his arms.  He'd barely had time to put the life jacket into her hand, before the water overcame them.

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